Tennysonmons [Slate #5: Upgrade, Way Big, AmpFibian]

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Voting is open!

Please use this format for voting
Four Arms: user1, user2, user3
Diamondhead: user1, user2, user3
Ripjaws: user1, user2, user3

The user placed in the first place gets 3 points, in the second place 2, and the third 3.
You can vote for yourself only in the 2nd or 3rd place.

Voting lasts till around the 21st of October
Four Arms: Yoavgreninja, G-Luke, Origin0
Diamondhead: G-Luke, Origin0, ZoroWarrior
Ripjaws: G-Luke, charizard8888, Origin0
Four Arms: Origin0, Yoavgreninja, G-Luke
Diamondhead: G-Luke, Origin0, and as for third, I don't like any of the other submissions for Diamond Head so please pick randomly for my third Diamond Head vote.
Ripjaws: charizard8888, Origin0, G-Luke
Four Arms: Yoavgreninja, G-Luke, DatHeatmor
Diamondhead: Origin0, Ninetales Dragons, Sereg
Ripjaws: G-Luke, charizard8888, ZoroWarrior
In Pokemon, Legendary signature moves aren't obtained by other Pokemon.
Legendary signature moves are moves with powers related to specific legendary Pokemon that no other Pokemon should learn (besides event Pokemon that their signature moves distribution has no obvious reason that makes sense, ask Nintendo/Game Freak about that). Each legendary signature move should only be learned by the corresponding legendary Pokemon. If you ever heard of a Diamond Head Pokemon being distributed as an event Pokemon with Diamond Storm, I won't argue. But you didn't.
I don't have anything else to say. I absolutely disagree with the idea of spreading legendary signature moves.

I'm not participating in this thread, but I'm clearing up this misconception.

I have two arguments against your point: Sacred Sword and Sacred Fire. Sacred Sword is the signature move of all four of the Swords of Justice, yet it got distributed to multiple non-legendaries thus far. Most notably the Honedge line and the Oshawott line (Yes, Samurott gets Sacred Sword now, it's an Egg Move), as well as also being distributed to the Ultra Beast Kartana. As for Sacred Fire, it's Ho-Oh's Signature Move, but then suddenly Entei got it in Gen 6. Legendary Signature Moves do not necessarily have to remain Signature Moves. Same goes for Manaphy's Heart Swap (Magearna got it in Gen 7). God knows certain moves would benefit greatly from being spreaded out (Who even uses Aeroblast, anyway?). As long as there is clear justification for the recipient using the move, it's fair game, REGARDLESS of whether the move is a legendary signature move or not.

Hell, even some NON-LEGENDARIES have signature moves to this day where Legendaries have lost signature access (To note: The Cubone and Marowak Line are STILL the only Pokemon in the game to learn Bone Club and Bonemerang (even though Bone Rush has more distribution), Softboiled is almost EXCLUSIVE to Chansey and Blissey [Only Mew, the Cleffa line and the Togepi line get it otherwise in any game in the series (They only get it in Generation 3 through move tutoring in FR/LG and Emerald], and they're the only Pokemon who can naturally learn the move, Jynx is the only Pokemon to get Lovely Kiss outside of events, only the Exeggcute line has Barrage, Kadabra and Alakazam are the only Pokemon who can learn Kinesis, the Porygon line's Conversion and Conversion 2, Octillery's Octazooka, Delibird's Present, The Makuhita line's Smelling Salts, the Tepig Line's Heat Crash, the Clink line's Gear Grind, Boufallant's Head Charge, Volcarona's Fiery Dance, Vivillon's Powder, Hawlucha's Flying Press, and let's not forget the Pikachu Line's Volt Tackle).
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I guess that Flash Fire because otherwise the "Heatran is broken" issue of OU isn't fixed well enough
Heatran is broken
Anyways since thats cleared up I know who to vote for.

Four Arms: Origin0, G-Luke, DatHeatmor
Diamonhead: Origin0, Ninetales Dragons, G-Luke
Ripjaws: charizard8888, G-Luke, Origin0
Four Arms: DatHeatmor, Ninetails Dragons, Yoavgreninja

Diamond Head: Ninetails Dragons, Origin0, G-Luke

Rip Jaws: G-Luke, Ninetails Dragons, Origin0
Thanks for participating, we have the first winners:
Yoavgreninja's Four Arms with 12 points, Origin0's Diamonhead with 15 points, and charizard8888's Ripjaws with 10!
Type: Fighting-/Ground-type (both, not saying it should be "either"). The idea of Four Arms having Ground as a secondary type came from Origin0 and it's totally his credit and thanks to him and I wouldn't think of this idea without him. The idea is that because Four Arms can create shock waves with its arms, it relates to earthquakes and stuff that happens when something heavy hits the ground in a way like that. I don't have anything to do with this idea besides supporting it and adding it to my own submission as a way of showing support towards giving Four Arms the Ground type as a secondary type.
Stats: 95/145/120/60/95/65
Weight: Not sure
Abilities: Iron Fist, Skill Link, Heat Proof/Flash Fire (taken from the ben10 wiki: "Four Arms has high durability, being almost fire and laser-proof.")
Movepool: Close Combat, Focus Punch, Substitute, Protect, Toxic, Earthquake, Bulldoze, Rock Wrecker, Crunch (or Bite for balancing purpose), Bulk Up (I think it fits the Pokemon in terms of logic, Idk about the role it should have), Drain Punch, Arm Thrust, Power-Up Punch, Knock Off
Flavour/Design: I don't have anything to say
Competitive Analysis: This Pokemon would be a physical bulky attacker/wall breaker and also a sweeper. It would be very unique in the meta due to being a viable Fighting-type bulky attacker (for example Assault Vest check to Heatran), because there isn't a useable one in OU that is listed on the Viability Rankings.
Sample Movesets:
Four Arms @ Leftovers or Fightinium Z or Rockium Z
Ability: Heatproof / Iron Fist
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe or 112 HP / 252 Atk / 140 Spe or 252 HP / 112 Atk / 140 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Substitute / Drain Punch / Focus Punch / Earthquake
- Drain Punch / Close Combat / Focus Punch / Earthquake
- Earthquake / Toxic / Protect
- Knock Off / Rock Wrecker / Bulk Up / Toxic / Protect

