Pet Mod [Gen 8] CFM

Shall we relaunch CFM before or after the release of Gen 9?

  • ASAP!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wait until Gen 9

    Votes: 15 100.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The next slate will be on Thursday! What mons would you guys like to see nominated? Given the lower number of votes, I'm not sure it would be fruitful to do an FFA slate. All are welcome to take part in discussions on the CFM Discord!

Also, do come play CFM sometime on the CFM server! Try CFM Battle Factory with our bot, Leon Botsky, for an easy way to get to know the metagame!
since nephrite only runs cfm, you could adapt the teambuilder to the cfm features
You don't say :P

Seriously though, this is on the to-do list. It didn't seem possible when I started making this game four years ago and I didn't realise it was possible now until a few weeks ago.
Anyway, thanks to all who voted, here are the results of the slate!


Stats: no change
Abilities: Cheek Pouch / Pickup / Gluttony
New moves: Frustration & Return, Hammer Arm, Bestow, Natural Gift, Double Slap, Recycle, Secret Power, Assist, Hyper Fang
Move/ability tweaks:
Pickup: if the user or its ally have used a berry and the user has no item, has a 50% chance to pick up another of that berry
Stuff Cheeks: restores 25% HP after each consumption of a berry
Target tier: PU/NU
Reasoning: Greedent is already an underused gem in PU, so I didn't want to make it that much more powerful. It is, however, rather flawed, as it is a monster with Cheek Pouch and a great move in Stuff Cheeks but no Recycle. In addition to giving it Recycle, I also thought it would be fun to buff Pickup, turning that into a Harvest clone! This would pair nicely with a new Stuff Cheeks that restores HP, meaning it can eat whatever berry it likes whenever it likes every turn while recovering HP. I also gave it a more suitable Fighting move than Superpower, since it doesn't care about Speed, some Fairy coverage in Double Slap, a berry abusing move in Natural Gift, as well as some stronger STAB moves, some flavour moves, and some meme moves that were all deleted this gen. Overall, more options, "brand new" ability, and more fun!

Pokémon: Thievul
Stats: 70 / 58 / 58 / 97 (+10) / 102 (+10) / 90 (475 BST)
Abilities: Run Away, Pickpocket, Stakeout
Move/Ability tweaks: +Sludge Bomb
Target Tier: PU
How this makes it more interesting: Unburden sweepers are braindead and lame so how about something that actually fits a thief that prefers holding things. Now it's all about that Stakeout action with it being surprisingly bulky to boot contrary to other more minmaxed special attackers. Anything that's not a specially invested Fighting type like Throh, Machoke or Gurdurr will not have fun switching in.

Stats(changes highlighted in bold): 70 (+5) / 60 / 75 / 110 / 121 / 64 BST: 500
Abilities(changes highlighted in bold): Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil, +Sticky Hold
Move/Ability tweaks
: +Trick Room, Z-Decorate: Boosts both of the user's attacking stats by 2 stages as well
Target Tier: NU
How this makes it more interesting: Unfortunately there are only so many of this type of specially bulky fairy in the game while all of them are interesting. Since UU already has Sylveon and Florges and RU has Aromatisse, this will just be NU's version with a bit of new flavor. Acid Armor + Calm Mind alongside Draining Kiss and Stored Power is pretty much the only cool and interesting thing it does in singles. Decorate is a really cool signature move, but it only has a use in doubles. This new Z-effect gives it a use in singles and a potential buff in doubles. Trick Room, despite making it more like a budget Aromatisse, fills out its arsenal of room moves alongside Wonder Room and Magic Room (it already has both), allows it to cash in on its supportive role in doubles, and also give offensive sets some life in the offensive CFNU tier despite its subpar physical bulk. Sticky Hold is kinda just there because I couldn't think of a better third ability and Alcremie looks kinda sticky lol.
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oh, ok
but it didnt get anything, and there are more mons that didnt got anything
is there a list of fully evolved mons we didnt buff?
There isn't really a list of things that we didn't change primarily, but the vast majority of pokemon with large changes are listed on the weebly, and if not the best way to check out changes is with data commands on the server. However, pretty much every pokemon has indirect buffs/changes due to adjustments to existing abilities and moves. For example, Lucario has had all three of its abilities changed which makes all of them more useful. Vanilluxe has access to Sheer Cold which is an Ice equivalent of Overheat as well as regaining Hidden Power and a slightly stronger Ice Beam and Blizzard. It's still something we can look at though, along with Garbodor which unfortunately hasn't gotten anything new that's significant.
I also would like to clarify that the goal isn't to buff every Pokemon necessarily but moreso to make them interesting and unique competitively in a way that makes sense for the Pokemon. For example Vanilluxe is already a good Pokemon in PU without Snow Warning and in higher tiers with it, so we wouldn't focus on trying to make it better like we would with something garbage like Dunsparce.
Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for another slate!
For the next week, we invite you to submit your ideas to improve the following mons:


Stonjourner (PU)
Target BST: 480 - 500


Eiscue (PU)
Target BST: 470-500


Farfetch'd-Galar (LC/PU)
Target BST: 460

The slate will continue until the 27th of August!
Please make submissions with the following template:
Stats(changes highlighted in bold)
Abilities(changes highlighted in bold):
Move/Ability tweaks:
Target Tier (Pick one from OU through PU, regardless of choice try to keep it unique and don't arbitrarily boost it to OU/UU level!):
How this makes it more interesting
In the case of Farfetch'd-G, please keep its BST on the target of 460 to keep it consistent with OG Farfetch'd. Have fun!
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Farfetch'd Sprite

Pokémon: Farfetch'd-Galar
Stats(changes highlighted in bold): 60 (+8) / 100 (+5) / 60 (+5) / 75 (+17) / 60 (-2) / 105 (+50) (460 BST)
Abilities(changes highlighted in bold): Steadfast, Scrappy, Stall
Move/Ability tweaks
: +Aura Sphere, Blizzard, Cross Chop, Hurricane, Ice Beam, Thunder, Thunderbolt
Target Tier: NU
How this makes it more interesting: We have only one Stall user and I think it would be really neat to give that ability to a mon whose flavor is being weighed down by a massive stick which boosts its power further. It can also continue the usual Scrappy spam affair with the highest speed of any NU Fighting type. Meme special sets are also a possibility with Aura Sphere + the original's new Special coverage.


