Garchomp, the most broken pokemon in OU.

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Okay, let's review how high Garchomp's Atk gets:

Adamant 252 CB Chomp: 591
Jolly 252 BP/Yache Chomp after one SD: 718
>>Life Orb ON TOP OF THAT? Yeah...

For the record, using MetalKid's DP damage Calculator I get:

Life Orb Jolly Garchomp, One Sword Dance In with 252 Atk EV Using Dragon Claw on Gyarados, Intimidate Active, 212 Hp Ev, 180 Def Ev (Standard BulkyDos Spread): 44-53%

Reverse situation, Gyarados without a Dragon Dance, without a Life Orb, using Ice Fang: 74-88%.

Now, if Sandstorm is up, then Garchomp MIGHT 2HKO BulkyDos. If Sandstorm isn't up, then Garchomp is facing a 3HKO thanks to Leftovers Recovery. In that case Gyarados can take the hit on the switch in, and Ice Fang away.

If Gyarados comes in on a predicted Earthquake, then Garchomp is pretty much toast.

Not quite a counter, but there needs to be some calculation done on this situation. For example: The original calculations have at least one VERY flawed situation. A Choice Banded Garchomp using Stone Edge on Gyarados... really? Do I have to explain the bad logic in that case?
It's strange ho I never have any problems with this thing. Most of it's counters also counter other important things. Such as Gengar, or Gliscor, so I always have atleast 2 things that can stop it, and 1 it always a revenge killer, that does atleast 60+% in 1 hit
Garchomp is certainly threating... but come on man you make him seem invincible...

693 Attack Stat to OHKO with Dragon Claw
567 Special Attack Stat to OHKO with Dragon Pulse

I'm pretty sure these are wrong. Garchomp won't be surviving a CB Dragon Claw from Salamence or Dragonite (604 attack?). And Dragon Pulse from a Life Orb Kingdra knocks him out all the time... and that's only about 400 special attack. To give you an idea on how wrong you are, a +special attack life orbed draco meteor from Kingdra is good for nearly 200% on Garchomp, and has a chance to knock him out with SR on the 2nd volley as it does about 90-95%. Go do some real calcs.

And yes... if it's raining Kingdra is gonna beat him every time.

All your points hinge on the weather. A good team should pack a weather changer if you ask me. Sandstorm teams are kind of fucked when its not a sandstorm. Consider... rain dance on something? Or Sunny Day on your Cresselia to enhance moonlight? I actually remember the warstory where firestorm used Sunny Day on his butterfree to make things better for his team. Without Sand Veil, Garchomp is certainly counterable.

Garchomp would not be as bad in uubers as people think, with his good speed and outrage. But then again, there are a lot of unexpected pokemon that can do well in uubers (Seaking? lol).
All your points hinge on the weather. A good team should pack a weather changer if you ask me. Sandstorm teams are kind of fucked when its not a sandstorm. Consider... rain dance on something? Or Sunny Day on your Cresselia to enhance moonlight? I actually remember the warstory where firestorm used Sunny Day on his butterfree to make things better for his team. Without Sand Veil, Garchomp is certainly counterable.
Except you seem to forget, Rain Dance and Sunny Day actually require a turn to set up, where as Sandstorm simply requires switching a pokemon in. Who is going to use Sunny Day on Cresselia, when on the Moonlight turn, any respectable player is just going to bring their Tyranitar back in and not only screw over the use of Moonlight, but also net themelves a free Dragon Dance or Substitute when the Cresselia is forced to switch out. Now you could say the Cresselia user could predict this and bring in a Dugtrio or the like on the second turn when they think the Tyranitar is coming, but then they've wasted a moveslot on Cresselia for nothing. Last time I checked, Cresselia can't afford to give up any moveslots for pointless moves like Sunny Day. Nearly all my friends (who are into competitive battling) play with Sandstorm teams for a reason. They are overpowered, easy to set up, screw over common strategies like Focus Sash, and thus are commonly used. You can't really make the argument that Garchomp without the sand is different from Garchomp in the sand, because the two almost always go hand in hand.
For the record, using MetalKid's DP damage Calculator I get:

Life Orb Jolly Garchomp, One Sword Dance In with 252 Atk EV Using Dragon Claw on Gyarados, Intimidate Active, 212 Hp Ev, 180 Def Ev (Standard BulkyDos Spread): 44-53%
Hold up. I get 66-78% for that. (+2 Swords Dance, -1 Intimidate)

Barring an Ice Fang miss, though, Garchomp is more likely than not to die from Life Orb in order to kill Gyarados; that much I'll give you. Still, I'd rather not have to resort to a sacrifice to kill Garchomp.

