AbNormal {Community Project} [Voting Phase]

Movepool: +Head Smash, +Cotton Guard, +Close Combat, +Rock Wrecker
Cotton Guard because Afro.
The part Fighting is pretty much like The Reptile's reason, bison love to fight. Close Combat is like a must for all Fighting types. As for the part Rock, however, STAB STONE MISS YES it uses its head to bash into things. It would need a strong head for the best result, and you can say that it has a "rock head", giving the meaning of part Rock. Head Smash can explain itself *cough, powered up by Reckless, cough* and Rock Wrecker sounds like it would use its head to hit hard on something.

Thanks you for taking the time to read this! :P Cya around!

Actually, Rock Wrecker is literally launching rocks as if they're cannonballs. Is Bouffalant hacking up deadly rock hairballs?

I'd rather you keep Cotton Guard and drop Rock Wrecker myself. It'd be more useful and more flavorful.
Actually, Rock Wrecker is literally launching rocks as if they're cannonballs. Is Bouffalant hacking up deadly rock hairballs?

I'd rather you keep Cotton Guard and drop Rock Wrecker myself. It'd be more useful and more flavorful.
Idk, we all have different thoughts. Rock Wrecker sounds great to me. Cotton Guard was mostly a joke, but maybe it could be useful. I'll think about it. :P

Oh, and for the lolz:
252+ Atk Choice Band Reckless Bouffalant Head Smash vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 568-670 (88.4 - 104.3%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO (depends on Chansey's new type) That's also Stab. Like, holy crap.

deadly rock afros make the best sense for rock wrecker lol
Edit:252+ Atk Choice Band Bouffalant Close Combat vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 762-896 (118.6 - 139.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO (also depends) Stab again. 'nuff said
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It's Voting Time!
If you do not know how to vote, please read the OP.

Ground <No new moves> (zerobreaker000/Ghoul King)
Fighting/Ground <+Close Combat, +Double Kick, +Jump Kick> (imas234)
Dark/Steel <No new moves> (the someone)
Steel/Fighting <+Submission, +Close Combat> (The Reptile)
Fairy <+Play Rough, +Dazzling Gleam, +Draining Kiss> (zerobreaker000/The Reptile)*If either zerobreaker000 or The Reptile would not want their entry fused with eachother, please notify me. For now they are fused for similarity purposes.
Fairy/Ground <+Play Rough> (imas234/Ghoul King)
Fairy/Steel <+Play Rough, +Iron Head> (the someone)
Ground/Fighting <+Bulk Up> (zerobreaker000) *
Ground/Rock <+Head Smash> (imas234)
Fighting/Dark <+Sucker Punch, +Sky Uppercut, +Zen Headbutt> (MegaGallade)
Ground/Fighting <+Submission, +Close Combat, +Mud Sport> (The Reptile) *
Rock/Water <+Waterfall, +Stone Edge, +Aqua Jet> (Ghoul King)
Fighting/Rock <+Head Smash, +Close Combat, +Rock Wrecker> (ScraftyForTehLolz)

*Despite the submission similarity, these entries are not fused due to the move limit.
Poison <+Gunk Shot, +Poison Jab, +Gastro Acid> (zerobreaker000)
Fairy <+Play Rough, +Draining Kiss> (imas234/Ghoul King) *If either Ghoul King or imas234 would not want their entry fused with eachother, please notify me. For now they are fused for similarity purposes.
Psychic <+Gastro Acid> (the someone/MegaGallade) *If the someone does not want their entry fused with mine, please notify me. For now they are fused for similarity purposes.
Psychic/Ground <+Zen Headbutt (For Level-Up Move), +Gastro Acid, +Earth Power> (The Reptile)

Bug (zerobreaker000/the someone/Ghoul King)
Rock (MegaGallade)
Ground (zerobreaker000)
Fighting (imas234)
Flying (the someone)
Steel (Ghoul King)
Fighting (zerobreaker000)
Dark (the someone/Ghoul King)

Due to lack of submissions this move's type has been decided by default.
Psychic (zerobreaker000/the someone/Ghoul King) ..
Grass (zerobreaker000)
Psychic (imas234/the someone)
Dragon (Ghoul King)
Same type as Slaking (zerobreaker000)
Fighting (the someone)
Psychic (Ghoul King)

To keep the thread alive, here are a few discussion points from the previous week's changes and more:
  • Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]
  • Do you think any of last week's retyped Pokemon will get more usage because of these retypes?
  • What new sets can be made using last week's retypes?
  • Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Dark type Giga Impact or Bug type Rock Climb?
  • What are your opinions on the current item and move changes?
  • Are there any unanswered questions you want to know specifically about this Pet Mod? If so, please tag me when asking the question and I will reply.
Once again, thanks for submitting, and get voting!

Note: Move/Pokemon Requests made in the last weeks will now begin from next week.
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Do you think any of last week's retyped Pokemon will get more usage because of these retypes?

Ursaring is pretty nasty, as Fairy/Dark coverage is a fairly good combination as well as good defensive coverage (Fairy covers two of Dark's three weaknesses), it can get STAB on both Return and Frustration (Though you obviously can't run them at the same time, but which one it's running is going to be unpredictable), it gets Guts to run off its new, powerful STABs, and ultimately its biggest problem has always been that error: type missing is awful offensively and lacks good characteristics defensively overall. I doubt it'll jump to OU, but I could believe it going from its current PU to UU.

Wigglytuff is now a bad Togekiss that's trying really hard to convince you its Boomburst access matters. Seriously, it's slower, less hard hitting, and has much worse Defense and Special Defense -and I don't think its HP is high enough to really make the difference. I dunno, it does get Competitive, but now it can't even trigger it on Sticky Web!

Zangoose is painfully similar to Mightyena, albeit faster and with Toxic Boost. Giving it Sucker Punch just means that Toxic Orb Zangoose might shunt aside Banded Mightyena as a thing that sometimes happens. Twenty thumbs down.

Spinda is going to be pretty obnoxious when properly supported, and quite fun to use and fight. It'll probably still be overall bad, but less overall bad is still nice.

Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Dark type Giga Impact or Bug type Rock Climb?

Giga Impact being Dark means no Ghost type is safe from anything. (Given that Hyper Beam is Dark too) In particular I can imagine some people in Doubles running Giga Impact as an anti-Trick Room move. No particular Pokemon leaps to mind as appreciating the boost -it's still a recharge move- but just being able to mash Ghost and Psychic Trick Room setters (ie most Trick Room setters, including now Porygon2) for ludicrous damage to block their attempt to Trick Room is a legitimate use and actually more reliable (Barring the miss chance) than trying to Taunt (Mental Herb, Aromatisse) or Fake Out. (Doesn't work on Ghosts)

Infernape can run Rock Climb as anti-Psychic coverage, which it normally lacks. Primeape too, though it has U-Turn and nobody runs it. Machamp might appreciate it, since it doesn't get Knock Off like Conkeldurr but it does get No Guard. Entei might run it just because its movepool is pretty bad. The Hitmons might run it as anti-Psychic coverage? Maybe? If for some reason it cares, so too could Excadrill, but I don't think it cares. There's also a few Pokemon that can run it as anti-Dark coverage (Not many), and it wouldn't surprise me if something would appreciate the anti-Grass coverage. (Actually, probably Excadrill now that I think about it)

Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]

Poison Snorlax is painful to me, particularly given it makes Immunity worthless. We've already said we might shuffles Abilities where appropriate, so that's not utterly awful, but I just find the idea of Poison Snorlax kind of mind-boggling. It's a fat cat. What's poisonous about that?

