Resource SS UU Crown Tundra Viability Ranking Thread

-> B+

While still a good pokemon and can put in work in some MU's it just gets pressured way to easily by to many mons causing it little entry points aside from amoonguss, skarmory, and chansey which can still chip them down. Tenta's reliance on sludge means its very easy to wear it down especially when it has to eat a knock off to get a spin off which hinders its ability to do so in a match and sometimes at most it can get a knock + spin once before it is to low to do it again without sacking it.

Tenta should go to B+ with other mons like diggersby, gyara, and starmie who suck in some MU's and do well in others which pretty much represents tenta really well as against offense it feels like it just falls under pressure to hard and against hard stall it gets statused, knocked, and just chipped down and all of its work is wasted when the setter is usually chansey or sometimes nihilego who really wear it down and prevent it from setting hazards well. Balance is its good MU where it just forces progress which should represent its B+ placement where its sometimes inconsistent and needs a lot of support to do the job it needs to do
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Update time! As per the recent norm, I'll just be posting all of our changes from this last voting cycle and this thread will be open to any questions y'all have for the next two days or so. Enjoy!
:Aegislash: A+ -> S
:Slowking: A+ -> S-
:Zarude: A+ -> S-
:Salamence: A -> A+
:Azelf: A- -> A
:Tangrowth: A- -> A
:Lycanroc-Dusk: B+ -> A-
:Tapu bulu: B -> B+
:Salazzle: B -> B+
:Cresselia: :Porygon2: C+ -> B-
:Registeel: C+ -> B-
:Crobat: UR -> C+
:Flygon: UR -> C
:Stakataka: UR -> C
:Centiskorch: UR -> C
:Mesprit: UR -> C

:Amoonguss: A+ -> A
:Jirachi: A- -> B+
:Gardevoir: C+ -> C
:Nidoqueen: C+ -> UR
:Gastrodon: C -> UR

That concludes our update! Discussion points possibly (tm) coming soon (tm). Either way this thread is open for discussion. Be kind and happy posting!
why is Flygon ranked? like it surely has a niche but what's exactly its niche over say, Mence for example?
why is Flygon ranked? like it surely has a niche but what's exactly its niche over say, Mence for example?

I was one of the people particularly pushing for this nomination (although it did end up getting ranked unanimously among us, other than maybe 1 person idr?)

What it does is actually rather unique and disjoint from Salamence despite them both being floaty dragon foggers on fat. Flygon's typing is rly nice cause its a Nihilego and Salazzle counter, two mons that can be really irritating for fat, with their ability to cripple stuff, and in particular like the only fogger to actively beat Nihilego and keep off against it too. It's also a nice volt blocker for thundy with some spdef investment, since its not weak to any of its coverage. The major difference here is that you are using Flygon as more of a specially tanky mon compared to mence as a phys tanky thing and that they cover very diferent threats against fat teams in general (eg. mence covers like conk and stuff).

I brought my Flygon stall featuring it 4 times in UU masters now for 4 wins and it often put a lot of work in against Nihilego and Pokemon like this. The set i've been using is,

Flygon @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 128 SpA / 128 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Earth Power
- Flamethrower
- Defog
- Roost

Special set lacks as much power on the ground stab but makes up for it with the ability to flat out 2hko skarm which is really beneficial. Earth Power still more then has enough power for Nihilego and still hurts Excadrill massively. Lily has been using a slightly different set with more bulk and U-turn > Flamethrower too.
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Why was Nidoqueen unranked? What motivated it being unranked over pokes under it like Mantine, Froslass and Seismitoad?
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Why was Nidoqueen unranked? What motivated it being unranked over pokes under it like Mantine, Froslass and Seismitoad?
The main reason Nidoqueen got unranked is that there is no real justification to use it over Nidoking. Nidoking sports better power and a better speed tier, even being able to viably run Modest unlike in the past, making it outclass Nidoqueen as a wallbreaker. Nidoqueen does have better bulk, but there are few if not any instances where it actually matters (relevant calcs of 2HKOs and 3HKOs). Nidoking also can run an offensive Stealth Rock set like Nidoqueen did before, which basically means anything Nidoqueen does Nidoking just does better, thus causing it to be UR.

