Sword & Shield **Official news only** DLC Crown Tundra 22nd October

I'd normally post this in the datamine thread, but with leaks and open spoilers raging I don't want to enter it until the DLC comes out.

2 things:
  • Where are the leaks coming from? Did a physical cart leak ~18 days early after all? From the few accidental glimpses I've seen, it looks like too much to just be a HOME datamine.
  • Before the leak, someone posted in the datamine thread about Stantler possibly returning, based on a still from Pokenchi showing Stantler's Sugimori art (not model) around when the hosts were talking about Crown Tundra stuff. This sparked a discussion because Stantler wasn't in the returning Pokemon datamine. Just noting that Serebii mentioned on Twitter that this was a remark about Stantler being someone's favorite Pokemon, so it's not evidence that Stantler's returning.
I'd normally post this in the datamine thread, but with leaks and open spoilers raging I don't want to enter it until the DLC comes out.

2 things:
  • Where are the leaks coming from? Did a physical cart leak ~18 days early after all? From the few accidental glimpses I've seen, it looks like too much to just be a HOME datamine.

There seems to be an actual copy leak too. Considering previews went out I suspect the person leaking to centro is probably someone in the press who got early access.
  • Before the leak, someone posted in the datamine thread about Stantler possibly returning, based on a still from Pokenchi showing Stantler's Sugimori art (not model) around when the hosts were talking about Crown Tundra stuff. This sparked a discussion because Stantler wasn't in the returning Pokemon datamine. Just noting that Serebii mentioned on Twitter that this was a remark about Stantler being someone's favorite Pokemon, so it's not evidence that Stantler's returning.
I had asked that a couple times on what the context to it was, knowing its just someone's favorite pokemon clears up a lot.
There seems to be an actual copy leak too. Considering previews went out I suspect the person leaking to centro is probably someone in the press who got early access.
That has me kinda curious if they did that for certain regions or what though. For VG247 they didn't have hands-on playtime due to the pandemic.

VG247 said:
While we couldn’t actually go hands-on with The Crown Tundra thanks to the ongoing pandemic in the real life UK, an in-depth presentation and tour of the new area and its content makes clear that this is a larger, more extensive expansion than the Isle of Armor.
Didn't see this posted yet, but:
VG247 said:
Just like raids, you can tackle these battles with AI partners, but you’ll be better off with real people.
Looks like this is the first time this has been confirmed - before, it was sounding like it was going to be co-op only. (When Max Raid battles were first announced in June 2019, it was explicitly said that AI partners were possible, but nothing on this has been said about Dynamax adventures until now.)
You take home the Pokemon you have at the end of the dynamax adventure, which means that yes, only one person per adventure gets the Legendary at the end.

One step forward, two steps back... And I question whether this was even a step forward (though it was still two steps back).

Okay, confirmed. I'm doing it offline regardless of difficulty.

Probably would just be easier to transfer the Legendaries over.

Most likely if you want a remote challenge, use level 60ish pokemon... or faceroll it with your 100s again.

Well I facerolled all of Isle of Armor with just my Cinderace (without Dynamaxing), might as well see if I can't do the same with Frozen Tundra. :psysly:
I'm not confident in it, since it seems to make sense to me? You only get to keep the Pokemon you have at the end. That would likely include the Legendary. Only one person can keep a given Pokemon. Ergo, only one person can keep the legendary.
The main reason for which I don't like this is because it just doesn't work.

How you decide who keeps the legendary?

You, GameFreaks, are you REALLY willing to have kids cry because they joined a raid, fought <insert their favourite legendary> and despite winning couldn't bring it home?

I hardly doubt it's the case.

I'm confident the "choice" is "bring the legendary or the pokemon you finished with", and the error is "you can only bring back one pokemon", not "only one person brings home the pokemon"
I'm not confident in it, since it seems to make sense to me? You only get to keep the Pokemon you have at the end. That would likely include the Legendary. Only one person can keep a given Pokemon. Ergo, only one person can keep the legendary.
The swapping mid-adventure is a strategic element, though. Once you’ve beaten the legendary, you’ve cleared the run and there is no need to “discuss” who should swap out their current Pokémon. I feel confident that everyone will have the choice to take the legendary with them, since there are so many of them and leaving you with a 25% chance to take it after the entire ordeal seems cruel, especially when you can supposedly acquire a legendary from the opposite version if you are so lucky.
I'm just saying that for as much as I've been trying to get off the "those damn gamefreaks at it again" train lately, sometimes you see how something's laid out and go mmmm yeah, this seems suitably gamefreak.