Fighting Slack Off mystifies me. Taking a break is a special fighting technique? Buh?

Flying Body Slam is pretty torturous. It just makes it sound like Body Slam is an over the top pro wrestling move, and I'm sorry, but Pokemon already made that: it's called Flying Press.

And lastly I find adding Steel to Miltank pretty baffling too. What's metallic about it? Tauros has bits of metal sticking out of it, so though it's a stretch, that doesn't overly bother me, but Miltank the Steel type is just... huh?

I'm amused at the total agreement on Psychic Protect though.

What new sets can be made using last week's retypes?

I dunno, we're nowhere near done. Sets I might throw out right now will probably be invalidated well before we're done by other moves changing type.

What are your opinions on the current item and move changes?

Not a fan of the item changes to be honest. Chilan Berry is sort of nifty -you can be a Fighting type and reduce Fighting damage, or a Ground type reducing Ground damage- but probably even less sensible to take than the original version, Silk Scarf is basically God's Gift to Greninja, and the Normal Gem is God's Other Gift to Greninja.
Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]
Poison type Snorlax. I can see where they're coming from with the whole stomach thing, but not only Immunity becomes useless, as Ghoul King mentioned, Snorlax isn't nearly as poisonous-looking as all other Poison types. Poison/Fairy or Poison/Psychic would make more sense to me, since those types are associated with more cute looking Pokemon.
Rock/Water Boufallant seemed just like a flavorless way of being Grass-attack-bait and abusing Sap Sipper. So I really tried looking into it to see if there was a decent justification for it. After looking into it, I discovered two things. One is that Bouffalant only learns two (commonly learned) TM/HM water type moves, and the flavor for it have nothing to do with Water itself. Even the likes of Electrode can learn Rain Dance, and big Pokemon tend to learn Surf (Snorlax, Rhyperior, Tyranitar, etc), which (I hope) is self explanatory. I also learned some things about the Bovidae genre. Long story short, the "water buffalo" mentioned in the justification, is not from the same genus as the American, European and African bisons/buffalos, animals in which Bouffalant's afro and horns are heavily based on.
So I guess it's pretty much the same case as my Fire/Poison Pyroar again. Injecting a theme for it.
Fighting Slack Off mystifies me. Taking a break is a special fighting technique? Buh?
I wanted to make it different from the other Normal type recovery moves, and since Chimchar line learns it and so does the Slakoth line (duh), which will most likely be part-Fighting type, I just wanted to skip the "Same type as ___" step, which takes 3 weeks for us to decide the move's type if the Pokemon ends up with two types. It slows down the progress of this meta.

Flying Body Slam is pretty torturous. It just makes it sound like Body Slam is an over the top pro wrestling move, and I'm sorry, but Pokemon already made that: it's called Flying Press.





They literally jump before slamming their bodies onto the opponent. And as I said in my justification, "Body Slam is basically Bounce already (Same BP, chance of paralysis because of the same reason)". To add to this and to reply to your comparison to Flying Press: Body Slam is a more brute way of performing the same thing. Bounce is a brute way of performing the same thing, but the user jumps(bounces?) higher. Flying Press is the same thing yet again, with skill added to it. Hawlucha's skilled way of doing it also explains why Flying Press doesn't have paralysis effect, Hawlucha doesn't squash the enemy for a relatively long period of time, like the Gastrodon above (or the XY Body Slam animation in general), it hits the enemy and jumps right back (If you want to check:
). Heck, Snorlax in Smash Bros uses Body Slam, and we all know how he does it. He just comes crashing down. Trying to say it is the same as Flying Press is a bit of a stretch, to say at least.
And, again from my justification, "Also because retyping a physical move to Flying type is a rare opportunity."
And lastly I find adding Steel to Miltank pretty baffling too. What's metallic about it? Tauros has bits of metal sticking out of it, so though it's a stretch, that doesn't overly bother me, but Miltank the Steel type is just... huh?
It is a pretty literal interpretation of Miltank's name, which is nigh (silly French) universal. Bulbapedia explains it better, "Miltank is a combination of milk and tank (a storage container for liquid). Tank may also refer to its tank-like defense stats." It also learns one Steel type move by level-up, Gyro Ball.
Not to mention, Tauros and Miltank are supposed to be a """hidden""" duo (in the same horde, in the same route in Johto and period of the day, 100% male and 100% female bovines, etc), so since my Tauros entry was part Steel, so was my Miltank entry, with both having a given justification.
  • Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]
The only ones I have to disagree with are the Porygons and Spinda. The Porygon line one is more of a personal reason (I don't particularly get behind the idea of Psychic Porygon2, and I think Poison fits better than Ghost. These are personal problems I have with them). Meanwhile Spinda I don't like flavor-wise, but it is neat gameplay wise so meh. I don't understand Ghoul King's point about Zangoose vs Mightyena, as outside of being physical Dark-types they have basically nothing in common. If he meant about it getting Quick Feet, well, Mightyena doesn't even use Quick Feet - it primarily uses Moxie with a scarf, so again I don't see the comparison.
  • Do you think any of last week's retyped Pokemon will get more usage because of these retypes?
P-Z might see some use with its neat typing and strong adaptability STABs that have good coverage. It's low speed still holds it down but overall its much better. Meanwhile P2 can wall some things, but overall doesn't really appreciate being Pursuit weak, weak to U-Turn, Koff, and Ghost-/Dark-type moves in general. The only thing that comes to mind that it walls better is EQ-less Mega Pinsir (Close Combat is generally ran over it since Aegi left). There's probably stuff I'm missing from it though. Ursaring is pretty interesting - might get some niche play. Wiggytuff will probably only see play on more sillier teams, as it is still kind of bad. Competitive is nice though for its utility vs Defog, and Intimidate gives it a +2 not a +1. STAB Boomburst is also kawaii, but overall its still pretty much worst than Togekiss and other Fairy-types. Spinda will probably be seen more too, but also in a gimmick team. Its kind of kawaii that, for Assist Teams (do those still work in Gen 6?) it gets STAB on V-Create.
  • What new sets can be made using last week's retypes?
Specs Wigglytuff is really the only "new" set that can be made imo - most of the other mons will probably use an adjusted version of their old set.
  • Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Dark type Giga Impact or Bug type Rock Climb?
Not much, really. Most of the things that can use it for "anti-Psychic" are much better off running Frustration anyways. The most interesting Pokemon are the Water-types honestly, as Bug / Water is really cute coverage. Kabutops is neat.
  • What are your opinions on the current item and move changes?
No strong opinions, except maybe that I feel Hyper Voice should also be Flying because of the reasons Boomburst is flying.
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Rock/Water Boufallant seemed just like a flavorless way of being Grass-attack-bait and abusing Sap Sipper. So I really tried looking into it to see if there was a decent justification for it. After looking into it, I discovered two things. One is that Bouffalant only learns two (commonly learned) TM/HM water type moves, and the flavor for it have nothing to do with Water itself. Even the likes of Electrode can learn Rain Dance, and big Pokemon tend to learn Surf (Snorlax, Rhyperior, Tyranitar, etc), which (I hope) is self explanatory. I also learned some things about the Bovidae genre. Long story short, the "water buffalo" mentioned in the justification, is not from the same genus as the American, European and African bisons/buffalos, animals in which Bouffalant's afro and horns are heavily based on.
So I guess it's pretty much the same case as my Fire/Poison Pyroar again. Injecting a theme for it.

