Grammar-Prose Team Queue: It's a Whole New World We Live In

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The Grammar-Prose team is a group of individuals hell-bent on proofreading as needed by the C&C crew. The Spelling and Grammar Standards that we use can be found here. This thread serves as a queue that we will constantly update to indicate which analyses in which tiers need GP checks and how many.

How This Works
: If you need an analysis proofread by the GP team, post its link and the metagame/Pokemon name in this thread and we will add it to the queue. Please be familiar with the proper procedures, which you can read about here. DO NOT post in the thread to tell us your analysis is at GP 1/2, we will delete it. If your analysis has been sitting around for a while with no GP checks, it is up to you to get in contact with the GP team and PM/VM members for a GP check. GP members are far more likely to act if you ask personally. Do NOT post in the queue again, it will get deleted.

GPers: Below is the current list of GP-ready analyses for each tier and the number of remaining checks left for each. Take care to make sure that previous GP checks are properly implemented before GP checking something again, as having overlap is inefficient. After you have GPed an analysis, post in this thread so we can update the remaining count here.
Please use placeholders for threads and respect them. Do not placeholder incomplete threads, and don't post a placeholder unless you will get the check done in a timely manner.
If you have given an analysis a second GP check but still believe it needs more editing, you can request a third check. A first checker cannot request a third check, only the second checker can.

GP Team
The users listed below are permitted to stamp analyses or articles. Users not on this list are still encouraged to grammar check analyses and articles, but they cannot use the stamp and they do not count towards the two check requirement of all articles and analyses. If you are interested in joining the GP team, read this. The users listed below may also stamp the checks of people not on the team so that they will count toward the check requirement.

Active Members

Inactive Members
Inactive members can still post official GP checks and stamp amchecks, even if they've been gone for years. Give the standards a glance, though; policies may have been changed or updated.​
Aeron Ee1, Alexandrine, allstarapology, Andy Snype, antemortem, Arkian, Athenodoros
Badal, blitzlefan, Blue Frog, bojangles, bugmaniacbob
Calm Pokemaster, Chou Toshio, comatthew6, complete legitimacy, cosmicexplorer
DJXO9, DittoCrow, Draco Zephyr, Dubulous
elDino, Ender, Engineer Pikachu, Eo Ut Mortus, Eraddd, Erebyssial, EspyJoel
Fatecrashers, Fizz, fleurdyleurse, Flora, frenzyplant, Fuzznip
GMars, Governess
Harsha, Haund, Honko, horyzhnz
jc104, Jellicent, Jukain, jumpluff
Kingler12345, Komodo
Legacy Raider, Legitimate Username, Lemonade, Lord Alphose
Mafeking, Magcargo, Malley, Matthew, melvni, michael, Minus, Moo, Mr. Uncompetitive, Muk, MysticNova
NatGeo, New World Order, NixHex, November Blue
Poppy, princessofmusic, Psywaves
Rakan, Rare Poison, Ray Jay, relaunched, Rising_Dusk, RitterCat, ryan
sandshrewz, Shame That, sirndpt, SkullCandy, SM979, Snorlaxe, Stalfos, Stellar
TelamonianAjax, Tobes
Weebl, wekhter, whistle, Wob, Woodchuck
zdrup15, Zystral

GP Queue
*: high priority
**: very high priority (does not have a full analysis on-site currently)

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Doubles OU:
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Anything Goes:
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Balanced Hackmons:
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Mix and Mega:
Battle Spot:
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Past Gens (OU):
Past Gens (lower tiers):
In-game Articles:
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Since this has already come up in both skeletons that have been GPed up to now, figured I'd post here quick that all bullet points should be complete sentences with a period, completed skeletons should be updated to match this.

Also, since these skeletons are all high priority because we need to get something done for all mons asap, we GP leaders have decided that for now we won't allow amchecks on those until we change to full writeups (or further notice).
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