Pokémon XY Leaks

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Looks like he's gonna try leveling up Skrelp with his Blastoise and Seviper in his party, to see whether leveling it up with a Water-type or Poison-type will trigger evolution, a'la Pancham.
So yeah, we have Zygarde.
As listed by Mario With Lazers on Page #115, Pokemon Games following Generations with exclusively Native Pokemon tend to introduce less Pokemon. This pattern has been followed since Gen. I's transition into II, and continued since III's transition into IV. Today, we have Gen. VI, which follows V- which, according to the pattern, introduces less Pokemon that compliment the previous Generations.

For example, Mario With Lazers listed that only 81 Pokemon were introduced in Gen. II, only 11 off of the predicted 70. Also, we see that Gen. IV only introduced 78, closer to the predicted 70 by 3; even that Generation was watered down heavily by Evolutions to previous Pokemon and a large amount of Legendarys.

So in conclusion, Gen. VI isn't a let down in terms of the amount of Pokemon it introduces, as it follows the pattern of previous beloved Generations such as Gen. II and IV, with only small differences; and that's not including the new Mega Evolutions. So that being said, I wouldn't criticize Gen. VI for introducing only 70 Pokes. I would criticize the fact that the Goomy Evo is still only Dragon :/

EDIT: My bad I said "Mario With Fat Lazers by accident LOL

True, but it just seems like they're trying to use Mevo's to compensate it, an while I like the idea begin the Mevo's, would've rather had 100 new mons.
I think Zygarde is awesome! That green & black color scheme is beautiful! Plus it sorta looks like a "Z," what with it rearing its head like that.
I would have loved to see something more on par with the greatness of Xerneas and Yveltal. This... I mean its a really good design but. I can't really explain how, but I just don't really like it
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