And who's to say that Garchomp is staying in on the potential Ice Fang? And who's to say that Garchomp doesn't SD twice to guarantee the OHKO and stay standing with anywhere from 2-16% left?
As faulty logic as this seems....the way I see it..

I use Garchomp. I don't always win.

Other people use Garchomp. They sometimes don't win at all.

See, it's easy to play paper Pokemon and see what can or cannot switch into it, but when it comes to it, it depends on the situation. I mean sure if by some chance you get to bring out a Garchomp everytime I use a Choice electric move then yes, this whole paper Pokemon Garchomp is the shit thing would indeed hold true, but in the battle of the game, it comes down to the situation. If my team was a BP team, do you think Garchomp would really be a problem when I'm randomly Subing and Stat upping and randomly tossing an attack here and there? Or what if I'm running a stall team and you're switching into 31% and poison? It all depends on the the flow of the game for some of these Pokes, such as Garchomp, and Lucario and so on.
Raikou, those stat numbers are assuming no STAB and no item boosts. For STAB, divide by 1.5. For a Choice item, divide by 1.5. For Life Orb, divide by 1.3.

The new numbers are:
CB Salamence Dragon Claw: 308 attack
CB Dragonite Dragon Claw: 308 attack
LO Kingdra Dragon Pulse: 291 attack

The whole "Just change the weather" argument goes back to the key point of Ubers: any Pokemon that overcentralizes the OU metagame. If EVERYONE must change the weather to beat Garchomp, that is the very definition of overcentralization.

Just my $0.02.
I'm pretty sure these are wrong. Garchomp won't be surviving a CB Dragon Claw from Salamence or Dragonite (604 attack?). And Dragon Pulse from a Life Orb Kingdra knocks him out all the time... and that's only about 400 special attack. To give you an idea on how wrong you are, a +special attack life orbed draco meteor from Kingdra is good for nearly 200% on Garchomp, and has a chance to knock him out with SR on the 2nd volley as it does about 90-95%. Go do some real calcs.
Those are unSTABbed numbers, but yes, they do seem irrelevant considering which Pokemon actually uses those attacks.

EDIT: Darn you, marrilpet. :P
Except you seem to forget, Rain Dance and Sunny Day actually require a turn to set up, where as Sandstorm simply requires switching a pokemon in. Who is going to use Sunny Day on Cresselia, when on the Moonlight turn, any respectable player is just going to bring their Tyranitar back in and not only screw over the use of Moonlight, but also net themelves a free Dragon Dance or Substitute when the Cresselia is forced to switch out. Now you could say the Cresselia user could predict this and bring in a Dugtrio or the like on the second turn when they think the Tyranitar is coming, but then they've wasted a moveslot on Cresselia for nothing. Last time I checked, Cresselia can't afford to give up any moveslots for pointless moves like Sunny Day. Nearly all my friends (who are into competitive battling) play with Sandstorm teams for a reason. They are overpowered, easy to set up, screw over common strategies like Focus Sash, and thus are commonly used. You can't really make the argument that Garchomp without the sand is different from Garchomp in the sand, because the two almost always go hand in hand.

Ok... but I happen to disagree, at least in the sense of a weather TEAM. Rain Dance teams ALWAYS beat sandstorm teams. Why? Because sandstorm relies on two pokemon to switch in that don't like eating Surfs. Sandstorm whoring a well-balanced rain team never works, because they just rain dance to clear the sand at will.

Fuck sand... it's overrated. Garchomp is also not nearly as threatening without his haxxy self, which is the only reason these threads keep appearing.
Garchomp is certainly threating... but come on man you make him seem invincible...

I'm pretty sure these are wrong. Garchomp won't be surviving a CB Dragon Claw from Salamence or Dragonite (604 attack?). And Dragon Pulse from a Life Orb Kingdra knocks him out all the time... and that's only about 400 special attack. To give you an idea on how wrong you are, a +special attack life orbed draco meteor from Kingdra is good for nearly 200% on Garchomp, and has a chance to knock him out with SR on the 2nd volley as it does about 90-95%. Go do some real calcs.

And yes... if it's raining Kingdra is gonna beat him every time.

All your points hinge on the weather. A good team should pack a weather changer if you ask me. Sandstorm teams are kind of fucked when its not a sandstorm. Consider... rain dance on something? Or Sunny Day on your Cresselia to enhance moonlight? I actually remember the warstory where firestorm used Sunny Day on his butterfree to make things better for his team. Without Sand Veil, Garchomp is certainly counterable.

