Nickname discussion


BTW, I just burnt my hand. (ಥ﹏ಥ)


This should help.
I wish I could name my Jinx "HarlemShake". Too bad the last 'E' won't fit. :(
Isn't HarlemShake 11 characters? The character limit is 12 in the 6th Generation right? Go for it!
Yeeaahhh! Maybe Bisharp or Scizor could be IronMan and Braviary could be Capt.America xD
OMG I was thinking the exact same. IronPatriot reminded me of Bisharp, which I associate with Iron Man. But maybe it would be more like Iron Mon (because it's a Pokemon after all)? Let's see, how about the rest of the Avengers? (´・ω・`)

BlackWidow: Ariados (obviously)
Hulk: Golurk (because of how big Hulk can become) or Primeape (because of its ability 'Anger Point')
Thor: Electivire (Electric-type, and because you can breed Hammer Arm onto it)
Hawkeye: Skarmory (initially I thought Staraptor, but Skarmory has the ability 'Keen Eye', and Clint does not seem very 'Reckless' or intimidating to me)

I would totally name my Golurk Gundam. Though I'm totally not the first one.

Now I'm looking for an Evangelion-inspired nickname for Deoxys... *_*

I'm also considering George or Lincoln for Braviary by the way. After the US presidents.

Oh! Oh! I've though of a nickname for Purrloin! 'Wildcat' (what team?), because it's sort of wild looking and Unova is based on the United States.

And another! I'm on a roll! 'Horatio' for a Krookodile, because of the sunglasses (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄
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I'd just name my Deoxys DNA. If I have one. I normally am not determined to get/ catch legendaries at all, since you can't use them in competitive.
I'd just name my Deoxys DNA. If I have one. I normally am not determined to get/ catch legendaries at all, since you can't use them in competitive.
Deoxys is kind of suitable for the AoU Avengers' new member 'Vision' as well. But perhaps 'Atom' from Marvel is more suitable for it.
And I actually used to procrastinate catching my legends because I thought I absolutely had to catch them all with competitively viable IVs. Because the metagame keeps changing, and top tier movesets from half a year ago may not be as good now, I waited endlessly for the 'right' moment. But in the end, I never ended up catching them. At least, until I started focusing on in-game enjoyment instead. I am now collecting legendaries just for Pokédex purposes (though I like to catch them in nice Pokéball combinations! The special Pokéballs are sort of my new 'challenge') ^_^
OMG I was thinking the exact same. IronPatriot reminded me of Bisharp, which I associate with Iron Man. But maybe it would be more like Iron Mon (because it's a Pokemon after all)? Let's see, how about the rest of the Avengers? (´・ω・`)

BlackWidow: Ariados (obviously)
Hulk: Golurk (because of how big Hulk can become) or Primeape (because of its ability 'Anger Point')
Thor: Electivire (Electric-type, and because you can breed Hammer Arm onto it)
Hawkeye: Skarmory (initially I thought Staraptor, but Skarmory has the ability 'Keen Eye', and Clint does not seem very 'Reckless' or intimidating to me)

I'm likin these! Shiny Mega Swampert could be hulk too hehe

Thundurus could make for a nice Thor as well

Durant as Ant Man and either Luxray or Shiny Liepard could be Black Panther
I'm likin these! Shiny Mega Swampert could be hulk too hehe

Thundurus could make for a nice Thor as well

Durant as Ant Man and either Luxray or Shiny Liepard could be Black Panther
YES! Thundurus is even a better fit for Thor, because he's legendary, and he learns Hammar Arm through level-up!
Loki could actually be a Serperior pretty well. He has the regal vibe and smug attitude down at least, and he likes green. He can be contradicting I imagine, at least deceiving. In addition, Loki can also glare very well.
We talking Marvel now?
In my recent OR run, I caught a male Mawile and decided to call it Bruce (after The Hulk's real name ofc) , since upon temporary transformation he becomes STRONGEST THERE IS
Then the file crashed without saving and I had to get a Mawile all over again. This one was female so I called her Jennifer, the real name of She-Hulk.

