League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

i've recently fallen in love with Kog'Maw and since we are discussing about item builds, what is recommended for him? I've seen some hybrid builds mentioned, is that the common one?
The best build to go is AS.

Dagger/Doran's Blade
Zerk Greaves
Madred's Bloodrazor
Sword of the Divine

At that point, get Banshee's Veil/Guardian Angel if you need survivability or Infinity Edge/Bloodthirsters/The Black Cleaver if you need more damage.

I'm currently level 27 (almost 28) on the US servers. I play more or less regularly and I have roughly a 1.4 normal game win/loss ratio. I play all types of characters, although I'm strongest at jungling and tanking. I play a mean Amumu, Malphite, and am currently learning Rammus. Add me in-game. Summoner name is the same as my username here.

If anyone is ever looking for builds for LoL, I highly recommend MOBAFire.com. It's a brilliant website with tons of top builds for all champions. LeagueCraft is great too, but MOBAFire has a higher member base.
personally i dont get the point to getting any runes besides tier 3 because eventually all you'll use is tier 3. just ask someone here to queue with you to get to level 20!

i've got 3.2k ip, which hero should i get? i'm tossing up between


i just want to faceroll pubs for the time being

mordekaiser gangplank garen All good pubstompers.
personally i dont get the point to getting any runes besides tier 3 because eventually all you'll use is tier 3. just ask someone here to queue with you to get to level 20!

i've got 3.2k ip, which hero should i get? i'm tossing up between


i just want to faceroll pubs for the time being

Taric is by far the best for ranked games, but if you want to faceroll, go with Mordekaiser or Garen. Mordekaiser is easy to play and can stomp a team by himself if you do it right, and the same goes for Garen.

Taric, however, is just more useful once you get to ranked, since he's one of the best support champions in the game.
yeah i bought mordekaiser and i didnt do too well with him which i attribute to playing solo bottom lane because the jungle warwick on my team had a learning disability and the trundle in top lane didn't want to let our twisted fate get full exp and the akali demanded mid

i'm gonna try again, anybody want to help?

also tanks. i really like playing shen and i'm also really good at shen (or so everybody i play with tells me) but when i tried another hard tank like amumu i got destroyed. i was playing with the exact same premade team, and i just could not do it. there's something about amumu's lack of lane presence that really gets me. i mean his only non-ult cc is a skillshot, a hard one to aim at that. he has an aoe that doesn't even do much damage since you're building tank items...he can't even force people to attack him like shen or rammus can. i'm going to try out rammus today seeing as he's free. a lot of people say he's op though, but he got nerfed recently. what do you guys think?
yeah i bought mordekaiser and i didnt do too well with him which i attribute to playing solo bottom lane because the jungle warwick on my team had a learning disability and the trundle in top lane didn't want to let our twisted fate get full exp and the akali demanded mid

i'm gonna try again, anybody want to help?

also tanks. i really like playing shen and i'm also really good at shen (or so everybody i play with tells me) but when i tried another hard tank like amumu i got destroyed. i was playing with the exact same premade team, and i just could not do it. there's something about amumu's lack of lane presence that really gets me. i mean his only non-ult cc is a skillshot, a hard one to aim at that. he has an aoe that doesn't even do much damage since you're building tank items...he can't even force people to attack him like shen or rammus can. i'm going to try out rammus today seeing as he's free. a lot of people say he's op though, but he got nerfed recently. what do you guys think?

Im up to play with you, Add Uthanak on your in game friend list of league of legends. I also added you, Jebus McAzn. Let me know.
added. i bought vlad with the rp my friend gave me. i feel sick now cause vlad is just evil in normal. with the remaining rp i'll just wait until a skin goes on sale that i want i guess.
The one issue I have with Shen is how intense your map awareness needs to be. I'm really not that attentive, so I don't think playing Shen when you can only use three of his skills is a good idea. I will give him another try (already bought him and sucked a few months ago).
The one issue I have with Shen is how intense your map awareness needs to be. I'm really not that attentive, so I don't think playing Shen when you can only use three of his skills is a good idea. I will give him another try (already bought him and sucked a few months ago).

It's also unfortunate that the portraits in the upper left corner of the screen don't work. You have to manually refresh them by either clicking on them or mousing over the hero. It's a lot easier to use when you have voice communication though.
also tanks. i really like playing shen and i'm also really good at shen (or so everybody i play with tells me) but when i tried another hard tank like amumu i got destroyed. i was playing with the exact same premade team, and i just could not do it. there's something about amumu's lack of lane presence that really gets me. i mean his only non-ult cc is a skillshot, a hard one to aim at that. he has an aoe that doesn't even do much damage since you're building tank items...he can't even force people to attack him like shen or rammus can. i'm going to try out rammus today seeing as he's free. a lot of people say he's op though, but he got nerfed recently. what do you guys think?

