League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

i've recently fallen in love with Kog'Maw and since we are discussing about item builds, what is recommended for him? I've seen some hybrid builds mentioned, is that the common one?
Rush madreds bloodrazor is standard on him, besides that id say stack attack speed, the new black cleaver, stark fervor, stuff like that, sword of the divine. Maybe a frozen mallet.
Renekton is soooo going to be tier one. Elementz went 19/0/9 as him with a Pentakill. Best part: He's building him tanky DPS after Riot has tried so hard to nerf that playstyle. Renekton's really one of the few things that can actually Tank extremely well without a taunt (You need a taunt to truly catch aggro, and while Renekton doesn't have one he forces the issue because if you don't attack him, he will kill you, so you have no choice in the matter).
I'm looking into expanding my champion horizons beyond "AD carry named Ashe", so I'm now looking into Heimer (played him when he was free last week, seemed fun), and Taric (my "easy to play tank" for solo queue, I still haven't learned to play him yet). Any advice/builds for either?
Taric is not a tank, but a now deemed so-so support. Taric should be built with mana support and aura support. You need the 40% Cooldown reduction cap when playing taric.
get your tear of the goddess first, above all else, upgrade it to manamune later
rush spirit visage after so imbue basically makes you immune to harassment
get your merc treads like every other support and tank
if you need an aura at this point build soul shroud
buy a stinger, to later upgrade to nashor's tooth
upgrade your tear into manamune
upgrade your stinger into nashor's tooth
if you didn't build soul shroud, definitely get force of nature, otherwise skip it
your sixth item is really up in the air and it's likely if you babysitted your carry enough he's godly enough to win the game before you even finish your force of nature but i usually get randuin's omen or even aegis

taric is not as good a pure support as janna or sona because you're tempted to build him tanky or with as to proc his passive as much as possible. i've got nothing against this so in my build i build ap, tank items as well as some attack speed. lane with your team's carry (ranged or otherwise), and forcefeed him kills using dazzle at a long range for the 2 second stun. max shatter after getting one rank of imbue and dazzle, since it gives your team an armor aura, as well as being great for creep farming. your ultimate is great for pushing towers with or without a teammate, since it powers up your creeps as well. taric is really hard to kill in team fights since he punishes you for getting close with shatter, as well as continuously healing from his ultimate. if your teammates are good at all they'll try to protect you. taric is really fun to play if you're with a friend
Most Taric players build items like Aegis, Frozen Heart/Soul Shroud, Banshee's Veil, Spirit Visage, etc.
Hey everyone, I started playing this a few days ago and I just came here to ask for help picking a champion.

I really just want a hero or two that's relatively easy to learn and I don't really care what tier or whatever they're in. I've read a bunch of the guides on the forums but without really having a champion I don't know how much more I can improve. Right now I'm thinking Ashe just because she seems to be simple. Anyway thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

Oh one last thing, what does gank and last hitting mean? x.x
Garen is the lowest skillcap hero in the entire game. If you can get the IP to buy him, do it. He is exceedingly easy to play. You simply run up to people, and press Q, W, E, and R when their health gets low. The build for him is usually Sunfire/Mercs/Atma's/AD+Crit. In Ranked games, you would use Garen to counterpick teams relying on AD carries too much.

Mordekaiser is another good hero to play, as he's also pretty easy to use.

I play Ashe in ranked, and it actually requires a lot of skill. You're a fragile champ with no escape mechanisms, so people will gank you left and right if you're not careful.

If you don't have much IP, Nunu is fairly easy to learn to play, can lane or jungle, and is also great at all levels of play (best jungler in the game). Epik used him in their famous first game against Counterlogic in the North America Finals, and Nunu pretty much won the game for them. Bryden7 is one of the best players in the world, and his most-played champ is Nunu. Believe it or not, Nunu is a good champion.

AP Sion is another very easy champ to play, as long as you know how to last-hit well, since he needs a lot of farm. Sion is the best laner in the entire game, though, and farming is easy for him, so don't worry.

