Ladder ORAS Monotype Discussion

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Since the whole Mega Pinsir debate has mostly become a series of one or two line responses, I figured now would be a good time to get some discussion going on a topic that isn't ban related. This thread is about more than just banning things after all :P

Now that the metagame is kinda/sorta settling down, I'm beginning to see a trend: Mega Gyarados. The oversized shrimp is more popular than I ever thought it would be. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but now that I'm running Psychic a lot, it seems like about a third of the teams I face include Mega Gyara in some form. If it runs Crunch, Mega Gyarados is a huge threat to Psychic, and I honestly think it's one of the primary reasons why Psychic won't become as OP as I was initially thinking it would be.

I'm curious how you all are dealing with this water beast, especially the Psychic users. Have you found any innovative ways of preventing a sweep?

One method I've found after a discussing my team with Anttya (thanks for all the help btw) is Deoxys-Speed.


Deoxys-Speed @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Thunder Wave
- Grass Knot / Thunderbolt

With 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly or Timid nature, it outspeeds Mega Gyara even after 2 Dragon Dances (assuming the Gyarados doesn't run max speed, and I think most don't). From there, Deoxys can use Thunder Wave to allow Mega Gallade or Gardevoir to revenge kill it. If the Gyarados has a substitute up, Taunt can be used to prevent it from setting up Dragon Dance, or Grass Knot is an option to break the sub. Anttya initially recommended Thunderbolt, but I prefer Grass Knot because it does more damage assuming the Gyarados has already mega evolved. Deoxys doesn't need any Special Attack investment to break the substitute even if the Gyarados has max HP, max Special Defense, and a Special Defense boosting nature.

4 SpA Deoxys-S Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Gyarados: 102-120 (25.8 - 30.4%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

I suppose you could run 252 in SpA instead of HP. I'm still not sure if the HP EVs are worth it considering I have a sash, but the sash won't always be in tact, so for now I like the EVs the way they are.

Anyway, thoughts on that Mega Gyara check? It's not perfect by any means and it's really more of a suicide check than anything, but it does help. Anttya mentioned Grass Knot on Slowbro is a decent check as well, which I also use.

So what have you all come up with to prevent your teams from getting obliterated by an oversized shrimp? Considering it's probably one of the most threatening mons in the metagame right now, I feel like this would be a beneficial discussion for everyone.

EDIT: It's been mentioned to me that my Deo-S set is very niche, which is completely true. It is dedicated to checking Mega Gyarados and it's not great at doing much else. It can function as a good suicide lead, but with all the Defog users nowadays, suicide leads don't work too well. So I'm sure it's not the best option, but it's what I've been using and it does serve its purpose.

In my psychic team, I used it but as Physical sweeper with Life Orb.
Low Kick (similar job to Grass Knot but better because he can 2HKO Heatran (who is in my opinion, a good Pokemon against Psychic type)), Tyranitar too, ...
Rock Slide for M-Pinsir (0HKO) , M-Zard Y (0HKO) & X (2HKO) and 0HKO Volcarona mainly (Outspeed Volca with +1 in speed).
Knock Off for some Eviolite Mons or Psychic/Ghost type.
Extrem Speed to avoid priority moves like Sucker Punch, E-Speed.

It's really good for Psychic type and suprised most of the time People.
Lmfao people think mega pinsir is broken...get some sense nerds or else you'll just end up looking like an idiot trying to ban a mon that is far from it.

ANYWAYS. I have been experimenting with zapdos with Sabella and we starting using a really cool set for it that can benefit flying a lot.



Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 16 spe
Calm Nature
- Discharge
- Toxic
- Roost
- Substitute

I built a flying team using this set and one thing in particular that it does to really help flying is pretty much 6-0 electric teams. With rocks support sub toxic zap with roost is a pain in the ass to take out. It can eat up hp ices all day and toxic everything on electric and sub down on elec mons and spam roost as well. Sub really helps to avoid per say a will-o-wisp from rotom W. It is somewhat annoying to take out magnezone but with rocks support and a few discharges, mag can get whittled down. You can toxic opposing zapdos trying to defog and really prevent them from continuously defogging on you throughout the match and once zap goes down and rocks are up you can really go to town on elec teams. With everything getting toxiced as well a strong wall breaker like Zard Y really pairs well with this set to just smash holes even further on elec teams.

