Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (CAP V. 3.0 READ THE OP!)

Hello! I'm one of those who submitted a design for CAP 29. It's my first try submitting art for a CAP project. I thought that we wouldn't have that much time to make changes and think about our ideas, neither I knew it is common that artists change their designs after decisive movepool decisions (although it's the most logical way to do this)... So I submitted my design and called it Final Submission instead of WIP after a few hours.

My question is, is there any chance I can change it back to "WIP state", so I can adapt it to important movepool choices? Or must I avoid anymore confusion and let it be as it is right now?

Edit: DougJustDoug thank you, and sorry for any possible inconvenience.
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Hello! I'm one of those who submitted a design for CAP 29. It's my first try submitting art for a CAP project. I thought that we wouldn't have that much time to make changes and think about our ideas, neither I knew it is common that artists change their designs after decisive movepool decisions (although it's the most logical way to do this)... So I submitted my design and called it Final Submission instead of WIP after a few hours.

My question is, is there any chance I can change it back to "WIP state", so I can adapt it to important movepool choices? Or must I avoid anymore confusion and let it be as it is right now?

The answer that was posted by Slapperfish is wrong, and it will be deleted soon, so people don't get misinformation.

If you read the Art OP rules, there is a clearly marked section titled "Final Submission Post". In that section, it states:
Art OP Rules said:
Only make one (1) final submission post. Artists are welcome to work on multiple designs and get feedback from the community, but only one design can be submitted for final consideration. If you wish to alter any aspect of your final submission, then edit your post. Do not make a new one, even if you delete your original post. Any deleting and re-posting will be treated as bumping and is subject to moderation.

That has been the rule forever in CAP. You don't get to make multiple Final Submission posts for any reason. You can change your design all you want up until the deadline. But once you declare your submission as "Final", you don't get to keep bumping your art in the thread, whether the design is changed or not.

Again, to be totally clear -- you can change your design, but you must edit it into your original Final Submission post and you cannot post any more WIPs or Final Submissions in new posts for the duration of the thread.
If Zamazenta-Crowned is unbanned from OU, will it be unbanned from CAP as well?
Yes, it will be unbanned if OU decides to unban, but until then it is not officially unbanned. This is basically saying that we are not running our own suspect test simultaneously, and it is not legal in CAP now (it being legal on the Showdown ladder/format is a bug).
In the future, questions about the CAP Metagame should go in this thread instead.
quoted from Birkal's post here:

"However, we have heard the groans of movepool creators, as Discharge is not a TM/TR that is easy to add to a movepool."

Would someone please explain to me what this means?

Do movepools and other aspects of a CAP depend on what it would be like if it was actually in the current main game??

If this is true, then my mind is kind of blown lol cuz I had no idea the CAP process took this into account

edit: oh doh yeah I'm a dummy often sorry. Thanks Da Pizza Man
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quoted from Birkal's post here:

"However, we have heard the groans of movepool creators, as Discharge is not a TM/TR that is easy to add to a movepool."

Would someone please explain to me what this means?

Do movepools and other aspects of a CAP depend on what it would be like if it was actually in the current main game??

If this is true, then my mind is kind of blown lol cuz I had no idea the CAP process took this into account

No they don't.

Birkal was just saying that some movepool creators were complaining about how Discharge was really annoying to be forced to include due to how awkwardly it fit into most people's Level-Up Movepools (And there is no other spot it could go due to Chromera being unable to breed and Discharge not being a TM/TR).
Hi there! I was reading the CAP rules thread and noticed an emphasis on not having alternate accounts. Has someone acutally done that before to game the system? And how do you guys figure out when something like that happens?
Hi there! I was reading the CAP rules thread and noticed an emphasis on not having alternate accounts. Has someone acutally done that before to game the system? And how do you guys figure out when something like that happens?
I'm not sure how mods actually do it but I'm pretty sure that they can check the IP addresses of the people who post and can verify if someone is cheating. As for if it has been done before, I can assure you it has, as a well known user called slapperfish did this to an art submission if I remember correctly, and proceeded to get banned from posting in the forums. The guy Proceeded to make a quitpost where he tried to take another guy by making it seem like it was his alt account. It's a shame because I genuinely liked his art but then he decided to be an asshole, which shows how big the consequences of using alternate accounts can be.
how protowatt, monohm, duohm, nohface, and colosshale evolve which I think is now dorsoil?
You can find the evolution methods in the respective winning movepools. I've linked them here for your convenience:
To summarize, Nohface evolves by trade with Metal Coat, Monohm evolves at level 32, Duohm evolves at level 43, Dorsoil evolves at level 39, and Protowatt evolves at level 15.
Where can I find all the movepools of all the CAP pokemon?
The kind?, for example the kind of bulbasaur is seed
The icon?
And the overworld?
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Where can I find all the movepools of all the CAP pokemon?
The kind?, for example the kind of bulbasaur is seed
The icon?
And the overworld?
1. Movepools are a bit scattered at the moment. For now, the best you can likely do is use for fully evolved CAPs, and dig through the Pre-Evolution Workshop subforum for either movepool update threads or final product threads. You can also find Final Product threads for prevos in the EnCAPlopedia. We are working on updating the prevos and making consistency changes to the movepools, and compiling them into a single thread, so you may want to look out for that.

