Serious chrustmas gift reaction thread

fuck yes

got a wii u deluxe set and new super mario bros u
and so super happy bach stradivarius trumpet
leather reunion blues trumpet case
a bunch of clothes
shitty wallet I have a much better one
a glass chess set
a weird smallish telescope thing
a miniature air hockey thing maybe 2-3 feet long
an ipod shuffle
a garmin forerunner 410 running watch
a bunch of candy in a stocking
pokemon white 2
new super mario bros 2

this is abnormal I've never ever ever gotten this much shit for christmas

enjoying wii u after someone who came over's mess gets cleaned up

seriously, it smells like shit
While I did not really receive any gifts this year other than $30, I enjoyed being Santa Claus to the rest of my family and getting them all gifts. It feels good to give!! :D
A couple days ago I decided to make someone one of these for Christmas; it took roughly fifteen hours of work and a lot of frustration but it actually turned out pretty well, much better than I expected it to. I have a couple pin-sized bruises on my thumb from stuffing the little pieces of paper into each other, though.

On the receiving end, I got a bar of soap and a couple candy bars. Can't say that it's the best haul I've ever gotten, but it's better than nothing, right?
Nothing from my parents (of course).

My friend got me two books and another friend apparently got me something, I'm going to see her next week so we'll see? Also an awesome smogoner got me Black 2 and I'm thrilled (HA I BEAT YOU TO THE E4)

I also got an awesome secret santa from reddit.
Fairly disappointing considering what I gave out in part, Mom came through with Super Mario Bros and Epic Mickey 2 for the 3DS and stuff actually on my of the relatives, you really wonder sometimes where they yank things out of.
went out on xmas eve and got drunk with my best friend (especially nice because he's a Marine and away a lot and I only see him 2-3 times a year) so was badly hungover on xmas day but put on a brave face for the family. my nieces chipped in and bought me a rather cringeworthy pokemon t-shirt - it's not the sorta geek-chic kind that you can get away's more the sort that was quite clearly designed for pre-schoolers but i told them i loved it and wore it all day much to their delight. got some handy bits and pieces, had a great xmas dinner (didn't eat as much of it as i'd have liked because of the hangover but compensated by destroying the leftovers once I'd recovered) so good xmas overall! soured by the fact i never got to see my nephews on account of their mother having turned into an uber-bitch since splitting with my brother...i'd gotten them that new Sonic racing game and was quite looking forward to playing it with them but probably won't get the chance now since I'm going back home in a few days. oh well.
i made a photodump of everything i got (not that i took pics because my phones sd card is broken, but by the use of ze google images) along with a pic of me and my new favorite tshirt which reminds me to never let me jimmies be rustled








was a good christmas but its weird getting less stuff every year you grow older.

merry christmas jaja
-A jacket
-3 neat little wind-up toys that piss off my cat
-A book light
-160~something dollars in gift money and lottery ticket winnings (we often use lottery cards as "Luck" gifts in my family)
-$250 gift card for books, but will be using it on season passes to amusement parks for the summer. So far the only time I have been thankful for financial aid xD.
A new laptop (dell inspiron 2012)
Kindle fire
clothes (flannel and some other shirts)
suikoden 2
radiant historia
new razors
new Puma's
$75 dollars in amazon points
$25 best buy gift card
$50 buffalo wild wings gift card
$50 in riot points for LEAGUE OF LEGENDS YEAHHH

and some other shit
I got a new desktop, which is really nice. (:

It has Windows 8 though. It's a fucking bitch to get around at first, and the lack of a real Start button is hella annoying, but overall, once you get comfortable with it, it's not so bad. I find that so far, I simply keep the desktop up and never bother with the squares.
I got a new desktop, which is really nice. (:

It has Windows 8 though. It's a fucking bitch to get around at first, and the lack of a real Start button is hella annoying, but overall, once you get comfortable with it, it's not so bad. I find that so far, I simply keep the desktop up and never bother with the squares.

You can download ClassicShell or Start8 if you want a start button. :)


2 pea coats
scarf / gloves
jeans / shirts
solid wood desk :)
tickets for a fun. concert in feb
couple of new fitteds
also I bought myself KH:3D and some blu-ray movies on black friday but gave em to my mom to wrap for me
Among my gifts some of my favorites include the entire set of mint condition 1999 bk gold plated pokemon cards, the raptor retro 7s, my dad payed half for a pistol, and me and my girlfriend each got 50 dollar regal gift cards. My grandparents also payed for my new tires last month. So I did pretty well.
Underwear, socks, handkerchiefs, ties and a new wallet from the folks.

A huge panograph by a local photographer, R.A. Stanley, as a combined present for my graduations and 18th-21st birthdays from my grandparents, which was awesome.
I got some food, a pair of pants, a Dick's gift card (I really do appreciate it, Grandpa, but I don't shop at Dick's...) and a purple 3DS. My relatives gave my brothers and me a Wii U, and my parents got us all an electronic dartboard.

I guess this is pretty cool. Okay, very cool.
i made a photodump of everything i got (not that i took pics because my phones sd card is broken, but by the use of ze google images) along with a pic of me and my new favorite tshirt which reminds me to never let me jimmies be rustled






was a good christmas but its weird getting less stuff every year you grow older.

merry christmas jaja
Won't lie, I love that shirt.
I got nothing.

Already got a hdd for Sinterklaas, and my birthday's less than two months away, though.
Got a 5x5 rubiks cube, some other puzzles/strategy card games, some warm socks (which is good cause I'm in Germany over winter and fuck), an ok sweater, and my favourite present, a tshirt with the Fibonacci sequence on it as seen in the branches of trees

I have a thing for nerdy maths t shirts ok
I got nothing.

Already got a hdd for Sinterklaas, and my birthday's less than two months away, though.

At least you got to celebrate Sinterklaas, my parents decided to not only skip Christmas, but that too :(

In the newspaper this morning there were a bunch of pictures of teenagers (16-20 years, approx.) holding their newest Christmas gifts: new AR-15 assault rifles. What the hell kinda Christmas gift is that?