Event Discussion

I thought its recoil worked like Mind Blown (so you'll KO yourself with it in 2 turns; it's not like Super Fang on yourself). A little less amazing.
Doesn't it make it more amazing that you can use it more than twice, assuming you don't take damage? Also I can't be sure about that myself, but the description doesn't mention max HP at all so I'm just guessing here. Then again, the description for Mind Blown is:
自分の 頭を 爆発 させて 周りの すべてを 攻撃する。自分も ダメージを 受けてしまう。
It only mentions that the user takes damage, nothing that even vaguely describes the amount of damage taken.

While certainly a fun idea... um, Pokemon Company, could fans outside of Japan get a chance to name a move too? Doesn't have to be the same Move either, would be fun if each continent (or however they would like to split it up) got their own move to name. Or at the very least include the UK, seems kind of exclusive to just have the Japanese fan name a move for a region that's based on the UK.
Meh, they'll end up choosing something like Steely Steel anyway.
Meh, they'll end up choosing something like Steely Steel anyway.

Well it was mentioned the choice of the move name would be chosen by staff and not by most popular/fan voted, so we'd probably would ignore that (besides they gotta save that name for when Eevee gets a Steel-type Eeveelution and they remake Let's Go Eevee in 20 years).

I asked the Smogon Discord for some of their thoughts and, though I said for English speakers they'd probably increase the limit, Stellar came up with a good one that stays within the Japanese character limits: Meltdown (though DHR-107 pointed out that Japan may not too keen on that word, though Stellar than offered another name I think is alright: Smelt Smite; or if that's too punny maybe combine them together: Smelt Down).
While certainly a fun idea... um, Pokemon Company, could fans outside of Japan get a chance to name a move too? Doesn't have to be the same Move either, would be fun if each continent (or however they would like to split it up) got their own move to name. Or at the very least include the UK, seems kind of exclusive to just have the Japanese fan name a move for a region that's based on the UK.
The simplest explanation for this is just a little (not even a lot of) bureaucracy. Game Freak has the exclusive authority to come up with move names in Japanese, and then Nintendo sends these to the various translation teams. There's no one at Game Freak who can translate a non-Japanese move name back into Japanese, and even if someone at Nintendo did it for them, Game Freak might not like being told what move name they're now forced to put into their own game (they'd rather make the decision themselves).

I asked the Smogon Discord for some of their thoughts and, though I said for English speakers they'd probably increase the limit, Stellar came up with a good one that stays within the Japanese character limits: Meltdown (though DHR-107 pointed out that Japan may not too keen on that word, though Stellar than offered another name I think is alright: Smelt Smite; or if that's too punny maybe combine them together: Smelt Down).
No need to speculate on character limits - the 8 character limit isn't pulled out of thin air; it's the literal length limit on move names in Japanese/Korean/Chinese. The rules might as well have just said "name must be programmable into the game". For Latin-alphabet languages we already know the character limit is ~16 chars if I recall correctly.

There's no point in trying to fit an English name (or any other Latin-alphabet language name) into the Japanese character limit because Latin letters are only allowed in Japanese move names when it makes more sense than its Japanese equivalent (e.g. Vジェネレート (V-generate/V-create) and DDラリアット (DD Lariat/Darkest Lariat)). A name that didn't make sense to Game Freak would almost certainly be rejected by them.

Edit: deleted comment that was overly confrontational
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If you're going to speculate, at least keep your company bureaucracies and language mechanics straight.

... and you don't think I don't know any of this?

I know the reason why they don't do it outside of Japan is because GF like to pretend Japan is their only market and the international market is just a nice little "bonus". that doesn't nullify my point of wanting similar contest outside of Japan. And I disagree about the English to Japanese point, it would not be difficult at all to translate an English move name into Japanese since a lot of time the English name is a literal translation of the Japanese name so they would just do the same in reverse.

And yes I also know about the character limit thing, hence why I said they would probably increase the limit if they held a contest like this outside of Japan. However I also wanted to share one of them which stayed within the Japanese limit (and note the other two suggestions afterwards are longer then eight characters).

