#littlecup Teambuilding Sessions

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The next session will be Thursday, September 13th at 10:00 PM (EST EDT).

#littlecup Teambuilding Sessions

What is this?

Hello, and welcome to our newest project run by blarajan and myself! Have you ever made a team with someone else before? Perhaps it was easier to do so, because maybe they had a little more experience with you in that metagame, and you weren't sure where to begin? Well, that's exactly what we're aiming for with this project!

The general idea of this project is to have scheduled times where a group will be online and build a Little Cup team together. Everyone in the chat is invited to participate, or to just spectate and watch the team building process if they feel more comfortable doing that. With the help of our more experienced members, we should be able to construct solid teams while giving newer members experience in building teams for Little Cup and an overview of the more threatening Pokemon and strategies (and how to beat them). The log of the chat will then be posted to this topic, as well as a detailed synopsis for those that don't want to read the log, and an importable version of the team that has been built. That way, even if you can't make it to the session, you can find everything that you missed.

While we want everyone to be involved in this, its important that you recognize people who do know what they're talking about. We're counting on our LC council members to lead these discussions and make sure there is someone with experience at each session. Our LC council members aren't the only members that are experienced enough to help lead discussions though. Generally anyone with hops or above on #littlecup also knows the metagame well, and if there aren't many council members on, they are also people that can guide discussions. However, I can't stress enough that we want this to be something everybody can participate in. Even if you aren't in the above two groups of people, don't feel that you can't contribute!

The sessions will take place on our IRC channel #littlecup. For those that don't know how to use IRC, or just don't have IRC, you can read all about it onsite here. Sessions will take place twice a week at the following times:
  • Monday, 9 PM (EDT)
  • Thursday, 10 PM (EDT)

If you've ever been interested in learning LC, this is your chance! Seriously though, with the LC Open of the Grand Slam just around the corner, you won't want to miss these!

Past sessions:

One thing that we also need to mention is what's expected of everyone participating. Even if you don't like someone's suggestion, be civil. Quite frankly, we all build teams rather differently. If you think someone suggested a bad Pokemon, explain why you think its a bad choice. All suggestions will be taken into consideration, but don't feel bad if your suggestion is not used. Reasoning will be explained for all of our choices, but we obviously can't use everything.

Also, this isn't particularly easy on IRC, but try not to talk over people. We want this to run smoothly so people can learn as much as possible, and any bickering between users over things takes away from that. On that note, please don't have any side conversations while a teambuilding session is ongoing. Take it to PM or another channel.
I love this! :D

One question, is the teambuilding open to all people on #littlecup at the moment it starts, or is it just for mods?
I love this! :D

One question, is the teambuilding open to all people on #littlecup at the moment it starts, or is it just for mods?

The purpose of this activity is to allow everyone to get better at building Little Cup teams, as we recognize it is a difficult tier to struggle with on your own. You may help as much as you want as long as you're on topic, but you must recognize that the discussion leaders at the time might say your suggestions aren't the way to go (of course, they would explain their reasoning). We want everyone to participate, so please, log on, tell your friends, and build with us!
i don't need teams cuz see sig but i'd still be willing to participate in this if these timezones weren't so fucked up
We all really apologize about the timezones being incredibly unfriendly for Europeans. With school starting up, and with the vast majority of experienced Little Cup players being EST or PST, it was impossible for us to include a time more friendly for those areas. Elevator Music and I talked about this for a long time, and we tried discussing a weekend time that was friendlier for European timezones, but we couldn't guarantee any weekend times in general, seeing as many of us are going to college or already in it. I recognize this project has its setbacks when it comes to times it can be done, but fortunately those of the European timezones who want to participate can read the IRC logs and synopsis that we will present, and post their ideas in this thread about what they would have changed. In the times between sessions after the synopsis is posted, you can post your comments in this thread, and treat the team like a newly furbished RMT. We'd appreciate rates and comments about every team that gets made!

tl;dr sorry we really wanted to accommodate for European timezones but after much discussion found that we wouldn't be able to consistently (if at all) do so.
tl;dr sorry we really wanted to accommodate for European timezones but after much discussion found that we wouldn't be able to consistently (if at all) do so.

I suppose alternating times could work, but things just become complicated then. It doesn't affect me too much, as I'm usually up around that time anyway though. But this should be good, I've been meaning to get back into the swing of things with LC.
The problem with the weekends is that we can't guarantee being available. If with the school year progressing we find we have some time on the weekends, we might reorder the timeslots. But as of now, we had to do what we thought we could make, and weekends weren't one of those things.

These dates are subject to change based off of our availability.
I can host weekend sessions if needed. My weekend activity should be pretty consistent.
Can we pastebin the lectures in case someone misses them?

The logs to every session will be posted in this topic, as well as a pretty detailed synopsis of the log, and an exported version of the team. We'll then have a link to that post in the OP so it can be easily found ;)
I am going to try to come but I can't promise I will not be disruptive as always
I'm bang on GMT and have a decent ammount of experience, at least enough to get new players started off, so I'm happy to help if europeans are missing out.
I'm bang on GMT and have a decent ammount of experience, at least enough to get new players started off, so I'm happy to help if europeans are missing out.

Spuds, If you're from the UK, you're GMT+1, because we're on British Summer Time at the moment. I dunno if that affects you joining or not.
I'll try my best to show up, but both days are school nights so Idk. But it's a really cool idea, so I hope it's successful.
Hopefully this hasn't caused too much confusion (I'm a timezone noob so I have no idea), but just a reminder that EST is currently in daylight savings time (which I guess makes it EDT, not EST, but whatever). The first session will take place in approximately 33 hours from the time of this post.
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