Spreadsheet still spells Diancie's name wrong, by the way.
That means we're at the final stretch! I've opened up the last four slots on the spreadsheet -- if there are any TMs I cut that people feel I should add back, let me know. Otherwise, our moveset project is nearly complete! Thanks for the help.Bide, Metronome, and Selfdestruct are done
Ice is actually not terrible in Gen 1. While it still only resists Ice (which is actually good in this meta, since the only things that resist Ice are Water and Ice), it's Fire and Fighting weaknesses aren't really relevant due to how bad those types are (Fighting is bad because Psychic is the best type in the game, while Fire is not good because it's offensive coverage is...ok, I guess, while having 3 extremely common weaknesses). Rock is probably biggest problem Ice has as a type. Meanwhile it's still one of the greatest offensive types, especially with the new influx of Dragon-types.
So yea, Ice isn't the worst type ever in Gen 1.
Sorry, I misunderstood. I think I'll just keep it like this, as the distinction doesn't matter in the long run -- it learns it either way.
Gen 1 Pokemon can only use what's able to be replicated on a Gen 1 cart. If that includes transfers, then that's okay too. The reason for this is that the flavor I had in mind was "Gen 1, as is, with new Pokemon addedAlso, a question: are Gen I Pokemon going exclusively by their Gen I movelist, or are they including anything from Gen I they can learn in later generations? Like, almost nothing can learn Rock Slide in Gen I, but a lot of Gen I Pokemon can learn it starting from Emerald onward. And if the answer is "only their Gen I learnlist", a sub-question: does this count anything they can get from being transferred back from Gen II, since that's strictly legal for a Gen I cart, or is that also forbidden?
Spreadsheet still spells Diancie's name wrong, by the way.
Is this playable anywhere?
Amnesia Deoxys...;_;Pokemon that learn Amnesia. (Via dsing, doesn't necessarily include all Gen I proper cases)
Audino, Azumarill, Bibarel, Bouffalant, Camerupt, Castform, Clefable, Corsola, Cradily, Deoxys, Drifblim, Furret, Garbodor, Gastrodon, Girafarig, Golduck, Gorebyss, Grumpig, Heatmor, Jumpluff, Kingler, Lanturn, Lickilicky, Magcargo, Mamoswine, Mantine, Mew, Mewtwo, Nidoking, Persian, Piloswine, Quagsire, Regice, Registeel, Relicanth, Scrafty, Shiftry, Simisear, Slaking, Slowbro, Slowking, Smeargle, Snorlax, Swalot, Swoobat, Tangela, Tangrowth, Torkoal, Torterra, Uxie, Venusaur, Volcarona, Wailord, Whiscash
Not Deoxys doesn't learn Nasty Plot in OU anyway. Although now that it also tanks Special hits, that's really pretty terrifying.I've updated the OP and second post.
Amnesia Deoxys...;_;
I'm more thinking of Deoxys Defense. It has a 50/160/160 defensive spread...which also mean it uses 160 as its offensive stat. A bulky Amnesia Booster with Recover just makes it a more terrifying Gen 1 Slowbro.Not Deoxys doesn't learn Nasty Plot in OU anyway. Although now that it also tanks Special hits, that's really pretty terrifying.
All of this discussion only serves to remind me just how broken Gen 1 really was.
Mewtwo ban is definitely still necessary. His Gen 1 stat spread is bonkers, his movepool is huge and this is the gen where pure Psychic is the best type in the game. If he's still worth banning in Gen 6, he's definitely worth banning in Gen Wun. For his Megas...you either get the highest Special in the game, or the ability to one-shot Blissey. The only reason he's the only ban so far is due for tradition's sake, to introduce the Quick Ban phase and get an image for the second post.mewtwo ban doesn't seem necessary, unless you're doing it purely because of tradition i guess.
i'm definitely wondering what slaking will be able to accomplish in this. amnesia regice seems cool too?
