Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v3

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I am not saying every competitive gen needs to be as blissfully balanced and fun as ADV, but we should at least try to balance the meta with the time we have before GF brings in DLC2 and the inevitable Gen 10 which will introduce an evolution to Gholdengo with 144 SpA and a 60 bp priority ghost move.

The only meta that comes super duper close to ADV in being balanced is gen 8, and that is because after Kyurem's ban the tier has been left in a really good spot even if games drag on forever sometimes. The tier is genuinely really fun even if some games last forever.

Anyway point being we need to get Ghold out before dlc, and Volcarona should not come back unless tera is banned.

Also Gliscor can stay Ubers unless we get more spammable defoggers and Ghold stays gone if it gets banned before dlc. (Please OU council don't let Ghold back in if it gets banned by suspect before dlc2 drops.)
Gotta agree with everyone else. The bans are happening fast, but based on the situation gamefreak put us in with the DLC drops they where almost required to happen fast, we unfortunately don’t have the time for allow things to fully develop.

Now with DLC2 dropping we likely have anywhere between a 11 months to 2 years worth of time to develop the meta which should allow for a much more measured approach in not only bans but unbans as well.
Respectfully, why is there so much eagerness to test 680 BST+ from the Uber tier? OU has enough broken mons in it as is.
i wasnt being serious about freeing giratina i was just using it as hyperbole lol i dont actually think itd be healthy :psycry:

to avoid a one liner: do kind of agree any action towards banning anything already in the tier should hold off til the dlc2 meta settles a little, doubt gambit or ghold will be any more balanced even with the power creep the new wave of mons will bring but itd be wise to be patient

now back to lurking
2023 is the only time on smogon where otherwise respectable players can unironically, with their whole chest, say shit like “broken has to check broken” and not feel an overwhelming sense of shame

it’s tragic how many minds this generation has broken
I mean, how do you not use broken this gen? Everything is broken. Flutter Mane is GameFreak looking at Spectrier and said “you know let’s make Spectrier, but with better stats, dual STAB, and a usable movepool?” GameFreak was not tame and just decided everything should be broken.
they meant we should accept a state of broken checking broken as a tiering “principle” (insofar as that could be considered such, which is nowhere)

they weren’t making a descriptive statement about what gamefreak gave us or what people commonly use

that being said, i doubt many would call, say, skeledirge, or iron hands broken. as always, it’s a relatively small proportion or the generation’s pokemon that are silly

edit: genuinely tho, if we agree that broken-checks-broken is fine, we accept a state where tiering itself is totally absurd & might as well have nothing banned at all
With Sneasler gone i think that some members of the loyal 3 can be OU and by some I mean 1. I used to think Fezandipiti was good with both Gliscor and Sneasler gone but it has like no utility. I’m talking about Okidogi. It’s just a Buzzwole and Sneasler fusion! It has a decently wide learnset and good physical bulk and offense and ,just like Buzzwole, horrible special stats but it’s okay of your frail on one side if your bulky on another. It’s can run gunk shot or poison jab for fairies, crunch and ice punch as generally good coverage and close combat cuz well it’s close combat but for a bulky Pokémon, having your bulk constantly lowered might be bad while drain punch is my personal favourite to use, as a bulky Mon having reliable recovery is important and it can remove t spike and is a generally good counter to Pex and Dragapault.
Honestly I don't even know what is going on anymore in the thread, even more in the metagame since I just limit to watch it, and at this point, I nowadays prefer watching at DLC2, that is coming in 3 weeks, hoping that will bring something of new and that really could help improving the current state we have, while the council is doing their best, but it's difficult since you have some Pokémon people want absolutely banned while for some others they are fine, with also the usual discussions for Tera and which Uber could be restested, but are just things to see in DLC2, that is getting closer and closer more fast than we think.
Hey look I'm nobody and I don't know shit about anything but I feel like the treatment you guys are giving Mimikyu Stardust is completely unreasonable. Every time I pop by the OU chat in PS bro is there with some input. Even in as little as I know, they are an accomplished player, and while I believe that everyone's opinion is worthwhile, maybe we all should listen more often, specially if it's someone who knows a thing or two. You can agree or disagree, but most responses have been quick sassy two-liners about how over their head they were. Me personally I don't agree with everything they said, but honestly I doubt that I have the understanding of the meta they have, and neither do many others here. Besides, their comments were clearly constructive and not dismissive. The fair thing is to welcome dissident opinions, specially in times of turmoil like the ones we're facing now. It takes guts to make such a contrarian post and I believe the way y'all have reacted is one of the most toxic outings we've had in a bit.

