Multi Gen Simple Questions, Simple Answers Mk. II (Read Before Making a Thread)

The most common build is Deoxys-S/Primal Groudon (SD + RP)/Xerneas (Geomancy)/Arceus (EKiller)/Mega Salamence (offensive DD)/Darkrai (NP LO). Mega Gengar/Rayquaza > Mega Salamence/Darkrai is a common variation.

You can dig around in the Ubers Teambuilding Workshop thread to find some Scolipede teams. Cloyster is also a decently common HO lead.
Hmm, Thanks! I will definitely use this as a outline/rough draft and change it up to my playstyle. :D Thanks again Fireburn!
What would you guys say are the most viable Arceus-Ghost/Dark sets?
I'd say Swords Dance Ghost Arceus is definitely the best set- support is kind of mediocre since they're not as physically bulky as other support sets like Water and Dragon, while Calm Mind Arceus in general is much less effective than it used to be. As for Dark Arceus, I don't love Calm Mind but I'm not sure if its much worse than the niche Whirlpool set that lures some Pokemon decently but not that worth it in my opinion.
I'd say Swords Dance Ghost Arceus is definitely the best set- support is kind of mediocre since they're not as physically bulky as other support sets like Water and Dragon, while Calm Mind Arceus in general is much less effective than it used to be. As for Dark Arceus, I don't love Calm Mind but I'm not sure if its much worse than the niche Whirlpool set that lures some Pokemon decently but not that worth it in my opinion.
Ok thanks.
Hey guys I know this is going to sound a bit like a joke question but what would you say has a higher opportunity cost...

not using Mega Salamence on Offence or not using Lugia on Stall? I'm asking this because to me they both seem to define there separate playstyles.
Lugia on stall, it's one the greatest threats in the metagame that fits on one team archetype, albeit it does fit pretty easily; it's effective independently and really only calls for team support in the form of hazard control.

On the other hand, Mega Salamence is far from necessary on offense; an overrated Pokémon, it rarely finds an opportunity to sweep due to the metagame's current state of over-preparation for it. Mega Gengar and substitute dragons like Rayquaza further weaken its niche.
Lugia on stall, it's one the greatest threats in the metagame that fits on one team archetype, albeit it does fit pretty easily; it's effective independently and really only calls for team support in the form of hazard control.

On the other hand, Mega Salamence is far from necessary on offense; an overrated Pokémon, it rarely finds an opportunity to sweep due to the metagame's current state of over-preparation for it. Mega Gengar and substitute dragons like Rayquaza further weaken its niche.

Ok... that's... an interesting view...

I think your being a bit harsh on the Dragon if you ask me but thanks for answering my question I guess.
Implying its not the best mega for offense is being disingenuous, but it is not the only usable mega on offense. Lugia on the other hand is pretty much the entire reason to run stall.
Implying its not the best mega for offense is being disingenuous, but it is not the only usable mega on offense. Lugia on the other hand is pretty much the entire reason to run stall.
Really? that's odd I've seen and made a few good stall teams without Lugia but yeah that's the answer I was looking for, thanks :)
Is Defensive RestTalk Xerneas (no Calm Mind) an outdated XY era set? Or is it still used? Also, what is it meant to check?
Six Trails
I have only seen defensive rest talk xern on one team really, but to me it is pretty outdated.

To check is to force whatever pokemon is in front of you out or KO it / do heavy damage that greatly advances your plan for winning the game. A check is where you either force your opponent to switch, or force them to take a large risk. The larger the risk factor, the more effective the check.
Hey! I'm back and I'm better then ever and this time I've got some more questions.

1. What's this thing called stalltwo?
2. What's this thing called a turn trap combo?
3. What's this thing called a Flying spam and can you show me some good examples of it?
4. How come Yveltal (of all things fucking awesome) has the strongest priority move in the game? I thought Talonflame had the strongest one.
5. Why have CM Arceus forms fallen in effectiveness?
6. If Xerneas (of all things god dam majestic) didn't have Geomancy where do you think it would be on the VR thread?
7. Is it true Ho-oh has no checks?
8. What Metagame shift occurred to where Ekiller started running Stone Edge?
9. Who is/was Pistolero? I here about him time to time.