EV spreads are ordered from left to right by viability. 136 Speed EVs let Four Arms Speed-creep Mega Mawile and anything slower. If you do so, the better option is to retain the maximum Attack EVs and have less HP EVs, although if your team isn't as stressed against Heatran (for example if you let yourself run Iron Fist) you can take the EVs needed for Speed from HP instead, costing bulk.
The set has a few options: A Substitute Attacker (Drain Punch, Close Combat or Focus Punch and filler attacks), an All-out Attacker (Same as Substitute Attacker but you run both Drain Punch and either Close Combat or Focus Punch), a Bulk Up Sweeper (Drain Punch for sweeping longevity, Close Combat for wall-breaking purpose that should usually be used with Fightinium Z, with or without Substitute), and last but not least, you can run a Toxic+Protect attacker version of Four Arms, with or without Substitute.
Four Arms @ Assault Vest
Ability: Heatproof
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe or EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature / Careful
- Drain Punch / Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Power-Up Punch / Close Combat / Focus Punch

This set needs bulk desperately because it needs to check Heatran well. For bulkier teams, this set can and also should run maximum Special bulk (especially in Stall teams). As for the moves, the set acts as a bulky wall that hits hard, so it utilizes assault vest, for which reason it can't utilize any Status moves. So it has no option but running physical STAB, some coverage and either Power-Up Punch to act as a bulky sweeper, or utilize dual STABs.
Alien: Diamondhead

Stats: 80 / 100 / 130 / 60 / 90 / 80 | BST: 540
Weight: 661 lbs, 300 kg
Abilities: Solid Rock / Regenerator
Movepool: Diamond Blade*, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Recover, Hammer Arm, Meteor Mash, Reflect, Light Screen, Refresh, Swords Dance
*Diamond Blade - Rock-type Sacred Sword*
Flavour/Design: Diamondhead is Rock-type because he's made of diamonds, the Psychic typing comes from his ability to control his crystals. Solid Rock refers to his body being made of hard crystals, Regenerator because the wiki states he can regenerate parts of his body. The wiki also states he is very durable to physical impacts, giving him high physical defense. His signature move Diamond Blade comes from his ability to create crystal weapons from his body. I chose to base his weight on Golem's, for reasons.
Competitive Analysis: Diamondhead is a bulky Pokemon with Regenerator and Recover, and he can set up with Swords Dance. Diamond Blade is a reliable physical Rock-type attack that ignores the opponent's defense boosts, and he also has access to moves like Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, and Meteor Mash.
Diamondhead @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Diamond Blade
- Zen Headbutt / Earthquake
- Stealth Rock / Recover
- Swords Dance
Alien: Ripjaws

Stats: 80/130/100/70/90/110 [BST: 580]
Weight: 95 kg
Abilities: Strong Jaw / Swift Swim / Mold Breaker
Dragon Dance
Swords Dance
Aqua Jet
Ice Fang
Ice Punch
Iron Tail
Hidden Power
Flavour/Design: Ripjaws can swim very fast so Swift Swim. With its visible jaws, Strong Jaw is bound to come along with the Fang and bite moves. It's said to be able to punch very hard and make holes into deck which gives punch moves, Superpower and high Attack stat. Semi Dragon like appearance gives Dragon Dance. A bit loose reasoning on this but Ripjaws being reckless doesn't seem like one who would care about the foe's ability or anything so Mold Breaker.
Competitive Analysis: Fast physical attacker with Dragon Dance and better bulk plus choice of item being its perks over Mega Sharpedo.
Ripjaws @ Life Orb / Focus Sash
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Superpower / Ice Fang / Iron Tail

Ripjaws @ Choice Band
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Ice Punch
- Superpower / Iron Tail
Next up we have some dank aliens from Alien Force:
Slate #2
Chromastone, Spidermonkey, and
All the aliens have a BST limit of 590 (You may even use less of the BST)
Sumbissions are open till the 28th of October

Images from Ben10 Fandom Wikia and Ben10 Omniverse Wikia
Alien: Chromastone

Stats: 110 / 80 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 70 [560 BST]
Weight: 469 pounds
Abilities: Lightning Rod | Mental Buster (Psychic version of Lightning Rod.) | [HA] Energy Flow Disruptor (Grass version of Lightning Rod.)
Movepool: Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Psyshock, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Brick Break, Earthquake, Ancient Power, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam, Light Screen, Reflect
Flavour/Design: Rock-type since its body is made of rock and crystals. All three of its Abilities let it absorb Special types and boost up, referencing how it absorbs energy and fires it out. This is where its high Special Defense and health come from as well.
Competitive Analysis: It would be a Special sweeper that gets its power from the opposing team's attacks. It can switch in on a teammate's weakness, get a boost, and fire.

