Averagemons - See new thread

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gonna smoke five blunts and watch anime

Averagemons is a new OM with one key feature: every single Pokémon has the exact same stat spread of 100/100/100/100/100/100, no matter how lowly or monstrous they normally are. This leaves everything down to movepool, typing, and ability, bring some Pokémon you might not expect to the top!

The current banlist, as decided autocratically by Treecko, Arcticblast, and myself, is as follows:
Soul Dew
Thick Club
Light Ball
Huge Power
Pure Power
Additionally, the available Pokémon (and items, abilities, etc.) in Averagemons follows Pokebank OU, and standard OU clauses apply (but not OU bans).

Feel free to post any powerful sets you find; there is certainly plenty of breadth in the metagame to search! And don't hesitate to contribute anything you want to say about Averagemons, everything is appreciated :toast:.

Right now, the only place this can be played is at my server, http://fusx.psim.us/. Feel free to drop by, though if you don't arrange a match beforehand you might have trouble finding a match on the server alone.
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This looks like a really cool meta! The entire premise just promises bulky offense, something I greatly appreciate, and makes a lot of usually shit-mons very, very viable.

Though I haven't played the meta at all, off the top of my head I can think of a few mons with great potential right off the bat.

Octillery seems pretty fantastic. He has pretty much every move you could ever ask for, including the rare Water Spout, which can easily be abused via Choice Scarf since nothing will outspeed Timid Scarf Octillery except for other TImid Scarf users, who then only hope for speed ties.

Exploud is looking to be a threat as well. STAB Scrappy Boomburst hits hard off of Exploud's paltry 91 base Special Attack already, but at base 100 (and no resist bulkier than 100/100 spread with a +SpDef nature.) Exploud has the potential to rape any and everything.

There are gonna be tons of goodstuff mons in this meta. Volbeat is another one, who can run an intimidating Tail Glow Pass set with 100 overall defenses and Prankster on Sub / BPass / Tail Glow.
Pokémon that I see would be useful right away:

1) MEDICHAM. Dear god, Medicham. It loses Pure Power, so it'll have to run Telepathy, but unlike Mawile, who lost its Mega Stone, Medicham still has its Mega Stone, so Mega Medicham will be usable - which DOES have Pure Power. On a base 100 Attacker. gg.

2) Politoed. Mediocre movepool, average typing, but it has a phenomenal ability in the form of Drizzle. With everything having 100 base Speed, chances are you'll want to have some Scarfed Pokémon, or else you risk a constant Speed tie. But better yet, to avoid a Choice lock, give a Speed boosting ability, the best of which is Swift Swim, as its users get rain-boosted STAB moves. And in order for the rain to happen, Drizzle needs to exist. You might be able to pull off similar things with Chlorophyll or Sand Rush, but Swift Swim is the best of the three due to the rain STAB. Though it does make me worry that the Gen 5 Weather Wars could start up again here.

3) Kangaskhan. Parental Bond is sure to be OP in this meta, as it gives it a 150 Attack stat.

4) Blaziken. Again, with nothing but Speed 100, the more Speed Boosts that you can accumulate, the better. So why not have something that gets a Speed Boost EVERY TURN?

5) Klefki. Great defensive typing, and it can set up Prankster Screens. Think that you're going to lose with only a base Defense of 100? Guess again. This will make it much harder for your opponent to kill you.

6) Darkrai. A Pokémon with 100 base Attack hitting a Pokémon with 100 base Defense for neutral damage will typically get a 3HKO. Or you can rack up damage between turns with things like toxic poison, burn, weather, etc. And the best of those is honestly Bad Dreams, as it also stops your opponent from attacking you. Especially so if there is no Sleep Clause in your ruleset (which it's unclear whether or not there is).

7) Baton Pass. Because all stats are equal, getting boosts will be very helpful, especially so for Speed. So you'll want the ability to swap them around between your Pokémon.

8) Transform/Imposter. Ditto can finally ditch that base 48 HP disadvantage and now have the same thing that any other Pokémon in this tier has. Mew may be able to make use of it to some degree, but I kinda wonder if it's worth giving up a huge movepool for just to see what set your opponent is running.

