League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

wit's end is super scary on cho.

RoA is really situational. i mean if you're doing awesome early then go for it, but usually I end up going GP10 into tanky stuff.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
I personally don't like going RoA on Cho when I play him because when I do, it's as a tanky top laner/jungler who provides a lot of cc. RoA gives him HP, which is helpful in tanking but so expensive, mana, which he can just get a Frozen Heart for, and AP, which is irrevelant in terms of CC. Meanwhile, double GP5 enables you to transition smoothly into Randuins, which is an extremely good item, and Sherulyas, which will let you hit the 40% CDR cap if you build Frozen Heart also. If you choose to go Ninja Tabi, you can build that into Elsia's Miracle for the Tenacity.
Meh, I like ROA. He gets decent AP ratios. Cata/ROA works well with his passive letting you stay out to farm all day long. I sometimes jungle with Cho and I go Wit's when I do that. I just don't know where I'd fit it in this build. I guess over Abyssal.

Welp, I got a good team in my first game of the day. I guess that means I'll get mouthbreathing mapblind chucklefucks for the next two weeks.
Pretty major shake-ups announced in the NA pro teams. Kind of a three way trade...

CLG: Trades Saintvicious for Voyboy
Dignitas: Trades Voyboy from Crumbzz
Curse: Trades Crumbzz for Saintvicious

Plenty of info on why available (Crumbzz needed to leave Curse for a team without a gaming house so he could stay near campus for college, Saint/CLG not meshing), but mostly interested in looking at this from a competitive perspective. Kind of feel like all three teams got worse in the short term.

CLG gains imo easily the best top laner in NA and maybe in the world to upgrade over Hotshotgg, who is probably the weakest top laner in NA, but in doing so they move Hotshot, already one of the weaker pro players, to a position he has very little experience in and where most of his champions can't be played effectively and move their problem do a different slot. I definitely think CLG will improve by not having Saint on the roster because it'll make it a lot easier for this to become Chauster's team from a leadership standpoint, and with Jiji picking it back up the past couple of months, their bot improving, and the addition of Voy I think they might have the best lanes in the world, but at what cost? I kind of wonder if they won't make a second move here: specifically, that they'll let Hotshot audition in the jungle and if it doesn't work just let him step back and manage CLG(which will have 3 teams to worry about shortly) like Dan Dinh has for solomid/EG and replace him with a more capable jungler. I think if you have even an above average pro jungler with those lanes and everyone listening to Chauster it's an awfully intimidating team.

I thought Curse had been falling behind a bit prior to this move -- with EG looking much, much better with the Salce/Nhat/Wings/Aphromoo/Unstoppable roster than they had since the end of season 1 and some of the newer teams rising, I felt like Curse was dropping a bit -- but this change, if nothing else, gives them a lot more star power(something I suspect their sponsor was pretty keen on). Now with two very influential former CLG members on their roster, Curse is, if nothing else, a team everyone should have an opinion on. Crumbzz is coming off a couple weak events where he was a big part of the team losing, so Saint could be seen as a big upgrade, but I think Crumbzz is a lot better than he's looked recently and that Saint maybe isn't as good as his attitude. Kind of view this move as a push for Curse, but they'll get notoriety from it and they've always seemed to me like a team that's lacked a real leader so Saint getting his own team might be good for him and Curse in a similar way to how Saint leaving to make room for Chauster to take over in CLG could be good for them.

I think the big loser here is obviously Dignitas. They lose the best top laner in NA and like CLG have the issue of having someone play out of position. Crumbzz is a stronger player than Hotshot and has much greater, more top-lane appropriate champion variety, so he'll probably adjust fine, but I don't think many people would disagree with the assertion that I Will Dominate is no longer the best jungler on his own team and I have to feel like that's going to be a problem at some point. Unless Crumbzz winds up being absolutely lights out top this is a pretty major downgrade for Dignitas, who I expect to fade a lot after this. Losing Jatt hurt them badly -- I think with him, they probably beat M5 at Hanover, and without Voyboy they wouldn't have even gotten close to getting there -- and this is probably a bigger downgrade than they can afford to take. I would not at all be surprised to see Dignitas drop Dominate, move Crumbzz to jungle, and grab a strong top laner if one becomes available in the near future because I don't think they're going to be competitive at the S2 championships with this roster.