Alien: Spidermonkey

Stats: 99 / 90 / 75 / 60 / 70 / 126 [520 BST]
Weight: 60 pounds
Abilities: Limber | Agile (Whenever a move misses this Pokemon, it heals itself of 20% damage.) | [HA] Pickup
Movepool: Spider Web, Sticky Web, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, U-turn, Thunder Wave, Seismic Toss, Circle Throw, Acrobatics, Sky Attack, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Psych Up, Power-Up Punch, Taunt, Bullet Punch, Assist, Quick Attack, Agility, Parting Shot
Flavour/Design: Agility is one of Spidermonkey's main powers, represented by his two main Abilities and his high Speed.
Competitive Analysis: It can set up and be a Physical sweeper, or it can be a fast trickster, with many Status moves to use on the opponent. It can be a suicide lead, or keep switching in throughout the match.

Alien: Rath

Stats: 80 / 138 / 90 / 60 / 120 / 40 [528 BST]
Weight: 270 pounds
Abilities: Anger Point
Movepool: Night Slash, Knock Off, Close Combat, Superpower, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Bulk Up, Bullet Punch, X-Scissor, Iron Head
Flavour/Design: Rath always acts and talks super aggressive, explaining its type and Ability. He is tougher than he looks, which is why he has good Defenses.
Competitive Analysis: Rath would essentially be Four Arms, but with more Special Defense than Defense. Wearing an Assault Vest, he'd even be good against Psychic- and Fairy-types.
Alien: Chromastone

Stats: 100 / 70 / 70 / 110 / 120 / 80 [550 BST]
Weight: 331 pounds
Abilities: Lightning Rod | Solid Rock | [HA] Reflector (Bounces back light based attacks with 25% the power [Moves in bold are light based])
Movepool: Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Psyshock, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Brick Break, Earthquake, Ancient Power, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam, Light Screen, Reflect, Moonblast, Solar Beam, Stealth Rock
Flavour/Design: Rock/Psychic would have been the best typing flavour wise, since Psychic is associated with light, but to differentiate from Diamondhead, I went with Rock/Fairy (STAB Dazzling Gleam).
Competitive Analysis: Neato Special attacker with different and unique coverage options.

Alien: Spidermonkey

Stats: 99 / 113 / 75 / 60 / 75 / 123 [545 BST]
Weight: 77 pounds
Abilities: Limber | Technician | [HA] Pickup
Movepool: Park 1, Spider Web, Sticky Web, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, U-turn, Lunge, Elemental Punches, Storm Throw, Acrobatics, First Impression, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Power-Up Punch, Taunt, Bullet Punch, Fake Out, Quick Attack, Agility
Flavour/Design: Typing makes sense - its a monkey with multiple Spider attributes. Spidermonkey's defining trait is its agility and reflexes, reflected in its speed and primary ability. Fun fact, I averaged the common weight of a spider monkey and a 16 y-o male and got 77 pounds! Which looks like Spidermonkey's weight to me.
Competitive Analysis: Spidermonkey is a jack of all trades type of Pokemon, providing useful niches. It can operate as a Sticky Web lead, a Choice Scarf revenge killer, a set up sweeper and a weird utility mon of sorts.

Alien: Rath

Stats: 80 / 125 / 80 / 68 / 90 / 90 [528 BST]
Weight: 250 pounds
Abilities: Anger Point
Movepool: Night Slash, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Cross Chop, Superpower, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Bulk Up, Bullet Punch, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Snarl.
Flavour/Design: Rath is a hyper aggressive fighting machine, so I believe that Dark/Fighting is a perfect pick. Rath, as the name suggests, is fueled by rage, so Anger Point being its only ability is a fun spin on that. Rath has shown to able to resist much more damage than a human could, and as confirmed by the Reboot, is rather fast. So the stats reflect that. I left out Close Combat as I dont think Rath is capable of such fighting execution - he seems more like a beserker.
Competitive Analysis: With a decent speed tier and respectable attack and bulk, Rath can secure itself as a powerful wallbreaker in the meta once it gets up a SD.
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I'm sorry but I retire from taking part of this pet mod (including any other pet mod, I never had any intention to do a submission of any other pet mod anyways) because I don't have as much willpower to put the effort needed to make a submission, mostly because I happen to be tired every day lately. I'm sorry but I wish you all good luck and may the power of the aliens be with you! (worst joke in my life amirite)
Edit: I might change my mind and do *some* submissions, including editing this post into a Spidermonkey submission
Second Edit: I just read a bit more of Charizard8888's post about the winners, and now that I know that zard's Ripjaws won, I want to tell him: Grats, you're the best!!!

Submission Time!!!

