Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 46 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I don't see why it would be so difficult for (the ones who don't have a problem making a new file) to
make a new file, import the whole National Dex, get the Shiny Charm, get the first 5 badges, go to route 118
with a Synchronizer and the Staraptor/Smeargle/Sableye in Pokemon Omega Ruby and then save in front of Latios
until you can get the 2 additional 31 IV's on top of the guaranteed 3 perfect IV's and then just reset for a good shiny

This process which all true, battle ready, people should have access to would only take at most a week
While people like me, who only by chance have access to Masuda Method, have taken months to get the shiny Pokemon I have
Hey, SR'ing is not like that. It's not TMM breeding. Viridi used 4+ months on just getting a 5IV Latios. That plus the chance of finding a shiny. Dude, a shiny 5IV takes longer than it takes for Pokken Tournament to come here to the WiiU from Japan.
Hey, SR'ing is not like that. It's not TMM breeding. Viridi used 4+ months on just getting a 5IV Latios. That plus the chance of finding a shiny. Dude, a shiny 5IV takes longer than it takes for Pokken Tournament to come here to the WiiU from Japan.

What about one with 27+/X/31/31/27+/31 ?
I don't see why it would be so difficult for (the ones who don't have a problem making a new file) to
make a new file, import the whole National Dex, get the Shiny Charm, get the first 5 badges, go to route 118
with a Synchronizer and the Staraptor/Smeargle/Sableye in Pokemon Omega Ruby and then save in front of Latios
until you can get the 2 additional 31 IV's on top of the guaranteed 3 perfect IV's and then just reset for a good shiny

This process which all true, battle ready, people should have access to would only take at most a week
While people like me, who only by chance have access to Masuda Method, have taken months to get the shiny Pokemon I have
Let me just say something this whole process is not easy. Even with a shiny charm the odds of finding your shiny first off is extremely challenging. With the shiny charm in My Pokemon X I have Masada method a whole two whopping Pokemon and I breed regularly for people. So what your asking is for someone to soft reset you a Pokemon and then for it to be shiny. My friend wowgek takes two or three days to find a shiny legendary in omega ruby with the shiny charm. After that the Legendary doesn't even have good IVS. Ask anyone here on the forums the above statement is true getting a shiny with good IVS is so slim.

Secondly you're lazy. You offer the Pokemon I gave you first off when I first traded with you when you post a list of what you have. Secondly you treat me and other users like garbage when all were telling you is how to trade. There is a reason why everyone here refuses to give you free stuff. We can't spoon feed you anything I mean after a while you gotta do things on your own. I can only imagine if your like this in the real world.

Think before you post dude ok because now you pissed off so many people and now a mod probably is gonna come by now and get annoyed to. Just think before you post.

I have spent a whole two weeks soft resetting my normal perfect kyurem I haven't even encountered an accidental shiny kyurem. I'm even using a masterball. Do you know understand how time consuming this actually is?
My friend wowgek takes two or three days to find a shiny legendary in omega ruby with the shiny charm. After that the Legendary doesn't even have good IVS. Ask anyone here on the forums the above statement is true getting a shiny with good IVS is so slim.

Secondly you're lazy. You offer the Pokemon I gave you first off when I first traded with you when you post a list of what you have. Secondly you treat me and other users like garbage when all were telling you is how to trade. There is a reason why everyone here refuses to give you free stuff.

There it is, introduce me to wowgek, he seems like he gets things done

Secondly, just because I have no resources to transfer Pokemon from my Gen IV games and make my own Apricorn ball
Pokemon does not mean I am lazy I have bred those Pokemon to death trying to get shiny and I have succeeded somehow
with a couple and I am willing to put that forth toward someone with experience to get me something greater and you call me lazy?
There it is, introduce me to wowgek, he seems like he gets things done

Secondly, just because I have no resources to transfer Pokemon from my Gen IV games and make my own Apricorn ball
Pokemon does not mean I am lazy I have bred those Pokemon to death trying to get shiny and I have succeeded somehow
with a couple and I am willing to put that forth toward someone with experience to get me something greater and you call me lazy?
Just so we're clear he is not going to do that Latios request for you. You missed the point which was it took him 2 to 3 days just to encounter a shiny legendary. I'm on my phone so I can't provide a link but the username is wowgek07. I would prefer you not drag this stupidity out any longer ok. If you want to talk pm me ok but your comments always lead to the forums being clogged up and several people getting furious.

Notice how everyone refuses to help you out. With something so simple I would have helped you out with I didn't help you because you are rude and you're rude to the community. I know I have problems but just a please and thank you for someone that took time out of there day to help you in something as stupid as video games is nice.
There it is, introduce me to wowgek, he seems like he gets things done

Secondly, just because I have no resources to transfer Pokemon from my Gen IV games and make my own Apricorn ball
Pokemon does not mean I am lazy I have bred those Pokemon to death trying to get shiny and I have succeeded somehow
with a couple and I am willing to put that forth toward someone with experience to get me something greater and you call me lazy?

We're talking about trading not your effort to get shinies we don't know the IVs of. We're talking about trading and looking at how you treat us (see example), you can't expect us to help you even further.

Your metric for differentiating the value of different types of pokemon is clearly flawed, which is subsidiary to the fact that the thing your asking for is essentially impossible to obtain in any 6th gen game lol.