Honestly I was time pressured and have low familiarity with Buffalo in general so I'm not surprised to hear it was dumb.

I wanted to make it different from the other Normal type recovery moves, and since Chimchar line learns it and so does the Slakoth line (duh), which will most likely be part-Fighting type, I just wanted to skip the "Same type as ___" step, which takes 3 weeks for us to decide the move's type if the Pokemon ends up with two types. It slows down the progress of this meta.

Not following why it would slow this down, except maybe if Slakoth became a dual-type, necessitating a separate vote -but even then it just gets added into the normal itinerary. Nor do I see why Slakoth's line is "most likely" to be Fighting type... what's Fighting about a sloth that ultimately becomes lazy Donkey Kong?

Heck, Snorlax in Smash Bros uses Body Slam, and we all know how he does it. He just comes crashing down. Trying to say it is the same as Flying Press is a bit of a stretch, to say at least.

I'd be pretty hesitant to use Super Smash Brothers as a reference point for the Pokemon games. SSB definitely has a lot of respect for most of the games it incorporates, but it's still got plenty of oddities and outright cheats at times. (Ness and to a lesser extent Lucas' movepools are heavily drawn from one of their allies moves in their respective games)

Comparing the animations, Flying Press is pretty blunt about the "flying leap" aspect (Outright shifting the camera to watch what's usually Hawlucha while it's overhead, not to mention that it's a fully animated flying leap) while Body Slam's animation mostly emphasizes that the target is being crushed by the attacker's weight. I don't find that very convincing for a Flying attack, truthfully, especially since Flying types are almost invariably light and wispy.

I don't understand Ghoul King's point about Zangoose vs Mightyena, as outside of being physical Dark-types they have basically nothing in common.

Their statlines are very similar. Mightyena is 70/90/70/60/60/70 while Zangoose is 73/115/60/60/60/90. Zangoose is already NU to Mightyena's PU, they're both sort-of-fast-but-not-really Physical attackers who are on the fragile side, and basically all Mightyena has over Zangoose is a minor amount of Defense. And now they're both Physical Dark types. Admittedly other aspects of their movepool might differ, but it particularly stands out to me that the only OU viable Mightyena set I've ever heard of is Banded Sucker Punch (Presumably having other moves) which is almost directly inferior to Dark Zangoose running Toxic Boost and a Toxic Orb -it has more Attack, gets the same boost, and isn't locked in, and meanwhile it's protected from Burns/Sleep/Paralysis/Freeze and removing its item isn't going to help you if you don't get it first turn, and may go horribly wrong if you Trick/Switcheroo for it.

Mightyena gets Intimidate and can use Quick Feet to actually pull ahead in Speed per se, and I don't know off the top of my head if Zangoose has elemental Punches to equal Mightyena's Fang-based coverage, though it probably does, but overall I suspect Dark Zangoose essentially invalidates Mightyena.

Not much, really. Most of the things that can use it for "anti-Psychic" are much better off running Frustration anyways.

Derp. Anti-Dark can also be covered by Return, so basically you might run it as anti-Grass that happens to also hit Psychic and Dark well, or you might pair it with one of Return or Frustration if you actually want both, which is obviously a bad idea.

I suppose it does also have a very small niche as anti-Psychic that doesn't trigger Justified.
Can we do Cinccino, Spike Cannon and Tail Slap next?
Not following why it would slow this down, except maybe if Slakoth became a dual-type, necessitating a separate vote -but even then it just gets added into the normal itinerary. Nor do I see why Slakoth's line is "most likely" to be Fighting type... what's Fighting about a sloth that ultimately becomes lazy Donkey Kong?
The move becomes part of the slate 2 times if the Pokemon becomes dual type. We could have another move replacing that one. So we either have 6 moves + the "Same type as ( insert dual-type)" or 6 moves including "Same type as ( insert dual-type)". The latter would slow this down.
Slaking learns a few Fighting type moves by level-up, it is quite buff and Vigoroth is very fitting for a Fighting type. Slaking's other type would probably be Ground since it's brown-ish and stays laid down on the ground a lot, plus it's based on the giant ground sloth.

I'd be pretty hesitant to use Super Smash Brothers as a reference point for the Pokemon games. SSB definitely has a lot of respect for most of the games it incorporates, but it's still got plenty of oddities and outright cheats at times. (Ness and to a lesser extent Lucas' movepools are heavily drawn from one of their allies moves in their respective games)
That was just an extra example. The anime also shows the Pokemon jumping.

Comparing the animations, Flying Press is pretty blunt about the "flying leap" aspect (Outright shifting the camera to watch what's usually Hawlucha while it's overhead, not to mention that it's a fully animated flying leap) while Body Slam's animation mostly emphasizes that the target is being crushed by the attacker's weight. I don't find that very convincing for a Flying attack, truthfully, especially since Flying types are almost invariably light and wispy.
Yes, that's also related to the skill (and lack of) thing. Body Slam's jump isn't the main focus, but it's there. Poliwag and Arcanine can't just bend forwards and expect to do this
But it isn't a "secret luchador technique: magnificent leap of awesome", like Flying Press. The typing of the attack isn't about the size of the Pokemon who uses it. Like Body Slam, Bounce is only learned by a few Flying types, and it is based on jumping on the opponent and squashing it from above. It isn't about "flying" per se. Flying type Pokemon shouldn't even need to bounce, because they fly.
That was just an extra example. The anime also shows the Pokemon jumping.

I would just like to point out that Jump Kick and High Jump Kick are Fighting moves. Traveling through the air actually seems to have very little to do with a move being Flying typed -I think Fly and Bounce are literally it, other than Flying Press adding Flying.

The typing of the attack isn't about the size of the Pokemon who uses it.

The heck does that have to do with anything? My point is Flying Press is animated in a way that emphasizes that it absolutely is a leaping attack -whereas Body Slam animates the forcefulness of the attack, not only in Generation VI but all the way back to Generation I.

Like Body Slam, Bounce is only learned by a few Flying types, and it is based on jumping on the opponent and squashing it from above.

I wouldn't give too much credit to the way the "attacking Pokemon" object is animated as coming from above in Gen VI -that may simply be easier to naturally animate than a more diagonal or head-on squishing attack. All the way back to Stadium they've been able to animate Pokemon being "squashed" straight down, but I've never seen any diagonal compression animation in any move in the games -or in any other 3D game I've played that I can think of.