As for the rest...
My female Torchic was called Penny pretty randomly but now I think about it it's a nice comparison to how Penny in Inspector Gadget ends up doing all the actual work instead of the titular character, much like how the Starter does the work instead of the trainer.
Female Gardy was Venus after the goddess of love
Female Golem was Marion because... well, was random
Female Absol named Angela. ... th-the Mega sort of reminds me of an angel
Latios was called Haren. One letter off of Harem because he was the only guy in the team
Personally, I use Raikou as Thor. They both have amazing hair.
I also use Weavile as Black Widow as both are mostly black with red hair.
How could I have forgotten about Thor's fabulous hair?

Actually, if we're not tied to spiders for Natasha, I actually associate Darkrai with her. It's black and red, mysterious, and ... she can't breed.

Female Gardy was Venus after the goddess of love
I really like this one.

Female Absol named Angela. ... th-the Mega sort of reminds me of an angel
Yes, it reminds me of an angel as well. Though in Absol's case, I'd think in the direction of fallen angels.



I'm a horrible person and a sinner and will probably go to Hell.

Also, regarding Loki...
Serperior is regal and a snake and green, but Loki... perhaps more like an Ice-type (because he's a frost giant)? Ice/Ghost like Froslass. Except he's a man Nevermind, turns out he's gender fluid. He could also be Ice/Dark like Weavile, but the idea of Natasha being Weavile is growing on me (a spy is very much like a thief of information right?), so I consider it already taken now...
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The best one I ever saw for Loki is Zoroark, especially after I saw this artwork.
Raravian, even mega Ampharos has majestic hair. I nicknamed him "~FABULOUS~"
But Raikou is just as legendary as Thor...also I needed to use Mega Pidgeot for Hawkeye on my personal Avengers team* otherwise I would have gone for Mega Amphy.

*Might as well say the other three.
Tony Stark the Scizor, which I have said.
Cap the Braviary (Shiny)
The Hulk the Machamp (Shiny)
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Ah yes! Because of Zoroark's Illusion ability of course! They are both cunning but can be playful in a way too.

I actually like Scizor as Tony better than Bisharp as well. But that's just personal preference, because Scizor's design is just so awesome.
But hey, actually, now that I'm thinking it through... Scizor's ability is Technician!

And shiny Machamp is great too! When I was searching through the Fighting-types, I was looking at Machamp and thinking: 'But why does Machamp have to be blue...'
I forgot all about his shiny form, which is a better match then Primeape or Golurk.

Also, completely voting for Raikou as Thor now that I've read its origin. I will quote:
"Raikou could be taken to mean 雷光 raikou (lightning), which is also the inspiration for the name of raijū, or it may be a combination of 雷 rai (thunder) and 皇 (emperor). It may also derive from 雷公 raikō (thunder duke), identical to the name of the Taoist deity Lei Gong."
"Lei Gong began life as a mortal. While on earth, he encountered a peach tree that originated from Heaven during the struggle between the Fox Demon and one of the Celestial Warriors. When Lei Gong took a bite out of one of its fruit he was transformed into his godly form. He soon received a mace and a hammer that could create thunder."

Lei Gong, to me, seems like the Taoist equivalent of the Norse God Thor. And because we know Lei Gong has very possibly been the inspiration for Raikou, we can conclude that Raikou = Thor.
Ah yes! Because of Zoroark's Illusion ability of course! They are both cunning but can be playful in a way too.

I actually like Scizor as Tony better than Bisharp as well. But that's just personal preference, because Scizor's design is just so awesome.
But hey, actually, now that I'm thinking it through... Scizor's ability is Technician!

And shiny Machamp is great too! When I was searching through the Fighting-types, I was looking at Machamp and thinking: 'But why does Machamp have to be blue...'
I forgot all about his shiny form, which is a better match then Primeape or Golurk.

