I just downloaded this game the other day and I'm looking for some people to play with that don't mind having someone terrible on their team. My username is the same as it is on Smogon.
hey, I'm trying to master mage heroes and after having bought Karthus, I'd like to know what other heroes I should buy?
Skins? Isn't this thread about League of Legends...?
Anyways, my LoL username is 2gig. I haven't played in a while, but last time I did, I had a mean winning streak solo queuing unrated with Sivir. I play a pretty mean Rammus, Zilean and Taric, and, while I haven't touched him since before the nerf, I've done pretty will with Amumu. I'd been playing solo unrated because I usually play solo rated with my friend (two people queing rated still gets into solo).
I don't typically have much luck with offensive casters, but in my early days I had some success with Master Yi, though I stopped playing him as I found champions with whom I performed better. I also believe myself to be a good Singed but seldom play with groups of people that I know, and playing Singed in solo queue can be a huge drag when you get a bad team.
heres a solo queue tier list for anyone who wants to see it. Its different from smogons pokemon tier lists but its fairly straightfoward. Theres also a draft list on the site.
Also i believe renekton has been released. I really wanna try him out, the new fury mechanic looks epic. Fury is a replacement for mana which only renekton has, basically every few seconds he loses some fury. Attacking increases fury, using spells under 50% fury add fury and using spells while having over 50% fury use up the fury. If you do have over 50% fury your spells and autoattacks become stronger. For example, renekton has a spell which hits twice then stuns, with fury the spell hits thrice and stuns for longer.
Pretty amazing aggressive hero.
since you're giving advice about ad carries i'm having trouble with a master yi build of mine
berserker's greaves
stark's fervor
phantom dancer
infinity edge
black cleaver
replace berserker's with merc treads if the game gets to this point
it's obviously focusing on as early on to proc as many double strikes as possible. i don't get involved in teamfights, if i see an opportunity to kill someone i take it, but only if it doesn't compromise my pushing. i run around the map pushing unattended towers while my team distracts. but the problem comes in when i encounter someone running at that tower when i'm half way through pushing it. without enough ad, i can't really tower dive them so i end up running away. i'm also not a strong presence in team fights (alpha strike and highlander the squishies and run like a bitch with my tail between my legs), i end up with a record of like 5/3/4 with 6 towers when my vladimir teammate was 12/1/10 with 1 tower. do i need to change my playstyle or my build?
ps. great game earlier
since you're giving advice about ad carries i'm having trouble with a master yi build of mine
berserker's greaves
stark's fervor
phantom dancer
infinity edge
black cleaver
replace berserker's with merc treads if the game gets to this point
it's obviously focusing on as early on to proc as many double strikes as possible. i don't get involved in teamfights, if i see an opportunity to kill someone i take it, but only if it doesn't compromise my pushing. i run around the map pushing unattended towers while my team distracts. but the problem comes in when i encounter someone running at that tower when i'm half way through pushing it. without enough ad, i can't really tower dive them so i end up running away. i'm also not a strong presence in team fights (alpha strike and highlander the squishies and run like a bitch with my tail between my legs), i end up with a record of like 5/3/4 with 6 towers when my vladimir teammate was 12/1/10 with 1 tower. do i need to change my playstyle or my build?
ps. great game earlier