Body Slam is 100% for sure some kind of "slam into the enemy with great force and probably squash them" attack, which a hop or jump of some kind fits to, but there's so many attacks in the Pokemon games that involve some margin of athletic ability without being found on Flying types particularly or typed Flying that it seems a weak argument to me.

Yes, that's also related to the skill (and lack of) thing. Body Slam's jump isn't the main focus, but it's there. Poliwag and Arcanine can't just bend forwards and expect to do this

But Arcanine absolutely could simply run at a smaller Pokemon and just sort of whump into it.

Though it is occurring to me that Poliwag's line is based on tadpoles ie baby frogs, which is suggestive that the reason they get Body Slam is tying into "frogs leap", which is supportive of the idea that Body Slam is meant to more as a leaping motion that ends in a slam than it is on a full-force body slam without regard to the leaping aspect. Hmmm.

The move becomes part of the slate 2 times if the Pokemon becomes dual type. We could have another move replacing that one. So we either have 6 moves + the "Same type as ( insert dual-type)" or 6 moves including "Same type as ( insert dual-type)". The latter would slow this down.

The latter is also not what Mega Gallade has done, so no, I don't see it slowing anything down.

Slaking learns a few Fighting type moves by level-up, it is quite buff and Vigoroth is very fitting for a Fighting type. Slaking's other type would probably be Ground since it's brown-ish and stays laid down on the ground a lot, plus it's based on the giant ground sloth.

Pokemon with a humanoid construction frequently learn a ton of Fighting moves without any regard to their typing. I could actually see an argument for Slaking being part-Dark, because of its cranky grumpy nature. (Only part-Dark because Slakoth and Vigoroth as Dark is pretty eyebrow-raising, so there'd presumably be a foundational type Dark was added to) I can see Ground myself, albeit for different reasons, but Fighting really seems a stretch -Fighting types are typically more "human" (For lack of a better term) in their behavior than most Pokemon, with little or no information on how they make sense as an animal. We hear tons of stuff about Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Hitmonchan, and numerous other Fighting types spend all day every day training, challenging strong Pokemon, or otherwise bettering themselves as battlers, and basically never hear anything about their diet, predators, or homes. (How does Hitmonlee even eat? Photosynthesis?? Is Machoke a carnivore, as its reptilian appearance suggests? Does Machamp's four arms have any use outside of battles???) Whereas Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking are much more straightforwardly on the animal side of Pokemon. It's worth commentary to me that the first non-humanoid Fighting types -the Musketeers- are Legendaries with a noble streak and absolutely no explanation how they might fit into an ecosystem -and they were given a collective signature move (That they don't use because they still have Close Combat, admittedly) that specifically uses a horn, and meanwhile miss out on a bunch of fairly standard Fighting moves like Drain Punch.
I would just like to point out that Jump Kick and High Jump Kick are Fighting moves. Traveling through the air actually seems to have very little to do with a move being Flying typed -I think Fly and Bounce are literally it, other than Flying Press adding Flying.
Well, yes, because they're martial art / wrestling moves. The user is jumping and performing a martial art technique. The opposite is valid for Elemental Punches, since they're punching and releasing fire/ice/thunder out of their hands, but these attacks aren't (part/)Fighting type. I'd also add Sky Uppercut to that list. In my opinion, it comes down to the skill thing again. Mega Punch is a punch without skill. Jump Kick is a jump attack with skill. Flying Press is a jump-crush-attack with skill. Body Slam is a jump-crush-attack without skill.
Except Fly, Bounce, Sky Drop, Body Slam and those moves you mentioned, I can't recall any other moves that include going upwards in them.

The heck does that have to do with anything? My point is Flying Press is animated in a way that emphasizes that it absolutely is a leaping attack -whereas Body Slam animates the forcefulness of the attack, not only in Generation VI but all the way back to Generation I.
You did mention Flying types being "invariably light and wispy", and I said Flying moves aren't all about being light and wispy.

I wouldn't give too much credit to the way the "attacking Pokemon" object is animated as coming from above in Gen VI -that may simply be easier to naturally animate than a more diagonal or head-on squishing attack. All the way back to Stadium they've been able to animate Pokemon being "squashed" straight down, but I've never seen any diagonal compression animation in any move in the games -or in any other 3D game I've played that I can think of.
Squashing diagonally is impossible. The target would just be pulled backwards, unless the floor is very unslippery or the target is fixed into the ground. Not to mention that would look silly.

Body Slam is 100% for sure some kind of "slam into the enemy with great force and probably squash them" attack, which a hop or jump of some kind fits to, but there's so many attacks in the Pokemon games that involve some margin of athletic ability without being found on Flying types particularly or typed Flying that it seems a weak argument to me.
To each his own.

But Arcanine absolutely could simply run at a smaller Pokemon and just sort of whump into it.

Though it is occurring to me that Poliwag's line is based on tadpoles ie baby frogs, which is suggestive that the reason they get Body Slam is tying into "frogs leap", which is supportive of the idea that Body Slam is meant to more as a leaping motion that ends in a slam than it is on a full-force body slam without regard to the leaping aspect. Hmmm.

The latter is also not what Mega Gallade has done, so no, I don't see it slowing anything down.
Next week will be the first week of voting for a "Same type as ___" to choose between two types, so Idk.