BTW, I agree with most what you said, I'm just annoyed at that last sentence sounding like you assume I don't already know all this, it comes off a bit smug.
I have to apologize; I've spent too much time lately in other places where there are way too many people who think that Nintendo develops the games and/or that every language in the world behaves the same way as English (or both).

it would not be difficult at all to translate an English move name into Japanese since a lot of time the English name is a literal translation of the Japanese name so they would just do the same in reverse.
This is what I'm imagining:

Nintendo: Hey Game Freak, as the localization & marketing arm for your games we held this contest for English move names; which one do you like the best?
Game Freak: No one on our staff can read these contest entries.
N: We don't have time to translate 100,000 entries. Here, we picked the English move name we liked best and translated it.
GF: Hey, we're the ones supposed to be in charge of developing everything about the (original Japanese) games. Why do you get to micromanage something this small and specific?
This is what I'm imagining:

Nintendo: Hey Game Freak, as the localization & marketing arm for your games we held this contest for English move names; which one do you like the best?
Game Freak: No one on our staff can read these contest entries.
N: We don't have time to translate 100,000 entries. Here, we picked the English move name we liked best and translated it.
GF: Hey, we're the ones supposed to be in charge of developing everything about the (original Japanese) games. Why do you get to micromanage something this small and specific?

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a number of GF employees who understand English... but there's this thing about English is Japan. Japanese schools I think are required to teach English, BUT the way they teach English is that they apply Japanese sentence structures with the English words. This is why whenever English pops up in Japanese media it's often in a form of broken English, because they're using English words but a Japanese sentence structure. I remember Gaijin Goomba complaining about it when he taught English in Japan, the school staff didn't want him teaching the proper way to use English but rather just teach them individual words and phrases.

But back to what I quoted, I more imagine the issue is more the control side then the lazy. Obviously if they did this the Pokemon Company regional branches would probably choose the best few names and give it to GF to make the final decisions... but even that would probably feel like removing too much control for a game they make GF feels. So they keep these kind of targets to their Japanese audience which they can reasonably handle.

I think this is also why we rarely get any special events in other counties while Japan gets loads. Japan has many events but a lot of them are usually centered around a real life Japanese thing so not brought over. However, GF don't want the other Pokemon Company regional branches coming up with events because that would be giving another part of the world a special Pokemon which they would have little oversight over in their game. They can give out a Jirachi for the Tanabata Festival each year because they're in Japan to oversee it, but they won't let the US give out a Victini for July 4th because that's something they can't see happening halfway around the world so no deal.
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a number of GF employees who understand English... but there's this thing about English is Japan. Japanese schools I think are required to teach English, BUT the way they teach English is that they apply Japanese sentence structures with the English words. This is why whenever English pops up in Japanese media it's often in a form of broken English, because they're using English words but a Japanese sentence structure. I remember Gaijin Goomba complaining about it when he taught English in Japan, the school staff didn't want him teaching the proper way to use English but rather just teach them individual words and phrases.
While Japanese schools are indeed required to teach English, they mostly do simple vocabulary up to 3rd/4th grade in elementary school and only get to simple sentence structures (without teaching them grammar) in 5th/6th grade, and a bit of an introduction to the alphabet. That said, a good portion of them take English lessons outside of school at this stage. Starting in middle school, they finally touch on phonics, and begin to put the sounds to the letters, which they are formally taught simultaneously. From here things speed up a bit and the kids are introduced to English grammar which is very different to Japanese grammar.

I'm not sure how long ago Gaijin Goomba was teaching English in Japan, but it must've been quite a while ago. The situation you described above is no longer the case. So yes, while you might be shaking your head at this curriculum and pace, the teachers themselves, especially at the elementary level, are not equipped to be teaching English at a higher level than just simple vocabulary and sentence structures.
While Japanese schools are indeed required to teach English, they mostly do simple vocabulary up to 3rd/4th grade in elementary school and only get to simple sentence structures (without teaching them grammar) in 5th/6th grade, and a bit of an introduction to the alphabet. That said, a good portion of them take English lessons outside of school at this stage. Starting in middle school, they finally touch on phonics, and begin to put the sounds to the letters, which they are formally taught simultaneously. From here things speed up a bit and the kids are introduced to English grammar which is very different to Japanese grammar.