Referring to your questions.
Gank: The use of a proximately superior force to defeat an enemy. Basically, one guy coming in behind you to hit you with his buddy.
Last-hit: Landing the killing blow on a creep, giving you more gold.
I play Ashe in ranked, and it actually requires a lot of skill.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please stop trollollololololling. Ashe is a hero for brainless cactus to master. Easiest easy mode farm in the game, an awareness spell so you dont have to buy wards, a point blank free get out of jail card on a low cooldown. 2 snares to kite, or chase and kill. On top of that, if you still feel insecure, pack ghost and flash to be near unkillable outside of team fights? Ashe is haaarddd, so hard.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please stop trollollololololling. Ashe is a hero for brainless cactus to master. Easiest easy mode farm in the game, an awareness spell so you dont have to buy wards, a point blank free get out of jail card on a low cooldown. 2 snares to kite, or chase and kill. On top of that, if you still feel insecure, pack ghost and flash to be near unkillable outside of team fights? Ashe is haaarddd, so hard.


anyways, current champions include a lot of heroes I wanted to test

it'll be fun to play akali, heimer, nunu, pantheon, and rammus
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please stop trollollololololling. Ashe is a hero for brainless cactus to master. Easiest easy mode farm in the game, an awareness spell so you dont have to buy wards, a point blank free get out of jail card on a low cooldown. 2 snares to kite, or chase and kill. On top of that, if you still feel insecure, pack ghost and flash to be near unkillable outside of team fights? Ashe is haaarddd, so hard.

I would go as far as to say that any squishy hero is difficult to play, especially a carry. You need to master exactly when to commit to fights and when to stay back (and no, the answer is not "right after the tank"). It's easier with Ashe, but not that hard.

The truly easy heroes are tanky ones with low skillcaps, like Garen, Mordekaiser, and Vladimir.
Quick question about runes.. Im level 5 at the moment, when should i get runes??
Are tier 1 and 2 runes worth it? Or should i not buy runes until level 20?
Well, there's no point getting runes at such a low level. You only have five rune slots (you get one new slot per level, and these spots are split into four different classes of runes) at your level, so no, don't buy runes just yet. I'd say wait until 15-20, but players better than I probably have opinions that differ from mine and are better than mine.
Shen is probably the easiest to pick up. Pick Cho'Gath if you like aiming skillshots, since he has more Hard CC.

Get runes when you're level 20, they're not worth it before then.
i hit 20 a while back, i'm 21 now but i was just wondering which runes should i start buying first? i don't have a lot of cash and i'd like to maximise my efficiency first since there are still heroes i haven't tried and heroes i like that i haven't bought
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please stop trollollololololling. Ashe is a hero for brainless cactus to master. Easiest easy mode farm in the game, an awareness spell so you dont have to buy wards, a point blank free get out of jail card on a low cooldown. 2 snares to kite, or chase and kill. On top of that, if you still feel insecure, pack ghost and flash to be near unkillable outside of team fights? Ashe is haaarddd, so hard.

this might just be the worst post ive ever seen
Are there any good primary tanks that're easy to pick up? Taric's more of a support.

Garen, Malphite, maybe Rammus. Mordekaiser, Dr. Mundo

Quick question about runes.. Im level 5 at the moment, when should i get runes??
Are tier 1 and 2 runes worth it? Or should i not buy runes until level 20?

You should get champions before runes, but once you're level 20, you should buy tier 3 runes.

i hit 20 a while back, i'm 21 now but i was just wondering which runes should i start buying first? i don't have a lot of cash and i'd like to maximise my efficiency first since there are still heroes i haven't tried and heroes i like that i haven't bought

What you need to do is find your "Main" hero, and then get the rune for that hero first, since he will be the one you mostly play. Not all runes are useful and most runes a redundant on most champion. Armor penetration or magic penetration red runes, or marks if you prefer are rather standard on absolutely any hero. For the other slots it gets more complicated, but marks are a good start.

this might just be the worst post ive ever seen

Captivating story, old chap.
Well i did start off with the boxed edition so i have a pretty good variety of heroes at my disposal, ive got about 1.5k ip and i heard you should get tier ones then tier 3's starting off with reds. I dont remember what the 3 runes that i have at the moment but they arnt particularly that good. You get quint spots at 10,20and 30 right??
personally i dont get the point to getting any runes besides tier 3 because eventually all you'll use is tier 3. just ask someone here to queue with you to get to level 20!

i've got 3.2k ip, which hero should i get? i'm tossing up between


i just want to faceroll pubs for the time being
Mordekaiser is great for stomping pub games, and so is Teemo. Malphite is solid, and is also be useful in ranked games. Of course, you know I like Udyr, and that he's a decent pubstomper.