Pokemon with a humanoid construction frequently learn a ton of Fighting moves without any regard to their typing. I could actually see an argument for Slaking being part-Dark, because of its cranky grumpy nature. (Only part-Dark because Slakoth and Vigoroth as Dark is pretty eyebrow-raising, so there'd presumably be a foundational type Dark was added to) I can see Ground myself, albeit for different reasons, but Fighting really seems a stretch -Fighting types are typically more "human" (For lack of a better term) in their behavior than most Pokemon, with little or no information on how they make sense as an animal. We hear tons of stuff about Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Hitmonchan, and numerous other Fighting types spend all day every day training, challenging strong Pokemon, or otherwise bettering themselves as battlers, and basically never hear anything about their diet, predators, or homes. (How does Hitmonlee even eat? Photosynthesis?? Is Machoke a carnivore, as its reptilian appearance suggests? Does Machamp's four arms have any use outside of battles???) Whereas Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking are much more straightforwardly on the animal side of Pokemon. It's worth commentary to me that the first non-humanoid Fighting types -the Musketeers- are Legendaries with a noble streak and absolutely no explanation how they might fit into an ecosystem -and they were given a collective signature move (That they don't use because they still have Close Combat, admittedly) that specifically uses a horn, and meanwhile miss out on a bunch of fairly standard Fighting moves like Drain Punch.
Fair enough. There's one Pokedex entry that says "it is actually saving energy for striking back" though, so I'll be going with that once Slaking is in the slate.
Can we do Cinccino, Spike Cannon and Tail Slap next?
I've kinda planned in advance the next submission slate... Possibly within the next few weeks. Sorry about that.
Pokemon with a humanoid construction frequently learn a ton of Fighting moves without any regard to their typing. I could actually see an argument for Slaking being part-Dark, because of its cranky grumpy nature. (Only part-Dark because Slakoth and Vigoroth as Dark is pretty eyebrow-raising, so there'd presumably be a foundational type Dark was added to) I can see Ground myself, albeit for different reasons, but Fighting really seems a stretch -Fighting types are typically more "human" (For lack of a better term) in their behavior than most Pokemon, with little or no information on how they make sense as an animal. We hear tons of stuff about Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Hitmonchan, and numerous other Fighting types spend all day every day training, challenging strong Pokemon, or otherwise bettering themselves as battlers, and basically never hear anything about their diet, predators, or homes. (How does Hitmonlee even eat? Photosynthesis?? Is Machoke a carnivore, as its reptilian appearance suggests? Does Machamp's four arms have any use outside of battles???) Whereas Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking are much more straightforwardly on the animal side of Pokemon. It's worth commentary to me that the first non-humanoid Fighting types -the Musketeers- are Legendaries with a noble streak and absolutely no explanation how they might fit into an ecosystem -and they were given a collective signature move (That they don't use because they still have Close Combat, admittedly) that specifically uses a horn, and meanwhile miss out on a bunch of fairly standard Fighting moves like Drain Punch.
Can we discuss about Slaking when he is in the slate, and not now? (BTW, ironically I have planned for Slaking to be in the next slate anyway)
The latter is also not what Mega Gallade has done, so no, I don't see it slowing anything down.
Next week will be the first week of voting for a "Same type as ___" to choose between two types, so Idk.
I've planned to put it in the discussion points when I show the next slate. The question will be 'What type should Head Charge be? (Type 1) or (Type 2)?' The one that gets most votes will obviously win, and if it's a tie, since I can vote, I will vote for the one I think works best.
Thanks for feedback on the entries! Votes are in! (The results are quite interesting...)
Ground/Fighting +Close Combat, +Double Kick, +Jump Kick (By imas234 )
Miltank Ground/Fairy +Play Rough (By Ghoul King and imas234 )
Ground/Fighting +Submission, +Close Combat, +Mud Sport (By The Reptile )
Snorlax Psychic +Gastro Acid (By the someone and MegaGallade)

Horn Attack Bug (By zerobreaker000 , the someone, Ghoul King )
Body Slam Ground (By zerobreaker000 )
Retaliate Dark (By Ghoul King and the someone )

Protect Psychic (By zerobreaker000 , the someone, Ghoul King )
Recover Psychic (By the someone and imas234 )
Slack Off (Same type as Slaking) (By zerobreaker000 )

Thanks to all that submitted!
And now...


Blissey (and
Chansey if you want seperate entries)

Damaging moves

Crush Claw
Crush Grip

Status moves

Spit Up

Get submitting!

Thanks for the feedback on certain discussion points, here is the answer to last week's:
  • Should we change certain moves' typing without voting? For example: Whirlwind will be Flying type by default as no other type really fits it.
  • We will keep things as they are.
Here are some new discussion points:
  • What type should Head Charge be? As Boufallant's submission has been done, should it be Ground type or Fighting type, and why?
Thanks for reading!
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What type should Head Charge be? As Boufallant's submission has been done, should it be Ground type or Fighting type, and why?

My vote is Ground, partly for flavor reasons (I have some difficulty imagining "run at enemy head-first with reckless abandon" as a Fighting maneuver), and partly for gameplay reasons: giving Bouffalant a super-Earthquake-with-trade-offs is a lot more interesting than asking it to choose between Close Combat or Head Charge.

uh crap Fairy type

Why: It's mystical and otherworldly, and it's basically Fairy or Dragon (or Psychic) for type if you're looking for a type that has divine connotations.

Same as Arceus

Why: Poke-god's signature move.

Dark type

Why: Partly to continue to the pattern the Regis have that they're all vulnerable to Fighting (And that's their only common weakness), partly because my only other idea is to take the moss growing on it as a basis for Grass, and honestly I think that's a dumb idea. The moss is because it's been sitting still that long, it's not a commentary on Regigigas' nature.

Crush Grip
Same as Regigigas

Why: Poke-golem's signature move. It's also not a move I can imagine a justification for any particular type otherwise.

Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow
Poison type

Why: Poison is a defensive type, the most memorable classic user (Swalot) is a Poison type, and for Spit Up in specific (Why is it listed under Status anyway?) Poison already includes acids and... well, what else might a Pokemon be vomiting up? It also keeps 300 BP Spit Up from being too horrifying, since Poison is such a disappointing offensive type, while at the same time also giving it a niche use -providing a way to build up and murder Unaware Clefable. (Spit Up's BP increase isn't ignored by Unaware!)

Crush Claw
Dark type

Why: It was originally Zangoose's signature move and we've made Zangoose Dark type for better or worse. It also fits for flavor reasons to me: a clawing attack that's sufficiently brutal it tears away armor sounds pretty Dark to me.

Ground/Dark (With its prior evolutions just being Ground)

Why: Angry ground-bound thing that evolves from a ground sloth, is bulky in a soft fleshy way rather than an armored way (Ground types trend towards an appearance of being tough without having armor plating unless they're also Rock type), and because no other typing makes much sense to me without really stretching it.

Fairy type

Why: Because I hate myself.

... because, for all that I disagree with fan outcry that it should be a Fairy, out of all types once error: type missing is removed, I think Fairy is certainly the closest fit to the line.
Slaking - Ground/Fighting +Drain Punch
Slaking is a Pokemon that is based on the Giant Ground Sloth, is quite buff and learns many Fighting moves. The Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Pokedex entry confirms its somewhat battle-loving flavor, in its own lazy way. "The world's laziest Pokémon. When it is lounging, it is actually saving energy for striking back."
From a competitive standpoint, Slaking can abuse the moves it already learns. Not to mention a hyper offensive Pokemon like it deserves two great offensive STABs. With the new addition of Ground type Body Slam, the paralysis chance plus great offensive STAB that is Ground may help Slaking.
Regigigas - Ground
A relation between Ground, Steel, Rock and Ice is that they're the only types that are solid materials that stepping land can be made (see Ice Shelfs). Ground, Rock and Steel types encompass the "Earth", one of the classical 4 elements.
Regigigas also has its flavor relating to "pulling the continents", which are just huge pieces of ground, lol.
Arceus - Dragon/Psychic
It is a god. Dragon is the "strongest" and "rarest" type. Psychic is also one of the "strongest" and "rarest" types, because of Mew and Mewtwo. It is also the master of the Creation Trio, which are all Dragon, and the Lake Trio, which are all Psychic.
Blissey - Fairy/Rock
Blissey evolves by carrying an Oval Stone. I know it is a bad reason, but hear me out on this one. I know pure Fairy type makes a lot more sense, and will probably be the one chosen. But please, for the love of god, don't give Blissey one of the best defensive types. Gamefreak obviously didn't do that because of balancing reasons. Fairy/Rock gives Blissey 2x Water, Ground and Grass weaknesses, 4x Steel weakness, 6 x1/2 resistances and immunity to one of the best offensive types in the game, Dragon. It is way more balanced than two uncommon weaknesses and resistance to Fighting and immunity to Dragon.
Crush Claw - Same type as Zangoose
Judgement - Same type as Arceus
Crush Grip - Same type as Regigigas
Stockpile - Grass
Two words. Potato and Starch.
There isn't any other type that stockpiles per se.
Spit Up - Poison
'Cuz vomit.
Swallow - Poison
'Cuz digestion.
Head Charge - Using your head to charge at the opponent has nothing to do with the Ground. So Fighting type. And "Head Charge" is kind of a desperate fighting move (also explains recoil), which reminds me of one Naruto scene...
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Ground type

It's somewhat inspired by Megatherium, aka Giant Ground Sloth.


