League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Lose Singed game where I admittedly played pretty badly but it doesn't help when the enemy jungler pitches a tent in your lane and your team somehow still manages to give up two early Dragons, and every god damned thing else, 4v3 across the rest of the map. Lose Galio game where I dumpstered a REALLY bad Kayle top (Lich Bane rushed into Morello and Hurricane what in the world) despite her getting first blood red buff off my shitter Yi jungle. Sadly, Yi never got any better and it is apparently possible for a Cho'gath to feed Swain. Win game where my support is Nidalee and I have two people bitching at each other the entire game about whether Varus or Ezreal is a better mid laner.

The essence of solo queue.

also if you didn't realize GP is bugged but it's convenient and hilarious that rito is passing the lore event off as the reason for disabling him
Lose Singed game where I admittedly played pretty badly but it doesn't help when the enemy jungler pitches a tent in your lane and your team somehow still manages to give up two early Dragons, and every god damned thing else, 4v3 across the rest of the map. Lose Galio game where I dumpstered a REALLY bad Kayle top (Lich Bane rushed into Morello and Hurricane what in the world) despite her getting first blood red buff off my shitter Yi jungle. Sadly, Yi never got any better and it is apparently possible for a Cho'gath to feed Swain. Win game where my support is Nidalee and I have two people bitching at each other the entire game about whether Varus or Ezreal is a better mid laner.

The essence of solo queue.

also if you didn't realize GP is bugged but it's convenient and hilarious that rito is passing the lore event off as the reason for disabling him
that's what you get for playing singed

thank you smogon for teaching me to volibear
so does anyone like the new event game mode? i kind of wanted the tf/graves icon because i ship it but all i play is squishy supports and they disabled morellos (best waveclear item on some of my supports). if i wanted every single fight to be decided by some unholy sine wave of creep aggro i'd go play top lane. also the objectives are dumb because you have to win with the new items and most are bad midgame-at-best items with interesting functions that are just plain performed better by an existing item, e.g. that support shield gold gen item which is outclassed in lane by spellthief's edge and relic shield and outclassed after lane by being able to have a shurelya's or frost queen's claim / spending your money on locket of the iron solari or even face of the mountain. i'm pretty sure 150 HP doesn't even shield you from a fully upgraded brawler attack.

i was pretty disappointed by that because i liked some of the ideas behind the items for a for-fun game mode (e.g. that disguising thing) and the event's been pretty good otherwise and it's the first time in a long time we've gotten so much cohesive effort from all the departments, especially the lore department

other than 'unkillable fighters' what champs/comps are effective?
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i was playing quinn in the new game mode, got left by an assassin at 6 hp

my apc annie teammate ran by me in jungle as i was retreating, transformed into 6 hp quinn, went to mid lane and looked innocent and unassuming

let's just say that the enemy diana that flashed in for the kill on "quinn" was not best pleased
the mirage blade or w/e it's called is pretty neat, just a shame it's such a low tier

it's like a free arcane shift/vault -- suicided many times with it, but very fun!
thoughts on bmb after playing a bunch of it:

-games are decided by whoever gets an inhib first (baron also but not as much as the inhib)
-minions are poorly balanced, you decide between 5 tanks and just shove every lane or go 5 razorfins and watch as everyone randomly dies, other 2 are useless
-new ap items are strong af, i hope riot doesnt plan to implement anything similar to them in SR because the early 20% cdr component is so good on almost all ap dudes
-vayne is either picked or banned and i dont understand why
-i actually like the new support item a lot because it can create favorable trades in lane very easily and just randomly shielding anyone taking damage brings in $$$, early 20% cdr is also hot
-tp boots are probably riots experiment to see if it nerfs teleport usage (they said they wanted to nerf teleport a while ago) and im not sure what to think of it
-all the other new items are too niche to be any use
-matchmaking is broken (im constantly playing against dudes much higher rank than i)

all in all its a mode of snowballing and easy cdr items with poorly balanced minions, fun if you like playing ap champions.
so does anyone like the new event game mode? i kind of wanted the tf/graves icon because i ship it but all i play is squishy supports and they disabled morellos (best waveclear item on some of my supports). if i wanted every single fight to be decided by some unholy sine wave of creep aggro i'd go play top lane. also the objectives are dumb because you have to win with the new items and most are bad midgame-at-best items with interesting functions that are just plain performed better by an existing item, e.g. that support shield gold gen item which is outclassed in lane by spellthief's edge and relic shield and outclassed after lane by being able to have a shurelya's or frost queen's claim / spending your money on locket of the iron solari or even face of the mountain. i'm pretty sure 150 HP doesn't even shield you from a fully upgraded brawler attack.

i was pretty disappointed by that because i liked some of the ideas behind the items for a for-fun game mode (e.g. that disguising thing) and the event's been pretty good otherwise and it's the first time in a long time we've gotten so much cohesive effort from all the departments, especially the lore department

other than 'unkillable fighters' what champs/comps are effective?

