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What is the absolute maximum base speed for a TR sweeper? I am assuming that it is 70.....

There's no real absolute maximum (although I have yet to find one person who uses Analytic Starmie in Trick Room), but it is a general rule to have bulky, slow, powerful Pokemon, such as Conkledurr, Reuniclus, and company, when building a Trick Room team. After all, Trick Room is basically Hyper Offense without Speed.
So, I think my friends triggered a glitch with Scald:

Scald actually failed. It didn't miss, it didn't hit a target that wasn't there, it just failed.

My circle of friends often plays four player double battles. Four people from the group were playing, when suddenly, out of nowhere, that happened, as if the target had been statused and the Vaporeon had tried to Yawn the opponent.

Its video number on the GTS is 25-92783-45480 if anyone wants to see the whole battle. One of the guys was new, and another one forgot it wasn't a single battle, so forgive them for not having a very good battle there. Anyway, I'd like to know why it happened.
It does 77.97 - 92.05% to a 252/0 Tyranitar, so it's around a 31.25% chance of an OHKO with Stealth Rocks. Using some type of boosting item or having a layer of spikes would help secure that KO.

My question is kind of strange, but I want to know what some of the overall bulkiest pokemon are:

Ex: Cresselia, Lugia, Giratina

Pokes of that nature - I don't mind much for typing, but I just want to know which pokes have the highest overall defenses, and which one is the #1 (which I believe is Giratina, but correct me if I'm wrong). Having some pokes from various metagames can help as well, but isn't necessary.
My question is kind of strange, but I want to know what some of the overall bulkiest pokemon are:

Ex: Cresselia, Lugia, Giratina

Pokes of that nature - I don't mind much for typing, but I just want to know which pokes have the highest overall defenses, and which one is the #1 (which I believe is Giratina, but correct me if I'm wrong). Having some pokes from various metagames can help as well, but isn't necessary.

I think Giratina is the bulkiest overall, due to its massive HP stat. Deoxys-D and Porygon2 and Dusclops with Eviolite are also incredibly bulky. Eviolite Chansey is also bulky, but its less of a mixed wall than the others.
Giratina > Lugia > Cress > Arceus is the top 4 if you allow Ubers.. CBA to get it all the way through OU as well. The link I provided gives all stats needed.
Yes you keep your resistances and weaknesses, as you only lose your Ground immunity. Roost works the same way, you "land" so lose your Ground immunity, but still have other resistances due to your Flying type.

Actually, Roost completely removes the Pokemon's Flying-type. So if you use Roost with a Gliscor, it will only be singly weak to Ice and have a resistance to Rock. If a pure Flying-type uses Roost, it becomes a pure Normal-type until the end of the turn.

Woops my bad, was thinking about Gravity when i typed that.

Oh ok so the bottom line is roost and Gravity work differently,

Roost removes weaknesses, immunities and resistances but gravity does not (with the exception of ground immunity)

This confused me a little because it's inconsistent, if roost were to eliminate weaknesses, immunities and resistances then gravity should do the same.

Well at least I can switch into resisted attacks without worrying have gravities effects (except for ground moves)

Actually, Roost completely removes the Pokemon's Flying-type. So if you use Roost with a Gliscor, it will only be singly weak to Ice and have a resistance to Rock. If a pure Flying-type uses Roost, it becomes a pure Normal-type until the end of the turn.

Is that 100% confirmed? I can understand a Normal/Flying type becoming a normal type when using roost (Like Staraptor) but a Pure Flying type like Tornadus??? It seems more logical that it would become Typeless when using roost don't you think?

Assuming I could use roost (It's be priority) I could leverage it to counter ghost types and have a temporary immunity.

I dunno, I'm Just interested in building a gravity team and I just wanted to know the detailed rules.

Edit: Never mind I checked bulbapedia (in my experience it's sometimes been unreliable) and it says using roost on a pure flying type would become a normal type. I can't wait for move tutors so I can use Tornadus to troll Gengar and other ghost types lol.

I would've preferred It being typeless, because it would temporarily have zero weakness (also zero resistances and immunities)
B&W Research Thread said:
Confirmed A pure Flying type using Roost now become Normal type for the rest of the turn instead of ???-type. (reaverz, mien)

I think if the game completely removed a Pokemon's type, it would cause too many problems. In Gen 4, a pure Flying-type that uses Roost becomes the ???-type, which doesn't exist in Gen 5.

I think Struggle also used to be a ???-type attack, but now is probably a Normal-type move that just completely ignores all of the type data in the damage formula.
Related to sub-series - Pokemon Rumble Blast (re-direct me if needed)

I was playing through level 3-2 where you find Tornadus, did this three times and encountered him for battle, however, I wasn't really paying attention and lost.
Is there a chance i'll be able to battle him again?
What are the actual percentages/modifiers for stats that get boosted/lowered during battle? +1 is a 50% boost IIRC, does that mean +6 is a 300% boost?
Are Vaporeon and Glaceon reliable Wish passers for Hail teams? Also, is Hydro Pump/Blizzard/Psyshock/Rapid Spin a reliable Hail Starmie set? I want it to both Spin and counter Virizion and Conkeldurr (the latter hit harder by Psychic, should I use Psychic or Psyshock?).
And I assume the negative modifiers are just the inverse of that, right? So -1 would be 2/3 of normal power, -2 would be 1/2, and -6 would be 1/4?

