Pokémon XY General Discussion

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The only way I can possibly see this work is if base stats aren't increased and form changing is a held item similar to griesious orb.
There's a new Gym Leader, a female, named Koruni, who'll help us with the MegaPokemon. Plus, Torchic is the FIRST CONFIRMED EVENT FOR X&Y! Are they serious? Make us work for the Pokemon!!!

Complaining about free stuff... Alrighty then.

These kinds of promotions are great publicity for the games though.

It was the same deal with Victini IIRC?
I just want to know game exclusives so I can decide on which to purchase.

This new reveal isn't tragic. The new formes aren't permanent, they aren't individually in the pokedex, and they don't look completely out of the Pokemon norm.

If anything, the 3 pokemon revealed today are the tragic ones.. pointless and unimaginative as hell.
I don't see what the problem is with the Megadudes. For me the issue was that these were supposed to be new evolutions or forms or something and they just looked liked they had extra stuff on them instead of looking like they are more evolved or whatever. Especially Ampharos. But now that it sounds like these are just temporary powerup forms who cares?
Mega evolutions? Unexpected by like it. I can't imagine what mega blazken and mega mewtwo can do. We may have to make a tier because some of these guys may get so powerful, that even uber can't stop them.
I think these new forms really tie into the theme of X and Y, which is DNA. I remember playing over 4th gen, Professor Rowan, I believe, was interested in Pokemon evolution. These mega forms capitalize on the conclussion of Pokemon evolution. I can see the mega stones simply being the opposite of the eviolite-only works on fully evolved pokes and emphasizes on offences as opposed to defences.
Calling it now
I'm impressed. I do not care if these aren't creative or imaginative. All of the mega evos look great imo. I'm in love with MegaAbsol and MegaMawile. Magic Bounce on Absol is neat. Magic Bounce deters status, so the main things getting in the way of its Sucker Punch now are stat buffs. We all know what MegaBlaziken is going to do. MegaLucario scares me as a CBer because Close Combat + Bullet Punch is a deadly combo. MegaMawile doesn't impress me so much because Intimidate is such a godly ability (yes, better than Huge Power). I love that Mawile is now confirmed to be Steel/Fairy.

oh yeah, inb4 MegaYanmega.
Time to give my two cents.

At first, I questioned the point of the mega forms. I still do, but I believe that the item will play similar to 5th gen's eviolite. Such as, do you want leftovers or eviolite= Do you want choice scarf, or megalite (Bad name yes)?
I didn't think digimon at all, weird, strange, awesome, repulsive, but not Digimon, these look nothing like digimon.
I am pleased at Mawile 100% though, but an evolution would have been nice.
The Digimon vibe doesn't necessarily come from them looking like Digimon. It's mostly because they randomly find out a way to evolve YET AGAIN and it only lasts through the battle and requires certain conditions(sounds similar to warp digivolving).
Then, instead of creating a new Pokemon, they just threw bad ass-ness on top of the Pokemon that already existed. That's kind of similar to how Digimon stereotypically digivolve to throw more weapons and bad ass aesthetics on them.
lol as if it would be the complete opposite of eviolite. eviolite when held by the not fully evolved forms of pokemon that evolve get a 50% def bost for both defenses. If Megalite was the opposite that would mean that it would work only on fully evolved pokemon and boost offenses by 50%. Yeah no.
lol as if it would be the complete opposite of eviolite. eviolite when held by the not fully evolved forms of pokemon that evolve get a 50% def bost for both defenses. If Megalite was the opposite that would mean that it would work only on fully evolved pokemon and boost offenses by 50%. Yeah no.
That's why I said it would play similar, not exactly.
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