Request: LC Hub Logo

Ray Jay

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Hi, Jellicent recommended to me that I put in a formal request for all of you artists that want to help with the LC hub.

Unlike Furry's thread, which this is totally a rip off of, I'm not really going to give any guidelines. Reference the art style and size of the other hubs, but other than that use your best judgment. In terms of Pokemon that would be good to use, referencing the usage stats would not be a bad choice.

You can send all your art to me, and the sooner you can get it in, the better. I'll give you guys a few weeks and then Aerrow and I will look at your submissions. Whether or not your submission is chosen, you may be asked to help with other art for the hub when the time comes, and will likely receive my blessing for the artist badge if the quantity and quality of your work is substantial enough.

Thanks, and happy cutemon drawing!
here's what i have so far. gotta do hw now lol. i'll finish tmr i guess
Here's my WIP so far:

So I've got a semi realistic murkrow and scraggy in there, which I'm gonna colour and shade as detailed as I can go. Then I'll add something cool in the background. Is there something that represents LC that would go well into the background at all?

Oh yeah, and the box will have the words, "LC Hub" in it. Do you want LC, or little cup written in?
@ Kythro: looking good! I could see this working really nicely if you add some more to the top right of the piece and do some more with the words.

@ Furosoto: I like the realistic style, but Scraggy needs to be a bit more recognizable I think (this may come with color, tho). "LC" rather than "Little Cup" will suffice, but it's totally up to you!

@ RC: I really like the design concept you've got so far, please continue to work on it!
@ Kythro: looking good! I could see this working really nicely if you add some more to the top right of the piece and do some more with the words.

thanks and yeah i planned to :0 the words there are just place holders and the color smudged on the right is how i intend to finish the pic lol
Shoop de whoop

If you want me to do any slight changes/resizing just tell me, I'll do it n_n

Ritter, that looks amazing! But, Gligar is banned from LC again, so I think it would be a good idea to replace it with another Pokemon, or just remove it from the banner completely. But, ask RayJay just in case, since I'm not the one requesting this.
No, I agree. Likewise, Chinchou doesn't ever use Air Balloon =/. It's a fantastic picture, but I would prefer the hub picture actually being representative of the metagame.
that is such a cute picture, rittercat :3 What I love the most is how the LC font emulates the english Pokemon title font - very clever.

I have some pokemon you can use. Drifloon or Misdreavus can go over Gligar - same color and fits well with aerial theme. Maybe a Koffing can replace AB Chinchou to represent Smogon ;d
Here's more WIP that I've been doing for the banner. I gave Scraggy the shading and colours so it'll look more like him, and all I need to do now is give murkrow some shading/highlights, add the Little Cup sign, and a background. Any background specifics in mind would be appreciated, otherwise I'll just do my own thing.


EDIT: Here's another update, this time with murkrow having shading! Now all that's left is background.

@ Ritter: that is really looking good! Very nice! The one thing that seems off is that the yellow in LC looks a little... idk dull? Whatever tho it might be just me!

@ Furosuto: very nice! excited to see what the background will be~
you sure deliver, Rittercat! I think I agree with Ray Jay that the yellow in LC could be a little brighter, but idk
Looking at it, the typography is lovely but there isn't anything expressly Little Cup related, which would be good to have I think
Here's an updated version of my banner. What do you think of it? If it's not acceptable, I'll try and think of something else, but how does it look? I personally feel pretty happy with it.

Given the style of Murkrow and Scraggy, I would have expected something more than just a plain background to fit in with the figures, and something a bit darker as well. The text itself seems a little too far to the side and the colours backing it don't seem to mesh that well. Changing the colours there, moving it and making the background more detailed shouldn't be too hard though, and these are just recommendations!
Hmmm... Thanks for the advice ritter! I'll think of something good for the background.

I don't play much LC, but are there any weather conditions that are often used in LC? I may incorporate that into the background.
Ritter I absolutely adore that piece.

Furosoto, I love yours too, and think Sand / Hail in the background would be AWESOME.
Love your piece ritter, only suggestion would be to put some really basic shading on misdreavus+murkrow just to bring depth to the background.

Maybe a more grungy font would suit your piece more Furosuto?