Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

okay,well now i got pretty much what i wanted
but i got the encounter table 9 for the shiny pokemon i want:ralts:,absol,pinsir,slakoth
unfortunately my earliest shiny spread does not have encounter tables:6,7,8,9,11.just 10.......
my no.9 enc table is very far and i have reset like 7 times for an absol but not even a normal absol caame up,just mightyenas and marills
i'm using a naughty alakazam with synchronize to get the absol.
in a frame that's like 7:12.78minutes .i hit it in like 7:08.40-60 and i get bogus spreads of pokemon do not have any frame that can even compare.
i reset the game,start the timer a bit further to be more accurate since hitting them together gets a stronger change of either nearly hitting or missing the shiny spread i need
i've never done the taller spreads before so i'm kinda stuck :/
also the timing for fishing pokemon,underwater pokemon,rock smash pokemon is much more annoyingto find since no sweet scent is used if i'm correct yes?
because i've tried underwater and i think the whole water scene with sweet scent is screwing with the time needed for m shiny spread to occur
and if i do not use the method h4 and used the method 4 to get the shiny ralts from my earlier shiny frame (2.01.05,but no encounter table written ,and in h4 ,there was 9 near its various chain of frames so i'm suspecting even i try method 4 resetting while trying to match my time with the shiny spread,a shiny will never appear at that time yes?or it could appear since the method 4 spread s random?
okay,well now i got pretty much what i wanted
but i got the encounter table 9 for the shiny pokemon i want:ralts:,absol,pinsir,slakoth
unfortunately my earliest shiny spread does not have encounter tables:6,7,8,9,11.just 10.......
my no.9 enc table is very far and i have reset like 7 times for an absol but not even a normal absol caame up,just mightyenas and marills
i'm using a naughty alakazam with synchronize to get the absol.
in a frame that's like 7:12.78minutes .i hit it in like 7:08.40-60 and i get bogus spreads of pokemon do not have any frame that can even compare.
i reset the game,start the timer a bit further to be more accurate since hitting them together gets a stronger change of either nearly hitting or missing the shiny spread i need
i've never done the taller spreads before so i'm kinda stuck :/
also the timing for fishing pokemon,underwater pokemon,rock smash pokemon is much more annoyingto find since no sweet scent is used if i'm correct yes?
because i've tried underwater and i think the whole water scene with sweet scent is screwing with the time needed for m shiny spread to occur
and if i do not use the method h4 and used the method 4 to get the shiny ralts from my earlier shiny frame (2.01.05,but no encounter table written ,and in h4 ,there was 9 near its various chain of frames so i'm suspecting even i try method 4 resetting while trying to match my time with the shiny spread,a shiny will never appear at that time yes?or it could appear since the method 4 spread s random?
I can't really understand what you're saying; all I get is "I'm hitting the wrong encounter slots".
As the king of patience, take my advice: don't mess with Gen 3 encounter slots. They just suck. Period.
If you are going to try, try something a lot sooner in for practice.
well , basically
i have a frame that is in 7 minutes
the frames'encounter slot(this is in h 4 method) is 9,absol's encounter slot no. is 9
and i can't hit it
but instead i get frames of pokemon
that are useless,but will try the the earlier ones,sounds much better
ps:about the encounter slots,by the looks of it they work for the h 4 method
are they just there to mess things up?
i tried to see how it works,and from it got a shiny volbeat while trying to hit an early spread with the encounter slot 10 with it in it
here's a link:
i'm really trying to get absol 1st and then a female shiny ralts,should i revert to the method 4 with no encounter slots?
it seems the encounter slots rule the h4 method,don't know if i should use the method 4 ,to just gather more info on the pokemon ,then keep resetting until i hit the shiny spread,is that ideal or just wasting time ?
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So I've been able to successfully RNG a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Jirachi. In fact, I've done so at least 19 times already, none of which had the nature I wanted (Careful). I've gotten Relaxed 4 times, Calm at least 3 times, and Impish/Bashful twice already.

My question is, are wonder cards forbidden from getting the Careful nature at all? Is Jirachi locked from getting this nature? It's kind of ridiculous after 19 successful RNG attempts to not even get the nature you want... and the worst thing is that this only applies to wonder cards.
So I've been able to successfully RNG a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Jirachi. In fact, I've done so at least 19 times already, none of which had the nature I wanted (Careful). I've gotten Relaxed 4 times, Calm at least 3 times, and Impish/Bashful twice already.

My question is, are wonder cards forbidden from getting the Careful nature at all? Is Jirachi locked from getting this nature? It's kind of ridiculous after 19 successful RNG attempts to not even get the nature you want... and the worst thing is that this only applies to wonder cards.

They are not forbidden from getting that nature, but as you pointed out, you can't control what nature they get.

Just keep trying, you'll get it eventually!
They are not forbidden from getting that nature, but as you pointed out, you can't control what nature they get.

Just keep trying, you'll get it eventually!

Update, I changed my seed so I could get a Jirachi that landed on my birthday. First try after hitting my seed, a Careful 31/31/31/31/31/31 Jirachi :D So happy! Thanks by the way for replying!
Quick question. How does RNGing work if I want to capture a HP Fire Magnemite which is genderless, but the require lead is Cute Charm?

