Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 46 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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One last call. Suggestions for Jolly Ray's ball? Currently thinking Heal just to try something a bit different and for Color Contrast
One last call. Suggestions for Jolly Ray's ball? Currently thinking Heal just to try something a bit different and for Color Contrast
you know what if were going to name weird balls I think dive. Kinda contrasts nest nicely which matches rayquaza best.
i can. details?

Unova caught, has Synchronize, knows Psybeam / Headbutt / Hidden Power Fire / Imprison has Impish nature

All yours free of charge just send me any Exploud, Hariyama, Delcatty, Machoke, Bellossom, Swalot, Bannette, Natu, Rhydon, Huntail or Gorebyss and you get a Gurdurr free!
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