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League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I just downloaded this game the other day and I'm looking for some people to play with that don't mind having someone terrible on their team. My username is the same as it is on Smogon.
Skins? Isn't this thread about League of Legends...?

Anyways, my LoL username is 2gig. I haven't played in a while, but last time I did, I had a mean winning streak solo queuing unrated with Sivir. I play a pretty mean Rammus, Zilean and Taric, and, while I haven't touched him since before the nerf, I've done pretty will with Amumu. I'd been playing solo unrated because I usually play solo rated with my friend (two people queing rated still gets into solo).

I don't typically have much luck with offensive casters, but in my early days I had some success with Master Yi, though I stopped playing him as I found champions with whom I performed better. I also believe myself to be a good Singed but seldom play with groups of people that I know, and playing Singed in solo queue can be a huge drag when you get a bad team.
Skins? Isn't this thread about League of Legends...?

Anyways, my LoL username is 2gig. I haven't played in a while, but last time I did, I had a mean winning streak solo queuing unrated with Sivir. I play a pretty mean Rammus, Zilean and Taric, and, while I haven't touched him since before the nerf, I've done pretty will with Amumu. I'd been playing solo unrated because I usually play solo rated with my friend (two people queing rated still gets into solo).

I don't typically have much luck with offensive casters, but in my early days I had some success with Master Yi, though I stopped playing him as I found champions with whom I performed better. I also believe myself to be a good Singed but seldom play with groups of people that I know, and playing Singed in solo queue can be a huge drag when you get a bad team.

taric takes skill to play amazing, but he takes no skill to play great. as long as you know that shatter is your most important spell and that stun should be left at level 1 for as long as possible then you can pretty much dominate your lane and feed your carry so many kills their stomachs will explode and out will come two bloodthirsters, an infinity edge, a black cleaver and other carry items. i have never lost a game with taric, because every time i play him, i'm laning with a friend playing some carry

found this hilarious video of some 'teleport to ward' abuse. if anyone wants to try it add me on l.o.l, username manisier
heres a solo queue tier list for anyone who wants to see it. Its different from smogons pokemon tier lists but its fairly straightfoward. Theres also a draft list on the site.

Also i believe renekton has been released. I really wanna try him out, the new fury mechanic looks epic. Fury is a replacement for mana which only renekton has, basically every few seconds he loses some fury. Attacking increases fury, using spells under 50% fury add fury and using spells while having over 50% fury use up the fury. If you do have over 50% fury your spells and autoattacks become stronger. For example, renekton has a spell which hits twice then stuns, with fury the spell hits thrice and stuns for longer.
Pretty amazing aggressive hero.
heres a solo queue tier list for anyone who wants to see it. Its different from smogons pokemon tier lists but its fairly straightfoward. Theres also a draft list on the site.

Also i believe renekton has been released. I really wanna try him out, the new fury mechanic looks epic. Fury is a replacement for mana which only renekton has, basically every few seconds he loses some fury. Attacking increases fury, using spells under 50% fury add fury and using spells while having over 50% fury use up the fury. If you do have over 50% fury your spells and autoattacks become stronger. For example, renekton has a spell which hits twice then stuns, with fury the spell hits thrice and stuns for longer.
Pretty amazing aggressive hero.

I would highly recommend not following Elementz's tier list to the letter. It will make you significantly worse both at the game and at having fun playing. "Tier 1" does not always mean the best champions to pick. Picks and bans vary match to match.
the first tier list is basically 'who carries solo queue the best' the second one is 'who does the best in a tournament with organised teams'

warwick is at the top for solo queue because he's a physical dps ganker. getting loads of kills puts your team ahead of the other, and gives you better items, allowing you to push and win. warwick is at the top of draft mode for the same reason, but also because any draft mode team can do with a jungler. just an example.

i'd say that the solo queue tier list is good for queueing by yourself, and the draft mode tier list is closer to a 'true' tier list. but in the end, most players will either play who they like, or try to achieve the standard team composition (my team has ashe, warwick, vlad and morgana, it'd be best if i went shen or alistar) and that's what i do
Not that i do. Ive always played sivir, just i hate her squishyness X_X
im really low level too so i just play pubs. Although i find i have a lot of feeders on my team, i mean yesterday i got completely destroyed by another team. When i looked at the stats a guy had 15 deaths another had 16 and another had 14. Me and the last guy had 5 deaths. Every single person was overfed on their team. This has happened in the majority of games ive played too.
The problem is Elementz is so utterly subjective about his tier list, that it loses credibility in my eyes.

Like Sivir: She was tier Four, for EVER. Then his team got wrecked by one in a tournament. Insta-tier One.

Not to mention every new champion since Sona was put in hard to place on a team or tier 4 when they initially came out. I'm beginning to doubt that Riot's actually that bad at making viable champions and suspect that he just doesn't play enough people who are good with the champions to bump them up a few tiers.
if you don't like losing just join me for some 5 man premades. i don't know why i keep asking people to, maybe it's because i was sick of losing at one point too. you can also join me in teamspeak 3 (it's a cross-gaming teamspeak so you might find some tf2 players in there when you join)

port 9375
password grip
I dunno if im good enough to play at that level lol
i might join you later when i reckon im good enough and have a decent idea of heroes items and strategies
The thing about Sivir and that tournament:

Elementz's team, Counterlogic, was playing the top Korean team, Overpowered. You might recognize the names on the Korean team: Grandjudge, Noljaa, etc, since they've been at the top of the 5v5 premade ladder since the dawn of time.