They probably want you to keep doing these again and again until you get the legend, not """effortlessly"""" give one legend to four people at once. Is the way I say it.
I'm just saying that for as much as I've been trying to get off the "those damn gamefreaks at it again" train lately, sometimes you see how something's laid out and go mmmm yeah, this seems suitably gamefreak.

They probably want you to keep doing these again and again until you get the legend, not """effortlessly"""" give one legend to four people at once. Is the way I say it.
Doesn't compute.

Those games are aimed at kids. GameFreaks might have done a lot of shit that has angered hardcore veterans, but everything they've done has been to accomodate casual and new players.

There's legitimately NO way they would put in a mechanic that would cause a kid to cry or become sad because he got denied to get his favourite despite having actually won the battle.

Plus again, how exactly do you decide who gets to take it? Do you roll a d4?
We had the same "thought" when Dynamax raids were announced, it looked like "only one person can catch the monster", only to find out everyone gets a separate chance.

Edit: and again, this was the wording on the vg24 post:
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Doesn't compute.

Those games are aimed at kids. GameFreaks might have done a lot of shit that has angered hardcore veterans, but everything they've done has been to accomodate casual and new players.

There's legitimately NO way they would put in a mechanic that would cause a kid to cry or become sad because he got denied to get his favourite despite having actually won the battle.
I mean, that's multiplayer raids anyway! You can try to catch and then oops, you didn't even if your friend did.
Plus again, how exactly do you decide who gets to take it? Do you roll a d4?
We had the same "thought" when Dynamax raids were announced, it looked like "only one person can catch the monster", only to find out everyone gets a separate chance.
Have you caught the legend?
You dont get a choice, you're excluded
Game asks if you want to add it.

If no one else wants it or can even get it, its yours. Other wise it rols a d2/3/4 depending how many people want in.

Didn't get it? Do it solo or start rolling for another group, you'll get eventually
I'm just saying that for as much as I've been trying to get off the "those damn gamefreaks at it again" train lately, sometimes you see how something's laid out and go mmmm yeah, this seems suitably gamefreak.
There's legitimately NO way they would put in a mechanic that would cause a kid to cry or become sad because he got denied to get his favourite despite having actually won the battle.

Plus again, how exactly do you decide who gets to take it? Do you roll a d4?
We had the same "thought" when Dynamax raids were announced, it looked like "only one person can catch the monster", only to find out everyone gets a separate chance.

Well you know what I think?

The DLC is out tomorrow. We'll find out then. :blobuwu: Hold your tongue, prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
If no one else wants it or can even get it, its yours. Other wise it rols a d2/3/4 depending how many people want in.

Didn't get it? Do it solo or start rolling for another group, you'll get eventually
I think you really undersell how tilt inducing it can be, to the point of actually DISCOURAGING hosting raids.

Why would I host a raid if i can solo it and guarantee to get the legendary?

Well you know what I think?

The DLC is out tomorrow. We'll find out then. :blobuwu: Hold your tongue, prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
I am very happy to get punished if I'm wrong.

Will also be very sad to be wrong ngl. But if shame is what I need to take, I shall.
The fact they specifically mentioned that the catch at the end was guaranteed on Pokenchi leans me to think it works like standard raids where everyone gets a chance. Feels like if there was an RNG element to being allowed to even attempt the legendary catch after winning, that would have been the time to mention it. That would be another reason why they made it a guaranteed catch: attempting it is what makes you forgo the rental mon you had, and you wouldn't want to leave empty handed.

I'm hoping it is a catch instead of a straight swap, too, because locking them out of being caught with Apriballs would be pretty lame.
We'll find out soon enough but I'm getting more inclined to think that the choice is whether to take home the rental Pokemon, one of the other swapped Pokemon, or the legendary. Since you can't take two Pokemon out of the raid, maybe that's where the choice factor is coming into play?
I'm still wondering if the horses and Calyrex will be uber legendary like Lugia, Mewtwo, etc. Or if we can use them in rank battles...
the typing is horrible and the ability is not good enough so i would say best case scenario is ou for calyrex, idk about its fusion with the horses tho. If the typing the fusions have good typing and movepool maybe theyll be ubers.
I only play Pokémon so I’m not really familiar with how DLCs work in other games, but the lack of transparency in the time of release is getting more and more infuriating to me. Given that IoA came out at ~9 EST I thought Crown Tundra would be released at the same time, yet instead I’m getting wildly different information anywhere from 12PM to 12AM EST tomorrow and there’s no official information from TPC outside of the date.

I don’t mind waiting I just want to be given an exact time and not be left in the dark.