Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

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How can I counter swagplay effectively?
Switching into something that doesn't mind foul play is a good option. Having magic bounce is great too, though there aren't very many good users. However, You can't counter it without intentionally bringing a team designed to counter team it, leaving yourself much weaker against competitive teams. Don't worry about it. If you lose because some douche used a swag play team relying solely on luck and nothing on skill or metagame knowledge, just move on. Those teams are much less common the higher you get on the ladder. Having an electric type like rotom -wash or a lum berry user helps against those teams, as well does a stall team. But those can be effective outside of swag play.
How can I counter swagplay effectively?
Since I've been using this SwagPlay lately (no hate pls), I can say that the biggest stops are generally very (physically) bulky things that are hard to be overloaded by SwagPlay. Examples of this include Mandibuzz (Taunt 'em too), Skarmory, Gliscor (threatens Klefki), and Chansey because it's really fat. Another kinda iffy way is to just keep switching to make them run out of PP, though Hazards will screw this one up. Magic Bouncers can also be used, though Foul Play still hurts as Psychic-types are weak to it and M-Absol is frail. The most foolproof way is Taunt; however hitting Taunt is iffy as well if not Prankster.
hi guys can anybody tell me whether solar power is necessary for charizard y,or can u use blaze, also what are the advantages of whirlwind over roar?besides sound proof
hi guys can anybody tell me whether solar power is necessary for charizard y,or can u use blaze, also what are the advantages of whirlwind over roar?besides sound proof
not really necessary since it mega evolves anyway to get the sun.
Is there a place where I can find a list of all the pokemon in each tier? Sorry if this is a stupid question as I'm new to competitive battling.
I'm looking for a pokemon that sees Chansey/Blissey and can switch in on it at any time and either maim it or set up on it. A fighting type would be preferable because I'd also like something that can destroy TTar, I'll be pairing it with MegaZard Y.
I'm looking for a pokemon that sees Chansey/Blissey and can switch in on it at any time and either maim it or set up on it. A fighting type would be preferable because I'd also like something that can destroy TTar, I'll be pairing it with MegaZard Y.
Bisharp?.. it knocks off chansey's eviolite, and it also counters lati@s which also threaten zardY. It can't switch into ttar though as it can eq, fire blast, or superpower.

edit: also, SubPunch Breloom with Toxic Heal.
I'm looking for a pokemon that sees Chansey/Blissey and can switch in on it at any time and either maim it or set up on it. A fighting type would be preferable because I'd also like something that can destroy TTar, I'll be pairing it with MegaZard Y.
Conkeldurr seems like a good option. It fears absolutely nothing from The blobs and easily dispatches tyranitar. It has good enough bulk to switch into a lot of attacks aimed at zard especially special attacks because of AV. Knock off support is good too. Zard y can also dispose of every relevant fairy type.
Conkeldurr seems like a good option. It fears absolutely nothing from The blobs and easily dispatches tyranitar. It has good enough bulk to switch into a lot of attacks aimed at zard especially special attacks because of AV. Knock off support is good too. Zard y can also dispose of every relevant fairy type.
This. AV Conkeldurr (actually, any Conkeldurr, really) is pretty much a hard counter to the blobs and I'd say to T-tar as well.
Should I run Impish or Adamant on
Mega Aggron 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Def


It has 4 physical attacks BUT at the same time it's meant to tank hits and dragon tail things out while having another pokemon for specially offensive mons.
Should I run Impish or Adamant on
Mega Aggron 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Def


It has 4 physical attacks BUT at the same time it's meant to tank hits and dragon tail things out while having another pokemon for specially offensive mons.

The majority of tanks and walls of the metagame requires max HP unless they have ridiculous HP. MAggron is no9t the exception. Give the EVs to HP. It's more, I recommend putting SpD EVs on it.
What set should i run on a special defensive Muk. Just so you know Muk's sp.def is base 100 so it could work and so you know why im using it i like using different pokemon.
What set should i run on a special defensive Muk. Just so you know Muk's sp.def is base 100 so it could work and so you know why im using it i like using different pokemon.
There's a specially-defensive Muk set from Gen 5 RU on the strategydex.

252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD Sassy
Sticky Hold+Black Sludge
~ Poison Jab
~ Fire Punch
~ Thunderbolt
~ Toxic / Haze

Good? I have no clue. Muk's defense isn't superb and Earthquake is everywhere. Still, Poison has some useful resists, especially now that Fairies are out.
Conkeldurr seems like a good option. It fears absolutely nothing from The blobs and easily dispatches tyranitar. It has good enough bulk to switch into a lot of attacks aimed at zard especially special attacks because of AV. Knock off support is good too. Zard y can also dispose of every relevant fairy type.
It's worth noting that Conkeldurr is slower than the blobs, therefore a Seismic Toss will kill a Conkeldurr if it has less than 28% HP, assuming it's 4 HP/252 SpD/252 Atk.
There's a specially-defensive Muk set from Gen 5 RU on the strategydex.

252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD Sassy
Sticky Hold+Black Sludge
~ Poison Jab
~ Fire Punch
~ Thunderbolt
~ Toxic / Haze

Good? I have no clue. Muk's defense isn't superb and Earthquake is everywhere. Still, Poison has some useful resists, especially now that Fairies are out.
thank you, im doing research on it and i believe im gonna go for
I:Black Sludge
A:Sticky Hold/Poison touch
M1:Poison Jab
M3:Shadow Sneak
EVs: 252 Hp 252 Sp.Def 4 Atk

i actually think im gonna put this with a physically defensive spiritomb on a trick room team
thank you, im doing research on it and i believe im gonna go for
I:Black Sludge
A:Sticky Hold/Poison touch
M1:Poison Jab
M3:Shadow Sneak
EVs: 252 Hp 252 Sp.Def 4 Atk

i actually think im gonna put this with a physically defensive spiritomb on a trick room team
correct me if i am wrong but i don't think that your muk will fit on a trick room team as due to the turn limit you would want to do as much damage to the opponent as possible with strong attackers instead of stalling with defensive mons (which yous opponent should be trying to do).
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