9) Gengarite. Potentially PerishTrapping. That's always a plus.

10) Sticky Web. Upset at all those Speed ties? Use this one move, and you'll win them all.
Actually, Pure Power as a whole is banned, therefore so is Mega Medicham. :(

Well, assuming this is played on PS, there is no way to deal with Megas in that way, based on how PS operates. If you Mega Evolve a Mewtwo into Mega Mewtwo Y, even in Hackmons when you gave it a Parental Bond ability or whatever, it will still go to Insomnia. This is why Hackmons players just have Mega Mewtwo Y on their team directly, rather than waiting until battle to Mega Evolve.

By that same token, even if Pure Power is banned, a Telepathy Medicham will be able to Mega Evolve into a Pure Power Mega Medicham, based on how PS works. It's an exploit, which is presumably why the Mawilite is banned from this OM, to prevent you from using that loophole of "Oh, well, Mawile doesn't have Huge Power, so I can use it on my team, and the Team Builder will think it's okay. But then if I Mega Evolve, it will get Huge Power!" They just neglected to do the same for the Medichamite, because they likely figured that the Team Builder would just reject Medicham anyways, on the grounds that Medicham has Pure Power, even non-Mega. But it doesn't necessarily have to have Pure Power, which is how you exploit the system.

Though, granted, now that I have made this clear in this thread, I expect the Medichamite to hit that banlist fast.
Fair enough on that. But tbh I would think that it was just a slip of mind that MegaCham was not included on the list. So I do agree that Mega Medicam will find its way onto the list in due time.
Talonflame looks to be lethal in this meta. 180bp Priority coming from 328 attack and the best defensive stat being 328 means very few pokemon can survive against it. Although I suppose every thing having 100/100 defences helps. Also tremble in fear of the horror that is sableye. With useable stats.
Riolu is now the most powerful priority attacker in the game, with the combination of Prankster Copycat+STAB High Jump Kick. It can even use a sweeper's own attacks against it at +1 prioroty, making life harder for ghosts and dragons who like to spam their STAB attacks.

Numel has great potential as both a fast sweeper and a tank, with Simple Flame Charge and Stockpile.

Speaking of Simple, Swoobat gets Simple Calm Mind + Stored Power and decent bulk to abuse it with. This will undoubtably be a top tier threat.

3) Kangaskhan. Parental Bond is sure to be OP in this meta, as it gives it a 150 Attack stat.

4) Blaziken. Again, with nothing but Speed 100, the more Speed Boosts that you can accumulate, the better. So why not have something that gets a Speed Boost EVERY TURN?

6) Darkrai. A Pokémon with 100 base Attack hitting a Pokémon with 100 base Defense for neutral damage will typically get a 3HKO. Or you can rack up damage between turns with things like toxic poison, burn, weather, etc. And the best of those is honestly Bad Dreams, as it also stops your opponent from attacking you. Especially so if there is no Sleep Clause in your ruleset (which it's unclear whether or not there is).

9) Gengarite. Potentially PerishTrapping. That's always a plus.
Additionally, the available Pokémon (and items, abilities, etc.) in Averagemons follows Pokebank OU, and standard OU clauses apply.
So all those things are probably banned here. BTW, Mega Kanga in this meta would have an approximately a 175 effective base attack stat because of maths.

You are right about most everything else though. We may even see some non-scarfed Ditto around. Sadly, (or luckily, depending on your perspective), Smeargle's ban means that Baton Pass teams have nothing that can pass Ingrain, meaning phazing moves like Whirlwind and Dragon Tail are that much more effective against them.
Actually, on the topic of the banlist, why is Shedinja banned? Yes, it will have base 100 HP now, but it's not like its HP stat is calculated based on its base stat anyways.
Good point. It should still just have 1 HP, despite its higher Base HP.
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No mentions of Sticky Web? With everything at the same base speed, sticky web means your team is guaranteed to outspeed all of your opponents grounded pokemon. That seems pretty strong to me. Also, a lot of ubers don't seem nearly as broken with their base stats brought down.
Though, granted, now that I have made this clear in this thread, I expect the Medichamite to hit that banlist fast.
Pure Power is already banned, and Medichamite is supposed to be covered by that. It was just an oversight, but it's banned as well.