Type: Normal/Bug
Stats: 83/119/83/62/101/131
Weight: whatever, I guess the weight G-Luke gave to Spidermonkey makes the most sense
Abilities: Frisk / Technician (G-Luke's idea, makes sense so I support it)
Movepool: Spider Web, Sticky Web, Swords Dance, Return, Frustration, U-turn, Bug Bite, Extreme Speed (yes), X-Scissor, Facade, Knock Off, Taunt, Trick, Toxic, Substitute, Protect, Rest, Agility, Fake Tears, Scary Face, Fake Out, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch
New Z-move: Spidermonkium Z. Base move: Spider Web. Effect: Calls a custom move Webtail Throw: The user shoots webs at the target, spin with the tail the webs holding the target and release the target, tossing it onto the ground. Physical, Bug-type, Base Power is equal to 3 times the target's weight (yes, it OHKO'es Primal Groudon unboosted). 1 PP, Accuracy= - .
Flavour/Design: Optional so no. hehe
Competitive Analysis: Spidermonkey can either be an SD wall breaker/sweeper, utilizing its custom Z-move, a Choice Scarf Revenge Killer/late game cleaner and pivot, Choice Band wall breaker/pivot and maybe trap Steel-types to lower their Sp. Def with Fake Tears, trap with Choice Scarf Magnezone and eliminate. Examples being Magearna, Jirachi, and even Excadrill who dies to HP Fire. I'm not going to add a moveset for Fake Tears because I'm too dumb and too tired to do that atm, I can't think of anything rn
Sample Moveset:
Spidermonkey @ Spidermonkium Z / Normalium Z / Buginium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Return
- Bug Bite / Knock Off
- Spider Web / Extreme Speed / Knock Off
Spidermonkey @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- U-turn
- Bug Bite
- Knock Off
Spidermonkey @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- U-turn
- Knock Off / Bug Bite / Fake Out
- Extreme Speed / Bug Bite / Fake Out
Spidermonkey @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sticky Web
- Fake Out
- Return
- U-turn
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Alien: Rath

Stats: 70 / 130 / 90 / 70 / 100 / 100 [BST: 560]
Weight: 150 kg
Abilities: Anger Point / Tough Claws
Movepool: Pack 1, Close Combat, Dragon Claw, Shadow Claw, Power-Up Punch, Endure, Rock Slide, Outrage, Thrash, Earthquake, Swords Dance, Poison Jab
Flavour/Design: Anger Point because of how angry it is all the time it wouldn't surely like taking a crit. It has claws which grow when it gets angry so Tough Claws. Thrash and Outrage are added as it doesn't stop when it starts fighting, others are Fighting STABs, and Claw moves.
Competitive Analysis: Can be used as a Choice or setup sweeping user with Swords Dance and Life Orb.
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Alien: Chromastone

Type: Rock/Fairy

Stats: 60/80/95/110/120/80 (545)

Weight: 266 pounds

Abilities: Flash Fire/Lightning Rod/Solid Rock

Movepool: Set 1, Vacuum Wave, Power Gem, Strength, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Smart Strike, Bullet Punch, Body Slam, Spark, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Confusion, Stone Edge, Avalanche, Rock Slide, Wild Charge, Flame Charge, Discharge, Earthquake, Earth Power, Signal Beam, Head Smash, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Facade, Rock Smash, Rock Blast, Headbutt, Psybeam, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock, Psyshock, Spiky Shield, Iron Defense, Sharpen, Dazzling Gleam, Swords Dance, Glare, Pin Missile, Megahorn, Twinneedle, Recover, Sandstorm, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Moonblast, Energy Ball, Psywave, Magnet Rise, Snatch

Flavour/Design: Chromostone is a rock being made of jewel like crystals like Carbink and Diancie. He absorbs energy like lightning and fire to increase his own energy output. He is strong and tough and shoots beams. He can also float, so Magnet Rise.

Competitive Analysis: A special tank with usable physical defense as well.

Alien: Spider Monkey

Type: Bug/Fighting

Stats: 60/100/70/70/90/120 (510)

Weight: 88 pounds

Abilities: Limber/Compound Eyes/Tangling Hair

Movepool: Pack 1, Strength, Close Combat, Fury Attack, Poison Fang, Bullet Seed, Stone Edge, Confusion, Seismic Toss, Work Up, Bulk Up, Pin Missile, Twinneedle, Sticky Web, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Power Whip, Wrap, Focus Energy, Comet Punch, Crunch, Bite, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Pursuit, Body Slam, Superpower, Wake-Up Slap, Double Slap, Double Kick, Cross Chop, Arm Thrust, Knock Off, Bug Bite, Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Submission, Giga Impact, Spider Web, Facade, Rock Smash, Rock Blast, Headbutt, Zen Headbutt, X-Scissor, Acrobatics, Fury Swipes, Cross Poison, Jump Kick, Hi-Jump Kick, Agility, Thief, Power Whip, Wrap, Snatch

Flavour/Design: Spider Money is a bit like an agile martial artist. He also has plenty of spider traits. He’s incredibly flexible, has multiple eyes and has sticky fur. He is well known for using webs.

Competitive Analysis: A speedy physical attacker with multiple support options.

Alien: Rath

Type: Fighting/Dark

Stats: 100/110/100/40/70/90 (510)

Weight: 187 pounds

Abilities: Anger Point/Berserk/Stamina

Movepool: Pack 1, Comet Punch, Strength, Crunch, Bite, Close Combat, Fury Attack, Bulk Up, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Pursuit, Double Edge, Body Slam, Head Smash, Slash, Seismic Toss, Surf, Superpower, Wake-Up Slap, Double Slap, Double Kick, Cross Chop, Arm Thrust, Hammer Arm, Knock Off, Power-Up Punch, Dragon Claw, Avalanche, Rock Slide, Wild Charge, Earthquake, Earth Power, Bulk Up, Work Up, Dive, Focus Energy, Submission, Giga Impact, Facade, Rock Smash, Rock Blast, Headbutt, X-Scissor, Acrobatics, Fury Swipes, Fury Attack, Rage, Outrage, Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Dragon Claw, Swords Dance, Jump Kick, Hi-Jump Kick, Revenge, Hyper Voice, Snatch, Roar, Power Trip

Flavour/Design: Rath is an angry, aggressive brawler with super strength who is a bit like a Heel wrester, like Incineroar. He is like a muscular, humanoid tiger with powerful claws and is very tough and stubborn.

