a condiment study (POLL REPOSTED [re]vote)

whats YOuR favourite condiment

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yeah fruits are condiments now, get out of here troll
hey guys you know what goes good on burgers??? an entire whole watermelon
haven't saw jumpman show this much passion about something since DP Battle Tower

and really you guys don't have brown sauce? what do you put on your bacon sandwiches? :(
Brown sauce on bacon sandwhiches is the fucking shit

imagining the lovely and legal limey emma watson in your avatar saying this about what is apparently some british delicacy makes this work for me and i hope others not native to britain
yeah fruits are condiments now, get out of here troll

Jalapeños are not fruit culinary wise

And usually, they come seasoned with vinegar and some other spices, along with carrot, onion and garlic: this mix is called "rajas" and they are a condiment that's used in everyday meals in mexico

Edit: you're also forgetting soy sauce, worcestershire sauce and curry as important widespread condiments...

This shit can go on anything. Even water. Fuck that, drink it straight from the bottle.

Also, I would have voted honey mustard if it was there.
notice how putting BBQ sauce at the top suddenly gets it more votes? People must be just clicking the first option and going with it. That or all the BBQ lovers came out of hiding in the last half hour...