All in all I really like this set and it turns a shitty matchup in flying v electric to a winnable one for flying. Sadly I forgot to save a replay I had of me 4-0ing elec with flying, but I assure you that this set really does work and some of my X league m8's witnessed it so it was pretty cool.

Hope you guys like it!
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240 speed may benefit you (its like 16 evs or something out of spDef). Outspeeding neutral base 70 is a speed tier a lot of pokemon like achieving, just as 263 rocks to outspeed breloom.

Yeah I started putting the 16 evs into speed for those base 70's, I was just to lazy to do it when I posted the set. Thanks for reminding me
On my team i believe i have it hitting 248 to creep other zapdos and other status wall mon in that lower speed tier
Grats afd

So just wondering how everyone feels about mega gallade on psychic atm. I dont see to much crying about it thia time around. I personally think its one of the worst ou megas atm lets hear some discussion
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Hi! Its your favorite Monotype Player, the one and only! (Not really but you know) Anyways after the new bans and drops, I just wanted to give a little overview as to what our Metagame looks Like. (In My Opinion) So here is how I see it:

At the moment, the Metagame is centralized around 3 types that are due to really great buffs. The 3 types would be Pyschic, Dark, and Flying.
With Mega Gallade dropping and the already great defensive/offensive core Psychic has with the addition of Hoopa and Hoopa U, Psychic has become an even better player in the game, if not the Best 1 at the moment.
However, with the recent Altaria ban and the addition of Hoopa U to Dark, nothing much can really stop the Mega Sableye/Tyranitar/Mandibuzz core, making Dark a real key player as well, almost as good as Psychic. Lets not forget that it has access to Hoopa U, which can deal with fighting teams really well if they don't have a Psychic resistance which a lot of teams don't carry anymore.
And last but not least, the great trade off; Charizard X for Zapdos made flying a lot more popular on ladder. The reason for this is because Flying get's their best defogger back in the game now, and is able to fend off Electric teams now without being forced to Run Charizard X. I feel as if these 3 are the top 3 at the moment.

However, I feel people are looking at these so much that they started to look at all the other types a lot less. I have been laddering and peaked #1 and I have to say that types like Fairy, Water, and even Poison are really good ladder types right now. I say that because each of those types have things to take out the top 3 big guns in the game right now, such as water; Sharpedo for psychic, Keldeo for dark, and Cloyster for flying. Well played Diancie and Azumarill beats Psychic and Flying, and then has a great match up against dark overall. And as for Poison? Well poison has a really good match up vs Psychic, with Drapion, Gengar, Skuntank, Scolipede, and more. Poison vs dark may be 1 sided because of Mega Sableye, but I feel it's winnable in some cases. And as for Flying? With the Zapdos drop, defensive flying becomes more common with core Like Zapdos, Skarmory, Gliscor, and Gyarados, all things stuff like Venusaur, and Genger can deal with.

Conclusion: I feel the Metagame has shifted quite a bit, some good ways and some bad, but overall I don't think it's unhealthy just yet. Hopefully some of the other types can get more usage due to these 3 being so common. And that's all! if you have questions for me you can ask me, I'm always in the Monotype room on main, Later ~
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SS water Resurge

To piggy bank on Kaiser's thoughts that some of the less focused on types that are very effective in the meta right now...SS water has been really hammering the ladder as of late especially on some of the bulkier balanced flying builds and balance types in general. Getting in per say a kingdra or a ludicolo under rain against a flying team is absolutely deadly for your opponent. The thing with flying as well is that every member on a balanced flying team has an extremely important role so that not only means that every mon is very valuable, but it pressures the hell out of your opponent in trying to figure out what to fodder. If you fodder your skarm than mega pert slaps you around, if you let your bulky special wall like togekiss or zap take too much damage than a well played ludicolo or kingdra can proceed to train reck you.