As for the other Pokémon, we did vote on both Froslass and Seismitoad this slate and they stayed ranked. The former has value as a Spikes lead and the latter has a small but notable niche of compressing rocks + knock on fatter teams, something Swampert cannot do. They have their niches, and even though they are small I’d say they warrant a ranking over a Pokémon that is 99% outclassed by something else.
I love Centiskorch, like in-game it was one of my favorite pokemon. However can I ask what caused it to be re-ranked in the VR? Maybe ill give it a shot once I know why.
I love Centiskorch, like in-game it was one of my favorite pokemon. However can I ask what caused it to be re-ranked in the VR? Maybe ill give it a shot once I know why.

I know I'm like really late, but Mudcap 's post explains it really well.

Nominating Centiskorch to C+

This may seem like an immense stretch for an old forgotten UU Pokémon who fell to UR due to power creep, but lately players have been testing this mon and it is amazing at the role it undertakes in the current balance teams populated UU metagame.

Centiskorch @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 44 HP / 252 Atk / 212 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Power Whip
- Fire Lash
- Leech Life

Set details-
252 attack for maximum damage, 212 speed to outrun azumarill and specs primarina and 44 hp is leftovers.

What is the purpose?
Wall breaking Ofc, most defensive teams are unable to answer this mon as it easily ploughs through the likes of Jirachi, Swampert, Amonguss, Celesteela and chansey revolving defensive teams. Defensive pokemon such as moltres, rotom heat, salamence and mandibuzz may seem to be good switch ins, but knock off does good work of them by knocking their respective Heavy Duty Boots and making them incapable of switching in again if rocks are up.

Notable calcs- (Vs defensive teams)
252+ Atk Centiskorch Fire Lash vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Celesteela: 254-302 (63.8 - 75.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Centiskorch Power Whip vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Swampert: 408-480 (100.9 - 118.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Centiskorch Fire Lash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Jirachi: 264-312 (77.4 - 91.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Centiskorch Fire Lash vs. 252 HP / 220+ Def Amoonguss: 246-290 (56.9 - 67.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Centiskorch Fire Lash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 152-180 (45.5 - 53.8%) -- 37.9% chance to 2HKO (kills after defense drop)
252+ Atk Centiskorch Fire Lash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Excadrill: 398-470 (110.2 - 130.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Centiskorch Fire Lash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 164-194 (40.5 - 48%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (kills after defense drop)
252+ Atk Centiskorch Fire Lash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tapu Bulu: 174-206 (50.5 - 59.8%) -- 85.5% chance to 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery (kills after defense drop)
252+ Atk Centiskorch Power Whip vs. 252 HP / 132 Def Primarina: 286-338 (78.5 - 92.8%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Centiskorch Leech Life vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Slowking: 318-374 (80.7 - 94.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Matchup Vs offensive teams
May seem as if offensive teams really give this mon a hard time.. but you are wrong! Offensive teams usually have to 1 for 1 vs this mon, which is big as excadrill is usually a sacrifice stealth rocker and the rest 5 pokemon have to take down the 6.

Notable calcs- (Vs offense)
252+ Atk Centiskorch Leech Life vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Hydreigon: 288-342 (88.6 - 105.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 44 HP / 0 SpD Centiskorch: 226-267 (64.2 - 75.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Aqua Jet vs. 44 HP / 0 Def Centiskorch: 228-270 (64.7 - 76.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Centiskorch Power Whip vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 316-374 (92.3 - 109.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Centiskorch Leech Life vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Krookodile: 318-374 (96 - 112.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

Flaws- (cons)
Too slow, is not that great VS HO but is good vs defensive teams.
Usually mises on KO's.
Gets revenged killed by faster stuff.

