
Guys, I am disappoint. You obviously do not have the cojones to use offensive Blissey :(

We can't use something that doesnt exist. The closest we have is Calm Mind Blissey, and as far as I can tell she suffers from Four Moveslot Syndrome and a lack of speed, which doesnt taste good with bad physical defense. Using Offensive Blissey is like using Nasty Plot Weavile, or Specs Gyarados, or defensive Infernape with Slack Off. Just because we can doesn't mean we should.
Started to read this thread, and I am extremely confused. What exactly can Shandera do to a Blissey, I saw serious members worried so much about it they where willing to run a calm mind set, shed shells, and even use shadow ball. Why wouldn't they just toxic shandera? No where here do I see any explaination, I am just curious can someone clear this up?
Started to read this thread, and I am extremely confused. What exactly can Shandera do to a Blissey, I saw serious members worried so much about it they where willing to run a calm mind set, shed shells, and even use shadow ball. Why wouldn't they just toxic shandera? No where here do I see any explaination, I am just curious can someone clear this up?

*Chandelure used substitute, gg.
I don't expect this to happen to often as I expect people to most likely use a specs set or scarf set.
Blissey can only toxic it while chandelure will get about 2-3 calm minds and fire blast everything.
Even worse in DW as it can trap(reason for shed shell)

Edit: Cold fusion I lol'ed at your signature it is such a prankster thing to say.
Edit: Cold fusion I lol'ed at your signature it is such a prankster thing to say.

That was probably the funniest thing I heard... err... read that day.

Wow, I honestly didn't think of that.

You made me realize something. ST Chandelure will probably have 4mss, seeing how it has many good options, such a Calm Mind, Flame Charge, Substitute, Energy Ball (not so much), HP Fighting, Shadow Ball, and Fire Blast.

But this isn't the Chandelure thread, so we probably take this conversation there.
Some kids just cry about Blissys still when its not even close to as good as it was in DPP and ADV. Just wondering, does chansey outclass Blissey? with the new item and all
Not strictly. Blissey gets a decent enough Special Attack, so it can use Flamethrower or Ice Beam, it gets Leftovers, and basically is able to dent certain things Chansey can't dream of catching.

Chansey has its obscene bulk, but can't really threaten anything other than Shuckle lol.
yeah but why bother with special attacks when you have such an massive physical movepool and amazing 10 base attack?

but really, i dont think Blissey is even that good on today metagame. its just that i dont see her getting ANYTHING other then more threats to take care of and more competition. you know shit is bad when people start considering using your pre-evo instead of you.

just my 2 cents. i dont play Pokemon anymore so what take what i say as you will.
We can't use something that doesnt exist. The closest we have is Calm Mind Blissey, and as far as I can tell she suffers from Four Moveslot Syndrome and a lack of speed, which doesnt taste good with bad physical defense. Using Offensive Blissey is like using Nasty Plot Weavile, or Specs Gyarados, or defensive Infernape with Slack Off. Just because we can doesn't mean we should.

I use Specs Gyarados and it's amazing because noone expects it. I never liked the standard DD sets.
Once the other guy realizes you have a specs Gyarados, you're screwed. Opponent switches in Skarmory on a Specs Surf. Okay, now the opponent switches into Latios. And still has a healthy Skarmory because Gyarados has awful special attack
hydro pump*

if you are goddamn using specs gyara like i already did for the lolz then you are gonna have to use hydro pump, which 2hkos Skarmory funnily enough.
It's like specs Machamp.

Shit SpA, but surprises the hell out of physical walls.
The cool thing about spec Machamp is no guard, though. Not something Gyarados can boast.(You know, the 100% accuracy 120 BP special move)
need moah butterfly dance Machamp(yeah i know he doesnt get that). its manly to see tough guys dancing around a field of flowers full of butterflies then proceed to burn the entire place down with flamethrowers and whatnot.

oh, then Blissey shows up. well at least she is still good at that i guess.
According to, Dream World Blissey is being released in Japan between November 19th and December 25th. It will arrive at level 10 and have the Dreamworld ability Healer.
According to, Dream World Blissey is being released in Japan between November 19th and December 25th. It will arrive at level 10 and have the Dreamworld ability Healer.

Ok, we all know it's totally useless in Single Battles, but is it even really worth it in Double/Triple Battles when you already have Natural Cure? All it does is basically give your teammates Shed Skin (but now leaving you open to status in return). You lose vitally important moves from previous generations (Wish and Seismic toss already mentioned) and worse, this is doubles and triples we're talking about, where games last on average around 10 Turns. Blissey might be able to stall one Pokemon, but when you have 2 or even 3 Pokemon taking aim at you, even the sturdiest walls are going to fall.

Bottom line, Healer changes nothing. Blissey is going to do exactly what it always did, only worse than before since more and more special attackers are gaining ways to push past her.

What confuses me though is why Blissey is OU and Chansey isn't. They're basically the same Pokemon now, only one has a bit better bulk, while the other one gets Leftovers and doesn't get ruined by Knock Off. And don't tell me anyone uses Blissey for the Special Attack; I don't think I've seen a single Blissey using Ice Beam or Flame Thrower this generation.
What confuses me though is why Blissey is OU and Chansey isn't. They're basically the same Pokemon now, only one has a bit better bulk, while the other one gets Leftovers and doesn't get ruined by Knock Off. And don't tell me anyone uses Blissey for the Special Attack; I don't think I've seen a single Blissey using Ice Beam or Flame Thrower this generation.

I ALWAYS get nailed by Ice Beam and Flamethrower coming off Blissey...
I ALWAYS get nailed by Ice Beam and Flamethrower coming off Blissey...

Well, now that I think of it, I run a rain team usually so I just plain wouldn't see that over seismic toss... XD

Still, I don't see why Blissey gets more usage, other than maybe a lot of scrubs not realizing that Chansey actually gets even better bulk now.
Has anyone ever tried turning Blissey into a defensive tank all around?

I did, and it tanks like no other.

On my rain stall team Vaporeon baton passes a +6 defense boost (courtesy of Acid Armor) and Blissey gets a hefty 520 defense stat. It literally NEVER gets OHKO'd and can just stay on field and soak up the damage. It's fun :) .
On my rain stall team Vaporeon baton passes a +6 defense boost (courtesy of Acid Armor) and Blissey gets a hefty 520 defense stat. It literally NEVER gets OHKO'd and can just stay on field and soak up the damage. It's fun :) .

A critical hit!
Blissey fainted!
Blissey is much better imo for a few reasons:
1. Lefties recover=immunity to weather damage as well as the ability to gain hp by using protect (thus making wish+protect more viable)
2. SpAtt can provide more utility, but unless it's a sun team, I usually run seismic toss instead.
3. Rare (but useful) knock off doesn't cripple it

Overall, Blissey has a much longer lifespan due to lefties and more utility.