Artwork for Tournaments Thread #3

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It's pretty much any tier that has a ladder, The Revenant. Anyone is welcome to submit a banner, I don't care who does it.

Battle Spot Doubles
Battle Spot Singles
BW Smogon Doubles
BW Ubers
DPP Ubers
Inverse Battle
Sky Battles
Smogon Doubles
Smogon Doubles Ubers
Smogon Doubles UU
Smogon Triples
VGC 2014
Not trying to be rude but I don't really see how that fits the concept. All of those Pokemon are banned to the Uber tier.

edit: that's what I meant, it'd be nice if the banner represented that multiple tiers are in the tourney :)
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To be fair, Ubers is part of the examples you listed. However, your request did mention how there would be several mons across several tiers present, so it seems The Revenant didn't fulfill that part.
the op said:
If you're pulling images of pokemon from anywhere, they gotta be from here. Only artists who have made an art thread in Smeargle's Studio are elligible for you to pull from. Additionally, any pieces in question must have been posted here on our forums (so no pulling from other sites or any of that).
This one is also from dA, unless it's also posted on Smogon forums?

Only artists who have made an art thread in Smeargle's Studio are elligible for you to pull from. Additionally, any pieces in question must have been posted here on our forums (so no pulling from other sites or any of that). When you post work like this, you MUST link to the post(s) your source image(s) came from.
It is also posted on smogon somewhere but i don't know where because i found it on google, was written there
I interpreted it that art outside of smogon is allowed with the artist's permission, but as Zracknel made the original rules for this thread, it'd be good of him to come and clarify the issues of doing so.

The Revenant , it's nice to see that you're enthusiastic about creating banners for the tournaments. However, judging by your latest contributions, you are essentially placing the images side by side along with the name of the tournament in a not too spectacular font, which really isn't that much different from what the requesters can do in the threads themselves with the use of Gen VI sprites. It's ultimately up to the requester to accept your work or not, but if that's the peak of what you can accomplish, you may want to take a break and hone your skills before making further contributions to this thread.
I interpreted it that art outside of smogon is allowed with the artist's permission, but as Zracknel made the original rules for this thread, it'd be good of him to come and clarify the issues of doing so.

Yes, this was the intent of the rule. I've tried to rewrite the OP to reflect the intent of this rule.

- You can use the official pokemon artwork (sugimori) without permission. You must include credit or a note somewhere that the work is official pokemon artwork.

- Artwork that is currently on Smogon's website-- NOT the forums-- that has either been uploaded to the smog or used in an article on the main site-- if you link to where you got it from and make it very clearly credited to the original artist, that work should probably be ok to use without permission. In some ways the artists' submission of this work makes it "smogon artwork"... but this is kind of iffy and artists could always say otherwise.

(We will likely make sure that people who submit smogon artwork in the future are aware of this, though I am not sure how often it will come up since full credit will be given.)

Artwork from literally anywhere else can only be used with the artist's expressed permission.

It is also posted on smogon somewhere but i don't know where because i found it on google, was written there
This is not acceptable. Please do not do this in the future.

You must be absolutely certain that the artwork you are obtaining is posted on smogon's main site and that you credit accordingly. If the artist did not submit their work to the site, their permission is needed.

If you do not follow this rule, you risk a forum infraction, and continued offenses will lead to removal from this thread and a possible forum ban. This is serious, so please take it seriously.

Also, if possible, please do not simply take artwork from elsewhere and add text to it as above. As Bummer suggested, this is something that most tournament organizers could do themselves!

Please let me know if you have any questions or if anything needs clarification.

Thank you!
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The Revenant Just a suggestion, I would have the 'mons looking at Misdreavus as to put more emphasis on it because as of right now the focus seems a little bit scattered all over the piece.

The whole point of the tournament are the "gods" of the LC tier (LC uber mons) so it would make sense as to draw the viewer's attention to that LC uber mon rather than have their eyes jumping around the art.

The Revenant, I think justinjiaxinghu's suggestions are right. Eyes jumping for "commons" LC pokemons, could be a simply way to show how is strange have a LC Uber mon among them.
Naturally, that which Zracknel, Nerina and Bummer are talking about is more important than this.

So i made a quick one for The Quasar's tournament without noticing somebody already did it, it cant hurt to post it anyways.
I like it. If you want to increase LC mons, I think could be an excellent option, too.
Thanks a lot everybody for helping me.
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Sketch here for the LC competition, someone alredy made a drawing but yeah xD
They're standing on grass btw and I'm trying to get more focus on gligar ^^
Advice is welcome :D
Tournament name: Any Tier Tournament
Host: munchyoshi
Projected Deadline: a month or so?
Format: Any Tier
Tournament Rules: Basically the players get 5 random tiers to play a Bo5 match
Art Direction: I would like a couple easily recognizable staples from some tiers, make sure it's obvious which tiers are being represented though, also the words any tier tournament

Still very much a WIP (no shading yet, and sawk and snorlax look sucky and need major fixes), i jut wanted to see if you would like the idea and wanted me to continue~
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