Same goes for a type like psy. If slowbro gets too low or gets taken out then mega pert can once again start taking souls. If your bulky mew or AV meloetta gets too low than SS special attackers will go to town on your team and there really isn't much you can do about it.

With the major focus being around those 2 types, I've seen SS water time and time again just proceed to slap around those balance types and while it can be dealt with...SS is extremely difficult to handle while in the hands of a good player and it just performs very well on the higher ladder so I wouldn't be surprised if players started figuring out the good match up it provides for the higher ladder and start using it more.
SS water is really effective, even without damp rock.
Even taking one of iWanka's examples,
If you fodder your skarm than mega pert slaps you around
252+ Atk Mega Swampert Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory in Rain: 136-162 (40.7 - 48.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
That's best case scenario defensively with Skarm. A lot of people run some speed, and/or some special defense, plus you'll often have at least some kind of prior damage. So realistically, Mega Swampert is 2hko'ing your skarm in most scenarios. Not to mention that nasty 20% flinch.
Meanwhile, offensively, 0 Atk Skarmory Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Swampert: 100-118 (29.3 - 34.6%) -- 7.3% chance to 3HKO is the reverse calc. Basically your only option is stalling until rain ends, but unfortunately a 20% flinch chance can end those dreams.
And a major think about Mega Swampert is that it can afford to run Rain Dance to use on the turn it megas, because it's natural bulk is already good. 100/110/110 can still take hits uninvestsed, bar grass.

Kingdra is also a huge threat. Dragon + Water in rain coverage is pretty much perfect, and Ice Beam patches up the few issues. Then Kingdra is free to run mixed with waterfall for special walls (not that all special walls can cope with specs or LO hydro pump in rain anyways), or coverage for something your team has trouble with. Ludicolo shares a lot of the same traits minus slightly less STAB coverage.

In general rain, while not necessarily broken anymore after damp rock ban, is still an underrated threat and can fuck a lot of teams over.
I'd like to make the case for electric right now. So if the relevant types on top of the ladder are water, fairy, psychic, dark, and flying electric has a pretty good time. (first of all I'd like to point out that the Mega Sableye/Tyranitar/Mandibuzz core can be broken by any strong fairy, garde and diance spring to mind) Dark can be tough it has umbreon/sableye since umbreon tanks special hits for days and elec's main weakness is a lack of physical pokes, and sableye can come in on superpowers. Psychic is also a bit annoying since they tend to have higher sp def, but on the other hand psychic doesn't really pack electric resistances. Fairy is a bit similar, calm mind can be scary but apart from that or if you crit you win, especially since magnezone and the rest do so well vs fairy. Now for the super effective types-water and flying. Any half decent flying team has elec immunities but it's still a good matchup since very little can take both tbolt and hp ice. Zapdos might be the exception but sub cm raikou sets up on that (sorry wanka) and threatens the rest of flying. Water also should be packing electric immunities, probably lanturn/swampert, but again it's still a good matchup with hp grass and mold breaker tbolt. Oh also I think steel is good, one of the only viable HO types, and electric does well vs steel as well. Anyways, there's a really bad electric sample team whoever made it sucks, but I think electric is worth a try :p
Congrats Kaiser, about time this happened

Gratz to Acast as well

Also, I would like to bring to case the new "Dominators" of the meta; Water and Dark. After the and Charizard X ban, these two types have increased in usage dramatically, and for good reason. They simple check everything the meta has right now. Gyarados, after 1-2 Dragon Dances, sweeps Psychic. If it has Substitute itll also sweep ghost as well. Not many things can take a +2 even a +1 Crunch or waterfall. Empleon takes the special hits amazing and can set rocks. In general the balance of the team and what they check in the metagame basically make Water the type to use. Keldeo deals with steel,dark and much more. ,Sharpedo,Lanturn,Slowbro,Manaphy,Azumarill,Cloyster and more are all viable on water teams, giving water, imo, the best coverage in the game right now and therefore the type that is dominating this meta

Dark as well, is incredibly popular( even more than it was before).Walls such as Tyranitar can cripple with Twave as well as set rocks and provide some offence. Mandi+Mega Sab offer an incredible core as well. Bisharp is staple on dark teams, and for good reason as its a very prominent set-up sweeper. Crawdaunt/Wavile is also used a lot, Weavile to check flying types and Lando while Crawdaunt just provides wall-breaking potential. Finally Hoopa, which just adds to Darks potential. Scarf Hoopa gives dark what it needs to deal with fighting, and even specs or lefties hoopa help really well.