Also, completely voting for Raikou as Thor now that I've read its origin. I will quote:
"Raikou could be taken to mean 雷光 raikou (lightning), which is also the inspiration for the name of raijū, or it may be a combination of 雷 rai (thunder) and 皇 (emperor). It may also derive from 雷公 raikō (thunder duke), identical to the name of the Taoist deity Lei Gong."
"Lei Gong began life as a mortal. While on earth, he encountered a peach tree that originated from Heaven during the struggle between the Fox Demon and one of the Celestial Warriors. When Lei Gong took a bite out of one of its fruit he was transformed into his godly form. He soon received a mace and a hammer that could create thunder."

Lei Gong, to me, seems like the Taoist equivalent of the Norse God Thor. And because we know Lei Gong has very possibly been the inspiration for Raikou, we can conclude that Raikou = Thor.
Just remembered by "Rai",You can't nickname Greninja "Kakashi" :(

But after watching Yo mama jokes for an hour, I give the nickname "YoMamaSo!" to Kangaskhan. :3
You know what's weird? I wasn't able to put this in my greeting message on the PSS: "Hatching Power?☺"
Apparently the word 'Hatching' was the culprit, but I can't help but find this to be such a hypocrisy on Nintendo's end...

I've updated my big post with some new ones (or I'm planning to, but I'm writing this one first):
Magikarp: Gouki -- (Japanese, indicating its bravery and persistence in trying to jump over the waterfall and become a dragon, referring to the legend Magikarp and Gyarados are based on)
Mightyena: Fenrir -- (Norse Mythology, Loki's son, who is a wolf)
Swanna: Odette -- (Swan Lake, referring to the White Swan)
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You know what's weird? I wasn't able to put this in my greeting message on the PSS: "Hatching Power?☺"
Apparently the word 'Hatching' was the culprit, but I can't help but find this to be such a hypocrisy on Nintendo's end...
I had the same problem with Punching Bag. Chin is the culprit. Is there any reason chin is banned?
I had the same problem with Punching Bag. Chin is the culprit. Is there any reason chin is banned?
After a lot of research, I can unfortunately still only speculate about the reason. However, the most likely cause of 'chin' being banned is because of another thing our words had in common: the 'g' behind it. 'Ching Chong' is offensive to Chinese, and is used by non-Chinese to mock their language. In addition, 'Chink' is also considered offensive. It could be that 'Ching' itself is censored, but because I vaguely remember that you had troubles with chin' (> without the 'g'), my best guess would be that Nintendo tried to catch two birds with one stone and censor 'Chin', so both 'Ching' and 'Chink' would both be blocked. It would be efficient thinking, less of a hassle to program (I assume), but seeing as this root is even more common... it would seem somewhat unlikely. The only other thing I can think of is 'chin' being part of a verb, and 'to chin' meaning 'to hit someone on the chin'. But I don't really know, these are all just guesses. I must add that 'Chink' was already blocked in 5th Generation, so this seems the most likely explanation to me at this point.

One thing is for sure though: The censors are crazy. I have heard of people unable to call their Pokemon or PC 'Viola' or 'Violet' for example, because 'Viol' means 'Rape' in French. I've also heard of instances where people could not wondertrade Nosepass or Froslass because of the 'Ass' in it. Plus I only now understand why Kakashi could not be used as a nickname for Electro Jazz's Greninja, the first three letters form an offensive word in Dutch. I wonder why they even bother to censor these swearwords from obscure languages, because in the end it's doing more harm than it does good... What I know is that, if there are people there that want to offend someone, there will always be ways for them to do it. However much you sensor, there will always be ways to convey a rude message. So why would they sensor at all? It's not going to stop people from cursing, and it's not stopping an offender from offending. The only thing it does right now is limit people that are just playing the games innocently in their creativity, and sort of breaking the fourth wall by reminding them of things that can be offending in the real world. People in the Pokemon World would never offend others using these kinds of words, so the first thing I think of when noticing I can't enter a word, is what kind of 'bad things' I could see in it. It really kills the innocent atmosphere that I like about the games, and in this way it's having a an opposite effect to what it was meant to do and protect.
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