Replays- (centiskorch ruins my opponent) (not dead weight vs offense and takes out a ninetales in the sun) (low ladder throws the game) (Vs balance matchup) (takes down primarina and rhyperior lives at 1 percent :( )

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
Hi guys, I'd like to nominate
:Gastrodon: UR -> C.
I know it recently fell off to UR, but hear me out. You can use it as a physical or special wall, and it has two amazing abilities in Sticky Hold that negates the item removal, and Storm Drain which is a great form to negate the annoying Scald burns from for example, :primarina:/:slowking:. But my main point is the access to Recover, what :Seismitoad: and :Swampert: don't have.

I'd also like to suggest some players experiment with
Assault Vest :metagross:UR -> C-.
It's a good Psychic check, and can hit with Earthquake any incoming Fire and Steel-types. Besides, Thunder Punch can sworn down Water and Flying-types throughout the game.

Thanks for reading. And I hope you guys express your opinions too, maybe refuting the points in my post.
Hi guys, I'd like to nominate
:Gastrodon: UR -> C.
I know it recently fell off to UR, but hear me out. You can use it as a physical or special wall, and it has two amazing abilities in Sticky Hold that negates the item removal, and Storm Drain which is a great form to negate the annoying Scald burns from for example, :primarina:/:slowking:. But my main point is the access to Recover, what :Seismitoad: and :Swampert: don't have.

I'd also like to suggest some players experiment with
Assault Vest :metagross:UR -> C-.
It's a good Psychic check, and can hit with Earthquake any incoming Fire and Steel-types. Besides, Thunder Punch can sworn down Water and Flying-types throughout the game.

Thanks for reading. And I hope you guys express your opinions too, maybe refuting the points in my post.
While I agree gastro technically does have a niche, I don’t think it’s shown well here based on how frankly bad the opponent’s team was honestly. If I’m being honest, your own team isn’t making me more convinced either, it just looks like a mesh of what seems fun to use.

If you’re gonna use replays, make sure they’re higher on ladder preferably high 1400 or up. You’re also gonna need more than one replay to make a more convincing argument.
B+ -> B

Deserves to drop another rank. I have been experimenting with it a while on stall teams and it just falls flat a lot compared to what slowking could otherwise do. 2 Sets of slowbro-g are sp. def and CM which are both outclassed in some way shape or form by slowking.

Defensively slowbro-g takes hits better cuz of its AV, but slowking can recover and be able to be much better when hazards are up and not relying on solely regen to keep many pokemon in check such as salamence, keldeo, moltres, NP thundy, Prim and many more. Teleport is also smth slowbro-g misses out and is pretty valuable in order to pivot in many of the tiers breakers which makes it so slowbro-g sometimes gives up to much momentum unlike slowking whose teleport gives many pokemon entry and can take a hit for them against pokemon such as salamence, rest talk prim, moltres, and even thundy in a pinch to bring in a very dangerous teammate who value it like mamoswine, lycanroc-d, zygarde-10%, specs prim, banded azu, conk, specs drei and more. This just limits slowbro-g usage to mainly stall which.....

CM sets.... they are outclassed pretty much by slowking who has a much better water typing which lets it setup against many more pokemon and while toxic immunity and being able to setup on tang and beat zarude is good traits to have slowking is able to have much more utility due to its above average defenses and in the ability to take hits much better and slowbro-g usually doesnt want to setup against most pokemon due to its very vulnurable sp. def that slowking has plenty off and can use its EV's into phys def to take hits better. Slowking is only 15% frailer on the physical side while slowbro-g doesnt take special hits at all as the calcs show which means it has a much harder time to setup on pokemon such as aegislash, salamence, moltres and more.

0 SpA Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Slowking: 212-252 (53.8 - 63.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Zarude Darkest Lariat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowking: 218-260 (55.3 - 65.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

0 SpA Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Slowbro-Galar: 306-362 (77.6 - 91.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Zarude Darkest Lariat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro-Galar: 198-234 (50.2 - 59.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

This shows how much slowbro-g is just pretty much worse than slowking in pretty much every scenario even sample teams have replaced slowbro-g on stall with the far superior slowking who provides much more defensive utility throught a game. Defensive sets value slowking teleport and the ability to not be vulnurable to knock off from pokemon such as nihilego, mandibuzz, and azu which makes it much harder for slowbro-g to take hits at all as pokemon that are would be countered no longer are.
to C+/B-.