Think they'll all be worse in the short term as they adjust, but Curse should improve a little longer term and CLG may as well, with Dignitas really getting hit hard here. I kinda think the two TSM teams are the teams to beat in the next NA event until these other guys prove they can get it done with their adjusted rosters, but if CLG has a jungle solution by the end of season 2 -- be it Hotshot or someone else -- they'll be NA's team to beat there. Curse probably gains just by Dignitas getting worse. EG, TSM, and CLG are probably the most threatening teams right now, but Dignitas falling down a bit opens up that next slot for them.
if hotshot learns jungle at a tournament capable level clg will easily be the best team in na with the strongest top lane, strongest bottom lane, and incredible mechanical skills across all five players.

the thing about moving hotshot into jungle is he takes with him vast mechanical skills and laning experience. clg always noted that saint didn't really understand laning, whereas their new jungler does, which hopefully should be a long term benefit

all three changes are obviously for the long term and i wouldn't be surprised to see a tsm team take mlg anaheim
Xpecial's vlog is interesting and pretty accurate.

Hotshot's got one of the smallest, if not the smallest champion repertoire out of all the LoL competitive players. He plays Nidalee, Cho'Gath, and Galio at a decent level in top lane and he's pretty much ignorable apart from that - his Kennen and Olaf are both TERRIBLE and I haven't seen him play Vlad, meaning that CLG just doesn't have as many options as many of the other teams who are able to run things like double AP. Dyrus's Vlad and Reginald's Ahri are a combination that have won many a game, for example.

Now you're taking this guy and you're putting him in the jungle, where he has little experience and where champion diversity is absolutely paramount to success? He can't really jungle Nidalee, Cho, or Galio at all in the competitive scene. I'm failing to see where the success comes in. If CLG had kicked Hotshot (which isn't likely, obviously) and replaced him with Voyboy, they would have one of the strongest teams in NA. Of course, Hotshot is one of the founding members and was team captain for a while - the only way I can see him getting off the team is if he retires and becomes team mentor or something, like Xpecial said.


Banned deucer.
its really strange to see such a high quality player of 3 champions just simply unable to grasp other champions at all, especially considering the higher skill cap of nidalee and cho gath. it doesnt seen like stubbornness, just a strange inability to be great at other champions
its really strange to see such a high quality player of 3 champions just simply unable to grasp other champions at all, especially considering the higher skill cap of nidalee and cho gath. it doesnt seen like stubbornness, just a strange inability to be great at other champions
He's also been playing the game since closed beta so I'm surprised that he doesn't expand his horizons. I saw him play Olaf in the finals of I think IPL4 - CLG vs TSM, and he went some ridiculously bad build that had no damage whatsoever and he basically did nothing all game.
Xpecial's vlog is interesting and pretty accurate.

Hotshot's got one of the smallest, if not the smallest champion repertoire out of all the LoL competitive players. He plays Nidalee, Cho'Gath, and Galio at a decent level in top lane and he's pretty much ignorable apart from that - his Kennen and Olaf are both TERRIBLE and I haven't seen him play Vlad, meaning that CLG just doesn't have as many options as many of the other teams who are able to run things like double AP. Dyrus's Vlad and Reginald's Ahri are a combination that have won many a game, for example.

Now you're taking this guy and you're putting him in the jungle, where he has little experience and where champion diversity is absolutely paramount to success? He can't really jungle Nidalee, Cho, or Galio at all in the competitive scene. I'm failing to see where the success comes in. If CLG had kicked Hotshot (which isn't likely, obviously) and replaced him with Voyboy, they would have one of the strongest teams in NA. Of course, Hotshot is one of the founding members and was team captain for a while - the only way I can see him getting off the team is if he retires and becomes team mentor or something, like Xpecial said.