All in all, i feel these types are really overpowering everything else right now, especially water. Wondering what you guys think about both these types right now and how do you generally deal with them
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Thanks everyone, I realize I'm not the best battler out there, but I'll try to make the right decisions for the good of the metagame.

In the future once I'm caught up with the rest of the Mono Council, if anyone has any questions or serious suggestions regarding council decisions or the monotype metagame you can feel free to send me a message here on the forums or on PS! when I happen to be online. I'll keep all serious suggestions in mind when making decisions and I'll try to answer questions to the best of my knowledge without leaking confidential information.
With the new challenge core I would like to post a few possible sets for rotom-mow.
Rotom-mow's main niche is having a SE STAB against ground types while not getting ohkod by scarf mold breaker excadrill on sand all while having perfect coverage on the majority of water types.

Advantages over wash:

- Doesn't get ohkod by mold breaker earthquake from Choice Scarf Excadrill on steel.

252 Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-W: 234-276 (77.2 - 91%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Which means everything less than maximum defense is getting ohkod, not that big of a deal since the 3 most popular spreads from july are just that, maximum defense. However a critical hit still ohkos, and since you would be pivoting Rotom-W around then it could very well have that magic 30% of health missing that lets Excadrill ohko it, and note that steel is one of the better types at keeping hazards up with a lot of good rock setters and Bisharp that can be kind of scary to Zapdos and needs a good predict to take out. Also pls scp update the stats ;-;
252 Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-C: 117-138 (38.6 - 45.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
As you can see Rotom-Mow takes less than half hp from Mold Beaker Excadrill, letting the electric user pivot around much more freely.

- Perfect coverage for water.

Electric vs water is already good, and Rotom-Mow is putting the icing on top. While it may be more weak to ice beams and the like, it now has Leaf Storm to hit those water/ground types and Lanturn, and retains Thunderbolt to hit the other water types.

- More reliable STAB.

10 more accuracy and 20 more power. In theory this allows Rotom-Mow to get more ohkos than its brother. The grass typing is also nice, letting it hit Gastrodon and Seismitoad, and thus making it require less predictions.

However there is a reason why Rotom-Wash became so popular, and these are the disadvantages to using Rotom-Mow over its brother.

- More spammable STAB.
While 90 accuracy and 130 base power is nice, it comes with a nasty decrease to Mow's special attack, making it either get the OHKO or get no kill at all.

- Better defensive typing.
Rotom-Mow offers bad defensive typing with its S rank counterparts. While Wash resists ice and can thus switch into things like icicle crash from mamoswine, Mow's grass typing gives it a weakness to icicle crash, and thus cannot switch in, forcing you to run Magnezone as an ice resist. While grass typing does give the niche of letting it survive Mold Breaker Excadrill's earthquake, overall the water typing is better.
Weaknesses: Grass, Ground
Resistances: Fire, Flying, Ice, Steel, Water
Weaknesses: Bug, Fire, Ice, Poison
Resistances: Electric, Grass, Steel, Water

As you can see, Rotom-Wash offers better defensive synergy, resisting fire for Magnezone and Ice for Thundurus and Zapdos, while Rotom-Mow suddenly needs defensive teammates like Magnezone to patch up it's new weakness to Ice, Poison and Fire and leaving the team a tad bit weaker to Fire moves.

So, can Rotom-Mow be just as good as Rotom-Wash, and perhaps be the same rank one day? Will all the electric users finally try out a new pokemon that has a small niche for it's type? Or will Wash still be just that much better than Mow.

Before we go, I would like to pass of a set from some time ago...