TL;DR - There's no reality where Sun is more viable (enough to where one deserves to be ranked and the other does not) than Rain.

The UU viability rankings at a first glance are an interesting thing - in theory, most balances should be able to deal with Rain. Let's think about some incredibly common/viable resists:
- Zarude, Tapu Bulu, Tangrowth, Amoonguss for your Grass types,
- Primarina, Azumarill, Slowking as Waters,
- The rise of Chansey
- Dragons as a common resist for offense

But in reality, Kingdra has the coverage in Hurricane and Draco Meteor to take two of these off the table immediately.

Zarude dies to two after rocks.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kingdra Surf vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Zarude in Rain: 153-180 (43.5 - 51.2%) -- 6.6% chance to 2HKO

Primarina dies to two after rocks.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kingdra Surf vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Primarina in Rain: 128-151 (42.3 - 50%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO

Non-AV Tangrowth will never stand a chance
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kingdra Surf vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Tangrowth in Rain: 252-297 (62.3 - 73.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Azumarill dies to two.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kingdra Surf vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill in Rain: 176-207 (51.4 - 60.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Sp.Def. Bulu is the only thing that tanks.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kingdra Surf vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Tapu Bulu in Rain: 153-180 (44.4 - 52.3%) -- 78.5% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Grassy Terrain recovery.

Rain vs. Pif

The game goes about as well as rain goes. Pif admits that he's playing sleepy but I don't think that changes the showcase of what Kingdra does best - the clean-up crew.

Without any set-up at all, the game is simply spent losing mons - but getting damage (and admittedly I was bad at that too). Kingdra comes in on turn 32, facing down a full HP Swampert and 75% Bulu and generally cleans up the game.

And the truth is, there are so many more games where it does this. Any generally offensively-oriented team where they run that Dragon/Grass or Water/Grass core, one is never enough to stand in front of Kingdra effectively.


"In B- and C+ lie Pokemon with defined niches that may run into more restrictions that prevent consistent usage, as well as Pokemon with untapped yet firm potential."

Kingdra and Rain in general have a defined goal/game plan. It's an offensive niche based on speed control and hitting hard. We all know that. The metagame as it stands restricts rain to a ladder role rather than one that will see widespread tournament play, but the role is here nonetheless. It's never going to break through Slowking, it's never going to break through Chansey, but with a structured team and a stream-lined gameplay, it will thrive.

I firmly believe that, currently, Kingdra is the best revenge-killer, clean-up-crew kind of mon in the game. And it's exceptional at that role. It does thrive.

In a metagame where every team has 1-2 water resists and we lean towards offense, Kingdra and Rain will always be viable. The fact it's not on the rankings is a bit of a travesty to me.
Would you say that Politoed always deserves a spot on the tier list so long as Pelipper is off?

I think most people agree that it would depend on how good rain is. Playstyles don't automatically get a spot (and by extension, rain/Politoed does not automatically get a spot), just because it's been historically viable in many other singles formats.

In other words, to some extent, we all agree that mons get their spot here based on how they good they are in the metagame, not because it simply checks a box.
I see. Politoed, and rain by extension would be piggybacking off Kingdra and mons like Kingdra in the case of the example given above.
UUPL has now gone through 3 whole weeks of games. It's clear the tier has changed a lot from the last update, and with shifts on the horizon, I felt it would be appropriate to give a few nominations based on these last 3 weeks building and watching UUPL games, especially since Aegislash has remained UU.