Very extensive and well thought-out list, thank you. This will be a good basis for further discussion.Probable Ubers
Mega Slowbro: 180 Defense and Amnesia off a respectable Special stat. Its best recovery is Rest, but whatever. Psychic/Surf or Hydro Pump/Amnesia/Rest is still a nightmare for most things, even with Rest being up to five turns of Sleep in Gen I and denying you a turn when you wake up. Not nearly as bad as...
Deoxys Defense: 150 Defense and Special, has Amnesia and Recover. It also has Extreme Speed for landing finishing blows and the like, I don't care that its Attack is only 50. All it needs is Psychic/Amnesia/Recover to be done anyway, why not run Extreme Speed?
Deoxys Attack: Only 20 Defense, but it has 180 Special, also has Amnesia and Recover, and also has Extreme Speed, which is alarming off its 180 Attack and its Speed tier. It can plausibly switch in on a dedicated Special attacker, throw up Amnesia, and start killing everything that isn't faster than it -and there's not much that is. Screw being the best revenge-killer in the game, say hi to one of the best sweepers, ever.
Hoopa-Unbound (And possibly regular): Best typing in the game, full stop. Depends in part on its movepool -at least it doesn't get Recovery/Softboiled, for instance.
Arceus: Honestly, while not every variant is going to be viable, it's still 120 all around and gets horror shows like Swords Dance+Extreme Speed+Recover.
Mega Gengar: 170 Special and lightning Speed. It doesn't have Shadow Ball, but it can still smack you with The Best Type, even if it doesn't have STAB, and meanwhile it's an amazing typing itself. About its only flaw is that Psychic types in general laugh at it -though maybe that will prove to be enough to balance it.
Dialga: Two of the best types in the game, and yes, Dialga does get Psychic. Nice.
Slaking+Regigigas: Did you know Slaking gets Amnesia? Also, do I really need to explain this one?
Standard Ubers That Suck
Mega Blaziken: No Baton Pass, no Speed Boost. Might still be Uber just for having excellent mixed offenses and a solid Speed tier. Maybe.
Giratina/Giratina-Origin: No STAB offenses at all, awful recovery, hazards don't exist, Abilities don't exist, force-switching doesn't exist... It's bulky and has good stats all around, and has two excellent defensive types put together, but Gen I is also kinda stall-hatey, with crits flying around constantly and vast swaths of stall's best, most crucial tools just gone.
Aegislash: Either you're a wall with no recovery (Not even Leftovers because Gen I) and... you're what, throwing out Toxic and hoping for the best? Or you're a slow mixed attack with no STABs and no durability. I mean, this is Gen I, so everything has maxed EVs, so the bulk is less bad than it sounds (This is part of why Alakazam is so good in Gen I and not so much starting from Gen III), but either way Aegislash kind of sucks.
Greninja: OK "sucks" is probably a strong word, but it doesn't have Protean so it loses the thing that got it kicked to Ubers in Standard. Still actually pretty decent, especially since it will crit a lot.
Genesect: No Scarf, worse typing, no Bug STAB... Ouch.
Darkrai: Yeah, you're fast. Yeah, Ghost is awesome. There's honestly better out there, like Mega Gengar.
Mega Kangaskhan: No Parental Bond, no Fake Out, no Power Up Punch, no Drain Punch, no Return/Frustration... certainly still a good Normal type, but clearly outclassed by the likes of Slaking and Regigigas.
Mega Mawile: I'm not even checking its typing or anything. It's crap. No Huge Power? No Sucker Punch? Dead, gone, useless.
Shaymin-Sky: Because now the double Ice weakness is horrifying and meanwhile you're... what, spamming Mega Drain? Giga Drain didn't come along until Gen II, and it sucked then anyway! No flinch-hax, crap STABs (Even if we give it Drill Peck, which would be so silly), crap bulk...
Xerneas: Could be worse, but I'll be surprised if it is broken. Come on, it's a Grass type in Gen I and has lost Geomancy.
Mega Salamence: OK, so it has a higher BST than Dragonite, but a worse movepool... and no Aerilate.
Maybe I'll cover more later. This is interesting though.