Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Does anyone have a ditto with a zero IV in speed I could have? I can give you a different ditto (I have some 3iv ones), 3-5 IV Pokemon, or something else.

I want to make a trick room team and I've spent over 16 hours in the Pokemon village trying to find one with no luck; I'm really out of patience here XP
Does anyone have a ditto with a zero IV in speed I could have? I can give you a different ditto (I have some 3iv ones), 3-5 IV Pokemon, or something else.

I want to make a trick room team and I've spent over 16 hours in the Pokemon village trying to find one with no luck; I'm really out of patience here XP

I have one but I can't clone, can you? =]
Does anyone have a ditto with a zero IV in speed I could have? I can give you a different ditto (I have some 3iv ones), 3-5 IV Pokemon, or something else.

I want to make a trick room team and I've spent over 16 hours in the Pokemon village trying to find one with no luck; I'm really out of patience here XP
ask Most for the ditto and also check my spitback giveaway thread, i've bred quite a few TR poke and there are a few there (not dittos though) with 0 speed (it is specified on which poke iv bred for 0 speed)
ask Most for the ditto and also check my spitback giveaway thread, i've bred quite a few TR poke and there are a few there (not dittos though) with 0 speed (it is specified on which poke iv bred for 0 speed)
Thanks for the help; done and done. Now I can actually do other things and not feel the need to bike in circles trying to find a 0 IV ditto X3
LF a Nidoran with the HA Hustle. I have several 4-5 iv spitbacks. Let me know if interested. Thanks!
I have one, don't need anything in return for it. Just put something up on the GTS asking for a Nidoran♀ Lv 1-10, make the Message LegoFigure11 and let me know what you deposited!
I have one, don't need anything in return for it. Just put something up on the GTS asking for a Nidoran♀ Lv 1-10, make the Message LegoFigure11 and let me know what you deposited!
Nice thank you! People like you make this community awesome. I deposited a female lvl 27
Timburr with the message Legofigure11. Its adamant with Guts in a matching pokeball.
Looking for a feraligatr or any of its evolves with its HA and a seismitoad or any of its evolves with the HA. (Thanks Shiny Finder ^.^) Not fussed on natures evs or ivs as i can breed what i want in stats. If anyone has either let me know and we can talk about trading.
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Looking for a feraligatr or any of its evolves with its HA and a seismitoad or any of its evolves with the HA. Not fussed on natures evs or ivs as i can breed what i want in stats. If anyone has either let me know and we can talk about trading.
I can catch you a HA Palpitoad for free. Just PM/VM me which ball you'd like it in (if you have a preference).
Looking for:
Jolly/Mild Jirachi
Bold Celebi
Careful/Calm Mew (mainly those, but any useful nature really)
Naive/Rash/Timid Diancie
All with good IV spreads, of course

What I can offer:

Celebi Modest 31/x/28/31/31/31
Celebi Quiet 31/6/30/31/31/6
Jirachi Careful 28/31/31/31/31/31 (yeah, not that great)
Jirachi Naughty 29/30/31/31/31/31 (this one, on the other hand, I'd say is pretty cool)
i've SR this Zapdos, but sadly i got a nature not very useful.. what do you guys think?

Zapdos (Brave) hp dark

Personally I would toss. Zapdos doesn't really have the movepool or stats to get the best usage out of a trick room mixed attacker set which is the only thing the spread you got is useful for. Since Zapdos is in the 100 speed tier it wants all the speed it can get and it's physical options are mediocre and generally outclassed by other mons. Defensive or speed boosting natures such as Bold, Calm, and Timid are preferred when it comes to Zapdos.
Hi there, i obtain a Bold Jirachi 31/26/31/29/28/31

There are some pros (like finally i can stop with that LOL), but there are a lot of cons like the 28 in spd or a few 31 iv, so what do you suggest?

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Hi there, i obtain a Bold Jirachi 31/26/31/29/28/31

There are some pros (like finally i can stop with that LOL), but there are a lot of cons like the 28 in spd or a few 31 iv, so what do you suggest?
What's your goal with it? If you want to battle, run some calculations. If you want to trade, toss.
Looking for a feraligatr or any of its evolves with its HA. Not fussed on natures evs or ivs as i can breed what i want in stats. Either pop me a pm or reply on here if you can help and we can arrange a trade.
Looking for a feraligatr or any of its evolves with its HA. Not fussed on natures evs or ivs as i can breed what i want in stats. Either pop me a pm or reply on here if you can help and we can arrange a trade.
If you not need it now I can hit you up with one l8r around 8 pm prolly
anybody able to bulk clone me 20+ copies of Nelson Tangelas 31/31/31/9/31/31 careful jirachi so that i can continue the giveaway? ..obviously you can keep a free redis copy(s) for yourself :)
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