to A+: Zarude has definitely fallen off this UUPL from its S tier status. My main gripe with Zarude lately is its inability to check Aegislash as well as it likes. The rise in its Swords Dance + King's Shield set completely shuts down Zarude as Aegislash counterplay. I've also felt limited using it as my Grass-type at times, as Tangrowth gives it better competition due to being much better into the likes of Primarina and opposing Zarude. It's still a great Pokemon, but it doesn't feel S status as of now.
to A+: In spite of the continued dominance of Zygarde-10% and Aegislash, Nihilego has still persisted as a top tier threat. It's been hitting higher and higher levels of usage each week as one of our best rockers and continues to be a strong offensive threat into the likes of Salamence, Galarian Moltres, and Thundurus-T. Knock goes a long way in opening up teammates through crippling Chansey and Aegislash. Nihilego is clearly demonstrating the consistency and usage of a top tier threat, making a rise to A+ much warranted.
to A+: Similar to Nihilego, Zydog has been increasingly dominant this UUPL. One of the most centralizing forces of the tier, Zygarde provides amazing wallbreaking power and great revenge killing capabilities despite its poor bulk. It's natural speed genuinely patches many holes in building too. Many even want it gone because of the impact it has on building. Regardless of that, Zydog has constantly shown its offensive prowess in many UUPL games, making giant holes for the enemy to clean up with while forming potent offensive cores with the likes of Aegislash and friends to overwhelm the tier's walls. One of the top tier offensive threats definitely deserves A+ status.
to A: Two words- HYDREIGON SPECS. Hydreigon has found new life in its choice specs set lately, being able to crush any team lacking a Primarina or Chansey. It takes advantage of the lack of the former's usage quite well to break holes in enemy teams. With the declining usage of zarude and thus cobalion, Hydreigon's speed tier seems less hindersome, and even then pivots like chansey, slowking, zarude, and crobat can all bring it in safely. Many players get too comfortable using Cobalion dragon resist rn, and I feel Hydreigon's potency in this meta is worth a rise.
to A-: Once championing a rise, to me Celesteela is struggling right now in the metagame. Its main merit in checking Aegislash over Skarmory is declining as Aegislash experiments with more physical based sets, and the high usage of Assault Vest Tangrowth and Slowking means Celesteela has a hard time making progress without getting hindered. Still, offensive sets are great, shown by my new sample, but for now Celesteela drop a slight bit since it doesn't feel that much better compared to Skarmory's spikes and reliable recovery.
to B: Even with the strength of Aegislash and rise of Skarmory, Crobat still has a lot of merit. Natural speed control to punish fastest mon azelf or zygarde as well as the ability to switch into zarude and punish it makes crobat a decent tool to use in the tier. Week 1 of UUPL saw an explosion of usage of crobat, and even thought it hasn't gotten much since it's still on player's minds as a strong offensive pivot. Taunt sets in particular have a lot of potential to deny recovery of Pokemon like Chansey.

These next nominations are much briefer:
to B: Rocks Registeel is pretty solid. Nice check to nihilego, spreads toxic, real steel defensively, not much else to say really. A great wall that should rise a subrank. Chinese regi is dangerous too, though the rise of SD + KS Aegislash makes it a MU fish.
to B: Hatterene has been a bit underranked lately. It takes big advantage of the Skarmory + Chansey cores seen running around and is able to run them over. Beyond this, its high bulk lets it trade with nearly every threat with a boost and can even lead to a late-game sweep if not careful.
to C: Always a MU fish but Cloyster has been seeing sporadic usage on hyper offense teams as a zygarde-10% punisher, a mon great into HO. It can either 6-0 teams after a boost or do little and die, but it has a fair bit of merit on hyper offense teams and its usage shows. Gets more usage than like half the C ranks so it's a nice fit.
to C: Inteleon has gotten a few uses in UUPL as a fast wallbreaker that takes advantage of lower Prim usage. Punishes fastest mon zygarde and all that, good pivot with expert belt but specs is also potent from testing it. Has negative defensive utility and leads to holes in building but C rank is a fair start since it's definitely viable
to B-: Togekiss isn't that great. I've seen some experimentation with scarf and specs sets which are cool, but its standard NP aka the stall owner set has its issues. It breaks stall... and that's it really. Hope you don't run into aegislash, nihilego, or thundurus because those just turn togekiss into fodder, though the last two dislike thunder wave, but that sacrifices the stall MU you're running togekiss for. It's not really that fast too. Togekiss sticks out as much weaker than its B rank contemporaries and should drop down a subrank.
to B+: Use Zygarde. But for real, Lycanroc just feels mediocre. Not that much usage, high usage of tangrowth, slowking, aegislash, and skarmory, and the tendency to kill itself makes it really hard to justify. Zygarde feels like the much stronger breaker with good priority even and a better speed tier.
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Slowking S--> A+
Zarude S- -> A+

