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  • Hey i was on when it was back up earlier today, but now i cant get back on. Did it go down again?
    Zarel, when playing showdown i can't seem to get back on my username after i was in a battle with someone. Do you think i was glitched? Cause i got disconnected and im still in the battle or something....and i can't seem to leave or log back into with that username.
    Zarel, I try to press the the find battle button on PS and nothing happens. Do you have any idea why?
    Hey! I wanted to know what plans you have (if any) for the Showdown! forums. The reason I ask is that I find it pretty confusing to have both those forums and the smogon forums. Confusing for new users of course; they see the PS forums when they search for it on google and assume that those are the main way to ask questions of the admins and what not.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel that I'm pretty much the only mod that even looks at that place anymore. People ask questions that I don't have the answers for so I end up directing them to the smogon forums in the hope that their question will actually be seen by someone who does have an answer. Ban appeals have also been posted on there. What are your thoughts on this?
    That's what I thought ._. I guess I'll just wait then, since that isn't even on the priority list.
    Hey Zarel, how do PO logs work exactly? Are they saved as a .txt file or something else? I wanted to make a warstory from a PS battle but I'm not sure what to do...
    You PM'd me on Showdown! Is there something I can help you with, you can respond in message if it needs to be private.

    My activity is very lackluster due to anxiety currently I am often falling asleep and waking every 30 minutes or so. Hence I am ONLINE but afk. Sorry if it's caused any trouble.

    To reiterate, I'm most likely happy to help. PM me for details :)
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