Competitive Analysis: A physical tank with multiple set up options.
Dank subs
Voting has begun!
The voting stage this time will last till 30th October to have our special Halloween slate on the 31st of October so get your votes in as soon as you can!
You can vote for yourself in the 2nd and 3rd place.
Your options are
Alien: Chromastone

Stats: 110 / 80 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 70 [560 BST]
Weight: 469 pounds
Abilities: Lightning Rod | Mental Buster (Psychic version of Lightning Rod.) | [HA] Energy Flow Disruptor (Grass version of Lightning Rod.)
Movepool: Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Psyshock, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Brick Break, Earthquake, Ancient Power, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam, Light Screen, Reflect
Flavour/Design: Rock-type since its body is made of rock and crystals. All three of its Abilities let it absorb Special types and boost up, referencing how it absorbs energy and fires it out. This is where its high Special Defense and health come from as well.
Competitive Analysis: It would be a Special sweeper that gets its power from the opposing team's attacks. It can switch in on a teammate's weakness, get a boost, and fire.

Alien: Spidermonkey

Stats: 99 / 90 / 75 / 60 / 70 / 126 [520 BST]
Weight: 60 pounds
Abilities: Limber | Agile (Whenever a move misses this Pokemon, it heals itself of 20% damage.) | [HA] Pickup
Movepool: Spider Web, Sticky Web, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, U-turn, Thunder Wave, Seismic Toss, Circle Throw, Acrobatics, Sky Attack, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Psych Up, Power-Up Punch, Taunt, Bullet Punch, Assist, Quick Attack, Agility, Parting Shot
Flavour/Design: Agility is one of Spidermonkey's main powers, represented by his two main Abilities and his high Speed.
Competitive Analysis: It can set up and be a Physical sweeper, or it can be a fast trickster, with many Status moves to use on the opponent. It can be a suicide lead, or keep switching in throughout the match.

Alien: Rath

Stats: 80 / 138 / 90 / 60 / 120 / 40 [528 BST]
Weight: 270 pounds
Abilities: Anger Point
Movepool: Night Slash, Knock Off, Close Combat, Superpower, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Bulk Up, Bullet Punch, X-Scissor, Iron Head
Flavour/Design: Rath always acts and talks super aggressive, explaining its type and Ability. He is tougher than he looks, which is why he has good Defenses.
Competitive Analysis: Rath would essentially be Four Arms, but with more Special Defense than Defense. Wearing an Assault Vest, he'd even be good against Psychic- and Fairy-types.
Alien: Chromastone

Stats: 100 / 70 / 70 / 110 / 120 / 80 [550 BST]
Weight: 331 pounds
Abilities: Lightning Rod | Solid Rock | [HA] Reflector (Bounces back light based attacks with 25% the power [Moves in bold are light based])
Movepool: Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Psyshock, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Brick Break, Earthquake, Ancient Power, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam, Light Screen, Reflect, Moonblast, Solar Beam, Stealth Rock
Flavour/Design: Rock/Psychic would have been the best typing flavour wise, since Psychic is associated with light, but to differentiate from Diamondhead, I went with Rock/Fairy (STAB Dazzling Gleam).
Competitive Analysis: Neato Special attacker with different and unique coverage options.

Alien: Spidermonkey

Stats: 99 / 113 / 75 / 60 / 75 / 123 [545 BST]
Weight: 77 pounds
Abilities: Limber | Technician | [HA] Pickup
Movepool: Park 1, Spider Web, Sticky Web, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, U-turn, Lunge, Elemental Punches, Storm Throw, Acrobatics, First Impression, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Power-Up Punch, Taunt, Bullet Punch, Fake Out, Quick Attack, Agility
Flavour/Design: Typing makes sense - its a monkey with multiple Spider attributes. Spidermonkey's defining trait is its agility and reflexes, reflected in its speed and primary ability. Fun fact, I averaged the common weight of a spider monkey and a 16 y-o male and got 77 pounds! Which looks like Spidermonkey's weight to me.
Competitive Analysis: Spidermonkey is a jack of all trades type of Pokemon, providing useful niches. It can operate as a Sticky Web lead, a Choice Scarf revenge killer, a set up sweeper and a weird utility mon of sorts.