Sorry for the weird formatting.
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1) XY set (was used way before as different variations but XY used it most) that fell off when Primal Groudon came along (Wisp/Taunt/Psystrike/Recover) was very hard to break if played well and a menace to bulky teams. Was also used on stall teams to ease a bunch of matchups (other stall).
2) U-Turn + Shadow Tag
3) Any team with a ton of flying attacks - basically Ho-Oh + Mence (sometimes Yveltal or Rayquaza are also used as mons on these teams) Flying as an offensive type is very strong in Ubers and most of the flying type attackers have crazy coverage to beat the stuff that resists the moves. Some teams end up as "flying spam" without even trying.
4) Dark Aura + boosting item (+STAB) increases overall power more than Brave Bird's base power + boosting item (+STAB) does. Yveltal also has a much higher attack stat. If you take the standard sets from both mons you get this dmg:
0 Atk Life Orb Dark Aura Yveltal Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 161-191 (42.1 - 50%)
252 Atk Sharp Beak Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 147-174 (38.4 - 45.5%)
Sometimes you see people like "well i'll run adamant choice band talon gg" - Yveltal could just do the same. Damage will be higher on an "equal footing" and in most cases even without it due to my earlier points.
5) Ho-Oh + Darkrai being so prevalent + more physical metagame + Primal Groudon shitting on some of the Arceus formes that could only run CM all leads to less set up chances.
6) A+ or A would be my guess but without Geomancy a bunch of other mons become less necessary and could also drop so i can't really tell.
7) Has checks but most if not all can be played around, no outright counters.
8) Mence started running bulkier sets to set up on it, side effect was that it also beat defensive Yveltal sets. Stone Edge limits these possibilities.
9) Contributor that left a while ago - used to run the old viability thread before me. Not much else to say.
Arceus-Electric is physically impossible to use, you will ALWAYS run into one of its checks (PDon, Latis ect) you can argue all you want about how it checks POrgre/Ho-oh bla bla BLA! but your opponent is just going to directly switch into Primal Groudon which they WILL have.

EDIT: Wait hold on, people think this is a Mence check...
So as you guys already know there are a bunch of good Arceus forms like Normal, Ghost, Dark (imo I think its good), Ground, Rock and Water but then there all those other forms that are just... there. Can someone please tell me what niche those other forms have? because to me they just look a bit unviable.
When the viability ranking threads were open, Palkia was C rank. I'm just curious, what kept it out of D rank? I don't think I've ever read one positive thing about it since joining this site. Most seemed to agree that it was completely outclassed in anything it tried to do. Did it have some niche that I'm missing?

Also, again just curious, how viable was Palkia considered prior to ORAS?
In XY it was really viable. A+ or so.

It was C rank because of its ability as a wall and stallbreaker keep it out of D, as well as not really having anything other than blissey that wants to try and switch in on both Hydro Pump and Spacial Rend. Pdon can switch in on pumps and fairys on rends, but a mispredict will hurt.
Yo guys have you seen the recent Pokémon Sun and Moon trailer by any chance?

I don't know about you but I want that Sun Lion SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad.
Yo guys have you seen the recent Pokémon Sun and Moon trailer by any chance?

I don't know about you but I want that Sun Lion SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad.

hey bro not to be pushy, but I really think a lot of your posts could be avoided and / or discussed in the Ubers room on PS!
you're kinda clogging up this thread, so just an advice for the next time you post

How exactly am I clogging up this thread? All I was doing was asking a simple question, I fail to see how that clogs up a thread.

Also I know this isn't exactly relevant to anything but are you the guy who made that cool Toxic Spikes Greninja + Mewtwo team by any chance?
Yo guys have you seen the recent Pokémon Sun and Moon trailer by any chance?
I don't know about you but I want that Sun Lion SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad.
cool i guess

what gunner said is right, please try the ubers room at least once before jumping over here, specially for stuff like this which is not supposed to be here anyway

How exactly am I clogging up this thread? All I was doing was asking a simple question, I fail to see how that clogs up a thread.
by asking questions in Ubers' SQSA that are not related to Ubers

Also I know this isn't exactly relevant to anything but are you the guy who made that cool Toxic Spikes Greninja + Mewtwo team by any chance?
pm him on ps/vm him, he likes visitors