And is it possible to capture a Ditto with desired IVs if it appears on certain days (trophy garden), but I have to change the date to RNG it anyway?
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Quick question. How does RNGing work if I want to capture a HP Fire Magnemite which is genderless, but the require lead is Cute Charm?

You can't Cute Charm RNG genderless Pokemon. You'll need to choose a normal/Synchronize type spread to work with.
Well, that sucks. How bout my second question?

Whoops, didn't see you edit in your second question. As for that, just search for a spread that falls under ESV 6 or 7, and you'll be fine as long as your DS clock doesn't roll over into the next day while RNGing (23:59-00:00).
No problem! Good luck.

Oh, and if you need your Pokemon to be slot 7, you can use the day rollover to your advantage since that moves the slot 6 Pokemon from that day into slot 7 (previous day) c:
No worries! I have caught the Ditto and proceeding to breeding a Shiny HP Fire Magnemite. Thanks again for the quick snf helpful replies.
I'm trying to rng abuse emerald (on my DS Lite, original cartige) with method 2, the problem is that sometimes I hit a frame with +2 seconds! This is impossible! (I'm using EonTimer or Pikatimer)
Maybe sweet scent makes the frame uncontrollable?
it seems the encounter slots rule the h4 method,don't know if i should use the method 4 ,to just gather more info on the pokemon ,then keep resetting until i hit the shiny spread,is that ideal or just wasting time ?
The more you experiment with the process, the more you understand it. If you're going to be RNGing a lot of things, it's well worth the time investment.

I'm trying to rng abuse emerald (on my DS Lite, original cartige) with method 2, the problem is that sometimes I hit a frame with +2 seconds! This is impossible! (I'm using EonTimer or Pikatimer)
Maybe sweet scent makes the frame uncontrollable?
The Pokemon is not created when you press A to Sweet Scent, but when the battle animation starts.
Since you saw +2, didn't you try adjusting? My personal favorite Sweet Scenter is Tropius, who is exactly +2.5 from my tests.
The Pokemon is not created when you press A to Sweet Scent, but when the battle animation starts.
Since you saw +2, didn't you try adjusting? My personal favorite Sweet Scenter is Tropius, who is exactly +2.5 from my tests.
I haven't tropius, i have only oddish..
I tried oddish, and when i press "A" to Sweet Scent until to the beginning of the battle is 4.5 seconds..
And for old/good/super Rod? When is generate the pokemon?

Wait xD
you mean that the pokemon is generate when the black screen is end, and appears the wild pokemon, or when the screen flashes of black (with the classic music) before the battle?
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I haven't tropius, i have only oddish..
I tried oddish, and when i press "A" to Sweet Scent until to the beginning of the battle is 4.5 seconds..
And for old/good/super Rod? When is generate the pokemon?

Wait xD
you mean that the pokemon is generate when the black screen is end, and appears the wild pokemon, or when the screen flashes of black (with the classic music) before the battle?
If your measured offset is constant it doesnt rly matter lol
I haven't tropius, i have only oddish..
I tried oddish, and when i press "A" to Sweet Scent until to the beginning of the battle is 4.5 seconds..
And for old/good/super Rod? When is generate the pokemon?

Wait xD
you mean that the pokemon is generate when the black screen is end, and appears the wild pokemon, or when the screen flashes of black (with the classic music) before the battle?
By "when the battle animation starts", I meant when the screen fades to total black from the overworld.

It's always when the battle animation starts.
For fishing, that's after you clear the text box.
alright well i managed to rng most of what i always wanted
just the underwater ones are left,absol,jigglypuff,ralts,pinsir,staryu and skarmory
for fishing i tried multiple times for staryu only got wailmers (i have the encounter slot in 2 frame from where i can time it for ,but 4 different leveled shiny wailmers came up,that means from the timing i need to hit 4 out of 5 are wailmer in liliycove city,when supposedly at least 2 should be shiny staryu's
no jigglypuffs whatsever
no skarmorys or even spindas
ralts,the same like above
absol too
the pinsir too
taking note of the encounter tables,with the frames in h4 method, none of the above i can find,with my earliest timing,but i can find staryu and spinda ,but for some reason nothing has come up yet(still trying though)
i was thinking of changing to tropius it might work more(so before every frame i need to hit it is exactly 4.5 seconds)will try some spreads to experiment with
oddish has gotten me like 40 shinies,but pretty much sucks in timing:fishing,underwater,safari for some reason,and spinda's route
now if i may ask, if i use method 4,with tropius and no synchronize ,i can get a random shiny encounter(because of the pokemon i can't get ?or are the shiny chances generated the same way like the h4?

please and thank you
There is a PokeRNG program compatible for Ruby/Shapphire ? For method 1/H2/H4 ...
Or there are other methods for found +1.000.000 Frames on Ruby/Shapphire ?
LF RS/FRLG egg rng guide (apparently there is this function in rngreporter, but nothing explained about it)
Is that you generate the egg and pick it up in the same run?