Ground/Rock type
+Rock Wrecker

Yeah this thing got an even worse typing. Ground type because, well, it's based on a golem, and Rock type for the Fighting weakness found on all three regis.

Fairy/Psychic type
+Moonblast, Play Rough, Misty Terrain

Arceus looks nothing like a Dragon imo. It's more of a horse or qilin, thus the Fairy typing, and the Psychic type is because it created the universe.

I have no idea for the rest :U
+Drain Punch, +Hammer Arm

Regigigas, having created the Regi Trio, must have some power over them. So since they are all weak to Fighting, having Regigigas as Fighting type isn't much of a stretch. Regigigas also has quite a few fighting type moves in it's movepool, and many dex entries state it pulled the continents. Most Fighting type dex entries state how strong the Pokemon is. Drain Punch is an obvious choice as it learns many punching moves. I was going to put Close Combat, but it seems to big and slow to pull it off IMO.
EDIT: Added Hammer Arm because... well... it has big arms.

Echoing the someone's Arceus entry.

+Sucker Punch, +Drain Punch

Slaking is very similar to Regigigas stat-wise (who IMO is Fighting type) and Fighting and Dark type moves are the most common types of moves (apart from error: type missing ) Slaking can learn. Sucker Punch and Drain Punch are again obvious due to the fact it can learn many punching moves.


Before the Fairy type was introduced, the 'healing' type was often considered as the Psychic type. (As well as the fact Fairy type Blissey/Chansey would be broken). Blissey also learns quite a few Psychic type moves already, and most Pink Pokemon who are not Fairy type are Psychic type (Munna, etc.) Recover is now a Psychic move so makes sense that Blissey should learn it.
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Re: Fairy type Blissey being "broken", I'd just like to point out we have Steel Double Edge (Which Aerodactyl absolutely will run with Rock Head, and it's already OU viable, and in general Double Edge is a very common move, and we'll also see STAB Double Edge Rock Head Aggron [running Head Smash too]), and Steel Slash (Which is widely available and won't be so awful a move now) and may yet add more Steel or even Poison moves -and both of these moves are Physical moves, thus picking on Blissey/Eviolite Chansey's weaker defensive stat.

Sure in Standard Poison and to a lesser extent Steel coverage is uncommon and tends to be weak -but it's iffy to assume that will remain true. I'm personally not concerned about the gameplay balance of Fairy-typed Blissey. (And if it was something that didn't already have notable common moves available to pick on it already defined I'd argue such a concern would better justify putting off defining its typing until after we've done most/all moves, though I don't see any reason to do that as-is)

EDIT: Note, in particular, that Steel Double Edge on Fairy Blissey is the same thing as Close Combat against Normal Blissey -except Rock Head can remove Double Edge's disadvantage.

EDIT2: 252+ Atk Aggron Double-Edge vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 510-600 (79.4 - 93.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


252+ Atk Aerodactyl Double-Edge vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 328-386 (51 - 60.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Oh by the way, quote from Bulbapedia here

All Pokémon that can learn TMs can learn Double-Edge except Grimer, Muk, Gastly, Haunter, Voltorb, Electrode, Koffing, and Weezing.

So basically just about anything can spring Steel Double Edge on Chansey. You can't say that about whacking Normal Chansey with Close Combat -it's not "basically anything ever". So if Fairy type Chansey/Blissey is really good, you're just going to see a lot more cases of people deciding recoil damage is worth anti-Chansey coverage, while people using Chansey/Blissey have to be afraid basically all the time that anything vaguely competent at Physical might unexpectedly hit them for super effective 120 BP damage.
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+Hammer Arm +Drain Punch
Ground type because regigigas towed the continents together, fighting type because as the creator of the regi trio, it should have some form of advantage over them. Hammer Arm because it has big arms and is tall enough to squash many pokemon, drain punch because it gets it in gen 4.

Crush Grip
Same type as regigigas because it is its signature move also because it implies crushing an opponent in its hand which sounds very fighting type imo.
most of the things I wanted to submit has been submitted.


Movepool: +Rototiller, +Bulldoze

Ok, so Ground was chosen for many reasons. One, Ground is one of the types associated with ancient stuff (Ghost and Rock are the other ones). Ground is also the type that is closes to the Ice / Steel / Rock types, especially Rock and Steel, but Ice isn't too outlandish. He also shares (admittingly not many, but) similarities with Zygarde, a cave dewlling legendary that is also Ground-type. Speaking of which, Regigigas (at least to me) feels very tied to the Earth. There's also the Y Pokedex that says "There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes." Its a legend, so it might not be true, but its shows that Regigigas has a possible tie to the Earth. Moves are mostly flavor moves.

Also I agree with Head Charge being Ground-type.
It's Voting Time!
If you do not know how to vote, please read the OP.

Ground/Dark <No new moves> (Ghoul King) Note: If this entry wins then for definite, Vigoroth and Slakoth will be pure Ground. We will eventually retype pre-evolutions after all non-evolving or evolved Pokemon are done.
Ground/Fighting <+Drain Punch> (the someone)
Ground <No new moves> (zerobreaker000)
Fighting/Dark <+Sucker Punch, +Drain Punch> (MegaGallade)
Dark <No new moves> (Ghoul King)
Ground <+Rototiller, +Bulldoze> (the someone/The Reptile) Note: If either the someone or The Reptile would not want their entry fused with the other, please tag me. For now they have been fused for similarity reasons.
Ground/Rock <+Rock Wrecker> (zerobreaker000)
Fighting <+Drain Punch, +Hammer Arm> (MegaGallade)
Fighting/Ground <+Drain Punch, +Hammer Arm> (hihohilton)
Fairy <+Play Rough> (Ghoul King)
Dragon/Psychic <No new moves> (the someone)
Fairy/Psychic <+Moonblast, +Play Rough, +Misty Terrain> (zerobreaker000)
Fairy <No new moves> (Ghoul King)
Fairy/Rock <No new moves> (the someone)
Psychic <+Recover> (MegaGallade)

Due to lack of submissions this move's type has been decided by default.
Same type as Arceus' Form (the someone/Ghoul King)
Due to lack of submissions this move's type has been decided by default.
Dark (the someone/Ghoul King)
Same type as Regigigas (Ghoul King/the someone)
Fighting (hihohilton) Note: The reason this entry is not the same as 'Same type as Regigigas' is because of the chance that Regigigas may be dual typed and voting for this automatically decides it.

