Pokémon XY Leaks

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Megacham's attack stat:

252+ Atk Pure Power Megacham Hi Jump Kick vs. 224 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 220-261 (67.27 - 79.81%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Pretty Much.

Although, all that power is really held back by "meh" speed and defenses. 100 Speed and 60/95/95 defenses is not going to cut it in this generation full of new threats and other Mega's!
252+ Atk Pure Power Megacham Hi Jump Kick vs. 224 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 220-261 (67.27 - 79.81%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Pretty Much.

Although, all that power is really held back by "meh" speed and defenses. 100 Speed and 60/95/95 defenses is not going to cut it in this generation full of new threats and other Mega's!
lets not forget that wall breaks dont need all that much speed
megas don't necessarily have to be late game sweepers to be useful
252+ Atk Pure Power Megacham Hi Jump Kick vs. 224 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 220-261 (67.27 - 79.81%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Pretty Much.

Although, all that power is really held back by "meh" speed and defenses. 100 Speed and 60/95/95 defenses is not going to cut it in this generation full of new threats and other Mega's!

Honestly, something like Noivern's gonna come in on that, shrug, and then Hurricane it to death before it can move.

That HP is horrible.
Two words: Mega Blaziken.

Blaziken was also recently Trademarked, despite being missing from that list. Currently, every known Mega Pokemon was either previously Trademarked (Venusaur, Lucario.) or recently Trademarked (there's a dozen lists on the net about who was recently TM'd.) Mawile was Trademarked by another company. And over half of the currently existing Pokemon don't have Trademarks. Note: There's one exception, Garchomp doesn't seem to be Trademarked. (But he could be in a similar boat to Mawile.)

Like AstralFire said, it's not a complete list, but it's looking quite like a partial one. It's too much to be a coincidence.

It doesn't have "Mega Rayquaza" it's just saying it's been Trademarked. Every starter and most Legendaries have been trademarked. But it certainly doesn't mean they WILL be Megas. Most likely they were just covering some bases by grabbing the Weather Trio while submitting for Trademarks. They likely grab the legendaries because they're kind of important.
I am starting to like the 1 Mega rule more and more. People will really have to think when they're building a team. Mega Medicham is great, but so are so many others. These Megas will really have to compete for a teamspot! The only thing I'm worried about is that we'll only see Mega Garchomp or something on every team. That'd be boring.

I wonder if there will be any teams at all without a Mega Evolution lol.

I know. I'm currently torn between Lucario, Gengar, and Medicham.
Honestly, something like Noivern's gonna come in on that, shrug, and then Hurricane it to death before it can move.

That HP is horrible.
Unless you are investing in your bulk, I doubt that Noivern is going to want to switch in. I don't know Noivern's stats, but for reference, if, say, Salamence tried to switch in.... 252+ Atk Pure Power Medicham Hi Jump Kick vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 233-275 (70.39 - 83.08%)
Does anyone else realize how good clef abeles gonna be with its new fairy type I mean decent 90 73 90 defenses a great typing an amazing movepool that includes moves such as fire blast ice beam wish softboiled calm mind and a immunity to passive damage means that it be great it in ou or uu
MegaCham... what I mean about Aegislash stopping it is that it relies on contact moves for damage, and here's King's Shield ready to punish it. That and it has to rely on a coverage move for damage
Unless you are investing in your bulk, I doubt that Noivern is going to want to switch in. I don't know Noivern's stats, but for reference, if, say, Salamence tried to switch in.... 252+ Atk Pure Power Medicham Hi Jump Kick vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 233-275 (70.39 - 83.08%)

Noivern works because he has 115 base speed and 105 base Special Attack. He greatly outspeeds Medicham, and can easily OHKO with Hurricane.
Noivern works because he has 115 base speed and 105 base Special Attack. He greatly outspeeds Medicham, and can easily OHKO with Hurricane.
but it can't switch in, or it will be decimated by high jump kick or any of medichams other moves
its a check at best because its not like medicham cant just switch to something else
Unless you are investing in your bulk, I doubt that Noivern is going to want to switch in. I don't know Noivern's stats, but for reference, if, say, Salamence tried to switch in.... 252+ Atk Pure Power Medicham Hi Jump Kick vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 233-275 (70.39 - 83.08%)

Medicham can carry ice punch also so that means dead Noivern anyway if you predict well.
MegaCham... what I mean about Aegislash stopping it is that it relies on contact moves for damage, and here's King's Shield ready to punish it. That and it has to rely on a coverage move for damage

Even a after an attack drop from Kings Shield, Mega Medicham can still deal hefty damage to Aegislash.
I really don't think mega evolutions were created with balance in mind.

Definitely not the case. It can't be.

Definitely not. Megaevolutions are a marketing strategy to younger male players. Fairy type is a marketing strategy to younger female players. Although fairy type is for balance too.
Base 100 attack on something that huge power, yeesh. This makes me wonder whether they scaled down the attack bonus Huge/Pure Power provides. They've reduced the power of several moves already...
Definitely not. Megaevolutions are a marketing strategy to younger male players. Fairy type is a marketing strategy to younger female players. Although fairy type is for balance too.

From a game standpoint fairy might be designed towards female players, from a mythology standpoint, fairies are frightening things, including stuff like banshies, redcaps, and similar.

Granbul definitely fits more into that style than the "cutesy" grouping.
In its shield form? not too sure

With a coverage move such as Fire Punch, even after an attack drop from Kings Shield Aegislash would take at least 25% damage. Then Medicham can always switch out if needed. As far as I know there aren't any known recovery moves for Aegislash, so he'll likely keep that missing chunk. If played correctly, at the very least Mega Medicham can be used to wear Aegislash down to KO range.
With a coverage move such as Fire Punch, even after an attack drop from Kings Shield Aegislash would take at least 25% damage. Then Medicham can always switch out if needed. As far as I know there aren't any known recovery moves for Aegislash, so he'll likely keep that missing chunk. If played correctly, at the very least Mega Medicham can be used to wear Aegislash down to KO range.
I could easily see an Aegislash holding Leftovers since Shield forme is so bulky and it would rely on that forme to take hits and keep it from fainting.

Also, Mega Medicham would not appreciate a Shadow Sneak to the face at all.
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