I'm not sure how long ago Gaijin Goomba was teaching English in Japan, but it must've been quite a while ago. The situation you described above is no longer the case. So yes, while you might be shaking your head at this curriculum and pace, the teachers themselves, especially at the elementary level, are not equipped to be teaching English at a higher level than just simple vocabulary and sentence structures.

Not shaking my head at them for not teaching complex English, English isn't their main language so obviously grade school isn't going to put that much resources into it (especially since those who may need the skill later in life will be taking classes outside of school). Glad to hear that what Gaijin Goomba experienced is no longer the case, I was more shaking my head at that. Admittedly I really only know English, though I did take Spanish in High School and College and from that alone I know how awkward sentences can sound if you don't follow the grammar rules.

At the bottom: not sure if Japan only, but an Ancient Mew card is available in the Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution pamphlet. It also says that deciphering the ancient script will reveal something shocking about "that ability".

And in the top right: Armored Mewtwo can only be seen in the movie, suggesting that Armored Mewtwo will not be a thing in SS.
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Ancient Mew Promo:
Well I guess that means they don't plan on remaking Pokemon 2000: The Power of One if they're giving away the Ancient Mew Card for this movie.
"Deciphering the ancient script will reveal something shocking about "that ability""... what? What script are they talking about? The only script that isn't related to the TCG is the two lines below the attack. The first one says "New Species", which is Mew's official Species in the game.
The second line is more interesting: "Little god... or evil?" (though Nintedo's "official" translation of the card says its "Little cat... or evil?", lol). Certainly an ominous description or maybe even warning, but still nothing relating to what you can call an ability.
Finally there are the hieroglyphs behind it but those were also explains to mean "Birth", "Enthronement", "Right of Succession" and "Death". Interesting as well, but also nothing really relating to an ability unless they're applying Mew can control some kind of life cycle or maybe has the power of reincarnation.

Armored Mewtwo:
Huh, so they did change it. Hmm, I don't know, I kind of like the older one as it looked much sleeker. This one is a bit too busy with the over the shoulder covers and the samurai-like spike ornaments in the back. It looks more cumbersome and would more hold Mewtwo back then the original armor's purpose of just focusing its power.
Eitherway, may not be in the games (please let it not be in the games), but you definitely know there's going to be ton of merchandise of it with at least one being a figurine/action figure. Maybe also a Funko Pop.
The Pokemon news account just teased the card on their Twitter, asking if anyone can read the script:


I'm not sure about how much HP it has or how much damage the move does, but the text is written in a mix of Elder Futhark (2nd - 8th centuries).
These runes were a part of the study material of my current university semester and I figured it'd be a fun challenge to try and translate it:

ᛘᛂᚹ -> MEW
ᚺᛈ -> HP
ᛔᛋᚤᛌᚼᛂ -> PSYSHE (Psyche)
ᚹᛂᛆᚴᚿᛂᛋᛋ -> WEAKNESS
ᚿᛂᚹ ᛋᛔᛂᛌᛁᛋ -> NEW SPESIS (Species)
ᛚᛁᛐᛐᛚᛂ ᚵᚮᚮᛑ... ᛟᚱ ᛂᚢᛁᛚ -> LITTLE GOOD... OR EVIL
ᚱᛂᛋᛁᛋᛐᛅᛌᛂ -> RESISTÆSE (Resistence)
ᚱᛂᛐᚱᛂᛆᛐ ᛍᚮᛋᛐ -> RETREAT COST

The eyes most likely represent the "psychic" type.

Funnily enough, it appears that they made a small mistake by using ᛌ (S) instead of ᛍ (C) for "Retreat Cost".

I used these online sources (as well as my course material) to translate it:
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I'm not sure about how much HP it has or how much damage the move does.

Yeah, it's weird because official sources says its HP is 30 and Psyche does 40 damage. Yet both HP and attack damage have the same right triangle with the only difference being the attack damage also having a "dented" rectangle next to it. Don't quite know how that works, curious if it was only done just so you couldn't translate it completely without Pokemon Company's help (not that it makes it any good... then again if they did make up those symbols they could change how much they mean).

