League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Morde seems kinda sorta buffed but rather significantly changed enough it's hard to say definitively, Garen was straight buffed, Skarner is borderline insane although the static-zones-in-irrelevant-areas-of-the-map mechanic is literally the most retarded idea rito's ever concocted. Meanwhile, Darius somehow manages to be even shittier* than he already was. (Not that he was actually shitty per se, but at least binary as all heck and also not a competitive pick at all because he wears a GANK ME sign on his back.) What the hell?

*Your opinion may vary.
Tankier base stats but AS nerf is huge for getting his Hemo stacks up.
Passive damage nerfed, loses movespeed.
Q less damage unless you build lots of damage. New delay amplifies the effect and also makes it tough to take advantage of the new heal mechanic.
W less damage past Rank 1, worse cooldown and no AS slow kills his god-tier dueling status.
E deservedly got fixed but it's still a nerf.
R's the closest thing to a real buff he got, more damage at all ranks, with max stacks, and no mana cost at max rank is nice for chains.
Mana buffs across the board.

They made him reliant on the new Bloodrage mechanic on his passive to boost damage output, yet his damage is down anyway because they: nerfed passive damage, nerfed Q base damage plus added delay to make landing the blade hitbox unreliable (the handle also deals less damage and no longer applies passive), nerfed W damage past rank 1. His AS was neutered so it's harder to five-stack someone in the first place to get the "deal-slightly-less-damage-instead-of-way-less" buff, his W doesn't AS slow, his E can't be timed to interrupt enemy dashes anymore. It's nice he got slightly tankier but that's all, the mana buffs are mostly a luxury because he was never very mana-intensive anyway except in midgame teamfights (say, contested Dragon) if you went off with an ult chain.
as long as the morgana is building actual support items then this is actually quite reasonable; a locket, zeke's, mikael's, righteous glory, and talisman are all items that you can easily make a case for getting instead of zhonya's especially given how difficult it is to buy an NLR on a support budget

if the morg is delaying zhonya's to build deathcap first though then ?_____?

Yeah she didn't really build a support item lol. Not even a Sightstone. :(

I think as far as Zhonyas on Support Morgana I feel it should be an item that is forcefully wedged into your builds. The sooner the better IMO. She's kind of like Zyra - I usually will build her more support-ish if I am behind. If I am ahead I usually veer more offensive since offensive Zyra is still insane. I still do not neglect getting items like Zekes and the like, though.

But yeah pardon my experimenting with Sion in that match. I just wanted to see how they worked on him.
This game was so hard. We were down like 20-30 kills, but we carried. I backdoored the nexus while 5 people were in my base and my whole team was dead.


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I agree that Bjerg was super underwhelming in those games. Turtle did some questionable things here and there, but I didn't feel he was the one holding the team back.

Though uh ZionSpartan came and showed up yesterday. Damn son.
CLG actually just played well those games, I don't think it was TSM fucking up so much as just being outmatched.

Hopefully CLG will show up like this at worlds.