Garchomp would not be as bad in uubers as people think, with his good speed and outrage. But then again, there are a lot of unexpected pokemon that can do well in uubers (Seaking? lol).

Salamence can't switch into any of Garchomp's attack other than maybe Fire Fang (not SDed) and Earthquake. Everytime it uses Draco Meteor its Special Attack gets cut in half, but Garchomp's exactly the opposite, with SD, its Attack doubles. Dragonite's base 80 speed is no match for Garchomp's STAB Outrage or Dragon Claw. NonSTAB Stone Edge can guarentee a TKO on an Impish Dragonite (with 252 EV Defense... but who use them?). Also, Salamence's Draco Meteor only has 72% accuracy, while Dragon Claw has 80. Both counted for Garchomp not holding Brightpowder, which makes situations much worse.
Is that fair to Gliscor, Cacturne, and Sandslash? (Gliscor has Hyper Cutter, yes, but it's not used as often. And Dugtrio with Sand Veil? When was the last time you saw one of those?)

I think by using the evasion clause and still allowing stuff like sand veil to take effect, we are being quite hypocritical, as both provide benefit based solely on luck. Anyway, if people have a problem with that, the change can be made only for Garchomp. After all, I believe that smogon is quite unanimous about evasion clause and sand veil should be no different. I don't think changing the ability all together is such a good idea because then, as someone has said, we might as well start changing ubers' abilities to make them legal in OU.
I think by using the evasion clause and still allowing stuff like sand veil to take effect, we are being quite hypocritical, as both provide benefit based solely on luck. Anyway, if people have a problem with that, the change can be made only for Garchomp. After all, I believe that smogon is quite unanimous about evasion clause and sand veil should be no different. I don't think changing the ability all together is such a good idea because then, as someone has said, we might as well start changing ubers' abilities to make them legal in OU.
Wait, can we just eliminate Sand Veil on only Garchomp? Something seems wrong with that...
Salamence can't switch into any of Garchomp's attack other than maybe Fire Fang (not SDed) and Earthquake. Everytime it uses Draco Meteor its Special Attack gets cut in half, but Garchomp's exactly the opposite, with SD, its Attack doubles. Dragonite's base 80 speed is no match for Garchomp's STAB Outrage or Dragon Claw. NonSTAB Stone Edge can guarentee a TKO on an Impish Dragonite (with 252 EV Defense... but who use them?). Also, Salamence's Draco Meteor only has 72% accuracy, while Dragon Claw has 80. Both counted for Garchomp not holding Brightpowder, which makes situations much worse.

Again, your 72% accuracy is counting on sandstorm. No dragon can counter the other, they kill each other. So this argument that Garchomp beats the other dragons is meh... none of them can switch in to another. So he can revenge kill them, but it's just a matter of speed. You won't see Chomp beating Kingdra with rain, flygon with scarf (unless chomp is scarf), Salamence or Dragonite with a DD or 2 under their belt.
Hold up. I get 66-78% for that. (+2 Swords Dance, -1 Intimidate)

Barring an Ice Fang miss, though, Garchomp is more likely than not to die from Life Orb in order to kill Gyarados; that much I'll give you. Still, I'd rather not have to resort to a sacrifice to kill Garchomp.

And who's to say that Garchomp is staying in on the potential Ice Fang? And who's to say that Garchomp doesn't SD twice to guarantee the OHKO and stay standing with anywhere from 2-16% left?

Still not getting what you have. I've got Garchomp, life orb in, neutral nature, 252 atk EP, attack stage 2 (From Sword Dance), and Gyarados with ability active. Are you using Outrage or Dragon Claw?

I get what you're getting if you go with Outrage as the move. Under Dragon Claw, things look a LOT better for Gyarados.

EDIT IN: If Garchomp does see it out, Double Dance, and drop to 2-16% health, his sweep ends soon. The Life Orb kills him on the next Pokemon. All you have to do is find a weakened poke to sacrifice. Not optimal, but possible.

I don't disagree he's a tough Pokemon, I just think that the original Calculations "stacked the deck", where you're really not going to see a Positive Nature on ATK for Garchomp, at least not any Garchomp I've seen. And I've never seen a Choice Band on a Garchomp. Its always Life Orb or Scarf.
bulky Gyarados taken straight from the analysis is made to counter Garchomp. Period. He switches in on SD, DDs and threatens a OHKO with Ice Fang. Does he counter every garchomp? No.

