Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 41 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Still LF jolly x/31/x/x/x/31 rattled poochyena female, holding king's rock. ball and egg moves do not matter. offering jolly shellder spitbacks with rock blast pm me if intersted
Vivillon-Fancy (♀) - Modest - Compound Eyes - what does everyone think leaning towards toss cause of the speed IV
ok seriously it's a toss I am going to say the same thing for fancy if it does not have a modest or timid nature and 31 in speed or special attack it's a toss.
Hey how do i get a hidden ability talonflame? I have a friend safari with fletchinders but i can't get them with gale wings
Ok, well I was aiming for the typical Modest/Timid, 31 in Spd, etc etc but just SR'd this. I wouldn't even ask but then Esmeya just posted bold...and well you know

Fancy Vivillon (sorry -.-)
Bold, Male w/ Shield Dust
30/31/31/31/9/25 (HP Dragon btw...meh)

I'm tempted to say keep, but I wish that Sp Def and Atk were switched. Thoughts? And thanks in advance (and sorry again for asking XD)!

Edit: Thanks for the advice, .com :)

Also, kbullard26, as you said, that is the gist of SRing. :)
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Ok, well I was aiming for the typical Modest/Timid, 31 in Spd, etc etc but just SR'd this. I wouldn't even ask but then Esmeya just posted bold...and well you know

Fancy Vivillon (sorry -.-)
Bold, Male w/ Shield Dust
30/31/31/31/9/25 (HP Dragon btw...meh)

I'm tempted to say keep, but I wish that Sp Def and Atk were switched. Thoughts? And thanks in advance (and sorry again for asking XD)!
Honestly, I'd still say toss, since it's not what you were aiming for, and the fact that you had to ask implies you're not certain. Those are some pretty good IVs though, just a shame about Speed and Attack<->Special Defense.
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Question about SRing? Basically all you do is pick it up check for IVs and if you don't like it, soft reset and pick it up again and rinse and repeat until you get one?

And I'm LF a impish/jolly landorus-t with stealth rock and knock off if anyone has one? CMT if you do or we can work something else.
Looking for any of the following competitive:
fletching with quick guard and tailwind adamant
swinub with icicle crash adamant
licktitung with body slam adamant
genders don't matter and i can take any of there other evos or fully trained ones.
Looking for a 5 iv 0 attack Ditto and a 5 iv 0 speed ditto, clones are welcome. Not sure what I have to offer.

Also curious as to the best looking ball for a shiny azumarill
LF anyone with access to TM 78 (Captivate) in 4th Gen, pm me.
Wifi services have been shut down in all generations other than gen 6. Just as a warning you won't be able to (in-game) trade the Pokémon for someone to teach for you.
Edit: Saw your new post, sensible request then. [Is it defog... :P.]
Why is it that I always seem to be ninja'd by .com
My internet's better?
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