Right before that tourney, Sivir got a major buff to her Q skill so that it scaled with AD. This made her basically the new Ashe, only with less CC and more steroids. Sivir is now probably one of the best champs in the game.
Yah... Im still trying to work on a build for sivir though...
Meki pendant + 2 pots -> chalice and greaves
and then add aegis of the legion and starks fervor. Is that alright or should i put in manamune??
I think sivir got a nerf this last update, wasnt too major i don't think. Ricochet damage loss increased and something else tooo.
Dude, that's the old Sivir build, back when BB didn't scale with AD.

Manamune is decent on Sivir, but I run mp5/18 yellows and blues, so I have plenty of mana.

The way I build her now is

2x Doran's Blade
Mercury's Treads
Last Whisper (if facing tanky team)
Bloodthirster / Black Cleaver
Banshee's Veil
Attack Speed Item

If you're concerned about mana, buy a Meki Pendant early, or rush Catalyst. You're going to get a BVeil anyways, might as well.

Basically, your standard carry build. However, Sivir is unique in that she scales excellently with AD and AS, but poorly with Crit. Therefore, focus on AD and AS.

As with all carries, you should realize that AS scales additively, but AS scales multiplicatively as a function of IAS (innate attack speed). The way the math works out, it's best to build AD early, AS later.
since you're giving advice about ad carries i'm having trouble with a master yi build of mine

berserker's greaves
stark's fervor
phantom dancer
infinity edge
black cleaver
replace berserker's with merc treads if the game gets to this point

it's obviously focusing on as early on to proc as many double strikes as possible. i don't get involved in teamfights, if i see an opportunity to kill someone i take it, but only if it doesn't compromise my pushing. i run around the map pushing unattended towers while my team distracts. but the problem comes in when i encounter someone running at that tower when i'm half way through pushing it. without enough ad, i can't really tower dive them so i end up running away. i'm also not a strong presence in team fights (alpha strike and highlander the squishies and run like a bitch with my tail between my legs), i end up with a record of like 5/3/4 with 6 towers when my vladimir teammate was 12/1/10 with 1 tower. do i need to change my playstyle or my build?

ps. great game earlier
I saved up enough IP for Warwick based on the fact that he's a wolfman alone, so I'm so glad that I'm actually good with him. I frankly suck with most characters except for Urgot, and I've done decently with Twisted Fate. Notice a pattern here? Ganking. When I'm not feeding on other players, I just feed like crazy. The damndest thing is that I'm not doing anything stupid or overly aggressive, but I get teamed up on and ganked more than any other player when I'm laning. Or I get into a team fight and I have 2 to 4 teammates right next to me dawdling while I get killed.
since you're giving advice about ad carries i'm having trouble with a master yi build of mine

berserker's greaves
stark's fervor
phantom dancer
infinity edge
black cleaver
replace berserker's with merc treads if the game gets to this point

it's obviously focusing on as early on to proc as many double strikes as possible. i don't get involved in teamfights, if i see an opportunity to kill someone i take it, but only if it doesn't compromise my pushing. i run around the map pushing unattended towers while my team distracts. but the problem comes in when i encounter someone running at that tower when i'm half way through pushing it. without enough ad, i can't really tower dive them so i end up running away. i'm also not a strong presence in team fights (alpha strike and highlander the squishies and run like a bitch with my tail between my legs), i end up with a record of like 5/3/4 with 6 towers when my vladimir teammate was 12/1/10 with 1 tower. do i need to change my playstyle or my build?

ps. great game earlier

Next time you go into a game and you pop your ult, press C real quick to check your stats and look at your attack speed. If the number is 2.5 (the hard cap for AS), then you probably need to drop Starks for some survivability so you don't die instantly in a teamfight. GA or Frozen Mallet work well, both work better.

You've already got 2 steroids in Wuju and Highlander, so you'll probably be okay if you grab some survivability so you don't melt in half a second in teamfights. Gonna need to farm a lot more though.
I have a lot of mains on League of legends, you can all hollah at me if you want to run a game, im 1300 rated right now, must have close to 2k games total under my belt.
since you're giving advice about ad carries i'm having trouble with a master yi build of mine

berserker's greaves
stark's fervor
phantom dancer
infinity edge
black cleaver
replace berserker's with merc treads if the game gets to this point

it's obviously focusing on as early on to proc as many double strikes as possible. i don't get involved in teamfights, if i see an opportunity to kill someone i take it, but only if it doesn't compromise my pushing. i run around the map pushing unattended towers while my team distracts. but the problem comes in when i encounter someone running at that tower when i'm half way through pushing it. without enough ad, i can't really tower dive them so i end up running away. i'm also not a strong presence in team fights (alpha strike and highlander the squishies and run like a bitch with my tail between my legs), i end up with a record of like 5/3/4 with 6 towers when my vladimir teammate was 12/1/10 with 1 tower. do i need to change my playstyle or my build?

ps. great game earlier

I'm not very good, but I've probably played Yi more than any other champion. I find that his real strength is jungling early rather than pushing lanes. He may not be a "natural" jungler like Warwick and company, but between alpha strike and meditate I always find that he can stay roughly between the levels of the solo lanes and the double lane at most times.

When building Master Yi, I tend to avoid Stark's Fervor. I find that the lifesteal doesn't help a ton, and the attack speed is actually small compared to the price of the item. Instead, I usually buy the Executioner's Calling, which gives lifesteal and crit chance, then proceed to buy either a last whisper or phantom dancer to help with attack speed. Haven't played much since they nerfed the latter, but I assume it's still useful.

Finally, if games are getting really long it's useful to sell your boots and buy a second phantom dancer. The drop off in movement speed is minimal, but it helps hit the AS cap if you haven't already.
i've been maining ashe by sidelane pushing. im not great, but im not bad either so i've been doing at least somewhat decently in the games i've played. hit me up for a game lol name is HiDef45 (also tell me how to open in-game chat goddamn).