Gen V Initial UU

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Toxicroak in OU lol what the

Psychic pokes are dangerous threats indeed. Sigilyph, Espeon, Mew, Alakazam, Celebi, Azelf, Mushaana (once everyone but me realizes it is very VERY good. Hint: try different things with Stored Power...).
Psychic is going to be the top UU typing i presume (like fighting pokes are now in OU)

Though this time there's Weavile to kill'em all.

Also, the old Spikestackling got many options now (Mandibuzz easily phazes, Accelgor/Froslass/ to spam Spikes, etc), while there's no new Rapid Spinners (all we got is... Cryogonal, and UU also lost Cloyster!)

Oh yeah, Smeargle...
it looks like stall is gonna be a lot more viable....with a lack of good spinners, the addition of a ton of new spiking mons and EVOLITE CHANSEY!
Yeah... That is just because these stats started being gathered before Blaziken got the boot. You can rest assured that Blaziken is NOT UU.
wait... blaziken is put in uu WTF hes uber

Blaziken was OU for a very short time in early april. The usages at the last minutes of round 3 still get counted.

I will assure you that he will not appear on next month's OU stats.

EDIT: And of course, Ninjask'd.

BTW, has anyone thought about Accelgor? He seems a bit like a UU Deoxys-S.
Oh wow, Togekiss, Espeon, Zapdos, and Kingdra all barely made the OU cut. On the other hand, all of them will be fantastic UU Pokemon, and some will be theoretically raised to BL or OU soon.

Also, Missingno?
My guess is Zapdos will be a ou again once lightning rod is released. I have no complaints about the tiering though. I'm very happy with it at the moment, and it'll be nice to finally play some uu. No more ferrothorn on every team! (Inb4 eviolite ferroseed takes over uu) I'm honestly a bit suprised tangrowth didn't make ou though because i see at least 4-5 a day.
Oh yeah, with the lack of Ferrothorn, many teams will have to resort to Eviolite Ferroseed, I presume. Any takers on this?
Oh yeah, with the lack of Ferrothorn, many teams will have to resort to Eviolite Ferroseed, I presume. Any takers on this?
I tried it earlier. With only 50 base Attack compared to Ferrothorn's 92, I decided to go full support with Spikes / Thunder Wave / Leech Seed / Protect. It couldn't do much of anything, and I can't imagine any alternative set for it that would.
to be honest, i can't see ferroseed doing much of anything considering sun is so dominant. maybe if drought / victini is banned, sure, but until then it will only be a free switch-in for most sun sweepers (thunder wave fucks them over sorta).
Why OU stop at 53? should just go to 60 use a even number

also i think uu def walls will be owned by a banded scolipede for the most part

<I>Weather starters: Abomasnow, Vulpix, Hippopotas</I> all will be owned by my HP fire alakazam

<I>Weather Sweepers: Kyurem, Tangrowth, Victini, Exeggutor, Gorebyss, Huntail, Kingdra</I> i dont know i probably might carry a raindancer to troll

<I>Offensive forces: Snorlax, Mamoswine, Celebi, Shaymin, Azumarill</I> I think i'll carry a heracross or scolipede prob scarf

<I>Defensive forces: Deoxys-D, Cresselia, Suicune, Eviolite Chansey, Slowbro</I> electric spider, scolipede, and heracross owns these things or you can risk the quiver dance venomoth I think i'll use a taunt pursuit ambipom : ) and you forgot evolite dusclops, milotic, mandibuzz and togekiss

<I>Other threats: Mew, Flygon, Heracross, Sigilyph, Raikou, Azelf</I> agreed add togekiss/ flinchkiss
Why OU stop at 53? should just go to 60 use a even number
The OU cutoff isn't based on the number of Pokemon in OU. It's based on how much each of those Pokemon is used. So it could be substantially larger or smaller depending on how the tier is played, and there's nothing that would make it either necessarily be or necessarily not be a nice, round number.
For the spinners, we still got Donphan and Claydol. Claydol with trick can be quite a pain to Dusclops too, who's pretty much the only good defensive ghost 'round these parts.
Not true, I've seen base form Rotom, Mismagius and Spiritomb being general asses with spinblocking. Also you forgot Hitmontop for spinning.
Well no surprise on the #1 used pokemon but as the tier list as a whole and my reaction to seeing this I had to say: "Oh my stars!"
UU looks pretty awesome. Also, am I really like the only person who uses Mew in OU? My Bulk Up set from waaaay back is extremely effective.
Victini/Mew in UU is hilarious. V-create ends worlds.
Kyurem isn't. Although the 130 in two attacking stats gives it (some) diversity, its movepool for physical attacks isn't good enough to run anything that's not outrage spam, and steels will lol at that. And it has a TERRIBLE typing. Fighting, Rock, Dragon and even Steel (lolscizor) are used enough that it would go *crunch* in the OU.
Espeon is UU? this isn't right.

Mew... really? No one has been using Baton Pass recently i see since Mew + Smergle could pretty much allow anything to sweep, they will go up soon though.

This is very cool though
Lol some really questionable OU stats. Heatran @ #9 is just retarded. Definitely raising my eyebrows at swampert too. Hydreigon > Latias...jesus lord.
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