To give my two cents to their post, I agree with them that even in all its brokenness, there's a certain balance between the mons, in that Ghold beats Val and is beaten by Gambit etc etc, and I agree that we're longing for more adaptation periods between suspects, but the public outcry has been so strong and the council has been so public in their thoughts (which is a positive) that the rhythm of the suspects was sort of unevitable, specially after HOME dropped, where it felt like we had a new suspect every two weeks. I yearn for days in which this post becomes more of a metagame discussion and not a tiering discussion hub. What's done is done and we can't change the timing of the bans thus far, but maybe we can reflect on Mimi's outlook before dismissing it as being braineaten by big GameFreak or some shit.

Happy Thanksgiving to all members in the US. Although I'm not from the US, I'm thankful for having found Smogon Singles and its community, which has given me a passion, interest, curiosity and drive that I thought long gone after a rough patch in my life, and I'm thankful for all the members who I have interacted with in this journey, as they have been incredibly supportive and helpful. Take care of each other <3
If you actually read my post, my main point is to slow down the surveys and bans so people can collect their full thoughts on how to fix the metagame for the better and focus on Quality, Instead of Quantity and have bans happen more organically like with Baxcalibur and Garganacl.
i'm gonna post it again because this is important: all of the bans so far were done according to the will of the people, except arguably volcarona's and even that was upheld by the community. the rate of tiering action was also the subject of a survey and the consensus of both the general and qualified voters was that the council should continue on its current path and possibly even speed things up a little bit. slowing down would be actively ignoring community feedback
Are yall defending OU, or the idea of OU? I can get the sentiment behind Broken beats Broken being bad, because in most cases, it outright is. However, when the whole tier has been that since day fucking one, it begs the question of whether or not we should be more lenient towards that idea. This isn't to say that we should embrace it fully, fuck no. That'd be paramount to disaster unfortold. Love me my distortion wyrm, but they're too chonky for this tier. Shit ain't being checked by ANYTHING.

Instead, we should use BcB as a condiment or as a flavor enhancer, a la salt or pepper vs wholesale mayonnaise. Accept it into our hearts as part of the process. We have until Gen X, whenever the fuck that is within the next two years, to achieve muh balanced metagame. Nowhere does it say we have to rush shit like we have been doing. Let shit settle, adapt, etc. before making rash decisions. We've had Gholdengambit for months now, what's another few weeks in comparison?

they meant we should accept a state of broken checking broken as a tiering “principle” (insofar as that could be considered such, which is nowhere)

they weren’t making a descriptive statement about what gamefreak gave us or what people commonly use

that being said, i doubt many would call, say, skeledirge, or iron hands broken. as always, it’s a relatively small proportion or the generation’s pokemon that are silly

edit: genuinely tho, if we agree that broken-checks-broken is fine, we accept a state where tiering itself is totally absurd & might as well have nothing banned at all
Is it totes poggers fine-aroonie? No. Is it an unavoidable part of the process? Unfortunately. Let us all take the metagame equivalent to a chill pill, and work shit out with reasoned and measured efforts, rather than clamor for things to be banned when they could potentially simply be iffy.