Poison (Ghoul King)
Grass (the someone)
Due to lack of submissions this move's type has been decided by default.
Poison (the someone/Ghoul King)

Note: Head Charge has been decided to be Ground type.

To keep the thread alive, here are a few discussion points from the previous week's changes and more:
  • Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]
  • Do you think any of last week's retyped Pokemon will get more usage because of these retypes?
  • What new sets can be made using last week's retypes?
  • Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Ground type Body Slam, Dark type Retaliate or Bug type Horn Attack?
  • Are there any unanswered questions you want to know specifically about this Pet Mod? If so, please tag me when asking the question and I will reply.
Once again, thanks for submitting, and get voting!
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Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]

The only ones I particularly disagree with strongly that I haven't already been over (the someone and I already talked about Slaking) are Fairy/Rock Blissey (Rock??) and Psychic Blissey. (It's not really a Pokemon with Psychic powers, dream associations, strange powers all around... Chansey is supposed to be a lucky thing is all I can think of as a huge stretch for trying to justify Psychic typing for it itself) The others... are either broadly within the stuff I talked about (eg there's not a lot of types that fit to Arceus, and I myself claimed Dragon and Psychic are some of the only alternatives) or I feel have stronger reasoning than my own.

Do you think any of last week's retyped Pokemon will get more usage because of these retypes?

Tauros having STAB on Earthquake is fantastic, and even though Ground/Fighting has some problematic redundancies (They're both good against Rock and Steel and both bad against Flying and Bug) it's mostly saved by its innate access to Rock Slide, which it tends to run anyway. It does make the Frost Breath Anger Point strategy a bit worse (Vulnerable to Ice!), and just replacing it with Storm Throw is iffy since there are fewer users whom have more Attack than, say, Froslass has Special Attack, by enough that even with Tauros having better Defense than Special Defense new Tauros will generally take more damage from Storm Throw than old Tauros took from Frost Breath. Tauros also actually has a really really really good Speed tier, and has classically been held back primarily by the fact that error: type missing is just a bad type offensively and only particularly useful defensively if you're already so amazing that you more appreciate the lack of weaknesses than you resent the lack of strengths. So I suspect Tauros will absolutely see more use -I could believe it going from its current PU to OU, though more realistic is probably UU. In particular, its faster than every other Ground type other than Arceus and Dugtrio (Which it has vastly better stats in every area except Special Attack), while the only Fighting types it doesn't outspeed are Arceus, Hawlucha, Meloetta-Pirouette, Mega Mewtwo X, and it ties with Mega Gallade. So if nothing else it's valuable as a fast Ground type (Dugtrio's stats are crap other than its 10 Speed advantage) and a fast Fighting type (Without being a Mega, Uber, the difficult-to-access-Pirouette, or... well, actually Hawlucha is pretty comparable in stat total, and Fighting/Flying is arguably pretty good), and it's also a Pokemon that doubly resists Stealth Rock. Those already exist, but they're rare, and Lucario is the only one that is actually viable currently.

It also gets Sheer Force, though in practice this is most notable because Body Slam is now Ground typed and therefore it can run that as a stronger Earthquake. It's not like Close Combat benefits from Sheer Force. Intimidate will probably remain Tauros' preferred Ability outside of Anger Point gimmick shenanigans.

Miltank now has nearly perfect offensive coverage (Resisting Fairy=vulnerable to Ground, barring being part Flying or having Levitate), Fairy/Ground actually has a nifty bit to it defensively (Ground covers the Poison vulnerability of Fairy), and since Miltank is a fairly fast, decent wall, with good offense, it'll be something of a terror -it's already NU with crap type of crappy typing, and now its Sap Sipper access is actually useful! For that matter Thick Fat is also more relevant, since it covers up an Ice weakness now. Particularly worth noting is that it's a fast, Physically oriented Fairy attacker where Belly Drum Unburden Slurpuff is the only previously existing representative of that niche and it's crap. (Even Arceus-Fairy can't do that because it lacks Play Rough!) I'm 99% confident Miltank will find a niche, and also strongly confident it will jump up in usage generally.

Bouffalant is, in practice, probably going to be "bad Tauros". Being a Ground type with Sap Sipper is pretty nifty though, offering some potential to switch in for a free Attack boost on an expected Grass move, but seriously, it's probably going to be "bad Tauros". (Bonus points for potentially being "bad Miltank" if the "Ground type with Sap Sipper" thing ends up being its only good point) I'm sad.

Snorlax is... well, honestly I think its usage might go down. It's worth noting it's the first example of a Physically oriented, durable Psychic type (barring Arceus) so in spite of all the existing Psychic walls, whom are often good at walling Special in specific, it'll probably find a niche, but I'm not convinced this is an upgrade for it -Knock Off is pretty widespread in access and a popular move. I dunno, maybe I'm underestimating the value of being a Physical Psychic attacker who has real durability.

Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Ground type Body Slam, Dark type Retaliate or Bug type Horn Attack?

There's a huge number of Pokemon that get Body Slam but not Earthquake, actually. Even just narrowing it down to fully evolved Pokemon with a statline appropriate to using it, it includes all of Absol, Ambipom, Arcanine, Azumarill, Banette, Breloom, Cacturne, Castform, Crawdaunt, Delcatty, Deoxys, Dewgong, Dodrio, Entei, Farfetch'd, Flareon, Furret, Garbodor, Golduck, Gorebyss, Heatmor, Houndoom, Huntail, Hypno, Jirachi, Kabutops, Kecleon, Kingdra, Kingler, Lapras, Leafeon, Mawile, Medicham, Mightyena, Muk, Parasect, Persian, Pikachu, Purugly,Raichu, Raikou, Rapidash, Raticate, Seaking, Shiftry, Spinda, Togekiss (Hustle), Victreebel, Zangoose, and even more Pokemon I removed from this list people might argue would appreciate it. Even when you filter out a bunch of Pokemon that don't run Special for other reasons (eg Castform has equal stats all around but still prefers Special in practice) and filter out the low-tier Pokemon, that's still a fair number of Pokemon that have abruptly picked up a reasonably strong Ground coverage move.

Jirachi actually probably resents the change in practice though because it's a lot easier to be immune to Ground than immune to Normal. Though on the other hand the one type innately immune to Paralysis is now vulnerable to Body Slam...

Retaliate is just usable, period, as opposed to dumb and gimmicky. I don't know what Pokemon are fond of being revenge-switchers off the top of my head, so I couldn't make a real list of Retaliaters of note, but anything that likes to revenge-switch and gets Retaliate now has a powerful 140 BP move that nothing wants to take a hit from. (Well, Pangoro and Scrafty are doubly resistant, but they're it)

Horn Attack is... actually learned by only a few Pokemon, huh. I suppose Escavalier might run it over Megahorn for reliability reasons, but probably not because Megahorn is almost double the BP... Rhyperior might appreciate it? And Bouffalant and Tauros' new selves might appreciate a way to hit some Grass types super effectively, though I'm not sure which ones they'd actually use it against -Fighting and Bug have enough overlap that for instance Close Combat is stronger against Grass/Poison after STAB than Horn Attack without STAB is. The only other thing I'm seeing is Mamoswine might appreciate it as anti-Dark, and it would just run Return at that point. Well that's disappointing.
Thanks for feedback on the entries! Votes are in!
Ground No new moves (By zerobreaker000 )
Arceus Fairy/Psychic +Play Rough, +Moonblast, +Misty Terrain (By zerobreaker000 )
Fairy No new moves (By Ghoul King )

Please read the bottom of this post for reasons why Regigigas is not here.