Alien: Rath

Stats: 80 / 125 / 80 / 68 / 90 / 90 [528 BST]
Weight: 250 pounds
Abilities: Anger Point
Movepool: Night Slash, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Cross Chop, Superpower, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Bulk Up, Bullet Punch, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Snarl.
Flavour/Design: Rath is a hyper aggressive fighting machine, so I believe that Dark/Fighting is a perfect pick. Rath, as the name suggests, is fueled by rage, so Anger Point being its only ability is a fun spin on that. Rath has shown to able to resist much more damage than a human could, and as confirmed by the Reboot, is rather fast. So the stats reflect that. I left out Close Combat as I dont think Rath is capable of such fighting execution - he seems more like a beserker.
Competitive Analysis: With a decent speed tier and respectable attack and bulk, Rath can secure itself as a powerful wallbreaker in the meta once it gets up a SD.
Type: Normal/Bug
Stats: 83/119/83/62/101/131
Weight: whatever, I guess the weight G-Luke gave to Spidermonkey makes the most sense
Abilities: Frisk / Technician (G-Luke's idea, makes sense so I support it)
Movepool: Spider Web, Sticky Web, Swords Dance, Return, Frustration, U-turn, Bug Bite, Extreme Speed (yes), X-Scissor, Facade, Knock Off, Taunt, Trick, Toxic, Substitute, Protect, Rest, Agility, Fake Tears, Scary Face, Fake Out, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch
New Z-move: Spidermonkium Z. Base move: Spider Web. Effect: Calls a custom move Webtail Throw: The user shoots webs at the target, spin with the tail the webs holding the target and release the target, tossing it onto the ground. Physical, Bug-type, Base Power is equal to 3 times the target's weight (yes, it OHKO'es Primal Groudon unboosted). 1 PP, Accuracy= - .
Flavour/Design: Optional so no. hehe
Competitive Analysis: Spidermonkey can either be an SD wall breaker/sweeper, utilizing its custom Z-move, a Choice Scarf Revenge Killer/late game cleaner and pivot, Choice Band wall breaker/pivot and maybe trap Steel-types to lower their Sp. Def with Fake Tears, trap with Choice Scarf Magnezone and eliminate. Examples being Magearna, Jirachi, and even Excadrill who dies to HP Fire. I'm not going to add a moveset for Fake Tears because I'm too dumb and too tired to do that atm, I can't think of anything rn
Sample Moveset:
Spidermonkey @ Spidermonkium Z / Normalium Z / Buginium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Return
- Bug Bite / Knock Off
- Spider Web / Extreme Speed / Knock Off
Spidermonkey @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- U-turn
- Bug Bite
- Knock Off
Spidermonkey @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- U-turn
- Knock Off / Bug Bite / Fake Out
- Extreme Speed / Bug Bite / Fake Out
Spidermonkey @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sticky Web
- Fake Out
- Return
- U-turn
Alien: Rath

Stats: 70 / 130 / 90 / 70 / 100 / 100 [BST: 560]
Weight: 150 kg
Abilities: Anger Point / Tough Claws
Movepool: Pack 1, Close Combat, Dragon Claw, Shadow Claw, Power-Up Punch, Endure, Rock Slide, Outrage, Thrash, Earthquake, Swords Dance, Poison Jab
Flavour/Design: Anger Point because of how angry it is all the time it wouldn't surely like taking a crit. It has claws which grow when it gets angry so Tough Claws. Thrash and Outrage are added as it doesn't stop when it starts fighting, others are Fighting STABs, and Claw moves.
Competitive Analysis: Can be used as a Choice or setup sweeping user with Swords Dance and Life Orb.

Alien: Chromastone

Type: Rock/Fairy

Stats: 60/80/95/110/120/80 (545)

Weight: 266 pounds

Abilities: Flash Fire/Lightning Rod/Solid Rock

Movepool: Set 1, Vacuum Wave, Power Gem, Strength, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Smart Strike, Bullet Punch, Body Slam, Spark, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Confusion, Stone Edge, Avalanche, Rock Slide, Wild Charge, Flame Charge, Discharge, Earthquake, Earth Power, Signal Beam, Head Smash, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Facade, Rock Smash, Rock Blast, Headbutt, Psybeam, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock, Psyshock, Spiky Shield, Iron Defense, Sharpen, Dazzling Gleam, Swords Dance, Glare, Pin Missile, Megahorn, Twinneedle, Recover, Sandstorm, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Moonblast, Energy Ball, Psywave, Magnet Rise, Snatch

Flavour/Design: Chromostone is a rock being made of jewel like crystals like Carbink and Diancie. He absorbs energy like lightning and fire to increase his own energy output. He is strong and tough and shoots beams. He can also float, so Magnet Rise.

Competitive Analysis: A special tank with usable physical defense as well.

Alien: Spider Monkey

Type: Bug/Fighting

Stats: 60/100/70/70/90/120 (510)

Weight: 88 pounds

Abilities: Limber/Compound Eyes/Tangling Hair

Movepool: Pack 1, Strength, Close Combat, Fury Attack, Poison Fang, Bullet Seed, Stone Edge, Confusion, Seismic Toss, Work Up, Bulk Up, Pin Missile, Twinneedle, Sticky Web, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Power Whip, Wrap, Focus Energy, Comet Punch, Crunch, Bite, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Pursuit, Body Slam, Superpower, Wake-Up Slap, Double Slap, Double Kick, Cross Chop, Arm Thrust, Knock Off, Bug Bite, Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Submission, Giga Impact, Spider Web, Facade, Rock Smash, Rock Blast, Headbutt, Zen Headbutt, X-Scissor, Acrobatics, Fury Swipes, Cross Poison, Jump Kick, Hi-Jump Kick, Agility, Thief, Power Whip, Wrap, Snatch

Flavour/Design: Spider Money is a bit like an agile martial artist. He also has plenty of spider traits. He’s incredibly flexible, has multiple eyes and has sticky fur. He is well known for using webs.

Competitive Analysis: A speedy physical attacker with multiple support options.

