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Who are the two best Dual Screeners in OU?

I am building a HO team that need reliable and bulky DSers.

I have tried the Lati twins, but they have too many weaknesses...
Who are the two best Dual Screeners in OU?

I am building a HO team that need reliable and bulky DSers.

I have tried the Lati twins, but they have too many weaknesses...

Here's a list: Bronzong, Magnezone, Metagross, Mamoswine, Rotom (all), Deoxys (all), Reuniclus, Raikou, Celebi, Virizion, Cresselia, Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, Claydol, Jirachi, Togekiss, Espeon, Mew, Forretress, Ledian, and don't forget Smeargle. I left the others out intentionally
Is my team balanced enough? (pokemon white)


I had posted this in the RMT thread but obviously it wasnt the right one. I won't paste what I wrote because it was quite long and I think here questions need to be as much concise as possible.

This is my team. they are all around level 42-43 (some are at 41 and the strongest is at 45). Before I train them any longer, can you please tell me if this team is "ok" or if I'm going to face some difficulties throughout the game?

  1. Vibrava (lvl 41) Levitate
  2. Archeops (lvl 42) - defeatist
  3. Arcanine (lvl 45) - Intimidate (he couldn't learn XtrmSpeed because I evolved it too late)
  4. Staryu (lvl 41) - Regenerator
  5. Gligar (lvl 41) - Hyper Cutter
  6. Serperior (lvl 40) - Contrary

if you need more details I will add them :)

Thank you!^^
Where abouts in the game are you? If you are basically at the 8th Gym you should be fine :) Get everyone to 45ish before going through Victory Road and you shouldn't have any problems.

Also; Take Arcanine back to Mistralton where the Move Relearner is, he should be able to fix you up with ExtremeSpeed :) (There are at least 3 Heart Scales in normal BW Story play so) Oh, and there is a guy in Castelia on one of the piers that will give you a Water Stone if you tell him you have a Panpour :P
Considering at the very least the Serperior and the Staryu are hacked (since Contrary Snivy hasn't been released and Staryu can't get Regenerator at all ever), I'd say a Water Stone is the least of their worries.

As for the team you should be fine really, though for the last Gym you're gonna want to make sure you give Staryu Blizzard (or hack Ice Beam onto it since hell it's already hacked) as insurance since Vibrava isn't the bulkiest mon around (and Gligar should hold the Eviolite, unless again, you have more than one). Anyway, as for the E4, you should be fine as long as you evenly train your Pokemon. Based on typing alone you're going to have to play each Pokemon individually for every member except Marshall, since Archeops can kind of sweep through Marshall if you get it to a high enough level (though break Sawk's sturdy with something else since Archeops is useless if it takes a hit). For N, you're fine if you give up Vibrava/Flygon for Zekrom or Reshiram. Ghetsis is going to be a pain in the ass though without a Fighting-type or a higher levelled dragon than Flygon/legendary but it's like that for everyone. All in all it's a solid all-around team for in-game, definitely not the worst but you could have some better type coverage within your members (grab a Scrafty if still possible and use it over Gligar because Scrafty can crush like 3/4 members of the e4 if it gets a moxie boost rolling).
the game is "VoltWhite" but the stats are not hacked. I mean I don't think so because I'm having a lot of trouble trying to battle the gym leaders. I'm in Driftveil city.

I have very little TMs and non is Water type or Ice either :/ I'm looking forward to getting my hands on Psychic and teach it to Starmie (when I find a waterstone because I asked for the Firestone to evolve Growlithe).
I don't know if it's normal to be at level 40-45 in Driftveil city but I lose like 5 or 6 times at the gyms so instead of turning off the DS when I play, I prefer to lose money and keep the level I earned. Eventually I win the battle but it takes a couple of times.

so I should train Scrafty? I was thinking of evolving Gligar.
VoltWhite is a rom hack so I doubt many (if anyone) here will have any in depth knowledge to it... Just google around for it tbh :/ The levels will be massively inflated for all areas (and gyms) and I think it is just in general a much more difficult game.