Judgement (Same type as Arceus) (By the someone and Ghoul King )
Crush Grip (Same type as Regigigas) (By the someone and Ghoul King )
Crush Claw Dark (By the someone and Ghoul King )

Stockpile Grass (By the someone )
Swallow Poison (By Ghoul King )
Spit Up Poison (By Ghoul King )

Thanks to all that submitted!
And now...

Pokemon (#HoennHype!)

Castform (This is only for default Castform. It's forms keep their same type)

Damaging moves

Extreme Speed
Weather Ball

Status moves

Belly Drum
Sleep Talk

Note: Slack Off is now Ground type. There is no changing that now.

Get submitting!

Thanks for the feedback on certain discussion points, here are some new discussion points:
  • What type should Judgement be if Arceus is not holding a plate? As Arceus's submission has been done, should it be Fairy type or Psychic type, and why?
  • For the first time ever we have a tie in the votes for Regigigas! Which submission do you prefer and why?
  • Fighting +Drain Punch, +Hammer Arm (By MegaGallade )
  • Ground +Bulldoze, +Rototiller (By the someone and The Reptile )
Thanks for reading!
Rock type

Why: So Castform gets a Sandstorm Form goldurnit!!

And because I know everyone else is going to submit the more sensible ideas.

Flying type

Why: It's a bird-of-prey that is cleanliness oriented, like any ol' bird. So basically it's either pure Flying or try to justify it sharing typing with Swablu/Altaria because of the cleanliness connection. I'm sticking with pure Flying. There's not enough of it anyway!

Fairy/Dark type
+Crunch, Knock Off

Why: Nocturnal Moon Stone evolution Pokemon that, in all honesty, if it hadn't been given Normalize previously very possibly would've become Fairy typed in Gen VI in the first place. It already learns Play Rough, at that. One could argue the Dark aspect -other than being nocturnal and disregarding everybody else forever it's not got a lot of the usual Dark traits- but I think it fits, and there's no Dark/Fairy as-is, so it's also something of value for the meta.

Electric/Dark type
+Crunch, Wild Charge, Thunder Fang

Why: Electric is the only type with a strong association of Speed! MORE SPEED! in Pokemon (Flying is the next closest, and even with it possibly being in part a Kamataichi reference just... no) and it's a... not precisely a thief, but certainly fine with taking unwatched shinies because SHINY. Hence Dark. You could also interpret its speed lines as jagged electric lines, though that's a bit weak.

Extreme Speed
Electric type

Why: Because Electric is the only type with a strong association with extreme speed. Simple as that.

Weather Ball
Flying type

Why: Because you're launching a ball into the air that takes on the qualities of the atmosphere it encounters, and Flying is the closest to an air/wind type.

Fairy type

Why: Because cuteness. My only other idea is "sound=Flying" which I hate.

Fairy type

Why: Originally the signature move of Chansey, which we've made Fairy type, and in fact at this point only (possibly) Smeargle and Mew get Softboiled in this meta while not being Fairy typed!

Belly Drum
Fighting type

Why: A technique to psych yourself up for battle with physical motion! I could readily see an argument for Rock, though, but I'm going with Fighting.

Sleep Talk
Psychic type

Why: A move to allow a Pokemon to deliberately pick out and attack its opponent while still asleep? (Yeah yeah, the player doesn't pick a specific move and the targeting is random, but in Doubles or Triples your sleeping Snorlax will never select an ally as a target for Return) Sounds like a Psychic move to me, particularly given how many Psychic types have some kind of dream/sleep association... and in fact Rest (!) and Dream Eater are both Psychic moves.

For the first time ever we have a tie in the votes for Regigigas! Which submission do you prefer and why?

Overall I prefer the Ground submission, because while there's something to be said for giving Regigas "power over" the other Regis via super effective damage, I'm much more fond of emphasizing Regigigas' fundamentally peaceful, hippy-ish nature: Rototiller! I can also just more readily accept that the clay/plastic/whatever golem is Ground type over it sharing typing with the likes of Machamp.

What type should Judgement be if Arceus is not holding a plate? As Arceus's submission has been done, should it be Fairy type or Psychic type, and why?

My opinion is Fairy, because the Fairy type is a lot more otherworldly than the Psychic type. I'm just not entirely comfortable with Judgment's base type being "POKE-GOD SMITES YOU WITH HIS BRAIN".
Oh hey, I didn't see it was voting period... Goddamnit. :(
Well, I think Regigigas should be Ground and Judgement should be Psychic.

Castform - Flying <+Air Slash, +Recover>
It's a cloud. Making it Water/Flying would ruin the purpose of its water form. And this gives it STAB Hurricane in its base form (Castform now learns Hurricane in ORAS BTW). Clouds "recover" themselves in the atmosphere.
Linoone - Ground/Fire <+Flare Blitz, +Flame Charge, +Earthquake> Extreme Speed as level-up move.
Ground because it is a ferret, it's brown and it learns Rototiller, Sand Attack and Mud Sport as level-up moves. Fire because it's fast enough to ignite due to its speed.
Swellow - Fairy/Flying <+Play Rough> Double-Edge as level-up move.
"Swellow is very conscientious about the upkeep of its glossy wings. Once two Swellow are gathered, they diligently take care of cleaning each other's wings." - Sapphire Pokedex.
To be honest, I'm just posting another option for Swellow.
Delcatty - Fairy
Cutemon. 'Nuff said. (It also evolves with the Moon Stone, and Fairy type is associated with the Moon - Moonblast, Moonlight)
Extreme Speed - Fire
The Pokemon is fast enough to ignite. Does entry velocity ring a bell?
Oh, and it was Arcanine's signature move.
Weather Ball - Same type as Castform
It was Castform's signature move, and to make Castform a little better (or to keep it as bad as it is normally), it should gain STAB from it.
Snore - Psychic
Psychic is related to sleep. Rest, Munna line, Cresselia, Drowzee line, the new addition of the Snorlax line, etc.
Soft-Boiled - Fairy
To make it different from Recover and because it was Chansey's signature move, and Chansey is now a Fairy type.
Belly Drum - Fighting Dragon
I was ninja'd, so let me change this.
No real fighter actually does this. Chest beating is a gorilla-like thing. And as Ghoul King previously said, Fighting is a type fit for humanoids, not a type fit for animals.
Also as Ghoul King has said previously to Hyper Voice and especially Roar: HEAR ME ROAR BEAT MY CHEST FOR I AM DRAGON POWERFUL CREATURE!
Sleep Talk - Psychic
Same reason as Snore.
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