Official Smogon Tournament XI - Round 2

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won 2-1 vs polywrath, got a fortunate burn and won a speed tie game 1, and game 3 he had secret power keld
gg out of respect I guess, even though that was a really unfortunate way to get knocked out
kael just messaged me asking if i was who i am on smogon. Then, a few hours later, i let a message back to him asking when he could play but didn't get anything back yet(been 3 days). wouldn't normally do this but since my opps one of the biggest johns on the community, activity,,,
kael just messaged me asking if i was who i am on smogon. Then, a few hours later, i let a message back to him asking when he could play but didn't get anything back yet(been 3 days). wouldn't normally do this but since my opps one of the biggest johns on the community, activity,,,

You can even speak his language :(
yes. . yes.

Yes. U are a talented player. No doubt about that. And that is not a sarcastic statement. U are a good dude. U brought some tight squads that would give anyone a run for their money. I think I played one of my best ever games in game 1. This is why I am annoyed and gracing this thread with a salty lose post. I got a double protect. U got a 70 acc move to hit 9 times out of 9. U got my Scald to not burn ur only thing stopping my sweep 7 times. Then U won. Won with possibly the best match-up I have ever seen. And I'm glad I played cause I felt I ascended to my Tele-Forme in that battle, and it was a joy to witness, but unforunately I didn't come out on top.

Then game 2 I lost two speed ties to win the game and could've forced a third speed tie to also lose but missed an attack that should hit 9 times out of 10.

This is maybe the worst confirmation post of any OST, and as I write it, the battles just become more and more hilarious thinking back. It's truly a shame I asked to play on Frost cause U won't get two better poster boys for the ORAS OU tier. But now these battles are lost forever...

GGs dude. No slight on u. U played alright & i reckon u could surprise some dudes.
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