Rotom-Mow @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Def / 168 SpA
Bold Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Trick
- Volt Switch / Thunderbolt
- Will-O-Wisp / Pain Split / Hidden Power [Ice]

Choice Specs and 168 special attack let this Rotom fulfill its niche on a electric team, OHKOing Choice Scarf Excadrill from full health. The evs also gain important kos such as on Lanturn, and other problematic things such as the water ground types present on Ground and Water teams alike. The rest is dumped into defense to better check Excadrill, or counter if you're feeling gutsy. Leaf Storm, Trick, and an electric move are all pretty much necessary since Rotom-Mow performs a more offensive role than it's counter part. As such Will o Wisp isn't needed as much, and Pain Split is there for recovery. HP Ice is there to nail Dragons and Gliscor, and to complete the BoltBeam combo.

244 Atk Life Orb Mamoswine Icicle Crash vs. 88 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-C: 250-296 (95 - 112.5%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
168 SpA Choice Specs Rotom-C Leaf Storm vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mamoswine: 774-912 (215.5 - 254%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 88 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-C: 117-138 (44.4 - 52.4%) -- 17.6% chance to 2HKO
168 SpA Choice Specs Rotom-C Leaf Storm vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Excadrill: 361-426 (100 - 118%) -- guaranteed OHKO
168 SpA Choice Specs Rotom-C Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Garchomp: 268-316 (63.8 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
-2 168 SpA Choice Specs Rotom-C Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Garchomp: 135-159 (32.1 - 37.8%) -- 93.5% chance to 3HKO
0 SpA Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 88 HP / 0 SpD Rotom-C: 124-148 (47.1 - 56.2%) -- 80.1% chance to 2HKO

tl;dr Rotom-Mow can offer better offensive capabilities at the cost of losing Rotom-Wash's defensive synergy
Yeah, ladder reset screwed up weighing or something like that. As for that specs rotom set, isn't running max hp more efficient than max defense? The max hp is 304 but your defense hits 330 ish iirc. Going max hp is more effective than max defense, and then shifting it to modest nature also maximizes stats. Basically here's how to do evs: invest in your lowest stat, add a positive nature in the highest. Since your set has higher defens than hp, you messed up. And max hp also gives more physical bulk than your set. As a math nerd I can assure you that is how to do evs.
Yeah, ladder reset screwed up weighing or something like that. As for that specs rotom set, isn't running max hp more efficient than max defense? The max hp is 304 but your defense hits 330 ish iirc. Going max hp is more effective than max defense, and then shifting it to modest nature also maximizes stats. Basically here's how to do evs: invest in your lowest stat, add a positive nature in the highest. Since your set has higher defens than hp, you messed up. And max hp also gives more physical bulk than your set. As a math nerd I can assure you that is how to do evs.

252 Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 88 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-C: 153-181 (58.1 - 68.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 88+ Def Rotom-C: 177-208 (58.2 - 68.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I mean there isn't actually much of a difference.

252 Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 216 HP / 124+ Def Rotom-C: 169-201 (57.2 - 68.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

There is probably a solid midpoint if you take time to find it.
252 Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 88 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-C: 153-181 (58.1 - 68.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Reckless Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 88+ Def Rotom-C: 177-208 (58.2 - 68.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I mean there isn't actually much of a difference.
I call 16% more special bulk a pretty big difference :O
With the new challenge core I would like to post a few possible sets for rotom-mow.
Rotom-mow's main niche is having a SE STAB against ground types while not getting ohkod by scarf mold breaker excadrill on sand all while having perfect coverage on the majority of water types.

Advantages over wash:

- Doesn't get ohkod by mold breaker earthquake from Choice Scarf Excadrill on steel.

252 Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-W: 234-276 (77.2 - 91%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Which means everything less than maximum defense is getting ohkod, not that big of a deal since the 3 most popular spreads from july are just that, maximum defense. However a critical hit still ohkos, and since you would be pivoting Rotom-W around then it could very well have that magic 30% of health missing that lets Excadrill ohko it, and note that steel is one of the better types at keeping hazards up with a lot of good rock setters and Bisharp that can be kind of scary to Zapdos and needs a good predict to take out. Also pls scp update the stats ;-;
252 Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-C: 117-138 (38.6 - 45.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
As you can see Rotom-Mow takes less than half hp from Mold Beaker Excadrill, letting the electric user pivot around much more freely.