Actually, on the topic of the banlist, why is Shedinja banned? Yes, it will have base 100 HP now, but it's not like its HP stat is calculated based on its base stat anyways.
It would have base 100 HP in this metagame, in the same way that it has base 16 HP in Tier Shift.

No mentions of Sticky Web? With everything at the same base speed, sticky web means your team is guaranteed to outspeed all of your opponents grounded pokemon. That seems pretty strong to me. Also, a lot of ubers don't seem nearly as broken with their base stats brought down.
I tried it out in our inaugural game against Fusx or Arcticblast, I don't remember which, and I was really, really underwhelmed with it. The most prominent issue with Sticky Web is that despite the fact that you outspeed nearly everything, every Pokemon is as bulky as Mew is, which means that you still need to boost quite a bit in order to actually OHKO things and take advantage of Sticky Web. There are also tons and toooons of good hazard removers now. Pretty much any given Defog or Rapid Spin user is a good Pokemon now. It's a shame too. I'd have loved to have used something like Stealth Rock / Spikes / Explosion speedy Ferrothorn. :(
I can't tell if a defensive team would fare better than a more offensively orientated team in this meta.
A couple of things a more stall based team got to play with include:
Quagsire - Previously it had 95 / 85 / 65 defenses, now with 100 across the board it should easily manage to stop set up sweepers in there tracks. With access to reliable recovery in the form of Recover and crippling moves such as Toxic, Quagsire may become quite the nuisance for offensive teams to face.
Trevenant - Spooky tree looks like a right pain to deal with. 85 / 76 / 82 were it's old defenses, now with 100 / 100 / 100 it becomes insanely hard to take down with it's ability to harvest all over the place and tank all of the hits you throw at it. With the added bulk it may even find the space to run moves it struggles with in a regular meta such as Curse which would really annoy any attackers looking to get a switch into it.
Sableye - Holy shit can we just get rid of this thing pls. Prankster WoW, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Swagger, Recover, Toxic as well as moves like Foul Play and Seismic Toss combined with 100 / 100 / 100 defenses, I can already see myself breaking down in front of my laptop in despair.
Mienshao - With Regenerator, Knock Off and U-turn, Mienshao is able to act as a defensive pivot. It also has offensive capabilities in moves like High Jump Kick and can even run HP Ice to eliminate traditional counters such as Gliscor or Lando T thanks to the boosted Spa. It can probably utilise an Assault Vest well, though that can be said for all the Regenerators with a lacking support movepool.
Gothitelle - The added speed makes it easier for Gothitelle to trick an item like Choice Specs onto a more defensively orientated Pokemon such as Skarmory or Ferrothorn you can then set up Calm Minds in there face and proceed to take them down. A slight increase in bulk also helps.
Hitmontop - Intimidate and Rapid Spin coupled with new found bulk, Hitmontop will surely be a great spinner. It can also use Toxic to cripple any spin blockers switching in or Foresight to spin regardless. Unfortunately, it has no reliable recovery but it can run Lum Rest to bypass this.
Abomasnow - Doesn't suck so much now! It can probably pull off a decent SubSeed set thanks to it's improved speed and decent bulk. It may even be possible to run a set dedicated to taking down the more traditional counters thanks to it's diverse movepool

Also, Shell Smash Rollout Shuckle new meta.
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That means that finally sweepers have bulk?? Imagine Medicham, Gengar, Alakazam and more. Yes now they have the same speed but imagine the possibilities with Sticky web and speed boosting moves (DD, Agility). Not only that but nerfing Pokemon's offensive and defensive capabilities (Blissey, Blaziken's offensive stats etc). I really like the idea of this tier, good work guys!

EDIT: Completely forgot about Ditto... Oh gawd. o.o
Really interesting metagame ;). Mostly the ability to use really bad NFE Pokemon (and just overall bad Pokemon normally) with at least decent success is something worth to mention and check. Some interesting ideas and concepts from me ;). Or those which were missing in some stats.