Amumu takes some getting used to. He's good in that his ult completely screws over team fights, and his Q acts as a semi-flash to put himself in the middle of one, but beyond that, he's really not that amazing as a tank, I've found. I've been thinking that a better way to use him, is instead of running to the middle of a team fight, he could instead try initiating them by using his Q and Ult to siphon of two enemies and have them focused by the team, then overwhelm the surviving members. But I'm not sure whether or not that would be a good idea. Really, the reason Amumu is so good is because of the Percentage of health damage he does every second. It just softens up the enemy team better than Stealth Rock.

Fun fact, if you stack Archangel's Staffs and grab a Rabadon's, you can run around an enemy champ with Despair on for 12 seconds and they'll die. You also wipe out the jungle within one minute. Practice games as Amumu are highly amusing.

Rammus is quite amazing. I suck as him hardcore, but even when I'm going lulz and have Boots of Mobility and stacking Zeals, that 3 second taunt still is enough to get an enemy champ killed if they overextended by an inch. If played well, Rammus forces the other team to play as if they were being hunted, because if they are caught off guard by a Rammus gank, they're dead.
Rammus is quite amazing. I suck as him hardcore, but even when I'm going lulz and have Boots of Mobility and stacking Zeals, that 3 second taunt still is enough to get an enemy champ killed if they overextended by an inch. If played well, Rammus forces the other team to play as if they were being hunted, because if they are caught off guard by a Rammus gank, they're dead.

No offense, but I don't understand how someone could suck as Rammus; he's easy mode. And no, I'm not a Rammus-player-basher; I play Rammus pretty reguarly. I remember my first time playing Rammus... It was one of my first ranked games, which I'd queued with one friend (still landing us in solo queue). I immediately mentioned that my reportoire of champions was rather spare, but of course everyone grabbed a carry, except for my friend who was on Janna and I had the last pick. We needed a tank, Rammus was free, and while I may have never actually played him, I had an understanding of his build/playstyle from my experience leveling to 30.

Assuming we'd lose 'cause we had I bunch of people who jumped on carries and I was trying a new champ, I was quick to mention that I was a first time Rammus in /all to offer an excuse for my anticipated poor performance. I'm not sure if this led the other team to underestimate me or what, but I wound up carrying from the beginning. I think my score wound up being something along the lines of 6/0/3, and there was a surrender at 25. If it sounds like I'm tooting my own horn, everyone proceeded to joke about how our team was carried by a first time Rammus in the post game chat.

However, if you're stacking zeals in a game that you intend to do well in, I can understand why you suck at Rammus. Boots of Mobility are a perfectly good pick when Treads aren't necessary, although I intend to give the CDR boots a few tries as well as they could prove to be a vastly superior pick.
However, if you're stacking zeals in a game that you intend to do well in, I can understand why you suck at Rammus. Boots of Mobility are a perfectly good pick when Treads aren't necessary, although I intend to give the CDR boots a few tries as well as they could prove to be a vastly superior pick.

You fail to understand that I suck at videogames. I play only two champions well: Zilean and Malphite. Don't get me wrong I have the sporadic 6/0/18 Rammus game or the 21/4 Anivia game, but pretty much every other time I somehow just end up feeding. The only reason I play Zilean and Malphite consistently well is because they practically have built in get out of being stupid free cards, or as I call them fondly, "retard helmets."

Meanwhile, I only stack Zeals when I'm already 0/11, so I stack the BoM with the Zeals to increase my move speed to around 538, then pop ghost and Powerball across the map whilst making plane noises when going by the people I'm playing with on vent/skype. Basically, if I'm not playing Malphite or Zilean, I'm expecting to do completely awful, and not play a serious game.
Bleh. People keep taking the champion i wanted to use :'(
Is tryndamere hell pro? Idk if this just applies in noob games but the only way to kill him seems to be to gank him with atleast 3 or more people, his ulti is kinda annoying.
I cant seem to counter him.
And also apparently a new hero is in development...
Yeah, from my experience in going in solo/with 2-3 people, the most OP champions are (in no order) Tryndamere, Vladimir, and Dr. Mundo, because if they are played properly they are basically impossible to kill.
Shut down Tryndamere with CC. Vlad's damage isn't all too impressive on his own and he's kind of squishy. Focus him down, wait for his Pool to go on CD, and take him out. Ignite counters both Vlad and Mundo extremely hard.
Encountered too many pissy, flaming assholes... I can't count how many times if someone messes up, the others would rather throw a bitchfit than help. Uninstalled.
Encountered too many pissy, flaming assholes... I can't count how many times if someone messes up, the others would rather throw a bitchfit than help. Uninstalled.

Sorry to see you go. The game's significantly more fun with a group of friends, though. =/
Sorry to see you go. The game's significantly more fun with a group of friends, though. =/
I know it's better with friends, but I really dislike the losing aspect of this game and it's kind of wrong to me just to be friends on the sole aspect that they're good at a game.

And at high-level play, it's just too damn nerveracking to last for up to an hour lol
I know it's better with friends, but I really dislike the losing aspect of this game and it's kind of wrong to me just to be friends on the sole aspect that they're good at a game.

And at high-level play, it's just too damn nerveracking to last for up to an hour lol
The thing is, you eventually become good at the game because you're playing with your friends, and the entire experience is so much more fun.