OU Effective Combinations in the OU Metagame

Why not Adamant Excadrill? Believe it or not, it actually may need Jolly to outspeed stuff like Choice Scarf Emolga.
I hope you don't mind if I put this in my signature, I'll make it anonymous. :P

Also, I've noticed the Empoliscor core is weak to strong Fire and Grass type attackers, so Wish support from something like Flareon would be appreciated.

I've found that Empoleon is a damn good special wall in it's own right. Thanks to that grass neutrality (ithink), I remember him only taking like 30% from a Celebi's Giga Drain. o_0
I hope you don't mind if I put this in my signature, I'll make it anonymous. :P

Also, I've noticed the Empoliscor core is weak to strong Fire and Grass type attackers, so Wish support from something like Flareon would be appreciated.


or wish support from mence *bigger trollface*
(Dream World) Defensive combo: Blissey + Alomomola + Bronzong


Blissey @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp.Atk
Heal Bell | Softboiled | Flamethrower | Seismic Toss



Alomomola @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp.Atk
Wish | Protect | Scald | Toxic



Bronzong @ Leftovers
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 80 Def / 82 Sp.Def
IVs: 2 Spe
Earthquake | Gyroball/Zen Headbutt | Stealth Rock | Hidden Power (Ice)

After the infamous SkarmBliss combo made its appereance in the 4th generation metagame, trainers have sought for a new type of defence. One which wasn't that much known and that it could bring a surprise factor, as well as a nice way to cripple the opponent. This Blissey-Alomomola-Bronzong combo tries to imitate the former combo but with some major changes. Blisey acts as a Special sponge, whereas Alomomola represents the physical wall. Bronzong, on the other hand, is the force supporting this two pokemon.

Blissey is provided with Heal Bell, which heals all status changes on your team. This is a plus if you think of adding a pokemon with Rest on your team, allowing you to wake him up and save those nasty turns waiting for it to wake up. Softboiled serves as a way to recover from the continuous sponging. Flamethrower is necessary as Blissey will need to face Ferrothorn, which otherwise Alomomola would struggle against. Finally, to ensure damage and bringing slowly the foe down: Seismic Toss.

Alomomola, as said above, sponges all physical based moves. Wish and Protect is an incredible combination which lets you regenerate your team's HP (Bronzong will be pleased by it as it really needs a way of recovery), as well as letting you cripple your opponent's pokemon with toxic. Scald is prefferred over other water moves as it has a 30% chance of burning the foe, thus lowering its attack stat. Alomomola's Dream World ability ensures it to survive longer, because it will be switched continuously during the battle.

Finally, Bronzong is the Stealth Rock user and the one that resists Spikes/Toxic Spikes. Status on him isn't that important as Blissey has Heal Bell. Its moveset is pretty straight forward: kill everything which is at the verge of death thanks to Blissey and Alomomola. This is accomplished by Earthquake, Gyroball and HP (Ice), which ensures maximum coverage. You may also put Zen Headbutt to face with relative more ease Machamp and the likes of it which could be a real threat to this trio if it had Thunder Punch and Dynamic Punch. Also to note that Bronzong, in case Blissey is not capable, can take Ferrothorn's hits.
Gyarados + Golurk + Tyranitar

Bulky gyarados @ leftovers
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
EV's: 156 HP , 72 ATK , 96 DEF, 184 SPE
Moves: Dragon dance , Waterfall , Bounce , Taunt

Tyranitar @ choicescarf
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Sand Stream
EV'S: 252 ATK , 252 SPE , 4 SPA
Moves: Pursuit , Stone edge , Superpower , Ice beam/fireblast

Golurk @ muscle band / life orb
Nature: Careful
Ability: Iron fist
EV'S: 252 ATK , 200 HP , 56 SPDEF
Moves: Stone edge , substitute , shadow punch , focus punch

Immunities: Electric , Ground , Fight , Psysich
Resists: Ghost , Rock , Fire , Fight , Water , Bug , Steel , Dark
Neutral to: Ice , Grass

This combo can work both as a defensive and an offensive core. Scarftar traps and pursuits all ghosts/psysichs ( namely azelf , reuniclus , latias , gengar , chandelure) as well as adding some extra damage every turn in the form of sandstorm. Tyranitars biggest letdown are his weaknesses. Golurk is immune to fight attacks , and gyarados resists it , because of this ,he is allowed to run a hasty nature with a special coverage move like ice beam or fire blast that can take out pokemon that would wall or setup on him otherwise namely gliscor , ferrothorn and scizor. His ground and water weakness are covered by gyarados , that leaves only a grass weakness wich he still can take on most of the time due to sandstorm.

