NOC Charge Me Up! Mafia GAME OVER MAFIA (psy, Laurel, af) WINS!

Oh yeah I made this on N1 while I was rereading thread.
I forgot about it lol.

i thought this would be a wacky setup but i forgot this is mafiascum we are talking about where only SERIUOS MAFIA PLAYING is allowed so while the rolemania was cool it was very limited by the mechanics. the running gag of no one reading the setup or understanding how roles were allocated was funny though. i probably would not run this setup again since idc about "fair" or "serious" scumhunting mafia games. maybe if you doubled the votes or ensured everyone got a role id be interested. but then you probably run into the issue of town is uber broken with like 10 cops running around. i wish i ran CB's game but u know life is about those learning experiences so I don't regret anything!

imo the best mafia strategy is to probably not charge up your teammates and hope for the best. so they 2/3 succeeded. mystic was kind of meh but it worked out so cant fault genius. you can't really block town from getting roles but i think it's good value to go after stuff like cop or even friendly neighbor and go for some frames. otherwise you really can't lie about anything in this setup which is kind of boring. unluckily the dudes who picked a unique role got no votes and no role. this was sad to me because i wanted to see a desperado and town rly could've used a cop.

day 1 was p fire. i thought tigershark kind of got a raw deal but half the time these votes end up on the afk/not there to defend themselves guy because it Feels Bad voting out a dude trying. sadly Laurel was Mafia which would've been a great get and probably stopped the d2 nonsense. mafia killed neon, a pretty out there kill given everyone deciding it would be a great idea to claim but it ended up being a pretty good one because realiti friendly neighbored neon. lol. i love mass claim but ngl this game was not it for mass claiming but fsr everyone wanted to.

d2 was funny as hell with celever and dusk arguing and getting scumread by everyone. this was a horrible day for town which ended with them voting the 4x town commuter, their strongest role. honestly, i think a 4xer you probably needed to keep alive, especially a role with such strong town power in dodging kills for 4 days. if celever had managed to get town cored game is probably a lot harder for mafia. everyon was sure dusk or cel was mafia which was not correct. o well

NE died. good kill and he had a good watch on realiti which would've saw dusk and (probably) clear him. maf was gonna kill JOEY but then changed their mind and oops watcher got u. so AF died w no resistance. i thought they should've made a play or tried to frame someone but in hindsight i think slowing the game down and killing discussion was a good move because i felt it let the town get complacent. its too bad because AF was playing well and i don't think she was voted her otherwise. i didn't really get why laurel didn't carry the kill as prob the one on the hot seat even if they were worried about a track? joey's friendly neighbor targeted NE OOPS lol. this was an amazing day for the town getting AF and also clearing joey mostly.

realiti died and couldn't use recharged friendly neighbor. just a cursed role. laurel got voted out p much unopposed. no one was really worried about a bus even though this and the previous vote were pretty big opportunites to bus i thought. dusk died and the game p much died. i think ppl got complacent and psy positioned himself well to take advantage of everyone auto clearing him. HH went next without a fight (bus driver is so bad on Mafiascum btw why can't it affect kills??? that's no fun). then pulsar died. town shoudl easily have NL'd here and idk why they didn't but ig people wanted to end the game. sadly psy was mafia and no one expected that at all. gg still tho, came down to a f4 which means a competitive game which is always fun even though the car definitely ran out of gas by the end.

neon - If you bet money that neon would die n1, congrats you are now a multimillionaire.
celever - celever is up there as one of the Greats and especially this year, but unfort this was a below average game for a palyer of his quality. if he avoids the vote, he prob does a lot of good things for town dodging kills. sadly, i think his past few mafia games came back to bite his meta and he was totally wrong on dusk. happens to the best of us...
AF - af is so good at being hard to read which is bad (as town) and good (as mafia). I thought AF was a solid 6.5/7 out of 10 but then got caught killing NE which doomed her. unluck but good play overall
ehmcee - game seemed to fall by the wayside for him i kind of lost track of him ngl. made a good attempt at the end to reread the game. i do wonder if he and ipl get there in a f3 with a no vote. I'd like to think so. was really the only guy even considering psy!mafia. not bad.
pulsar - chaotic energy is always fun. was very wrong at times but was also very right. made a critical watch play to get a mafia which probably saved the game for town and put them in good spot to win even if they couldn't come through. good job
joey - this was joey's second game? very solid play, good logic and reasoning and grasp on what was happening. has a posting style i like (not thread spamming) so big fan. keep up the good work
skip -> ipl - skip had to sub and ipl came in even though he doesn't like open setups and for that I am Grateful. it's tough to operate in a world where your meta and ideas are not necessarily frowned upon, but maybe not shared by too many others. did fine and mostly a victim of psy being awesome imo. ty again
dusk - this was also not dusk's best game but he really brought it back, going from potential ml bait to really pushign town forward. sadly psy recognized his threat and offed him before he could complete the comeback. lets hire some more mods so this man can play more (and we can vote him out huehuehue)
etay -> HH - etay commented more in discord to me than in the thread but that is OK because he tried and i appreciate that. HH came in as low prio and gave it an effort which is all i could ask. unlucky to be voted out but cant really have too many complaints i reckon. thank you again good sir.
nightemerald - this was like his forum mafia game or smth and it's hard to believe because it was an assured performance. i know he had a strong role but still you dont really see new players get nk'd over so called "big names." did a great job posting and getting town read. i see a bright future for u if u keep it up (i'm an elite talent scout so i know what im talking about)
PSYx5THE - goat??? maybe not quite, and I say it all the time, but Psy is one of my favorite players. this was probably the best game I've seen him play and he's played some good ones this yr. when u have an in form player like this, there's just not a lot you can do but hope that people think, maybe this guy is too good to be real because he would be NK'd???? S tier performance
laurel - big fan. i think his energy was a little too over the place, swinging from "i have to stay silent because thats my meta" to really defending himself. the latter is way more fun so glad we got to see it. dodging death d1 was very critical to keeping mafia in the game and i think that set up his teammates well
realiti - kind of just snuck under the radar in the sense that he was really after laurel but sadly everyone else was after celever. solid town play and kind of bummed to see him die because i do think town lost momentum afterwards, even if dusk did pick up the slack. good job

ggs to all
really awesome post thank you for writing this jalmont! i really appreciate the praise (though idt im that good :psynervous:) and also seeing well deserved credit go to mc/night/joey, the latter two doing really well for lack of experience, and the former who i thought was honestly undersold this game. in general i think town played well and it should be said. ty for hosting!
really awesome post thank you for writing this jalmont! i really appreciate the praise (though idt im that good :psynervous:) and also seeing well deserved credit go to mc/night/joey, the latter two doing really well for lack of experience, and the former who i thought was honestly undersold this game. in general i think town played well and it should be said. ty for hosting!
shhh I'm rereading all of WW Mafia so I can actually have an actual digital sheet for it
really awesome post thank you for writing this jalmont! i really appreciate the praise (though idt im that good :psynervous:) and also seeing well deserved credit go to mc/night/joey, the latter two doing really well for lack of experience, and the former who i thought was honestly undersold this game. in general i think town played well and it should be said. ty for hosting!
Nice performance, I think you're ready to be sent to the MU championships as our Smogon representative