2. Species names are generally attached to the CAP's Pokedex entries, which you can generally find by looking at their Final Product threads. Again, the easiest way to access all the Final Product threads would be the EnCAPlopedia. I want to point out that, in the past, Pokedex entries were done differently, and the Final Product thread may not feature any entries. You can find some of them by digging through the Updates Archive, but some CAPs may not have a species name at all.

3. The best I can do is point you to the bottom of this image. The forums also have icons; if you do :pokemon:, replacing the word Pokemon with the name of the CAP, then preview or post the message, it should usually show up as the CAP's icon. I would recommend you go to your Sandbox (look at the top of the website) to do this.

4. I'm assuming that, by "overworld", you're referring to the sprites for when your Pokemon is walking around with you in overworld, like in HGSS. To my knowledge, no one has made any.
I can't find the capdex entries for caribolt, smokomodo, snaelstrom, and cawmodore; does anyone know where they are?
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How long does it usually take to make a CAP?
The introduction of staggered releases has made the answer to this question a bit more complicated, but a general estimate from start to 1.0 release has been 3 months, with an additional month between 1.0 release and 2.0 release.

Some dates and numbers (process begins with the creation of the first thread for that CAP, 1.0 release is when the Final Product thread comes out, 2.0 release is the closing of the Post-Play Lookback poll(s)):
  • Chromera: Began ; January 7, 2021; 1.0 release on April 25, 2021; 2.0 release on June 4, 2021
    108 days from start to 1.0 release; 148 days from start to 2.0 release
  • Miasmaw: Began July 26, 2020; 1.0 release on October 18, 2020; 2.0 release on December 18, 2020
    84 days from start to 1.0 release; 145 days from start to 2.0 release
I can't find the capdex entries for caribolt, smokomodo, snaelstrom, and cawmodore; does anyone know where they are?
I'm not sure what you mean by CAPdex. They are definitely there in the EnCAPlopedia, and they also have entries in the Showdown dex and the Smogon dex.
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first: have you guys thought about making japanese names for the cap mons?
like following how they did it and all
second: im on palemoon and when i go to it does not work, im used to pages not working since i started using palemoon, but that one used to work, and i don't know what changed on your end
First question: There has been no widespread effort to do so. Some users tried during Chromera's name submissions to follow the convention of legendary names being the same in English and Japanese, and we ended up with the unofficial translation by Jewvia of Chromera -> クロメラ/Kuromera, but that's about it.
Second question: We don't have anything to do with how the Showdown dex works. You are probably better off asking in the Pokemon Showdown subforum (they also have a Simple Questions/Simple Answers thread).
There any plans to update Gen IV CAP sprites that haven't been given the Gen V treatment (shading, larger sprite dimensions, animations, etc.)? Or we just making 3D models for them all at this point?
There any plans to update Gen IV CAP sprites that haven't been given the Gen V treatment (shading, larger sprite dimensions, animations, etc.)? Or we just making 3D models for them all at this point?
I'm fairly sure the current sprites are all considered Gen 5 sprites. There is a separate set of Gen 4 sprites for the Gen 4 CAPs that you can find by looking the CAP up in the Showdown dex and clicking the Flavor tab on the CAP's page; some of them look similar to their Gen 5 sprite, but some of them are very different. There is no project to make any animations for these (the recently implemented Colossoil animation was an old piece of work that was dug up), although if you've done any work on them, you can share them in the Fanworks thread or on the Discord.
In general, we've pretty much moved onto 3D models, although models are only really guaranteed for every new CAP by its 2.0 release, with the rest of the models being worked on on a volunteer basis (and thus not guaranteed to come out by a certain point).