Alien: Rath

Type: Fighting/Dark

Stats: 100/110/100/40/70/90 (510)

Weight: 187 pounds

Abilities: Anger Point/Berserk/Stamina

Movepool: Pack 1, Comet Punch, Strength, Crunch, Bite, Close Combat, Fury Attack, Bulk Up, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Pursuit, Double Edge, Body Slam, Head Smash, Slash, Seismic Toss, Surf, Superpower, Wake-Up Slap, Double Slap, Double Kick, Cross Chop, Arm Thrust, Hammer Arm, Knock Off, Power-Up Punch, Dragon Claw, Avalanche, Rock Slide, Wild Charge, Earthquake, Earth Power, Bulk Up, Work Up, Dive, Focus Energy, Submission, Giga Impact, Facade, Rock Smash, Rock Blast, Headbutt, X-Scissor, Acrobatics, Fury Swipes, Fury Attack, Rage, Outrage, Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Dragon Claw, Swords Dance, Jump Kick, Hi-Jump Kick, Revenge, Hyper Voice, Snatch, Roar, Power Trip

Flavour/Design: Rath is an angry, aggressive brawler with super strength who is a bit like a Heel wrester, like Incineroar. He is like a muscular, humanoid tiger with powerful claws and is very tough and stubborn.

Competitive Analysis: A physical tank with multiple set up options.

Chromastone: Ninetales Dragons, G-Luke, Sereg
Spidermonkey: Yoavgreninja, G-Luke, Sereg
Rath: G-Luke, Sereg, Ninetales Dragons

Spidermonkey's Z Move sounds interesting but shouldn't it be coming from a physical Bug-type move? or Status Z Moves can damage.
Chromastone all 3 custom abilities sound perfectly fit, hard to choose.
Chromastone: G-Luke, Ninetails Dragons, Sereg

Spider Monkey: G-Luke, Yoavgreninja, Ninetails Dragons

Rath: G-Luke, Charizard8888, Ninetails Dragons
Chromastone: Sereg, Ninetails Dragon, G-Luke
Spidermonkey: Sereg, G-Luke, Yoavgreninja
Rath: charizard8888, G-Luke, Sereg
Spidermonkey's Z Move sounds interesting but shouldn't it be coming from a physical Bug-type move? or Status Z Moves can damage.
Chromastone all 3 custom abilities sound perfectly fit, hard to choose.

It wouldn't be a status Z Move but a signature Z-Move. GF used attacking moves to make "status" effects in the past for signatures, so it doing that here in basically reverse should not be an issue.
Voting has ended, thanks everyone for participating and congratulations to all the winners.
The winners are Ninetales Dragons' Chromastone, Yoavgreninja's Spidermonkey, and G-Luke's Rath.
Alien: Chromastone

Stats: 110 / 80 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 70 [560 BST]
Weight: 469 pounds
Abilities: Lightning Rod | Mental Buster (Psychic version of Lightning Rod.) | [HA] Energy Flow Disruptor (Grass version of Lightning Rod.)
Movepool: Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Psyshock, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Brick Break, Earthquake, Ancient Power, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam, Light Screen, Reflect
Flavour/Design: Rock-type since its body is made of rock and crystals. All three of its Abilities let it absorb Special types and boost up, referencing how it absorbs energy and fires it out. This is where its high Special Defense and health come from as well.
Competitive Analysis: It would be a Special sweeper that gets its power from the opposing team's attacks. It can switch in on a teammate's weakness, get a boost, and fire.
Alien: Spider Monkey
Type: Normal/Bug
Stats: 83/119/83/62/101/131
Weight: whatever, I guess the weight G-Luke gave to Spidermonkey makes the most sense
Abilities: Frisk / Technician (G-Luke's idea, makes sense so I support it)
Movepool: Spider Web, Sticky Web, Swords Dance, Return, Frustration, U-turn, Bug Bite, Extreme Speed (yes), X-Scissor, Facade, Knock Off, Taunt, Trick, Toxic, Substitute, Protect, Rest, Agility, Fake Tears, Scary Face, Fake Out, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch
New Z-move: Spidermonkium Z. Base move: Spider Web. Effect: Calls a custom move Webtail Throw: The user shoots webs at the target, spin with the tail the webs holding the target and release the target, tossing it onto the ground. Physical, Bug-type, Base Power is equal to 3 times the target's weight (yes, it OHKO'es Primal Groudon unboosted). 1 PP, Accuracy= - .
Flavour/Design: Optional so no. hehe
Competitive Analysis: Spidermonkey can either be an SD wall breaker/sweeper, utilizing its custom Z-move, a Choice Scarf Revenge Killer/late game cleaner and pivot, Choice Band wall breaker/pivot and maybe trap Steel-types to lower their Sp. Def with Fake Tears, trap with Choice Scarf Magnezone and eliminate. Examples being Magearna, Jirachi, and even Excadrill who dies to HP Fire. I'm not going to add a moveset for Fake Tears because I'm too dumb and too tired to do that atm, I can't think of anything rn
Sample Moveset:
Spidermonkey @ Spidermonkium Z / Normalium Z / Buginium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Return
- Bug Bite / Knock Off
- Spider Web / Extreme Speed / Knock Off
Spidermonkey @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- U-turn
- Bug Bite
- Knock Off
Spidermonkey @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- U-turn
- Knock Off / Bug Bite / Fake Out
- Extreme Speed / Bug Bite / Fake Out
Spidermonkey @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician / Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sticky Web
- Fake Out
- Return
- U-turn
Alien: Rath