Spinda - My gosh, this thing is so bad normally, but with massive increase in statistics suddenly looks like a beastly support Pokemon. Lack of weaknesses from being Normal types helps alot as well. Really good Wish Passer, Rapid Spinner, also has access to such options like Encore, Disable, Baton Pass, Trick, etc. Heck, Spinda can actually pull off Contrary Superpower from Gen 5 with better typing than Malamar. Really fun Pokemon to try.
Ursaring - While he looses lots of power, he gains so much speed that I think trade off can be worth it in the end. Also he gains additional bulk, which sure is welcome addition for him. Quick Feet SD set pulled of with Ursaring can still be really scary as only Scarfers have a shot at outspeeding him. Even if he lost good amount of power, SD Boosted STAB Facade should hurt like hell anyway. If you prefer more power instead - Guts set should do the trick as well as he has AT LAST enough speed to pull it off, especially with Sticky Web Support.
Clefable - I'm shocked no one mentioned this one. Increased base stats ? Sure, count her in. Incredible movepool ? Check. Amazing typing ? As well, check in. Also with many normal types getting massive upgrades (and IMO this metagame shapes up as something perfect for Normal types) having good resist for Fighting moves is mandatory for your team. Also Unaware sets are even more scary and Magic Guard set can be a nightmare to get rid off. Me gusta.
Persian - Oh, this one is really interesting. While you loose good amount of speed, you gain everywhere else, which is more than worth it trade-off. Heck, right now Technician Nasty Plot set suddenly looks threatening, while Persian is another Pokemon with good support options like Fake Out, Switcheroo, Roar, Taunt, U-Turn, etc.
Farfetch'd - My manly tears just escaped my eyes. One of the most useless Pokemon in the game actually gains some love, even if it is only in this metagame. BTW is Stick pretty much permanent 100% crit mechanic confirmed or it's already busted ? If it's not, suddenly this guy looks good (NO WAY!). Swords Dance set which can insta-crit everything on field with good enough movepool to pull it off (All Hail Leaf Blade !).
Dunsparce - Oh well, while it's cool to see Dunsparce getting some love, problem is that I'm not looking forward to deal with 600 BST Pokemon with technically no weaknesses which can paraflinch everything to oblivion with Serene Grace. May be really annoying to deal with.
Furfrou - Probably one of the most physically bulky Pokemon around with Fur Coat ? While lack of reliable recovery sucks, everything else is sweet on this guy. And at last somewhat usable offensive statistics.
Rufflet - Interesting Hustle user. Good bulk, good enough movepool to abuse it and access to Roost for instant recovery.
Darumaka - The only Fire type Hustle user. Sounds like a good Choice items user and being Fire type is not that big of a problem with suddenly more options to remove hazards from the field. Flare Blitz/SuperPower or Hammer Arm/Overheat/U-Turn or Rock Slide sounds like a standard set. While lowered accuracy sucks, I think additional power is worth the risk.
Zweilous - Another interesting Hustle user with really good Dragon/Dark typing and new increased bulk.

I need to explore few more things (and I'll update/post them later on as I see LOTS of new interesting stuff to analyze), but I think it's a metagame I'm really looking forward to play. Good idea with it, I mean it ;).

EDIT: Yeah, my bad. Farfetch'd is Flying Type, so it ignores Sticky Web. Whoops X_X.
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Zweilus is another good hustle user now too, it gets direct upgrade. It was a powerful outrager in NU already.

Another amusing factor:
Raticate can potentially become pretty powerful as a mixed thanks to super fang and gigantic special move pool.
Tauros can become nidoking v2 due of sheerforce and yet again, insane move pool.

infact, many gen1's seem to get a serious buff
Ok, so I've been doing a lot of theorymonning for this meta and I've come up with a few sets.


@ Lum Berry/White Herb/Something else
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Shell Smash
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge/Rock Slide
- Knock Off

Shuckle is a dangerous set-up sweeper, with Sturdy to guarantee it gets a smash off, and amazing EdgeQuake coverage. I honestly have no idea what item to run on this, but Lum Berry and White Herb seem good. I'm not sure if it's actually any any better than Cloyster and other Smashers, but it certainly seems good.