Bulky gyarados is still a great pokemon in this metagame, water + flying gives very good coverage , taunt lets him beat skarmory , and some pokemon that try to set up on him . Bounce also is a handy tool to cover the grass weakness this team has. Dragon dance is added to give him more power and a chance at a sweep.

Finally Golurk is added as the glue of this combo , im not very sure about this EV's and nature , but i tried it out and it lets him beat most thunderus sets , as he can survive a +2 hp grass/ice and then ko back with stone edge. Most thunderus stay in thinking they can take him on and will die , making the way free for gyarados. Substitute is added to ease prediction in some cases , and it goes well with the focuspunch/shadowpunch combo that has flawless coverage. He can also beat skarmory 1 to 1 with focus punch , wich is a huge plus. Muscle band can fake a choicebandset , and life orb just adds a lot more power.

If you are really concerned about grass type attacks , adding a heatran to this core is very effective( im thinking about doing that myself)

Heatran @ Air balloon / Leftovers
Nature: Calm
Ability: Flash fire
EV'S: 252 HP 252 SPDEF 4 SPA
Moves: Lava plume / Fire blast , Earth power , Stealth rock , Protect/HP Grass

Heatran adds a 4x grass resist to this combo , and also adds 2 immunites more , namely poison and fire. He also adds a dragon resist(to take draco meteor) , and 4x ice resist wich can come in very handy. He can lay down SR for the team , lava plume adds a nifty burn chance and a solid fire attack , whereas fireblast adds more power. The ev's listed make sure he can survive a 252SPA 252 SPD other heatrans earth power and still be able to ko back with his own earth power. If you use air balloon ( because of item clause or something) , you can add more EV'S from SPDEF into SPA to give him more power. Protect can scout , and stall sandstorm damage , as well as giving him an extra turn of leftovers recovery. If you decided to go with air balloon , HP grass adds great coverage to take down quagsires/gastrodons whom rise in usage lately.

Because this combo forces a LOT of switches, SR/spikes/toxicspiked support can really pay off. If anyone see's some obvious mistakes in this combo , please let me now. Im using it and i havent come across anything really. Sure i loose sometimes , but thats just because im not that good of a player. Also dont pay attention to my bad english , thx :)

Shit this almost turning out a RMT or something :(
True, I have a question: how would you deal with that combo against Rotom-W? Because I see it can give you a hard time if it's a Scarf+Trick set. Or even Gastrodon. Other than that, it seems well thought and very creative. Awesome! (:
(Dream World) Defensive combo: Blissey + Alomomola + Bronzong


Blissey @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp.Atk
Heal Bell | Softboiled | Flamethrower | Seismic Toss



Alomomola @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp.Atk
Wish | Protect | Scald | Toxic



Bronzong @ Leftovers
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 80 Def / 82 Sp.Def
IVs: 2 Spe
Earthquake | Gyroball/Zen Headbutt | Stealth Rock | Hidden Power (Ice)

After the infamous SkarmBliss combo made its appereance in the 4th generation metagame, trainers have sought for a new type of defence. One which wasn't that much known and that it could bring a surprise factor, as well as a nice way to cripple the opponent. This Blissey-Alomomola-Bronzong combo tries to imitate the former combo but with some major changes. Blisey acts as a Special sponge, whereas Alomomola represents the physical wall. Bronzong, on the other hand, is the force supporting this two pokemon.

Blissey is provided with Heal Bell, which heals all status changes on your team. This is a plus if you think of adding a pokemon with Rest on your team, allowing you to wake him up and save those nasty turns waiting for it to wake up. Softboiled serves as a way to recover from the continuous sponging. Flamethrower is necessary as Blissey will need to face Ferrothorn, which otherwise Alomomola would struggle against. Finally, to ensure damage and bringing slowly the foe down: Seismic Toss.

Alomomola, as said above, sponges all physical based moves. Wish and Protect is an incredible combination which lets you regenerate your team's HP (Bronzong will be pleased by it as it really needs a way of recovery), as well as letting you cripple your opponent's pokemon with toxic. Scald is prefferred over other water moves as it has a 30% chance of burning the foe, thus lowering its attack stat. Alomomola's Dream World ability ensures it to survive longer, because it will be switched continuously during the battle.