For instance, the sudden turnaround by the council on Volc (no i wont shut up about my favorite moth that buge shouldve gotten a proper test fuck rash tournament based tiering) was far too fast to make sense. Even a normal test would've eased most people into it, and the test period itself wouldve illuminated just how iffy vs broken Volcarona was.
The same arguably goes for Regieleki, mostly because we legitimately didn't know how its ability actually worked. Would it have been banned in a suspect? Most likely, but it deserved that much.
I do somewhat agree with the necessity of QBs as a concept, especially with shit like Flutter Mane the Doubles Destroyer, but extending that ferocity towards much lesser mons is unwarranted, even if people get noisy about it. If all we do is QB, why do we ever Suspect? For the fun of it?

I do hope yall bother to read this in its entirety before shitting on it. It's the least you could do while you wait for the turkey to cook.

My main point was to slow down the bans and survey, surveys became a chore with 2 surveys in a month you really can't understand the meta enough to make an educated review of the meta. So many bans in a short amount of time will also hinder further metagame development by a lot. I talked with finch on this, the council will slow down on the surveys and bans again like before but still be aggressive on what to ban, So i'm glad that at least it will slow down and let the meta settle and see how it goes. The reason for the fast almost spammed meta decission was because of the release of DLC and the council wants a stable meta quick, but i think this is a bad idea and keeping the slow schedule, even for a short meta is better.

Broken checks broken isn't ideal but i reiterated it a few times as just a suggestion for a new avenue considering how much broken SV has, but it is just an idea.
However, when the whole tier has been that since day fucking one, it begs the question of whether or not we should be more lenient towards that idea.
no it doesn't. "broken checks broken" is not even an idea. it's not a rule or a principle. it's a pejorative term for a state that tiering action is specifically meant to avoid at all costs. if we have to ban fifty or a hundred pokemon to avoid a broken-checks-broken state, so be it.
Instead, we should use BcB as a condiment or as a flavor enhancer, a la salt or pepper vs wholesale mayonnaise
it's not a condiment, it's a carcinogen. sure, to some people it might "enhance the flavor", but it will kill the meta over time
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no it doesn't. "broken checks broken" is not even an idea. it's not a rule or a principle. it's a pejorative term for a state that tiering action is specifically meant to avoid at all costs

I feel like we need to start reevaluating our vocabulary bc it is SO easy to call shit broken. When we say broken, we really need to mean "broken within the context of the meta". Look at shit like Hoopa-U, with 160/170 offense, and ended up in UU. If Val is beaten by Ghold, which is beaten by Gambit, which is beaten by Moth, which is beaten by Manaphy, which is beaten by Waterpon, which is beaten by Corv, which is beaten by Dozo, which is beaten by Val, there you have your balance. It can be a very high level balance, but it is a balance. Please don't take my example as literal as I don't know shit, but what I mean is that if there were a special normal/poison wall and gambit had bullet punch, flutter mane would not be broken by context, you get me? The environment makes the mons broken.
I talked with finch on this, the council will slow down on the surveys and bans again like before but still be aggressive on what to ban, So i'm glad that at least it will slow down and let the meta settle and see how it goes.
shouldn't this be a community decision? i feel like "should we keep dealing out surveys at the same rate, faster, or slower" would be a good question to ask on the pre-dlc2 survey alongside some other questions about tiering policy
If Val is beaten by Ghold, which is beaten by Gambit, which is beaten by Moth, which is beaten by Manaphy, which is beaten by Waterpon, which is beaten by Corv, which is beaten by Dozo, which is beaten by Val, there you have your balance. It can be a very high level balance, but it is a balance.
except half of these matchups are shaky and this is absolutely not what a balanced tier looks like
but it will kill the meta over time
Focusing on this part, may or may not cover the rest. Dont worry i did read it.