Seriously, people are starting to put Garchomp on a pedastal. The only thing he has separating him from the other dragons is a haxxy ability that people just like to abuse. Is it cheap... Yes. Is it broken... possibly. No one likes fighting any of the dragons. Seriously... what wants to switch into a mixmence or mixnite? What do you do if Dragonite has a DD up and your counter fails to KO thanks to a Yache, giving him a second DD and the ability to knock everyone on your team out. What do people do when Mixdra has the rain on his side? They all are dangerous, but none of them I would consider "too broken" for OU.
If you went for the 2nd Swords Dance and he Dragon Dances, you lose?

Garchomp takes SPECTACULAR damage from a Gyarados that has a Dragon Dance in using Ice Fang. With a Dragon Dance in, a 31IV, and 100 EV in Speed Gyarados has 334 Speed. Garchomp with a Positive Speed Nature and no Choice Scarf tops out at 333 speed.

So Gyarados is a touch faster. Just enough. And the Ice Fang does enormous damage.
I still don't understand why we don't just get rid of the evasion increase from sand veil. All we have to do is extend the evasion clause to abilities like sand veil and brightpowder, because they in fact also depend on luck. I don't mean not allowing pokemon with sand veil to be used in OU, I mean just not taking the extra evasion into account in the attack calculations that shoddy or competitor uses.
It's not a good idea to have battle simulators differ from the actual game in any significant way, because then you will have two entirely different Pokemon metagames emerging, and that can be very confusing when discussing the game.

I don't even like the concept of the Freeze Clause on Shoddy.
I agree with literally everything stated by Cynthia. Especially on the point of Sand Veil vs Intimidate. It's a difficult argument to say that an ability that works literally 20% of the time (or less if the move is not 100% acc) is better than a reliable attack cut that works every time, particularly with the prerequisite of having a sandstorm on the field in the first place.

For simple attack potency, Salamence matches if not beats Garchomp on the basis that it has better answers to steels with a significantly better special attack to back up its fire move in trade for a second dangerous STAB.

edit: Wrap in RBY works more than 20% of the time.
Intimidate works 100% of the time once, when Salamence/Gyarados/whatever switches into the battle. After that it might as well be Run Away or Pick Up because it isn't doing anything until the Pokemon switches in again, unless it gets Traced.

Sand Veil, with Sandstorm up, works 20% of the time on every attack. Sand Veil has many more opportunities to work than Intimidate does.

Intimidate is absolutely useless against Special or non-damaging attacks. Sand Veil works against any attack that attempts to hit Garchomp.

Sand Veil has far more potential to be abused than Intimidate.
As if the Garchomp user can't predict either...why this "predict" argument continues to crop up on one side but not the other astonishes me.
Honestly, I don't know.

Neither player can have telepathic prediction, and someone is going to get outpredicted in any exchange between two Pokemon.

That Garchomp can be countered by prediction and that Garchomp can counter anything with prediction are both equally valid statements that cancel each other out and get nowhere.
Except you seem to forget, Rain Dance and Sunny Day actually require a turn to set up, where as Sandstorm simply requires switching a pokemon in. Who is going to use Sunny Day on Cresselia, when on the Moonlight turn, any respectable player is just going to bring their Tyranitar back in and not only screw over the use of Moonlight, but also net themelves a free Dragon Dance or Substitute when the Cresselia is forced to switch out. Now you could say the Cresselia user could predict this and bring in a Dugtrio or the like on the second turn when they think the Tyranitar is coming, but then they've wasted a moveslot on Cresselia for nothing. Last time I checked, Cresselia can't afford to give up any moveslots for pointless moves like Sunny Day. Nearly all my friends (who are into competitive battling) play with Sandstorm teams for a reason. They are overpowered, easy to set up, screw over common strategies like Focus Sash, and thus are commonly used. You can't really make the argument that Garchomp without the sand is different from Garchomp in the sand, because the two almost always go hand in hand.
I wouldn't consider using an attack to lure out a threatening Pokemon so that a teammate can KO it as a wasted moveslot, I would call that teamwork.
Yeah, I use Bulky CBChomp all the time and unless the opponent is carrying a Steel type anything that switches in will get OHKO'd or 2HKO'd and even if they do have a Steel type it has to be maxed on defense most of the time. I personally have 2-3HKO'd Steels that weren't maxed on defense many times with CB Outrage. Making it bulky also allows it to be able to live through one ice attack and KO back. Garchomp is really fucking strong. I could care less if its banned or not, but it is definetly overcentralizing moreso than a lot of other Pokemon.
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