Actually it is possible...

The probabilty of getting a flawless spread with the right nature by SRing is 1/4096. You also want it shiny and the probabilty for that is 1/1365 if you have the shiny charm.

Probabilty of getting a flawless shiny Soft Reset is: (1/4096)*(1/1365)= 1/5591040


Conclusion: Yes. Definitely worth wasting your entire life for 7 shinies. Someone should give it a shot lol

This made me remember the guy that SR'd for a shiny mewtwo and finally caught it after FIVE years... it didn't even have good IVs.

Just putting it in perspective that is even lower than 1 in a million chance of getting it... That is why when someone shows up with competitive shiny ORAS SRs everyone starts making questions because they are probably hacks or edited.
i think this is all just troll level 1000. cant be serious.

best ball for azelf (non shiny)? i like dive, but great is ok. what do you all think?
What about one with 27+/X/31/31/27+/31 ?
I want to put this in perspective. The odds for the IVs to line up in that manner optimistically come out to

(4/31)^2 * (1/6) * 50%

Non-guaranteed IVs * Random IV on Attack * 50% for the Sync to work (since I'm pretty sure the non Eon Ticket is Shiny Locked). Then * 1/1365 for it to be shiny.

Those odds come out to 2.03 * 10^-6 % odds, or .000203%. With those odds, I'd be better off buying a lottery ticket.

And unlike breedable shinies, this random chance is the only option for gen 6 legends. Meanwhile, people have found methods for breedable Pokemon to the point that being shiny is more a choice than a random occurrence if they want it to be.

RNG would at least have a more definite time frame, but your mention of Pokebank Living Dex convinces me you expect this to be a Gen 6 mon, which also makes getting it to match your Trainer ID a statistical impossibility. And in either case, a player would have to plow through the game to the point of encounter before even starting the process in question.

And to be honest, you also just seem a bit entitled the way you've responded to these people addressing your less than mutually equal offer.

When I started on the forums I didn't have anything all that valuable. So I got into breeding, at most maybe getting a breeding Ditto freebie thanks to Most's giveaway to build up a decent collection of Pokemon, either getting random ball mons off spitback giveaways, trading or Wonder Trade. When I realized I needed more for Legendaries, I got to RNGing on my old Gen 5 carts and SRing my X's Mewtwo and the legends on my AS cart. Just try to get some things of your own to offer on trade. Instead of seeking out everything in these trades, maybe ask for a Ditto or Smeargle to catch good ones yourself, and then ask about trading them for other things.

I've been on Mewtwo for about a month, and I'm still planning to stick that out. It takes time, but it's worth it to have these things as your own.

i think this is all just troll level 1000. cant be serious.

best ball for azelf (non shiny)? i like dive, but great is ok. what do you all think?
I'm doing Great myself.

nice! what nature? ill probably do dive to have something different. also, i started seriously on this forum only about 4 months ago with the same way. a ditto from most and determination!

thx for the feedback guys. ive been working on it for like 3 weeks already.. hopefully im close
nice! what nature? ill probably do dive to have something different. also, i started seriously on this forum only about 4 months ago with the same way. a ditto from most and determination!

I have seen a flawless Timid around. I have a Naive one but it is not flawless. Mixed spreads are tough but give it a shot :P
What do people take for a Shaymin, Manaphy, Meloetta or Mew? No pentagon needed

you should look through the trade threads and ask the people who have those pokemon. everyones needs/wants are different, but those pokemon are out there. typically you will need flawless legends or be willing to do multiple custom breeds

edit: as far as mixed natures go, what are the acceptable iv standards for high end trading on gen 6 SRs? I was actually thinking of doing a hasty one, since youd want to avoid a crunch or uturn anyway. id assume something like this
31/31/25+/31/28+/31 for hasty, or can you get away with a lower defense?
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you should look through the trade threads and ask the people who have those pokemon. everyones needs/wants are different, but those pokemon are out there. typically you will need flawless legends or be willing to do multiple custom breeds

edit: as far as mixed natures go, what are the acceptable iv standards for high end trading on gen 6 SRs? I was actually thinking of doing a hasty one, since youd want to avoid a crunch or uturn anyway. id assume something like this
31/31/25+/31/28+/31 for hasty, or can you get away with a lower defense?

Azelf is psychic so you don't want a hasty nature (-def +speed) because of U-turn, Foul play and Knock off everywhere, also as a general rule most mixed pokemon run -spdef because -def nature makes you more vulnerable to priority attacks. If you want mixed do Naive and aim for 31/31/31/31/28+/31 IVs

edit: I have a Naughty 31/31/31/31/27/31 Zekrom and my frens from TOTMC told me to toss it :( so yeah depends on how much you really want that Azelf xD
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Azelf is psychic so you don't want a hasty nature (-def +speed) because of U-turn, Foul play and Knock off everywhere, also as a general rule most mixed pokemon run -spdef because -def nature makes you more vulnerable to priority attacks. If you want mixed do Naive and aim for 31/31/31/31/28+/31 IVs

edit: I have a Naughty 31/31/31/31/27/31 Zekrom and my frens from TOTMC told me to toss it :( so yeah depends on how much you really want that Azelf xD
holy cow. i dont want it that much! ill stick to timid

thanks for the breakdown and reasoning behind the nature choice, now it all makes sense!
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