- Perfect coverage for water.

Electric vs water is already good, and Rotom-Mow is putting the icing on top. While it may be more weak to ice beams and the like, it now has Leaf Storm to hit those water/ground types and Lanturn, and retains Thunderbolt to hit the other water types.

- More reliable STAB.

10 more accuracy and 20 more power. In theory this allows Rotom-Mow to get more ohkos than its brother. The grass typing is also nice, letting it hit Gastrodon and Seismitoad, and thus making it require less predictions.

However there is a reason why Rotom-Wash became so popular, and these are the disadvantages to using Rotom-Mow over its brother.

- More spammable STAB.
While 90 accuracy and 130 base power is nice, it comes with a nasty decrease to Mow's special attack, making it either get the OHKO or get no kill at all.

- Better defensive typing.
Rotom-Mow offers bad defensive typing with its S rank counterparts. While Wash resists ice and can thus switch into things like icicle crash from mamoswine, Mow's grass typing gives it a weakness to icicle crash, and thus cannot switch in, forcing you to run Magnezone as an ice resist. While grass typing does give the niche of letting it survive Mold Breaker Excadrill's earthquake, overall the water typing is better.
Weaknesses: Grass, Ground
Resistances: Fire, Flying, Ice, Steel, Water
Weaknesses: Bug, Fire, Ice, Poison
Resistances: Electric, Grass, Steel, Water

As you can see, Rotom-Wash offers better defensive synergy, resisting fire for Magnezone and Ice for Thundurus and Zapdos, while Rotom-Mow suddenly needs defensive teammates like Magnezone to patch up it's new weakness to Ice, Poison and Fire and leaving the team a tad bit weaker to Fire moves.

So, can Rotom-Mow be just as good as Rotom-Wash, and perhaps be the same rank one day? Will all the electric users finally try out a new pokemon that has a small niche for it's type? Or will Wash still be just that much better than Mow.

Before we go, I would like to pass of a set from some time ago...

Rotom-Mow @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Def / 168 SpA
Bold Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Trick
- Volt Switch / Thunderbolt
- Will-O-Wisp / Pain Split / Hidden Power [Ice]

Choice Specs and 168 special attack let this Rotom fulfill its niche on a electric team, OHKOing Choice Scarf Excadrill from full health. The evs also gain important kos such as on Lanturn, and other problematic things such as the water ground types present on Ground and Water teams alike. The rest is dumped into defense to better check Excadrill, or counter if you're feeling gutsy. Leaf Storm, Trick, and an electric move are all pretty much necessary since Rotom-Mow performs a more offensive role than it's counter part. As such Will o Wisp isn't needed as much, and Pain Split is there for recovery. HP Ice is there to nail Dragons and Gliscor, and to complete the BoltBeam combo.

244 Atk Life Orb Mamoswine Icicle Crash vs. 88 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-C: 250-296 (95 - 112.5%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
168 SpA Choice Specs Rotom-C Leaf Storm vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mamoswine: 774-912 (215.5 - 254%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 88 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-C: 117-138 (44.4 - 52.4%) -- 17.6% chance to 2HKO
168 SpA Choice Specs Rotom-C Leaf Storm vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Excadrill: 361-426 (100 - 118%) -- guaranteed OHKO
168 SpA Choice Specs Rotom-C Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Garchomp: 268-316 (63.8 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
-2 168 SpA Choice Specs Rotom-C Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Garchomp: 135-159 (32.1 - 37.8%) -- 93.5% chance to 3HKO
0 SpA Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 88 HP / 0 SpD Rotom-C: 124-148 (47.1 - 56.2%) -- 80.1% chance to 2HKO

tl;dr Rotom-Mow can offer better offensive capabilities at the cost of losing Rotom-Wash's defensive synergy
  1. Hey SubMindRaikou, there's a forum on the mono site you can discuss about that. Post your thoughts there instead! :)
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