ITT; KoA talks to himself and his art

Hey guys, we needa talk. I really wanna like Krookodile, I really do. But I can't get over how stupid he looks with his dicknose and all. ISn't a Dark/Ground Sand gator supposed to tear you limb from limb and devour you?

Given that, I've stylized Krookodile somewhat so he actually somewhat reflects what I believe his true nature should be: A vicious monster.

Enjoy my hearties <3

Hai guize.

I know I haven't been too active lately, but I promise I have a bunch of stuff in the works, thanks to practice sessions with this tablet, I think i'm getting decent with it, but that's a story for another evening. Tonight's update is a disappointment I guess. :(

Just a horridly rough linework of the newest sprite I'm attempting. Still needs smoothing out and the trailing off tail needs several touchups before I even attempt the coloring and shading.

After about a year of not spriting, I'm deciding to burst into the scene with this monstrosity, making it the largest sprite to date if I follow through.

It's supposed to be a staggeringly large beast, and I wanted the tapering tail to show off how long it is, by giving the illusion of hundreds upon hundreds of feet of length. I hope the finished piece reflects that :x


I will try to be more active, but likely not as I'm a secretive fuckface.
WELL I for one have never seen your art outside the very promising Front Page Polls, but I am impressed! You have a kind of more realistic, savage style than many Smearglers which helps you stand out more. Even if you never post, it was still fun to look at all your works. And I agree about Krookodile: badassery generally doesn't involve having genitalia growing on your face XD.
there are ALOT of anatomy issues, but as your an amazing artist, i imagine you can see most of them. but one thing i have to say is that those arms are perfect. dont change them much! please!
Yeah, I'm probably going to erase the hind tail altogether and opt for a different body structure, while keeping the head, neck and arms as I feel they are spot on for what I envision. :)

Puttering away at another picture at the moment, so expect that by nightfall at least.
Hey, I just might try that :p

Anywho, new lineart tonight, possibly my largest to date, so hide tags it goes:


I'm extremely fucking proud of how the lineart came out, I believe it to be the most detailed and complex design I've had in ever.

The final scene will depict this beast in an angry ocean, waves crashing and lightning flashing across the sky. I'm pretty fucking excited for the final result. :)
I have to say...holy shit that amazing. I love the detail, though it makes it look like its made of bone or stone, and neither can really float on water. I really like how you took the dragon you had before and adapted it into a much more beastly form. Well done, I applaud you :)

We should like...collaborate on a sprites sometime or something :D
Thankies guys. And yeah Doran, if I free up enough time, we should definitely do a collab, though I'm sure I'd slow ya down lol.

Anywho, got the Sea God's colors down, and I must say, I'm damn happy with the progress. I found a coloring style I enjoy with my tablet, and the effects so far are coming together great. Just need to finish the clouds and the ocean. Rather large image ahoy:

Note, this is a lower res version, hence the dithering. I'm tryin' to save the perfect-ness for the final version. :(

Ok, I'm finally finished with what I believe to be my best picture to date! After like 4 days off and on of working, I finally finished the mad ocean god. :)

Here's the picture sized at 50%


And for the full resolution image:

I'm extremely happy with the end result and pray my future endeavors reach the same level of quality :)
Quick lineart tonight before bed. I'm thinking it's about the same quality as the Sea Serpent. This one is an Angry Lava God Dragon :>

The scene will be depicted as him angrily bursting from the mouth of a volcano, raining hell upon the mortal coil. I'm excited for the inevitable final result :)

WOW, you should go into the movie monster business. That would be cool yah?

and I'm sure you wouldnt slow me down at all if we collab'd, I'm pretty slow to begin with :p
Wow your art is amazing and there is so much in this thread to look at! I love the fact that your pictures are darker and creepier than most everyone else on this site and that you draw so many monsters! You remind me of me. This thread doesn't have the love it deserves but you sir get a disc from me.
It's funny this got bumped, because I just finished the aforementioned Lava Dragon God.

It took about 2 weeks off and on. And after hundreds of references for lighting and magma, I think I got it to the best I can! I can safely say this is my best piece ever. :)

Hopefully the work and determination showed through in it :D


Yeah, I like drawing monsters because it appeals more to the creative aspect of me. I like coming up with my own biologies and anatomies, and creating the fiercest beasts to go with them. It's definitely a step away from Pokemon, but they are just simplified monsters anyway lol.
That is so bad. And by bad of course I mean good. The one hand holding the fireball looks especially impressive, both perspective and shading wise. That really is your best work, looks fantastic.
Yeah, I like drawing monsters because it appeals more to the creative aspect of me. I like coming up with my own biologies and anatomies, and creating the fiercest beasts to go with them. It's definitely a step away from Pokemon, but they are just simplified monsters anyway lol.

This is very true! Pretty much everything in the pokemon universe (speaking games here) is basically just a chibi version of some 'real' thing. Small, cute. Even the towns are super condensed versions of a town... I wonder what pokemon would look like, when not watered down for innocent children, in their true non-chibi forms?

Just to illustrate the point further I present the work of Bummer (rare candy treatment):

I've been considering that, and may even do a couple interpretations of pokemon in their uncompressed, scary state :p

Until then, how about a beast of Death?
Isn't it cute? More fancy lighting tricks here, I like toying around with lighting I think.
Hey guys, we needa talk. I really wanna like Krookodile, I really do. But I can't get over how stupid he looks with his dicknose and all. ISn't a Dark/Ground Sand gator supposed to tear you limb from limb and devour you?

Given that, I've stylized Krookodile somewhat so he actually somewhat reflects what I believe his true nature should be: A vicious monster.

Enjoy my hearties <3


Justice is served. Seriously GF, a dicknose... seriously...

Yeah, tried drawing faster, I wanna improve my speed. Shitty Garchomp head drawn in like 20 minutes. :(

Guess I need to take my time more with things...
They say that Time is Money, but time isnt the artist's best friend. An artist needs the time to sit down and truely work his painting or masterpeice, so in your rush, you made a few anatomical errors, one red antenne is longer than the other, and the head jet engine, compared to the one that isnt in full veiw, looks a bit low on the head, as if sagging. To be honest, it looks like the neck is going one way and the head is tilting the other. Nevertheless, I love the Garchomp.

on the Creature of Death, while I know that conventionality isnt what you were going for, it still seems messy anatomicly. The hand looks like its laying flat on the ground, but raised in the air compared to the rest of the bulk, which seems to be sideways almost. The hand feels like the fingers are each shorter than the last. The Coloring and concept are quite beautiffuly gruesome, so much so that Rocket Grunt may be taken aback. I Do enjoy your art, and your monsters, and I feel that I have alot of the same anatomical errors as you. Again, Beautiful works :)
Yeah the Garchomp made me realize that I'm never going to even bother attempting speed paints or any of that shit. I am not comfortable trying to get my pictures done in a timely manner. The Lava God took 2 weeks off and on of continuous painting to get it to its level, and the Sea Serpent and Death Beast also took extended time.

I do not pretend to be the best anatomically speaking in my pictures, I routinely screw up in some of my pics, even if it's not blatantly obvious. Even the Lava God has a few in it that I felt weren't glaring enough to overshadow the piece itself.

In the Death Beast, while the foot may be a bit off, I feel it's the crab claw that detracts from it. It's bent in at an awkward angle that causes the balance of the whole picture to be set askew. In these last few pics, I think the real saving grace has been the lighting and atmosphere, which I AM proud of and feel were personally handled real well.

Tl;dr No more rushed paint jobs like Shitchomp head.