Was Gen 5 killed by Broken checking Broken, or was it killed by the disastrous attempts to balance weather, Keldeo, et all? Broken didn't check broken. Broken wasn't checked at all. You had one shit running the world, only to be replaced by another, slightly weaker shit that ran house just as effectively, only held back by actual hellfire. Sure, A checked B, and both were broken, but nothing at all checked A. That's different from our modern meta, as
I feel like we need to start reevaluating our vocabulary bc it is SO easy to call shit broken. When we say broken, we really need to mean "broken within the context of the meta". Look at shit like Hoopa-U, with 160/170 offense, and ended up in UU. If Val is beaten by Ghold, which is beaten by Gambit, which is beaten by Moth, which is beaten by Manaphy, which is beaten by Waterpon, which is beaten by Corv, which is beaten by Dozo, which is beaten by Val, there you have your balance. It can be a very high level balance, but it is a balance. Please don't take my example as literal as I don't know shit, but what I mean is that if there were a special normal/poison wall and gambit had bullet punch, flutter mane would not be broken by context, you get me? The environment makes the mons broken.
Since it is mere weeks untill DLC 1 ends and DLC 2 drops, im going to drop my thoughts on how SV has been going for me,

After the banning of sneasler there has been a sour taste that has been developing for me, i was an avid sneasler ban enjoyer, i thought it was busted but upon retrospect i think there is a problem with this generation. The bans are happening way too fast and there physically isn't enough time to let the meta settle to make balance changes. the speed of which things are getting banned, and how many pokemon ARE banned (which can be its own tier and metagame) is a bit concerning.

i'm going to take a few examples between Baxcalibur, Walking Wake, Garganacl (Pre Home), Sneaseler, Roaring Moon and Volcarona.

Baxcalibur i think is a perfect ban
, it has marinated in the metagame for a long while and we have seen the positives and the negatives it brings.
-Big Attacker with decent speed and good bulk
-Great defensive utility for offense
-Fixes many holes on teams

-Dondozo is almost forced on a lot of fat teams
-Can set up and win way too easily
-it can pick its counters very easily with tera, and with just 1 misplay, it can snowball

We had it in the tier for months and after exhausting everything that we can do with it, the verdict is made that it is Broken.

Garganacl was in the opposite side of the spectrum, where in pre home, it garnered a lot of support for a ban due to how dominant and slappable it was, at points gaining a 3/5 points in favor of suspect but it never got it and guess what? People adapted, people started using more knock off, Covert Cloak pex and dengo, Bulk Up great tusk, spikes spam, etc. After a while, garg just became a great, but not broken mon, the opposite of Baxcalibur before falling off a bit once Home dropped.

These two are perfect examples of how letting the meta adapt can show the true colors of a pokemon and truly see if they are just good, or broken.

However, those are just 2 rare cases, and i think this is the main problem for current tiering for SV OU, Actions are being taken way too quickly before the meta can even develop and marinate.

Walking Wake, Roaring Moon, Volcarona and Sneaseler didn't have enough time for the meta to settle to see if theyre truly broken or not.

Walking wake is a perfect example of a pokemon that was thought to be broken at the beginning and ended up being fine additions to the metagame. Walking Wake suspect in my opinion, was still one of the worst choice for suspect we have had, it was barely released in 4 days, in a meta where the scariest water type was rotom wash, and people were still comfortably using teams with no water resist, so if we just take those 3 days where people haven't adapted, Walking Wake is going to look like Dracovish-Incarnate, but after the suspect was over, people quickly realized that it was very mid, it did get better during home meta but at the time, we were about to suspect and potentially ban a pokemon that is mid, there was even rumors about a quick ban for it although i cant confirm it.