Finally, Bronzong is the Stealth Rock user and the one that resists Spikes/Toxic Spikes. Status on him isn't that important as Blissey has Heal Bell. Its moveset is pretty straight forward: kill everything which is at the verge of death thanks to Blissey and Alomomola. This is accomplished by Earthquake, Gyroball and HP (Ice), which ensures maximum coverage. You may also put Zen Headbutt to face with relative more ease Machamp and the likes of it which could be a real threat to this trio if it had Thunder Punch and Dynamic Punch. Also to note that Bronzong, in case Blissey is not capable, can take Ferrothorn's hits.

This combo looks extremely awesome, but it seems to suffer from a massive CurseLax weakness. It's immune to Toxic if you run Immunity, and even if you run Thick Fat you can just rest the damage/status off, and eventually it can kill Bliss/Alomomola with Return and Bronzong with Fire Punch. Aside from that, it's quite nice though. :)
True, I have a question: how would you deal with that combo against Rotom-W? Because I see it can give you a hard time if it's a Scarf+Trick set. Or even Gastrodon. Other than that, it seems well thought and very creative. Awesome! (:

Aah! well i run it on a team with my own spdef gastrodon , with toxic/recover/scald/earthpower , usually if i toxic the opponents gastrodon/rotomw and then predict and make them switch out and come back in on SR , i can take them down after a while of switching , but its true that they cause a bit of trouble. Not really sure how to counter that effect , tips would be nice. Trickscarf is a little bit trickier , but thats to any team i think? If i know its scarfed and its gonna use trick im going to ttar ofcourse and then pursuit. But how will i find out ^^
Wow, you're right, TM13IceBeam, I haven't thought of that. Thank god CurseLax isn't that common nowadays. At least I haven't seen many of those. The only hope would be Blissey's Seissmic Toss, but well... nothing's perfect haha (:

@True: haha Team support is always nice and yes, games depend a great amount of time on luck and prediction, and that's the case of Rotom-W.
:I more than CurseLax you should have something for Terrakion
Jolly Life Orb Terrakion's Close Combat does 61.2% - 72.2% to your Bronzong so it doesn't even need to set-up SD to pass through all of them
:I more than CurseLax you should have something for Terrakion
Jolly Life Orb Terrakion's Close Combat does 61.2% - 72.2% to your Bronzong so it doesn't even need to set-up SD to pass through all of them

Perhaps I'm missing something, but doesn't that same close combat only do 30.3% - 35.9% to Alomomola?
Try Salamence + Swampert. Salamence can use Flamethrower and STAB Draco Meteor to destroy the grass types Swampert hates, and Swampert can slam Steel types with Earthquake. I've been using this one on my team.
Defensive Core:


Heatran (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 96 SAtk / 160 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Toxic
One of my Favorite 4TH Gen Pokemon makes an appearance in one of my Most Used Cores. I Use Special Defense + Special attack to deal out damage to Gliscor's Enemy's and take special hits aimed at him.

GlisTran is a very common core, because it works so damn well.


Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 HP / 188 Def / 78 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake
- Protect

Swords Dance Gliscor because it can sweep late game after Heatran/Rotom-W have Taken out its main counters.
Protect to heal 24% HP over 2 turns.
Ice Fang For dragons, 78 Speed to outspeed 244 speeders.
Earthquake is stab.


Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Trick
- Thunderbolt

Trick one of Heatrans wall counters a scarf and kill it off later as it will be useless.
Volt switch for advantage, other 2 moves for stab.
Sorry for the bump but i have an effective combo, may remind you of ferrocent a bit.

Skarmory W/leftovers Sturdy
Evs: 252hp/252def/4spdef
Brave bird


Gastrodon W/ leftovers Storm drain
Evs: 252hp/4def/252spdef
Ice beam

Skarmory and gastrodon resist each others weaknesses perfectly and wall effectively from one side of the spectrum each. Skarm provides phazing and hazards for gastrodon to take advantage of by forcing switches. while gastrodon provides status and counters some VERY big threats to skarm such as thundurus. each provides an immunity for the entire team (actually three immunities but who uses poison type attacks anyway?) Skarm can also take toxics aimed at gastrodon and start setting up hazards.