You initially said it was for Pokemon White... So we have advice based on that.
Yeah you probably should have mentioned that because VoltWhite is a totally different game that unfortunately I can't get to work on my mac. Just search around on the forums you download it from, I'm sure someone there can help.
I just wanted advice on my team like do you think it's balanced enough or not, but from what I understood I need a Figthing type pokemon or at least good fighting moves. :)
anyone in my team is suitable for fighting moves?
and sorry I forgot to mention it was VoltWhite at first.
What Wailord sets are viable in OU? Also, with insane HP but low defenses, how bulky Wailord really is?

honestly, none are viable he is outclassed in every role. Jellicent can do Water Spout spamming alot better thanks to a useful secondary stab and a generally superior movepool.
He is about as bulky as Jellicent who is however still a tad bulkier and with the useful Ghost type resistances and immunities overall a better defensive choice.
Has anyone ever tried a team with Tyranitar as the main member on BW Random Match (3vs3)?
I found Dragon/Flying and Water/Flying resist most of Ttar's weaknesses so I picked Offensive Dragonite, standard evolite Dusclops and specially defensive Tyranitar but it was pretty dissapointing.
Dusclops was too slow to do anything and if WoW misses, it's gone.
Dragonite was quite useful but because of the sand storm, multiscale always breaks after one turn and with life orb, it couldn't stay alive too long.
Tyranitar was good at tanking some hits but couldn't do enough damage to weaken the opponent so Dnite could sweep.
honestly, none are viable he is outclassed in every role. Jellicent can do Water Spout spamming alot better thanks to a useful secondary stab and a generally superior movepool.
He is about as bulky as Jellicent who is however still a tad bulkier and with the useful Ghost type resistances and immunities overall a better defensive choice.

Additionally, the Rest talk and curse sets are better done by Gyarados and Snorlax respectively (and probably others too, those are just the two I can come up with off the top of my head).

Now if you're dead set on using Wailord in OU for some reason (you've posted about it at least twice now so I have to assume you are), the Choice Scarf Water Spout set is really the only one with any viability in OU. Choice Specs is an option too if you can fit a trick room user on the team, but generally there are better Pokemon for a trick room role. Either way, I suggest running Politoed for rain as the extra power boost could give Wailord a surprisingly stunning amount of power, busting through even resists. Of course Jellicent is the usual choice for this tactic, but Wailord can do it too.
Weavile has its niche in OU, it's a good revenge killer in general being quite fast and having access to stab ice (dragons and landorus) and dark (reuniclus, lati@s etc) access to pursuit and priority in ice shard is welcome as well.

Unfortunately, though, it's really frail and can't switch into anything. It's weak to SR and given the abundance of Scizor and Jirachi in OU, I wouldn't call it "good".
Heracross learns Bulk Up via TM in 4th Gen. The TM is still here. Why can't it learn it in 5th Gen?

Because Gamefreak hates you.

But seriously, sometimes they change things like that for no apparent reason. If want to know why, go ask somehow who programmed the damn thing XD.
Because Gamefreak hates you.

But seriously, sometimes they change things like that for no apparent reason. If want to know why, go ask somehow who programmed the damn thing XD.

To be honest, I think it could have been a typo. Like someone accidentally forgot to put the TM number for Bulk Up when they programmed Heracross's moves. It's the only way to explain how Cryogonal gets Attract and Cinccino doesn't get Thief, even though Minccino does.
I wonder if anybody hacked a Keldeo/Meloetta/Genesect and knows if they are usable in the Battle Subway. My theory is Keldeo can be used, the other two can´t. Is this correct?
I wonder if anybody hacked a Keldeo/Meloetta/Genesect and knows if they are usable in the Battle Subway. My theory is Keldeo can be used, the other two can´t. Is this correct?

Unfortunately, as is typical for event pokemon, all three are banned.
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