Blood Moon was a very centralizing pokemon that forced people to run stuff like Spdef Unaware Clefable that got banned in 7th of october 2023, then roaring moon was suspected 10 days later, the threshold for people making new teams and getting rid of old ones after a ban is usually around 3-5 days, arbitrary but its what i notice from friends who are good players as well. Taking this into account, we only have 5 Days to play in a roaring moon meta, a pokemon who is powerful, but is deeply flawed like only being able to sweep once, heavy 4MSS, before it was suspect tested and resulted in a ban. This ban opened the floodgates to the dreadful meta that was Rillaboom Sneaseler Gliscor Heatran meta, where it revolves around Gliscor Spikestack teams and Rillaboom Sneaseler, why? because the breaker that checked these pokemon got banned, and gliscor at this time held a monopoly on defensive pokemon which unintentionally made fatter teams worse and offensive teams better, once it got banned, Sneasler rose to power... for 2 days... before the meta can settle and potentially find a counter play to it and build the meta around it.

Now the meta is dominated by :great-tusk: :ting-lu: :zapdos: double ground zapdos, very static reliant, rillaboom is even more powerful, ogerpon is more dominant than ever and one can only be happy that it will only last a few days.

Volcarona was probably the most controversial ban in gen 9 ou, as before pokemon home dropped, volcarona was a fine setup sweeper, not too broken but still really good, it gives a great defensive utility for offense and can even be slotted into more balance teams, it is heavily flawed with pokemon like clodsire and ting-lu being able to counter it quite easily in pre-home meta. Once Home dropped, not many people were clammoring for its ban and it was just banned.

Now why am i posting about this?

If we take just this DLC meta right now, Ogerpon wouldn't have been as dominant if Sneaseler was around, and Sneaseler wouldn't have been as dominant had we have roaring moon and gliscor keeping it in check, and roaring moon was kept in check by pokemon like gliscor, zamazenta and kingambit. (Oh and if ur saying "but tera..." respectfully, learn how to deal with it, i am speaking from the perspective of a tera meta)

SV OU physically CANNOT function without being 'Broken checks broken' like SS OU or ORAS OU. Theres simply too many 'broken' pokemon, but those broken pokemon cancels eachother out. Iron Valiant loses to Dengo, which loses to gambit, which loses to valiant, which loses to moth, which loses to roaring moon, which loses to weavile, which loses to zamazenta, which loses to dondozo, which loses to rillaboom, which loses to volcarona and etc. We also have adequate defensive pokemon, stuff like Great Tusk, Ting-lu, Zapdos, Dondozo, Garganacl are amazing pokemon that can check pretty much anything in the metagame, at the start of dlc Highv0ltag3 peaked on ladder with stall in a hearthflame meta using a Torn-t stall, and on high-ladder there was also a lot of balance teams that uses pokemon like defensive dragonite to check it, so we were at a precipice of people acclimating to the hearthflame meta before it got quickbanned.

I saw a lot of people here mentioning "why unban pokemon when its already banned? what purpose do they bring?" its to prevent stuff like this from happening, if Volcarona was here, Rillaboom wouldn't be this broken and so on. Having more variety is almost always better.

So heres my proposal, Slow Down the bans, after the first few OBVIOUSLY brokens (Magearna, Chi-Yu, Landorus-I, etc) only do suspect tests, and have a longer gap between them and let the meta settle, maybe 3 weeks minimum. Then can we also not ban litterally everything? I know "Broken checks broken" is a no-go usually, but looking at how game freak is taking SV with the DLC, new broken moves, new broken pokemon, its impossible to make an ORAS or SS style balanced metagame. If we continue this meta and ban Gholdengo, it may fix the problem of hazards but then Iron-Valiant and Rillaboom becomes more broken, then we ban those and dark types become more broken, then if we ban too much the defensive pokemon like garg starts becoming broken again its a never ending cycle, and lets not forget that the defensive pokemon of this meta like Garganacl, Great Tusk, Ting-lu, Zapdos are excellent and can check pretty much every pokemon. SV is very similar to SM at how many broken things there are, and guess what? despite SM having so many downright broken pokemon, the meta thrives, the things that are thought to be broken have balanced out (Tapu Lele, Ash Gren, etc.) because the meta eventually settled. I think its just impossible for this meta to be completely balanced with how dominant hazards are, amount of broken pokemon, the defensive power creep, etc.