Yeah Hotshot runs CLG basically. Kinda like Regi with Solomid. So there's no way Hotshot can get kicked, he would have to step down or something. Xpecial's vlog was pretty spot on. Everyone got weaker except TSM and EG.
And if you watched CLG vs EG last night, CLG just got destroyed. I know it was Hotshot's like first game in the jungle, but I don't really see it getting that much better. Personally I feel like EG is the best team in NA right now, with TSM right behind them. Everyone else isn't that close really. I think curse might get better with saint in the jungle though eventually.
the thing about moving hotshot into jungle is he takes with him vast mechanical skills and laning experience. clg always noted that saint didn't really understand laning, whereas their new jungler does, which hopefully should be a long term benefit
Understanding how lanes work and how and when to properly gank them is 2 VERY different things. The jungler is the most decision dependent role of all and hotshot has never impressed me with his decision making. I see clg struggling as long as hotshot is in the jungle unless he is a wizard and makes jungle nidalee a thing.
Does Fizz crush ChoGath top or do I just suck? What the fuck are you supposed to do. You can't hit him with anything because of his kit. If he wants to jump you there isn't shit you can do. Want to silence him? Too effing bad, he just Q'd through you so you missed. So you wait until after he Q's you. Too effing bad. His passive lets him walk right through you so you still miss. Want to to knock him up? Too effing bad. He will hop away. Want to stay under turret and farm? Too effing bad. His kit lets him harass you under turret and force you to B constantly causing you to either die or lose the turret.

What am I doing wrong?

Should mention that this Fizz was trash, btw. He landed one out of at least twenty Chums and it was on our Ashe who was fleeing in a straight line. He got lucky and I walked into one or two of them. He then claimed he only missed once. lol
land your last hits and ignore harass, this is how most of cho's matchups have to go; 6 last hits is 200 hp healed


Who let marco in here????
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Hotshotjungle will be rather weird to get used to. According to Chauster, his jungling ("hes a heavy ganker non farming jungler who doesnt get kills") sucks atm, and despite his constant blaming on Saint for a lot of things he personally didn't want to see Saint go because now it left CLG with no team synergy. Well, at least team communication should be better in a matter of time (once voy gets used to CLG), since HS could no longer blame the jungle like he usually does, but whether HS himself can be a good jungler is still up in the air.

And I will miss the old FarmshotGG but caughtshotgg will probably still be happening hehe
land your last hits and ignore harass, this is how most of cho's matchups have to go; 6 last hits is 200 hp healed
Fizz has Grievous Wounds on his W gg fuck your healing (but in all seriousness i don't know enough about top lane, fizz top especially, to say who is supposed to win this).
CLG will drop down until they finally make Hotshot step back and manage, he's just not competitive enough anymore. I haven't seen Hotshot carry a game in a VERY long time.

Though, when it does happen, I can see them easily becoming the team to beat. Chauster is scary good.

They also buffed ryze, me thinks. Build him exactly the same and relish in the fact that he's even more powerful than he was before, won't be long before they nerf bat him again.

I would try to avoid playing against Fizz with cho'gath, if they're so desperate as to use fizz top you can easily counter it with someone like Riven or Lee Sin.
Free week up on the Korean site. ETA: Source, since the images aren't updated.

Master Yi

GONNA BE A MAGICAL GIRL when I hit my skillshots anyway ;_;
Great free week, gonna play Support Lux (because supporting is only fun for me when I'm smashing things, launching rocket fists, or FIRING MAH LAZOR) and jungle Riven (I hear she's OP and I don't own her).
Great free week, gonna play Support Lux (because supporting is only fun for me when I'm smashing things, launching rocket fists, or FIRING MAH LAZOR) and jungle Riven (I hear she's OP and I don't own her).
Riven is OP, but is not uber in the jungle. Anyways, I have a guide on solo mid. It is called: The guide to AP mages with no mana management. This build is awesome, and always works (<--Not intended to be a factual statement). The build is here [!].

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