Yep. The only difference is that Accuracy and Evasion don't work the same. It's an extra 3rd for each boost and then the reciprocal for penalties.
i'm making a GBU Dual Weather Team, and i'm gonna use ttar, poli, and 4 pokemon that work in both weather. so this is what it looks like, EDIT: singles 3 vs. 3 in case it wasn't obvious

[Choice band Tyranitar] _ [Swords dance Garchomp]

[F-sash swords dance Excadrill?] _ [??????????????]

[Seedprotect+2 attacks ferrothorn] _ [Choice scarf politoed]

excadrill doesn't work in rain, but garchomp does and there practically the same.
i think for the extra spot i could use rotom, or gastrodon, as i am lacking a 2nd special attacker. i could use swords dance scizor over excadrill, but i kind of wanted to use excadrill since he's easier to obtain.

also, i just might consider Trick scarf + taunt, subpass mr.mime, because he forces so many forfeits in 3 vs. 3. and he can be used regardless of the weather. thanks for any insight anyone gives me, i really appreciate it.

EDIT 2: would curse ferro work better for short battles like these?
Sig changing

I have a rather outdated sig on here but I cannot seem to be able to change it when I go to my profile. the rest of that section has edit options but not the sig bit... any help?

i'm making a GBU Dual Weather Team, and i'm gonna use ttar, poli, and 4 pokemon that work in both weather. so this is what it looks like, EDIT: singles 3 vs. 3 in case it wasn't obvious

[Choice band Tyranitar] _ [Swords dance Garchomp]

[F-sash swords dance Excadrill?] _ [??????????????]

[Seedprotect+2 attacks ferrothorn] _ [Choice scarf politoed]

excadrill doesn't work in rain, but garchomp does and there practically the same.
i think for the extra spot i could use rotom, or gastrodon, as i am lacking a 2nd special attacker. i could use swords dance scizor over excadrill, but i kind of wanted to use excadrill since he's easier to obtain.

also, i just might consider Trick scarf + taunt, subpass mr.mime, because he forces so many forfeits in 3 vs. 3. and he can be used regardless of the weather. thanks for any insight anyone gives me, i really appreciate it.

EDIT 2: would curse ferro work better for short battles like these?

seems a fairly obvious suggestion, but maybe a lo ss kingdra 3 attacks & sub? could go special... chuck DM on there?
Does Kingdra require any Atk investment to 2HKO Blissey or Chansey with Outrage? Assuming Kingdra is otherwise built like a rain dance sweeper and Blissey/Chansey has max Def.
Does Kingdra require any Atk investment to 2HKO Blissey or Chansey with Outrage? Assuming Kingdra is otherwise built like a rain dance sweeper and Blissey/Chansey has max Def.

Yes it does require attack investment to do so; without it, it barely fails to 2HKO Blissey and does worse with Chansey. An attack boosting nature or over 200 Attack EVs are necessary to guarantee a 2HKO on Blissey, wheras you need maximum investment to even think about 2HKOing Chansey. This is all done without entry hazards taken into account; With Stealth Rock damage, Blissey is guranteed to be 2HKO'd with 124 Attack EVs and a neutral nature, and Chansey is guanteed to be 2HKO'd with an attack boosting nature and 188 attack EVs.

Basically, to GUARANTEE a 2HKO you have to invest significantly, but you'll still be doing heavy damage without investment. Even a little bit of prior damage should do what you need.

In the future, I suggest you do your own calculations using this fine calculator.
VGC 2012 Terrakion?

I've always wondered what Terrakion can do against the likes of Gliscor. Rock slide/stone edge looks like its best bet, and that's not too good because it takes 3-4 Rock Slides and 2-3 Stone Edges to take Gliscor down (CB Terrakion, Defensive Gliscor). Gliscor can then obliterate Terrakion with a +2 EQ or can 2KO if it fancies, without any boosts. Of course, 2 Stone Edges are nearly certain to take Gliscor down, but without a CB, it's a lot more difficult. Terrakion would also be hesitant to protect, because that's just giving Gliscor a turn to either set up with Swords Dance or do some damage to other foes, whilst recovering 1/8th of its HP with poison heal.

Since rock slide is used a lot more in doubles, it just shows how simple it would be to take Terrakion down with Gliscor (disregarding flinches and random critical hax).

Has anyone considered Facade for Terrakion + Toxic Orb? As I see it, most of Terrakion's moves have drawbacks (acc. for Stone Edge, stat reduction for Close Combat). Poison will hurt Terrakion as well, but it's a reliable hit and run strategy, for which Terrakion is pretty well suited.

Hello, I've been reading the Breeding Guides on the site and have found myself perplexed at the results from two of my Pokemon. Both my Teddiursa and Buneary seem to fit the ideal conditions to have superior IVs in Attack and Speed respectively.

For example, my Buneary's description read: Alerts to sounds, and it had a Jolly nature. Based on what I read, the description indicates that my buneary should have 31 IVs in Speed.

But, that doesn't seem to be the case. After using rare Candies to raise my Teddiursa and Buneary to Level 5 (no vitamins or battling), their stats were quite underwhelming. In fact, they fell between Min- to Min on their respective profiles on the site. Can anyone explain to me why this is the case, what I'm doing wrong, and how to attain these elusive 31 IV points?
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