I am not againts bans, but i am very concerned at how fast the meta is going, there are so many surveys in a row, just one after another barely after a ban just happened and people don't have enough time to collect their thoughts and vote, which at that point why even have a survey?

Slow down the survey so people can collect their thoughts a vote with a full grasp on the meta, Slow down the bans and suspect so the meta can develop naturally and have people deal with the 'broken' pokemon like :baxcalibur: Bax and :garganacl: Garg in the past, Embrace the 'Broken checks broken' aspect of SV since it is the way game freak is going with the balancing and pokemon that are available, i know its very much so, not ideal but its just an idea. I know that Game Freak have moved from a Game to New Game basis to DLC to New DLC in a single gen, so the meta will be shorter than before. However, i dont think it is right to rush balancing just because a meta will only last 5 months. 2 Solid bans will always be better than a scattershot of 5 bans.
point out.

Next example! Was Gen 7 killed by Broken checking Broken?
I'd say not, especially given that it, iirc, has more players still than the stallfest that was SS (Gen 8) OU. It was strong, fast paced, and sometimes wild, but through and through, the top checked each other well, to the point where i could say BcB wasn't actually involved.

that rotund piece of shit literally holds GSC together. Without it, Zapdos and its litany make the meta worse.

Besides, I'm not even advocating for full scale revolution of the tiering protocols. Just, be a bit more careful with the bans, and be sure that whats happening is the right thing.

EDIT: if you respond to one thing, pls respond to this:
shouldn't this be a community decision? i feel like "should we keep dealing out surveys at the same rate, faster, or slower" would be a good question to ask on the pre-dlc2 survey alongside some other questions about tiering policy

except half of these matchups are shaky and this is absolutely not what a balanced tier looks like
What is balanced to you? Everything beats everything? Sounds messy ngl.
I know I'm a random but I've been lurking on the metagame threads since stage 1 Gen 8 OU and the ramifications of letting the Zamas in OU for any amount of time at all is irreparable. That is all I wanted to say.
zama in its current state is acceptable. its not broken and at the same time i feel nothing positive towards it. every set other than id-press (which, to give it credit, is absolutely horrifying to face) feels a teensy bit underwhelming to me, its this gens equivalent of kyurem b where it should be broken on paper but most of the time just ends up being a matchup fish
What bans have even been bad? It seems that pretty much all the band so far have been justified.
all of them are justified, haven't seen anybody try to argue otherwise besides the usual "TOO MANY BANS" sentiment. think the bitterness stems from the suddenness of the sneasler ban while bonnie and clyde are still allowed to roam free; which, to be fair, fuck all three of them
all of them are justified, haven't seen anybody try to argue otherwise besides the usual "TOO MANY BANS" sentiment. think the bitterness stems from the suddenness of the sneasler ban while bonnie and clyde are still allowed to roam free; which, to be fair, fuck all three of them
Sudden? That boy had been on the radar since the day it dropped! It had always been good in OU as a unburden sweeper, and once Rillaboom got Grassy Glide it became evident that it was a problem.
What bans have even been bad? It seems that pretty much all the band so far have been justified.

I don't think the bans have been that bad at all, only thing I agree with is that there's this impulse to call everything broken the second it drops, and once the broken has been dealt with, there's a new broken round the corner. There's instantly overpowered mons, and then there are mons that need to be carefully analyzed within the context.

except half of these matchups are shaky and this is absolutely not what a balanced tier looks like

I specifically asked you to not focus on the example at hand, plus of course that's not balanced tiering, that's just a bunch of 1v1s. My point stands, broken means broken only in context, which is the reason why Gliscor having even lost Defog and Roost is broken in SV OU and not in past gens (AS AN EXAMPLE). I'd be happy to argue with you on that point, as I'm sure I got lots to learn still.
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