Pokémon: Stonjourner
Stats: 100 / 125 / 100 (-35) / 20 / 60 (+40) / 85 (+15) (490 BST)
Abilities(changes highlighted in bold): Power Spot
Power Spot: Z-Moves used by a Pokemon with this ability gain their Max Move effect (e.g. Inferno Overdrive sets Sun)
Move/Ability tweaks: +Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, High Jump Kick, Triple Axel
Target Tier: NU
How this makes it more interesting: Stonjourner's probably got some of the best coverage of any Rock type this far down with its various new leg-based moves. Power Spot (shares a name with the Gen 8 mechanic involving Dynamax) also makes Bulk Up Z-Move sets have a little more utility with weather setting and stat-boosting being options depending on what you run. Finally it's one of the speedier stone dudes.


Pokémon: Eiscue
Stats: 75 / 80 / 110 / 65 / 110 (+20) / 50 (490 BST)
Noice: 75 / 80 / 70 / 65 / 70 (+20) / 130 (490 BST)
Abilities(changes highlighted in bold): Ice Face
Move/Ability tweaks: +Brick Break, Knock Off
Target Tier: PU
How this makes it more interesting: idk I just gave it the same BST as Stonjourner and Knock a move that makes sense with its flippers it's fine in PU as is I guess
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Pokémon: Galarian Farfetch'd
Type: Fighting Flying
: 65 / 95 / 50 / 95 / 50 / 105 BST: 460
Abilities: Keen Eye / Steadfast / Scrappy
Move/Ability tweaks: +Hurricane, +Cross Chop, +First Impression, +Focus Blast, +Roost, +U-turn
Target Tier: NU

So obviously a lot of these things are to keep it consistent with Farfetch'd. First choice was the typing, which is not only awesome but we had already discussed on it discord for both galar fetch'd and Sirfetch'd. The stats are pretty similar to our Farfetch'd, but +5 HP and -5 speed. This is because I didn't want it to outshine normal fetch'd in NU and also in vanilla it has slightly lower speed then the OG form with a little more attack, but I didn't want to raise it to 100 attack and I wanted to keep its attacking stats equal. The little bit of extra HP might help it abuse Eviolite a little bit but it's still extremely frail. Keen Eye was added just like with the kanto version, Steadfast is kept because it's kinda cool in CFM and Scrappy is kept for obvious reasons. Hurricane and Cross Chop are given to be consistent with the other version, but I didn't give it the boltbeam coverage because that's more of a normal type thing. First Impression because gamefreak is braindead for giving it to Sirfetch'd and normal Farfetch'd but not Galar Farfetch'd. Focus Blast because that and Hurricane STAB with Keen Eye is an epic gamer moment, and then Roost and U-turn for a more traditional Flying type moveset and to match regular Farfetch'd. (already has Defog btw)

EDIT: The idea for Stall in the above post is really awesome and could replace Steadfast. S/o Dramps.
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110(+10)/125/135/20/20/80(+10) (490)
Abilities: power spot, vital spirit, clear body
Moves: +blaze kick, -body press, +jump kick, +swords dance, +morning sun, +explosion (it gets self destruct but not explosion)
Target Tier: ru or nu

i've always enjoyed simply how extreme stonjourner's stats are. at 20 special defense even a resisted hit will most likely rip right through its hp. on the other hand its physical stats and hp match if not better a lot of other strong rock types, and with surprisingly reasonable speed to boot. the only thing really holding it back even with basically being deathly allergic to special attacks is a lack of a proper ability. just leveraging any sort of direct benefit from its ability slot would be more than enough to solidify it in nu or even ru. blaze kick and body press are alongside mega kick to give it some more big dynamic kicks to follow its dex entry.

75/95(+15)/110/65/95(+5)/50 (490, same changes are applied to no ice form)
Abilities: unchanged
Moves: +knock off, +Skull bash, +flip turn, +body slam
Move change: Skull bash: 100 base power, 100 accuracy, 10 pp, omnitype 2 turn move, raises user's defense 2 stages on use
Target tier: nu

eiscue as is is just a bit too weak without a belly drum boost relegating it to the same one note and incredibly easy to play around set. a slight power boost won't be immensely helpful to belly drum sets but at least will allow it to mix things up with say a banded set or even some weird offensive pivot. skull bash isn't particularly aimed to help eiscue specifically but could make for an interesting and fitting move on it nonetheless

Heavy metal, Huge power (banned to ou/ubers)
+Darkest lariat, +Zen headbutt, +Meteor mash, +Play rough

Big pecks, Scrappy, Regenerator
+Roost, +Bulk up, +Toxic

Ice Face (when hit by a physical move, loses 25% hp and applies the shell smash stat changes. resets upon switching)
+High horsepower, +Gunk shot
now both the normal and the noice form have the same stats:
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