These 2 mons have had poor win rates throught UUPL showing that these mons arent that consistent such as zarude suffering from meta trends such as SD king shield aegi nailing it such as in this replay

Slowking in general tho has had a very low win rate and use rate pretty much throught UUPL sitting usually with a below average win rate and having lower use rate than a lot of other pokemon.... whlie it cannot be solely used as an argument I believe they aren't S- tier worthy as sometimes they just get taken advantage off such as slowking being able to be easily overwhelmed especially when its used to counter or check many pokemon in the tier and smth like zarude can make it so slowking gives away free momentum away sometimes and its forced to spam port for that not to happen in this replay slowking generally was supposed to pivot but always gave away free turns which was easy double switches for moutemoute to make

Zarude just does not seem up there as while it does check a lot of the tier it also struggles to do anything but usually be a u-turn bot while that is good in what it does it usually struggles against meta trends such as higher usage of coba, SD king shield aegi, tangrowth, and skarmory which means that it struggles a lot more
I have been wanting to use chandelure for the longest time in uu but I haven't been able to make it work. How is it B rank viability and are there any teams you guys can suggest to me?
:scizor: new drop to A
I know it has only been 3 days since Scizor dropped to UU, but its already is seeing good usage and I feel it is gonna be at least a good mon if not better. It can fit on a lot of playstyles ranging from HO to semi-stall/ balance. I have seen people run bulky SD, offensive SD with LO and CB, with a lot of success. I personally have been running CB myself and having a lot of success. Its technician boosted bullet punches are really good at revenge killing commons mons on Offense and HO such as Lyncanroc, Nihilego, Azelf and Salamence, while it can make strong voltturn chain with mons such as Thundurus-T (I feel this will be Scizor's best partner) and the Rotom formes to annoy Balance and BO. Scizor's main downside is struggling against stall and semi-stall, that keeps it from going any higher. But even against those structures it can pivot out into a dangerous wallbreaker. I have been using this team with a lot of success. Some replays are posted below:

These replays show how good Scizor is against Offense and HO.
:scizor: new drop to A
I know it has only been 3 days since Scizor dropped to UU, but its already is seeing good usage and I feel it is gonna be at least a good mon if not better. It can fit on a lot of playstyles ranging from HO to semi-stall/ balance. I have seen people run bulky SD, offensive SD with LO and CB, with a lot of success. I personally have been running CB myself and having a lot of success. Its technician boosted bullet punches are really good at revenge killing commons mons on Offense and HO such as Lyncanroc, Nihilego, Azelf and Salamence, while it can make strong voltturn chain with mons such as Thundurus-T (I feel this will be Scizor's best partner) and the Rotom formes to annoy Balance and BO. Scizor's main downside is struggling against stall and semi-stall, that keeps it from going any higher. But even against those structures it can pivot out into a dangerous wallbreaker. I have been using this team with a lot of success. Some replays are posted below:

These replays show how good Scizor is against Offense and HO.
Sciz should be A+ at least lmao.... sets such as

Scizor @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 84 Def / 160 SpD
Adamant Nature
IVs: 30 Spe
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Roost

Scizor @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 164 HP / 252 Atk / 92 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Knock Off

Scizor @ Metal Coat
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 204 Atk / 48 Def / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- Roost
- Swords Dance

or SD roost with u-turn / knock can force a lot of progress and its pretty much slappable on every team... it abuses a lot of common pokemon and can force progress almost any kind of team and the defensive utility is sweet. It does a lot on every kind of team and contributes a lot in breaking opposing teams while being useful at almost any part of the game... IDT there is much need to talk about sciz when its A+ at least.... maybe i will sometime soon but im still playing it
This is my first time nomming for gen 8 UU so let me know if I say anything wrong here.