Lemme grab a snippet from a gamefaqs post of mine.

Relic Shield is worth max 5.5 gold/10 and 6.7 HP5 (split with partner), plus a flat 75 HP.
Ancient Coin is worth max 6.3 gold/10 and 5.3 HP5, plus 25% mana regen.
Murksphere is worth max 10 gold/10 and 20 HP5, plus 25% mana regen and 5% CDR.
[And for reference, Spellthief is worth max 7 gold/10, plus 25% mana regen and some bonus damage. It's harder to compare directly.]

Furthermore, Murksphere is perfectly usable in a solo lane where Spellthief is difficult to utilize and Shield/Coin completely impossible. Murksphere is basically stupid broken and unless you're doing some Level 1-2 cheese shit, where you'd prefer more raw stats, you should just start with it on literally every laner (not junglers though). Even if your lane opponent(s) refuses to oblige, and some can't avoid it like most DoT mages, you can force the gold generation from minion aggro or a single turret shot. Most of the other items are just fine or at least situationally useful, like the whole Lost Chapter trio basically being an alternate Morello/Grail or Martyr being a good anti-assassin item for tanks to support their carries.

The Brawlers kinda disappoint me. It seems to place more emphasis on using champions with good waveclear, however the bar is lowered on what is considered "good" waveclear. For example, I got into a lategame teamfight where the enemy Lux survived and despite all three inhibs being down, she was able to single-handedly keep her base up which would've been in shambles with actual Super Minions in play in normal Summoner's Rift. I'm not sure the inhib-powering-up-brawlers thing is even working properly because that shouldn't be possible, that's bullshit. On the other hand, I proxied a Shen player in lane once and he couldn't tank/freeze a wave outside turret range because Razorfins chewed his ass up.

Decent game mode but it's more of a "preseason 6 sneak peek" than its own thing. The biggest issue I have is that it's so similar, yet it has its own MMR so most of the games just end up so lopsided because you've got Diamonds stomping Bronzies every game it feels.

-minions are poorly balanced, you decide between 5 tanks and just shove every lane or go 5 razorfins and watch as everyone randomly dies, other 2 are useless
Ocklepods are okay because the bonus MR and shields they hand out make it harder for AP champs to waveclear them, the random CV rarely ends up being useful as well. Plundercrabs are the only shitty ones; they'd be fine if they could shoot multiple minions instead of just champions since then they'd be the optimal pushing minion.
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tfw you and Celestavian duo and get stuck with a bot lane Braum+Vayne duo that goes 0/6 by 7 minutes, gives up inhib at 11, then doesn't play the rest of the game

and then says that its everyone else's fault for not helping them : (
So I played a game.

What happened to all the Sions? He still sort of viable?

hilarious mid vs bursty champs, %hp runes out the ass, scaling mr and 0/30/0, laugh when eve tries to gank you, build banner zzrot farm with ew ez pz

(not sure if you should actually build banner first it seems kind of alright to help you farm with the ap and stuff and mr + early aura is nice (since you group super early but it's a jerk to build so idk)

also play it with fiora top or something
Replays (for now)
Well, this one was our bad. Not only did we promise replays at the launch of League of Legends because we thought it was needed to get esports off the ground (maybe not), but by showing them on the PBE we set the expectation that they’d be on the way Soon™. We backed off replays because the technical demands (server loads, backward compatibility, network stability) were so high that we knew it would be hard to do them ‘right.’ These days we also know that with our above priorities, replays just can’t be a consideration until we clean up a lot of those systems. In the meantime, we're huge fans of the alternatives that the passionate community of developers outside of Riot have created, and we're looking into ways to highlight (and support) those good folks.
Sandbox Mode
We’ve heard a number of player requests for a Sandbox Mode, with two main reasons: the first is trying out new content – which is something we value too. We want players to know what they’re getting and to be happy with the things they’re unlocking (we may investigate other ways to do this). The second is that players want to practice very specific skills without the constraints of a regular game. For this point, our stance is that sandbox mode is not the way to go. We want to make sure we’re clear: playing games of League of Legends should be the unequivocal best way for a player to improve. While there are very real skills one can develop in a hyperbolic time chamber, we never want that to be an expectation added onto an already high barrier to entry. On an individual level, we know this isn’t always true – some just want a space to practice flashing over walls without having to wait at least 3.6 minutes in between – but when that benefit is weighed against the risk of Sandbox mode ‘grinding’ becoming an expectation, we just can’t accept the tradeoff. We never want to see a day when a player wants to improve at League and their first obligation is to hop into a Sandbox. We do want to support your ability to grow in mastery, and there may be other avenues to do so, but not this.
That sandbox quote is really fucking dumb, even for them.

(also replays are never coming)