ᛚᛁᛐᛐᛚᛂ ᚵᚮᚮᛑ... ᛟᚱ ᛂᚢᛁᛚ -> LITTLE GOOD... OR EVIL

Little GOOD? The Pokemon Company says its "God" so I wonder if that's another mistake on their part.

Also, though plenty of sources say the symbols behind Mew mean "Birth", "Enthronement", "Right of Succession" and "Death", nowhere does it say where those symbols came from. They look to maybe be Mayan glyphs, though I couldn't find any matching images.
Not sure where else to put this since the Sword/Shield thread isn't open, but man this situation.

So a magazine called Uniqlo held a Pokémon T-shirt competition with the prize being that the winning T-shirt would go on sale. When the winner was chosen, it was also revealed that the winning T-shirt would be in Sword and Shield (inadvertently also revealing trainer customisation to be back)! That's pretty cool!


... then they ran into a slight problem -- the winner broke the rules. One of the rules of the contest was that it couldn't be a T-shirt you had previously designed and used; and it turns out this person had previously made this T-shirt and sold it on their own store.

So that's fair enough; stuff like this always happens. Just disqualify the person and choose a runner-up instea--

"As we reported on Monday, Uniqlo had a competition for various T-Shirt designs for Pokémon that will then get sold, with the grand prize winner having their T-Shirt implemented into Pokémon Sword & Shield. However, the winner was since found to have violated the rules having previously sold their own design which they entered into this contest. Due to this, that entry has been disqualified and no Grand Prize winner will be included and thus it means that none of the T-Shirt winners will be implemented into Pokémon Sword & Shield as the note about that element has been removed from all official material. " ~ Serebii


... then they ran into a slight problem -- the winner broke the rules. One of the rules of the contest was that it couldn't be a T-shirt you had previously designed and used; and it turns out this person had previously made this T-shirt and sold it on their own store.

So that's fair enough; stuff like this always happens. Just disqualify the person and choose a runner-up instea--

"As we reported on Monday, Uniqlo had a competition for various T-Shirt designs for Pokémon that will then get sold, with the grand prize winner having their T-Shirt implemented into Pokémon Sword & Shield. However, the winner was since found to have violated the rules having previously sold their own design which they entered into this contest. Due to this, that entry has been disqualified and no Grand Prize winner will be included and thus it means that none of the T-Shirt winners will be implemented into Pokémon Sword & Shield as the note about that element has been removed from all official material. " ~ Serebii



Such a shame on both accounts.

First with the winner breaking the rules. Like, did they not read the rules? Did they think they wouldn't get caught? Well, apparently they didn't which itself is odd as if they sold their designs then it should have been easy to find. I'm going to assume it was going to be a "surprise" their shirt was going to be put into the game, so I wonder if that was told upfront they may have read the rules closer/submitted new artwork.

Second with them not choosing a runner-up to have their shirt put in the game. Why not? Do they not want to go through the effort of programming another shirt into the game at risk of it also being previous existing artwork? Or since the surprise was ruined they don't feel it would be as "special" as they envisioned it to be? I also wouldn't put it pass GF being upset they were fooled and that soured their whole involvement with the contest.
The person probably thought he wasn't going to get caught, either re-using his design or outright stealing it, I don't know which for sure.

I don't have a problem with there being no winner. Just consider it as that they were choosing one worthy of winning rather than the best of all entries, and that runners-up wasn't good enough to be a winner.
Also it's Uniqlo that owns the designs now, not Game Freak. So GF can't program in anything unless Uniqlo gives the OK, and they aren't giving the OK because...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As a tie-in to the movie, there will be an escape room held all over Japan. Planning to go later this month and it'll be my first escape room experience.


Might be a bit of a challenge since I'm not 100% with Pokemon names in Japanese, but I think it'll be fun. I like how Dragonite delivers the invitation too.


Surprised this hasn't been posted yet but Shiny Solgaleo/Lunala will become available for the first time in about two months. Currently only distributions for the US and Europe have been announced so far.

Would be interesting in a strange way if Japan didn't get the event, as that would mark the second time they've missed out on something exclusive (Shiny Zygarde has never been distributed in Japan yet).