Stats: 80 / 125 / 80 / 68 / 90 / 90 [528 BST]
Weight: 250 pounds
Abilities: Anger Point
Movepool: Night Slash, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Cross Chop, Superpower, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Bulk Up, Bullet Punch, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Snarl.
Flavour/Design: Rath is a hyper aggressive fighting machine, so I believe that Dark/Fighting is a perfect pick. Rath, as the name suggests, is fueled by rage, so Anger Point being its only ability is a fun spin on that. Rath has shown to able to resist much more damage than a human could, and as confirmed by the Reboot, is rather fast. So the stats reflect that. I left out Close Combat as I dont think Rath is capable of such fighting execution - he seems more like a beserker.
Competitive Analysis: With a decent speed tier and respectable attack and bulk, Rath can secure itself as a powerful wallbreaker in the meta once it gets up a SD.
It's time for our special spooky Halloween slate!
Slate #3
Big Chill, Ghostfreak, and Frankenstrike
Submissions are open till the 6th of November
All 3 have a BST limit of 570
Hoping for huge participation and have a Happy Halloween everyone!
Last edited:
Alien: Ghostfreak

110 / 105 / 55 / 115 / 65 / 110 [560 BST]
Weight: 25 pounds
Abilities: Trace / Illusion [HA: Levitate]
Movepool: Pack 1, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Night Shade, Curse, Hypnosis, Curse, Psycho Cut, Night Slash, Knock Off, Nightmare, Taunt, Psyshock, Will O Wisp, Nasty Plot, Embargo, Torment, Toxic Spikes, Pursuit, Nightmare Fuel*, Spectral Gash**
Nightmare Fuel - Ghost | Special | 15 PP | 100 BP | Drains 75% of damage dealt if user is asleep; 50% otherwise | Z-Move: 175 BP Never Ending Nightmare
Spectral Gash - Ghost | Physical | 10 PP | 85 BP | Hits the opponent on its lower defense | Z-Move: 160 BP Never Ending Nightmare
Flavour/Design: Ghostfreak is such a Ghost type its really without question. What makes it part Dark is its very evil nature and villainous tendencies. I gave it Trace due to being known to access the abilities of beings they possess. Illusion thanks to Ghostfreak notably not showing its true form for most of the animated series. Levitate is easy; ghosts float.
Competitive Analysis: With only one weakness, Ghostfreak seems like it would be a solid bulky mon, but its stats lean heavily towards a sweeper role. It can go either special or physical.

Alien: Big Chill

80 / 65 / 75 / 115 / 135 / 100 [570 BST]
Weight: 138 pounds
Abilities: Levitate / Insulator* [HA: Tinted Lens]
Insulator - Immune to Fire and Ice attacks
Movepool: Pack 1, Ice Beam, Bug Buzz, U-Turn, Roost, Quiver Dance, Frost Breath, Focus Blast, Blizzard, Struggle Bug, Aurora Veil, Hail, Shadow Ball
Flavour/Design: I was tempted to make Big Chill part Ghost, but I decided that it would make a lot more sense to stick with the more obvious typing. Custom Ability comes from Big Chill's immunity to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, which allows it to live on its planet. Levitate refers to its ability to fly, and Tinted Lens because its good its eyes indeed are tinted to match its body colour (?).
Competitive Analysis: A decent bulky set up sweeper, Big Chill can use its ok bulk to set up on stuff and attempt a sweep. It is held back by its horrendous defensive typing, with plenty of weaknesses, especially a x4 SR weakness.

Alien: Ben VictorFrankenstrike (Uncultured Name)

110 / 105 / 105 / 90 / 80 / 70 [560 BST]
Weight: 390 pounds
Abilities: Volt Absorb / Stamina [HA: Technician]
Movepool: Pack 1, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Drain Punch, Superpower, Earthquake, Volt Switch, Thunder(bolt), Thunder Wave, Electric Terrain, Plasma Fists, Wild Charge, Magnet Rise, Will o Wisp, Bulk Up, Charge, Charge Up*
Charge Up - Electric | Status | 10 PP | - | Heals for 50% of its maximum health. Heals 66% in Electric Terrain | Z-Move: Clears all negative stat boosts
Flavour/Design: Frankenstrike is clearly based on Frankenstein's monster, along with the scientist himself, and is the first in a LONG list of Electrical aliens to be featured in this Pet Mod. Being so tied to electricity and reanimation of the dead, Ghost/Electric seemed like a fitting typing. Volt Absorb is due to the legend of a lightning strike bringing Frankenstein to life. Stamina fits very well to me as shown in the series, they are extremely durable and very relentless. Technician fits his scientist / inventor vibe very well too (and gives us real Ghost STAB).
Competitive Analysis: Frankenstrike makes use of its good defensive typing to check and assortment of physical threats thanks to Stamina and solid bulk.
Sadly, my favorite alien in ben 10 has already had a submission for which is so good I can't make anything better (G-Luke's). I'd only suggest to add a +1 priority status move that makes the user immune to physical attacks for the duration of the turn.
Sadly, my favorite alien in ben 10 has already had a submission for which is so good I can't make anything better (G-Luke's). I'd only suggest to add a +1 priority status move that makes the user immune to physical attacks for the duration of the turn.
That should never stop you from submitting, you never know who will prefer yours from any other one
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