Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

I have no issue with Sleep Clause not being perfectly replicable on cartridge. PS is a simulator, after all. Removing a status mechanic from the game because Sleep Clause is "unfaithful" to the cartridge experience is silly; Smogon's ban list is not even replicable on cartridge
I don't have the patience to write out a response to the rest of your post but Smogon's ban list is literally replicable on cartridge because both players can agree to simply not bring banned Pokemon/moves. You cannot disagree with your opponent putting your switch-in to sleep when they predicted that your currently asleep Pokemon was going to stay in and wake up.
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I don't have the patience to write out a response to the rest of your post but Smogon's ban list is literally replicable on cartridge because both players can agree to simply not bring banned Pokemon/moves. You cannot agree to not let your opponent to sleep your switch in when they predicted that your currently asleep Pokemon was going to stay in and wake up.

Point being that if you load up a random Singles battle, your opp. might have banned mons/moves. It's arbitrary. When it comes to Sleep Clause, how about the players just agree not to click sleep moves if another Pokemon is already sleeping? Smogon isn't the Pokemon Company, so pure faithfulness to the original game's mechanics is a moot point.
Point being that if you load up a random Singles battle, your opp. might have banned mons/moves. It's arbitrary.

The idea is if they do this, they disqualify themselves and the match is either treated as invalidated or a win for the player who didn't cheat. It's a bit strange that I have to explain how a gentleman's agreement works, but whatever.

When it comes to Sleep Clause, how about the players just agree not to click sleep moves if another Pokemon is already sleeping?

That isn't how Sleep Clause works on Showdown, though. You can click sleep moves if the opponent already has a sleeping Pokemon, they just fail unless that Pokemon wakes up. This allows you to make certain plays you could not do under a gentleman's agreement on the cart. If your opponent has a sleeping mon in that's already burned some sleep turns, you're free to click Spore in case it wakes up on that turn, for example.

Smogon isn't the Pokemon Company, so pure faithfulness to the original game's mechanics is a moot point.

Pure faithfulness has always been a part of Smogon's tiering philosophy (which is part of the reason why there has always existed some controversy around Sleep Clause), as it should be. Modifying game mechanics to balance them is both a) by definition a complex ban, with all the accompanying futureproofing problems that inevitably accompanies those, and b) kind of a dangerous proposition in that it erodes precedent against other proposals to modify game mechanics in order to balance other mechanics.
Sleep is no more uncompetitive than paralysis, imo, but when used to exert offensive pressure, it elevates an otherwise balanced mon to uncompetitive levels.
A balanced mon abusing an already nerfed mechanic (and therefore doesn't compare to paralysis) sounds like the problem of the mechanic if we had to nerf it and it STILL becomes problematic across a nonzero amount of generations and Pokemon.
Avalugg-H is actually my second favorite pokemon of this generation, and it's actually a good spinner in OU... IF you're willing to always use tera on it. It has phenomenal physical bulk (Better than pechurant, which yall were going on and on about), a great stab combo backed by good coverage in EQ/Strong Jaw Crunch, recovery, and 2 decent abilities. Its flaw are obviously very clear: it very literally dies to ember (252 SpA Choice Specs Solar Power Charizard Ember vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Tera Ghost Avalugg-Hisui in Sun: 421-496 (106.8 - 125.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO), has slow speed, and can sometimes struggle to switch in to boosted physical mons like Wogerpon, but if you can find a way around those, it's great!

For Tera type, there's a few options. I personally prefer Dark, which gives you STAB strong jaw Crunches which do a surprising amount of damage, the ability to completely shit on Roaring Moon and Kingambit, and in general a typing without a lot of (physical) weaknesses. Water/Steel/Poison are good general defensive types, with bonus points to steel for giving you a 150 BP STAB Gyro Ball. Ground for STAB EQ, although I don't recommend this one because you gain weakness to Water, Grass, and Ice, which hamper your ability to check physical threats like you're supposed to.
Here's the set:
Avalugg-Hisui @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Strong Jaw
Tera Type: Water / Dark / Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Rapid Spin
- Stone Edge / Crunch / Earthquake / Gyro Ball
- Recover
- Avalanche / Mountain Gale

hot finch-on-OU-meta-discussion action?

Why use H-Avalugg over normal Avalugg at that point? Seems classic avalugg is bulkier (10 more base sp def, not like it matters much), and both require you to tera them 99% of the time.

Also isnt Body Press a better move option? I usually run this set:

Avalugg @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Ice Body
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Body Press
- Avalanche
- Recover
- Iron Defense / Rapid Spin

One of the best physical defensive walls in the tier, can put up some impressive work with Body Press and its bulk. Also avalanche is no joke and some nice extra coverage that comes handy against the likes of Dragapult switch ins and other dragons/flyings
At this point just ban Darkrai, before he dropped in the tier barely no one was complaining about sleep, now everybody and their momma says that it's unhealthy. We've had countless of pages of discussion leading to nowhere, it's tiring :facepalm:
Sleep Clause has no right to exist in a modern gen. Its modifying the game mechanics for the sake of balancing. We can already do balancing with bans. Sleep Clause is a relic from an ancient past, when competitive pokemon was essentially a completely different game. It has no place in Gen 9

Wy didn't it was brought up before? Even in real life, issues take time to be addressed. Some people might get used to these issues and think the problem is fine. Its not.

