Iron Chef Season 2: Underused | EPISODE 11, PHASE 3 (post #397)

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Judge Incog reporting for duty

Creativity: Without a doubt this one goes to Camo Pumpkin for his use of Murkrow in a very intriguing way.
Use Of Theme: Tough one like Esche said but yeah its gotta go to BrandonBeast for his effective use of Rotom whilst being able to use his other underdog to setup rocks and heal up another mon.
Effectiveness: Very easy one for me ChilliTacos due to his wins over 3 iron chefs.
ADVISORY: Because of some issues that just came up to me recently, Phase 3 has been extended to MARCH 8, 7 AM EST.
Unfortunately, I may not finish rating today, so might as well extend it to tomorrow of the same time (March 9, 7 am EST) due to personal issues.
Creativity: camo pumpkin - That Murkrow set is cash.
Use of Theme: King Troller - The team is built around ChickenPass and the Soundproof Abomasnow plays a crucial role in the team by beating RoarCune.
Effectiveness: BrandonBeast - The team got haxed in the Iron Chef battle, but it performed very well in testing. Rotom puts in a lot of work as a spinblocker, status spreader, and fast electric. Pretty weak to Mega Sceptile, but still the best one of the bunch in my opinion.
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Hello again, everyone! I sincerely apologize for the long delay; spending twelve days in the hospital while taking care of my grandmother is no joke, really. Thought she would be discharged to an earlier day because she overcame all the odds to a very successful major operation, but there were some things that we didn't see coming (especially she had a rough day yesterday).

Here is my final announcement before concluding this episode of Iron Chef: Voting phase is still on until March 23, which is a Wednesday, 8:00 AM EST (and I really hope with this long overdue extension I should have seen a huge turnout of votes), and results will be released by then. 2 hours after that deadline, a new secret ingredient will be released.

Again, apologies for any inconveniences that caused this long overdue delay. Thank you for bearing with me.
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Creativity: Camo Pumpkin. Blah blah murkrow, blah blah.

Use of theme: Where'dTheseDucksComeFrom, with Barbaracle and Liepard working surprisingly well to set up a sweep.

Effectiveness: Chillitacos, because I'm a sheep hey, it clearly works.
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Creativity: camo pumpkin For sure. Murkrow is heat, and Ferroseed is cool because It can be used extremely nichely in UU. But yeah cool team lol

Use of theme: Lord Esche Really cool. The team actually doesnt look that bad, and every team has no switchin to Rotom-Frost... haha. Only STAB Boltbeam combo is p cool.

Effectiveness: Where'dTheseDucksComeFrom Actually p effective, not just from the replays. Shell Smash Barbaracle is a don, and I like how he built the team
3, 2, 1... TIME'S UP!

Again, I apologize for the long overdue delay due to excruciating circumstances (which include and are not limited to hospital stays and unstable Internet connections in the province for 21 days). Before I announce the overall winner for this episode, I am glad to announce to you the Chefs who have garnered some Honorable Mentions for this episode!

Most Awe-Inspiring Dish: camo pumpkin
Most Essential Dish: Lord Esche
Best-Tasting Dish: ChilliTacos
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Apologies for the delay. The winner of the eleventh episode of Iron Chef is no other than...

Chef ChilliTacos!

ChilliTacos's team managed to win against three Iron Chefs with a hint of luck. Regardless, one of the biggest goals of the team is to outlast the opposition with its plethora of utility moves in his team's arsenal.

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Unfortunately, due to very excruciating circumstances which stripped me of the time to judge the teams (especially with the replays down during that week), I have devised a plan already, which would be a taste of what is the next season of Iron Chef be in terms of the voting.

Scoring is dependent on the voters that have exercised their powers to vote for the teams. The team will score 4 points for every vote cast, while the rest will get 1 point. These scores will be averaged, which then be weighed on these criteria:
Creativity - 25%
Essence - 25%
Effectiveness - 50%​

Following that comes the addition of these weighted averages, which will then determine the winner for this round. Attached here is the link for the spreadsheet.

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This will be the last episode for this season of Iron Chef. Congratulations to all winners!
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