New > A+
An overall fantastic addition to gen 8 uu. Knock + strong U-Turn forces a ton of progress. Anyone who has played last gen UU knows how much of a menace it once was. Unlike last gen however, it finds itself in a tier with the steel flyings, Mence, and Thundy who can check it. Tho, they get crippled p badly after they get Knock’d. Bulky Pivot provides teams with great defensive utility, Band has very few switch ins, Offensive SD murders non-ID Skarm and is a great cleaner. Plus scaring the big three with Knock and U-Turn respectively makes it potentially meta defining like in Gen 7.

New > A-
Not as fantastic or as offensively threatening as Scizor. Can be taken advantage of by Resttalk Prim, Zarude, Skarm, and Slowking due to its reliance on Toxic to beat checks, but it is a fantastic rocker. 1v1ing almost every common form of hazard removal. Sand chip also makes rkilling offensive threats easier for its teammates. It also checks a good portion of the tier in virtue to its gargantuan bulk for the tier. Drill and Hippo is back babyy.

A > A+
The new drops gives Molt not only a new mon to check, but also a nice partner too, forming a deadly asf voltturn core. Defogs hazards off, hits like a truck, great defensive typing, and Flame Body making Zarude run Pads sometimes. Its STABs threatens the Regen grasses, Aegi, Conk, Bulu, and more. Good birb.

A > A+
Zydoge is dumb asf lmao. This mon clicks buttons and runs free. How can something with Flygon atk power be so hard to switch into? Outrage is great since we have very few fairies and steels don’t want to switch into arrows. Bulu, Mandi and Tang get Toxic’d, Mongus dies after rocks, Zarude gets smacked by Outrage/Superpower/Skitter Smack. Assuming Hippo doesn’t check it, Zydoge remains a menace.

A- > A
Legend has it that everytime Conk comes in, something is gonna die. With voltturn being the new wave with the influx of Coba, Washtom, Thundu, Slowking, and now Scizor gives it even more opportunities to bring down the house. Speed tier sucks but it has no true switch ins, only checks.

B+ > A-/A
The terrifying Scizor + Washtom voltturn core is back again and about time too. Its ability to threaten every electric immunity while stealing momentum is not reflected by its current status as a B+ tier mon. Whether it doesn’t threaten right off the bat gets statused by T-Wave/Toxic/Wisp. Its great at making progress and it can even be an ok defogger.

A- > B+
Nihi got off easy because Knock can remove Lefties/Boots/Pads from Scizor and Grass Knot hits Hippo. Lycan isn’t so lucky. Rkilled by the new Scizor and Hippo absolutely doesn’t give two shits about what it wants to do. UU has also evolved into a meta where defensive utility has started to become more apparent. Even frail speedy mons like Azelf, Zydoge, and even Crobat have some defensive utility. Levitate, electric immunity, ground and Toxic immunity. Its speed tier, and Accelerock still lets it rkill many offensive threats in the tier. It does appreciate Moltres rising, so its still a p good mon.

C > C-
Other than outspeeding Primarina, and obliterating Aegi without needing Knock, it doesn’t seem to have any other good reasons to justify using it over Conk. My guess is that it is harder to chip than Conk and the 65 speed tier outpaces the aforementioned Prim along with Daunt, Azu, and slower Mandi variants. So I wouldn’t say UR it. Plus it is a classic early SS UU mon.
-> B

With the discord constantly crapping on it and hippo dropping and sciz being able to force it out easily I believe it should drop to B. it now has more competition as a rocker and as a phys. def ground type that is now outclassed by hippo who boasts much larger bulk and the metagame trends havent been kind either.

Don;t have access to discord at school but smth that monky would say is "Just use a different pokemon lol what does it do over them" which yeah sounds about right rn as I am not really sold of using krook over other grounds and some are just better such as band zygarde > band krook, hippo, exca, and swampert being better rockers, and scarfers are not exactly in the best spot RN either.

Hopefully I am not blind and its actually B+ not B
Slowbro-G B+ -> B or B-
Hates seeing another ground type that can threaten it as well as Scizor where Galar-Bro either has to predict a Flamethrower on switch or just be free U-Turn bait. Ground types are also at high demand with how good Zydog is getting where Bro has to either be set up bait or get a Sludge Bomb poison and just die right after.