It's high time we rectify the abomination known as sleep Clause, then suspect test Sleep moved if needed. If sleep gets banned, so be it. Double Team and Baton Pass is banned. Imagine baton pass clause where you are only allowed to pass your boosts to only 1 pokemon per game. It would be laughed off as a suggestion in 2024, and people would think the person is crazy.
Why use H-Avalugg over normal Avalugg at that point? Seems classic avalugg is bulkier (10 more base sp def, not like it matters much), and both require you to tera them 99% of the time.

Also isnt Body Press a better move option? I usually run this set:

Avalugg @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Ice Body
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Body Press
- Avalanche
- Recover
- Iron Defense / Rapid Spin

One of the best physical defensive walls in the tier, can put up some impressive work with Body Press and its bulk. Also avalanche is no joke and some nice extra coverage that comes handy against the likes of Dragapult switch ins and other dragons/flyings
+10 physical attack and rock stab for either actual usage or bluffing. Avalugg is gonna die to a light Gust anyway so the spdef drop doesn't really come into account.
and you're absolutely right, tera fighting body press is a good set too can't believe I forgot that.
Honestly I don’t get the whole “cart accurate” thing. Like why does it bother people so much? If you just don’t like sleep than just say it instead of hiding behind “cart accuracy.”
I don’t like sleep, but cart accuracy is important because otherwise, why bother being cart accurate in other areas?
Why not patch paralysis so it’s now only a sleep drop? Patch flinching moves so they no longer have chance to flinch (besides Fake Out)?
Honestly would not mind either way but I just want it to be consistent.
Honestly I don’t get the whole “cart accurate” thing. Like why does it bother people so much? If you just don’t like sleep than just say it instead of hiding behind “cart accuracy.”
Because, frankly, if sleep mod could be replicated on cart, I would actively be working to keep it on PS. I think it does a pretty good job maintaining sleep balance. However, because it is different, my buddies that I do play cart with have to make rules for balancing. Some of my friends prefer banning sleep, while others like the “don’t click if one Mon is already asleep.” It would be nice to have an umbrella clause in place rather than making up our own rules for what is supposed to be OU play. Smogon does a really good job with balancing, so we like to adhere to its ruleset.
Sleep Clause has no right to exist in a modern gen. Its modifying the game mechanics for the sake of balancing. We can already do balancing with bans.
I'm sorry, I still don't get why everybody complains about sleep when Sleep Clause is there, and has been there for some time.
If Darkrai is banned and Sleep is not addressed in any other way
Darkrai should just be banned. The conversation all started with Darkrai coming back to OU. Reban it.
Honestly I don’t get the whole “cart accurate” thing. Like why does it bother people so much? If you just don’t like sleep than just say it instead of hiding behind “cart accuracy.”

Because Smogon is supposed to emulate cart. Not be its own thing. We are not playing a made up game here, which is what would happen if we alter the game mechanics. Bans exist so that we don't have to implement stupid clauses that deviates the emualtor further away from actual game.
I'm sorry, I still don't get why everybody complains about sleep when Sleep Clause is there, and has been there for some time.

Darkrai should just be banned. The conversation all started with Darkrai coming back to OU. Reban it.

This post is just objectively incorrect. Sleep Clause has been controversial pretty much since it existed, and this conversation has bubbled up again and again and again whenever sleep becomes problematic. It's time to put this conversation to bed permanently. Ban sleep.
Because Smogon is supposed to emulate cart. Not be its own thing. We are not playing a made up game here, which is what would happen if we alter the game mechanics. Bans exist so that we don't have to implement stupid clauses that deviates the emualtor further away from actual game.

Hp Percentage displays are also not on cart. You want to get rid of that and sleep clause?
HP percentages can be calculated by counting pixels on the HP bar (which, yes, is a legitimate thing people do in cart tournaments). The HP percentage mod just eliminates the need to do that while providing the same results, including rounding to the nearest increment of 1/48.

Like you said, there are only 48 pixels, so a percentage number is out of 100 and gives more information than cart.
I may be wrong, but other non-cart replicable mods on Showdown are both quality of life and rationalized using an impartial judge/replaying to game states. The only other thing I can think of is the talk of the Timer in SS, of which was refuted more due the inability for Showdown to accurately implement every single animation so the timer would function, and not due to it restricting playtime to a ludicrous degree.

Edit: This post explains it.
Hp Percentage displays are also not on cart. You want to get rid of that and sleep clause?
I mentioned this before, but you can replicate this on cart with a Public Knowledge rule and mandate your opponent tell you if asked. Everyone owns a calculator.
Hp Percentage displays are also not on cart. You want to get rid of that and sleep clause?
Percentages are a quality of life feature that a player on cart can figure out with a calculator or their head. Current HP/Max HP = Health percentage.
So ever since this clause was enforced, people had spoke out against it because they want all their team members to fall asleep and let the opponent sweep their entire team?
Yes everybody wanted that. It's definitely not because people don't like dumb half-measures that were implemented when rules like Sand Rush Excadrill not being allowed on sand teams were a thing. Nobody wanted a blanket sleep move ban to be consistent with tiering policy.

I think I'm getting a little heated I'm gonna take a break from this
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