Swoobat @ Leftovers/Life Orb/Lum Berry
Ability: Simple
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Air Slash
- Energy Ball/Something else

Simple Calm Mind Swoobat is dangerous in NU, and even more so in a tier where it actually has good stats. Psychic is an option over Stored Power for more power off the bat, but Stored Power is much cooler. Basically, come in on a weak special attacker (something choiced into a move you resist is ideal), set up a CM or two, then go to town. This is a set that really wants Sticky Web support to avoid losing to speed ties and scarfers. And speaking of Sticky Web, the best setter in the tier is probably this:

Surskit (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 HP / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Sticky Web
- Hydro Pump
- Signal Beam
- Ice Beam

Of everything that gets SW, Surskit has by far the best typing. It also has a surprising wide attacking movepool. However, as Treecko pointed out, Sticky Web is somewhat weaker in a tier where everything is bulky, so this is probably best used on a Hyper offense team full of set-up sweepers.

Exploud @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Boomburst
- Ice Beam
- Overheat
- Shadow Ball/Surf/Focus Blast/Whatever you want

Scarfers are very good in this meta, outspeeding everything that isn't also scarfed or boosted. Exploud's STAB Boomsburst is one of the most powerful attacks in the tier and can hit Ghosts thanks to Scrappy. Exploud also has an amazing movepool, containing such moves as Surf, Ice Beam, Overheat, Shadow Ball, and you could even go mixed with Hammer Arm, EQ, and Rock Slide. This makes Exploud an amazing, and very unpredictable revenge killer.

Linoone (M) @ Salac Berry
Ability: Gluttony
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Belly Drum
- Extreme Speed
- Return
- Thief/Shadow Claw

Linoone has access to Belly Drum + STAB Extremespeed, however is generally considered pretty mediocre even in NU due to its lame stats. However, with better stats it will be absolutely monstrous, especially with Salac Berry boosting it's speed after a Belly Drum thanks to Gluttony. Make sure to run 4 HP Evs in order to hit an even HP number so that your Belly Drum takes you into Salac range. Linoone's power after a Drum is ridiculous, cleanly OHKOing offensive Pokemon with Extremespeed.

+6 252 Atk (custom) Extreme Speed vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mew: 435-513 (127.1 - 150%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Unfortunately, Linoone has no real option to hit Steel-types with, so you may want to run a Magnet Pull pokemon to remove steels before going for a sweep. Theif or Shadow Claw can be used to hit ghosts. Thief seems really cool alongside Salac Berry, letting you get an item to replace your berry. On top of this, Linoone can be a good revenge killer before BD with E-speed. Seems like a metagame defining threat to me.


Let me introduce you to what I think is possibly the best defensive core in the tier:

Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd
Bold Nature
- Spore
- Clear Smog
- Giga Drain
- Stun Spore

Corsola @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 Spd
Calm Nature
- Recover
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Scald

These two cover each other's weaknesses almost to perfection, both have regenerator (anyone who has played with or against Amoonguss + Slowbro cores should know how good this is), and both get awesome support movepools. You might want to play around with the sets a bit (I made these in like 2 minutes), but I think this core should be very challenging to break, able to handle almost any threat.

Furfrou @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef
Careful Nature
- Roar
- Toxic
- Return
- Thunder Wave

Furfrou is basically unbreakable on the physical side even without defense investment, and is very bulky on the special side too. It also has quite a few other options: Protect, Sucker Punch, Refresh, and U-turn all seem usable as well. A Work Up set seems interseting as well.

Quagsire @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Lax Nature
- Recover
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Toxic/Yawn

Puts a hard stop to any boosting sweepers thanks to unaware. Probably will get used just because it can beat Linoone 1-on-1. Also stops Swoobat and Shell Smashers. Quag will be a very valuable tool for stall in this meta.