I've used this core to great success both in standard and DW and wanted to find a thread to post this in. dont know if anyone else mentioned this.
thats like a skarmbliss on steroids. good job!

i can still see nasty ploy infernape or mixnape breaking through with ease (grass knot)
thats like a skarmbliss on steroids. good job!

i can still see nasty ploy infernape or mixnape breaking through with ease (grass knot)

Infernape can pretty much break through any defensive core W/o a Latias or Tentacruel, so moot point. But yeah, that defensive core works best as a 3 way with Heatran. (sand, sun, rain check)
I actually use this along with an azumarill to out take infernape and volcarona (which break the core otherwise).
Sub Pass Jolteon + Offensive Swords Dance Scizor + Bulky Dragon Dance Gyarados


Offensively, this core has great coverage, and Jolteon can provide both Scizor and Gyarados with the support they need to pull off a sweep. Rotom-W attempting to gain momentum can be blocked by either member of the team depending on what move it uses. When Jolteon comes in (perhaps on a Thunder Wave or an Electric attack aimed at Gyarados) it can set up a Substitute to scout, and pass it to Scizor or Gyarados depending on which one can take the hit better. If the Substitute survives, either of them can get a free boost and essentially one or two free kills. In particular, if Ferrothorn comes into Jolteon and sets up Spikes as it Subs (or uses Leech Seed, like they all do), the Substitute is not broken by either Power Whip or Gyro Ball when Scizor comes in. This lets it get a completely free Swords Dance and proceed to own Ferrothorn with Bug Bite, Brick Break or Superpower. Likewise, Blissey aiming to block Jolteon get destroyed by Gyarados if it carries Taunt.

Jolteon also deals with Thundurus easily, as it can 2HKO Thundurus reliably whilst not being OHKO'd by a LO Focus Blast or a +2 HP Ice. The core can also be slapped onto Drizzle teams with a lot of success.
A couple of strategic combos exclusively for sun teams


Latios (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Thunderbolt
- Recovery



Dugtrio (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Arena Trap
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Sucker Punch
- Stealth Rock

This is a pretty basic lure and trap strategic combo. Latios lures in Tyranitar for Dugtrio to trap! If you dont get it, basically what you do is send out Latios, predict the opponents switch to Tyranitar, switch out to your Dugtrio and EQ the Tyranitar to death. After that your Chlorophyll sweepers can go to town. Dugtrio also clears out most of Latios' other checks. These include non Balloon Heatran, Blissey or Jirachi. The sets are just personal preference really. You could go Specs Latios, CB Dugtrio etc. Latias can always be used over Latios if your team needs the extra bulk.



Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 244 Def / 12 Spd
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Rapid Spin
- Close Combat
- Toxic
- Sunny Day



Volcarona (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 160 HP / 252 SpA / 96 Spe
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Quiver Dance
- Morning Sun
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz

Another strategic combo. Since Hitmontop can switch into Tyranitar with such ease, I figured why not use Sunny Day to get rid of his sandstorm. This set will take a lot of pressure off your Ninetales when facing sand teams. Sunny Day boost Volcarona's Fire STAB and it upgrades Morning Sun to a 66% percent healing rate. Hitmontop can put a dent in Heatran and Blissey with his Fighting STAB (two of the most popular Volcarona checks). He also lures in Gyarados (bulky waters in general) and Dragonite which is where Toxic comes in. Toxic makes these checks so much easier to deal with for Volc. Hitmontops ability Intimidate, grants Volcarona some free switch ins and it makes up for Volc's lackluster defence stat when setting up. Then there's the obvious Rapid Spin support which is always nice. Cleric support is hightly recommended, as these two are very suceptable to status.
Sorry for the bump but i have an effective combo, may remind you of ferrocent a bit.

Skarmory W/leftovers Sturdy
Evs: 252hp/252def/4spdef
Brave bird


Gastrodon W/ leftovers Storm drain
Evs: 252hp/4def/252spdef
Ice beam

Skarmory and gastrodon resist each others weaknesses perfectly and wall effectively from one side of the spectrum each. Skarm provides phazing and hazards for gastrodon to take advantage of by forcing switches. while gastrodon provides status and counters some VERY big threats to skarm such as thundurus. each provides an immunity for the entire team (actually three immunities but who uses poison type attacks anyway?) Skarm can also take toxics aimed at gastrodon and start setting up hazards.

I've used this core to great success both in standard and DW and wanted to find a thread to post this in. dont know if anyone else mentioned this.

