International Wi-Fi Tournament - Autumn Friendly [OVER - Rankings Released Nov. 1st]

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After countless battles and D.CS I have decided to call it quits and stop completely.
It was fun I admit but It also has been a very frustrating week, filled with rage at D.Cs and myself for losing most of my points. I will stop at exactly 1700 because I can no longer go any higher. Either a 1600+ d.cs on me or I easily defeat someone who was 1500 or below and I get nonexisting points.

I envy the likes of Cybertron and Soul Silver, who managed to reach the 2k ratings and their endeavor for the past three days. I wanna know how did you guys do it? What's your secret? Is it patiences? Years of paratice in this game? or haxs? All I know is gratz that you got there and I hope everyone had a less frustrating time then me.

Now excuse me while I go practice for the 211/12 vgc.

someone posted a link about how theres apparently a 90 second wait period and if you wait that you get the win on a dc

im not entirely sure how that would work though
I don't believe it either but that did catch my eye when I was skimming through the fourms, I skimmed all of the pokemon fansites to see how they were holding up in the tournament.
Solace, I decided to try the "90" second thing and luck! my opponent DC'ed before the match started, I waited a little over 90 seconds and sure enough I had a saving status and the receiving data took longer than normal, my card didn't update immediately but there may be a chance.

Edit: Whoever gets into a battle and their opponent DC's please wait 90 secs(be accurate!) and give us results as to whether ya or nay on getting a win. I'm going to check to see if I got updated.

edit2: nothing :'( maybe the battle has to start to work.
yeah i figured it wouldn't work, i tried it myself with no success so unless someone has found out how to get it to work i think its a bust.
There is another possibility, when(maybe) they sweep the dc'ers off the boards there will be updates for everyone who waited over 90S after a DC.

Either way I'm done, if I get 39 battles and 18xx I'll be happy I waited that 90 seconds.
There is another possibility, when(maybe) they sweep the dc'ers off the boards there will be updates for everyone who waited over 90S after a DC.

Either way I'm done, if I get 39 battles and 18xx I'll be happy I waited that 90 seconds.

It doesn't say anything about sending data after a diconnect whether you wait 90 seconds or not, so I kind of doubt it.
It doesn't say anything about sending data after a diconnect whether you wait 90 seconds or not, so I kind of doubt it.

Well if you hadn't noticed the game saves frequently in this competition so there is a record somewhere, after a DC(I waited 90 and this happened) Saving>>> Receiving Data, which I don't recall happening before. Whether it means anything or not thats what happened.
Well if you hadn't noticed the game saves frequently in this competition so there is a record somewhere, after a DC(I waited 90 and this happened) Saving>>> Receiving Data, which I don't recall happening before. Whether it means anything or not thats what happened.

That's exactly what i was thinking. Maybe they can indentify those who D/C from those who not using these "save datas".
How did I win a game in literally 1 turn? I KOed his two Pokemons on the first turn, and he forfeited on the second, awesome!
I probably had the easiest battle going into the 2000s: Virizion, Sawsbuck, Whimsicott, Petilil, Braviary and Pansear. Poor guy :/ Oh well, gg! Thanks for the 1 point! (I was at 1999) :)
NVM. It didn't give me anything for winning that battle. -__- Now I have to face someone at 1850.
Annnnnd, he D/Ced. Thanks Karen. Fucking prick.
Now 1870 Forfeited, then D/Ced, wtf?! Now I'm facing someone at 1656, please don't D/C...
YES, HE DIDN'T D/C, I LOVE YOU BRO! <3 Finally in the 2000s! :D
Thanks DONSTEV. You fucking prick with 2057 points. I was thinking he was from here, so when I won, I was like "yay, a lot of points." But he DCs.

EDIT: lol Ferrothorn with SR. Seriously?
Thanks DONSTEV. You fucking prick with 2057 points. I was thinking he was from here, so when I won, I was like "yay, a lot of points." But he DCs.

EDIT: lol Ferrothorn with SR. Seriously?

If you run into an opponent that is far weaker than his score, it's probably best to not get your hopes up. Chances are the reason they have such a high score is because they always disconnect.
Ontario, Canada - Justin (1500)

He D/C'd after being pwned


I'm calling it a day...

Daily status
Started Score: 1710
Lowest Score: 1645
Final Score: 1842

Hope i can reach 1900 before i leave home.
got up to 1900 exactly, quitting for real now

this has been a fun tournament, dispite the d/c's. a fun revisit to the vgc11 metagame

lets not do it again gf please
Yeah the 90 second thing isn't working at all.

And I keep running into the same player FILLIPO from Germany who keeps dc right when I win. I decide to forfeit once on 1st turn. Next match...him again. Play battle.He d/cs..
If you run into an opponent that is far weaker than his score, it's probably best to not get your hopes up. Chances are the reason they have such a high score is because they always disconnect.

Yep, pretty much.

Even worse though is when you play someone with a good team who clearly knows what they're doing, play well, and have them still bitch out on you. I completely outplayed trainer "JiveVGC" from New Jersey (~1948 ranking) just a few minutes ago... but s/he had a good team so the battle was still up in the air until I won a speed tie that iced the game for me... sure enough.. DC.

Don't play JiveVGC.

Props to Emily from California for handing me my first loss in 27 battles.. With a Cinccino no less!
It's 1:23 in the morning, I have school tomorrow, and I'm done for the night. I don't think I'll battle tomorrow either. This was a fun tournament, but it has come to an end. Hopefully there will be more as it was very fun albeit a lot of disconnections.

I finished with a final score of 101-7 and a rating of 2003 however I am guilty of at least 5 disconnections, unfortunately :/. Hopefully that lands me in the top 100 however. It's been fun everyone, and for all those whom I battle on here and in the world, it was an honor battling you!
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