Other Notes
  • Trick Room is interesting in this meta, as there will be no super slow things that can come in and take advantage of your Trick Room. Just minimizing your IV's should be enough to outspeed everything under Trick Room. However, it suffers from the same issue as Sticky Web; your Pokemon just dont hit hard enough for it to be worth it most of the time, especially seeing as TR is limited to 5 turns, thus setting up boosts isn't really an option.
  • If you have 4 random EV's left over, and you aren't yet invested in speed, put them in speed just to outspeed uninvested things.
  • Speed lowering Hidden Powers are really lame.
  • This meta seems more luck based than others, seeing as speed ties will be more common.
  • Weather seems quite strong now that Pokemon like Ninetales and Abomasnow don't suck, and a lot of unique abusers that are stuck in the lower tiers due to poor stats become absolutely terrifying with good stats - stuff like Cherrim, Castform, Walrein, Glalie, Jumpluff, Phione, etc.
  • Megas are lame, effectively becoming normal Pokemon, just with no item.

Altogether seems like a very interesting, diverse, and fun meta, and one that I think I will be playing for quite a while. :)
Surskit (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 HP / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Sticky Web
- Hydro Pump
- Signal Beam
- Ice Beam

Surskit is a Pokemon which I decided to check a bit more as well. While his movepool could be better, it has enough tools to work the way it works.

Surskit (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 HP / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Rain Dance / Giga Drain
- Hydro Pump
- Signal Beam / Giga Drain
- Ice Beam

Good late-game cleaner with Swift Swim. With Rain Dance in effect, good luck outspeeding this thing. Also the only priority it is weak against is Gale Wings Brave Bird Talonflame (which IMO should be in this meta as good as in standard game) and MegaPinsir Quick Attack, which is really small number of priority which can cause you trouble. You resist EVERY SINGLE other priority move except ExtremeSpeed, which is great bonus as well. Rain Boosted Hydro Pump should hurt coming from this guy as well. Also Surskit can pull off:

Surskit (M) @ Leftovers / Life Orb (for more offensive spread) / Mental Herb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 HP / 252 Spd or 252 HP / 252 Spe / 4 SpA
Timid Nature
- Baton Pass
- Agility
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam / Giga Drain

Simple Agility Pass set. Water/Bug typing provides lots of interesting resistances, so finding this free turn shouldn't be a big problem. Also in a metagame where everything has 100 base Speed means that after Agility, NOTHING can outspeed you, even scarfers. If you pull this off succesfully in late-game with everything weakened to right Pokemon (hint: SD Guts Ursaring, Hustle Darumaka, Hustle Zweilous, etc.) you should clean house.
Farfetch'd - My manly tears just escaped my eyes. One of the most useless Pokemon in the game actually gains some love, even if it is only in this metagame. BTW is Stick pretty much permanent 100% crit mechanic confirmed or it's already busted ? If it's not, suddenly this guy looks good (NO WAY!). Swords Dance set which can insta-crit everything on field with good enough movepool to pull it off (All Hail Leaf Blade !). And if suddenly Sticky Web become popular, he has perfect ability to abuse it - Defiant.
Farfetch'd is a flying type so he is unaffected by Sticky Web.. I know it sucks :/
Pranksters=nightmare. Purrlion, murkrow, rilou, sableye will be terrifying to deal with. It'll be hard to determine what will be broken in this meta since gamefreak compensate bad stats with good abilities/gimmicks. So nu/nfe mons might be broken. E.g, harvest executor now outclasses celebii, swiftswim/sniper kingdra is potentially better than palkia, deoxy sucks and so on. Maybe some ubers should be allowed since without their stats they're pretty tame. Hell mew is superior to mewtwo except psystrike.
It would have base 100 HP in this metagame, in the same way that it has base 16 HP in Tier Shift.

No. It wouldn't. TierShift made their meta's rules have an explicit rule to make Shedinja's HP go above 1, and Averagemons does not. As an example, look at The Negative Metagame, where Shedinja has base 159 HP, but its HP is still stuck at 1.
Don't really understand why this runs off of OU's banlist, since all the ubers are nerf'd to 100 across the board. I don't see the likes of Ho-Oh, Groudon, or even Arceus being broken in this meta. There are of course exceptions, like Mega Kangaskhan, but they should be handled on an individual basis.
Sorry if it was unclear, but only OU clauses apply, not OU bans. That means you can run Arceus or Blaziken to your heart's delight, but not Moody or Sheer Cold, etc.
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