I can see any strong fighting attack from the likes of shao, terrakion, etc breaking this quite easily due to the nuetrality to fighting that both share. I recommend adding utility jellicent as a third poke to deal with fighting types and other annoying pokes. If you really wan to, you can also shove hail on it to deal with tricky weather ;).
Offensive Combo

This is a good offensive combo that I have used on some teams:


Galvantula @ Life Orb
Ability: Compoundeyes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)

Bug Buzz
Volt Switch
Hidden Power (Fire)


Azumarill @ Choice Band
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 212 HP / 252 SpA / 44 Spe
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)

Aqua Jet
Ice Punch

On this combo Galvantula and Azumarill work together covering each other weaknesses. Galvantula takes the special side of the combo, with Thunder and Bug Buzz being STAB moves, Also I'm using Hidden Power Fire to take on Ferrothorn and Scizor which are neutral or resist the other moves of Galvantula. I'm also running Volt Switch to keep the momentum on my side. Azumarill takes on the physical side. With Huge Power and Choice Band Azumarill can hit really hard, and it also checks special walls that would obviously stop Galvantula otherwise.
Srategic Combo


Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spe)
- Rock Slide
- Stealth Rock
- Pursuit
- Superpower

Sand is vital to this strategy working so it's a good idea to make your Tyranitar somewhat bulky. It's also a good idea to make it slow since TR is usually up. I know hail hits more stuff than sand, but I use Tyranitar because it can 1) Pursuit trap Ghost (which are immune to Endeavor) 2) it can set up Rocks to finish of 1 HP opponents upon switching (this includes Rock- and Ground-types 3) overall better tying for Abomasnow.

lv 1 Solosis @ Focus Sash
Trait: Magic Guard
EVs: 36 Atk
IV: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spe)
- Trick Room
- Endeavor
- Toxic
- Pain Split

The strategy here is simple. Magic Guard allows this thing to keep it's Focus Sash in tact regardless of hazrads (unlike Aron). It also allows Solosis to maintain 1 HP upon switching. Trick Room let's Solosis bring stuff down to 1 HP before they can attack and then the Sandstorm cleans up. Toxic is for Ghost and Pain Split is just filler.

Magnezone @ Leftovers
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 152 HP / 180 SpA / 176 Spe
Timid nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Thunder Bolt
- Substitute
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Magic Coat

Now a flaw you've probably noticed by now is my Solosis can't do anything againt Steel-types! Well... here you go. Mag is a great fit on this strategy because with Tyranitar and Solosis around, any Scizor are almost forced to Bullet Punch. Magic Coat allows Mag to salvage some Spikes or Sr from a trapped Ferro
Team Options:
- A Wish Passer is a good idea since the 3 Pokes involved in this strategy don't have reliable recovery
- A secondary Pokemon who can set up Trick Room so Solosis doesn't have to may come in handy
- Consider a Pokemon with a priority attack so you can clean up 1 HP Pokemon if sand or rocks aren't up. Priority also let's you deal with Rock and Ground types
Srategic Combo


Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spe)
- Rock Slide
- Stealth Rock
- Pursuit
- Superpower

Sand is vital to this strategy working so it's a good idea to make your Tyranitar somewhat bulky. It's also a good idea to make it slow since TR is usually up. I know hail hits more stuff than sand, but I use Tyranitar because it can 1) Pursuit trap Ghost (which are immune to Endeavor) 2) it can set up Rocks to finish of 1 HP opponents upon switching (this includes Rock- and Ground-types 3) overall better tying for Abomasnow.

lv 1 Solosis @ Focus Sash
Trait: Magic Guard
EVs: 36 Atk
IV: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spe)
- Trick Room
- Endeavor
- Toxic
- Pain Split

The strategy here is simple. Magic Guard allows this thing to keep it's Focus Sash in tact regardless of hazrads (unlike Aron). It also allows Solosis to maintain 1 HP upon switching. Trick Room let's Solosis bring stuff down to 1 HP before they can attack and then the Sandstorm cleans up. Toxic is for Ghost and Pain Split is just filler.

Magnezone @ Leftovers
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 152 HP / 180 SpA / 176 Spe
Timid nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Thunder Bolt
- Substitute
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Magic Coat

Now a flaw you've probably noticed by now is my Solosis can't do anything againt Steel-types! Well... here you go. Mag is a great fit on this strategy because with Tyranitar and Solosis around, any Scizor are almost forced to Bullet Punch. Magic Coat allows Mag to salvage some Spikes or Sr from a trapped Ferro
Team Options:
- A Wish Passer is a good idea since the 3 Pokes involved in this strategy don't have reliable recovery
- A secondary Pokemon who can set up Trick Room so Solosis doesn't have to may come in handy
- Consider a Pokemon with a priority attack so you can clean up 1 HP Pokemon if sand or rocks aren't up. Priority also let's you deal with Rock and Ground types

Looks pretty good. Given the chance though, something like infernape could blow through this, but that's why you have 6 pokes not 3 per team I guess x]