League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

286 creep stats....
Is the list thing at the end a ranking of who did best or not??
Like winning team on top, and then person who apparently did best in that team on top.
Because when i do well i end up at top but when i do badly i end up at bottom. Except for some reason once a soraka who did next to nothing was on top of me in the list.
finally gettting another 6.3k (taking years for me to do so) with the next game

got Karthus and Twitch so far and thinking about whoever to get next

i'm called Intronaut in-game so add me if you want


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
So I'm still getting the hang of Maokai. Grabbed some Mp5 runs (finally) and switched his summoner's from exhaust and flash to exhaust and clarity, and grab chalice of harmony first. All mana problems have been completely erased. He's so damn slow that he needs Boots of Swiftness. From there you can choose from Banshee's Veil, Randuin's Omen, Abyssal Scepter, Sunfire Cape, and Zhonya's Hourglass depending on the enemy team, and then you finish it all off with a Spirit Visage to maximize your passive.

Went on a kill streak of 7 in a matter of 1 minute yesterday. They just kept running into me one by one, and I would somehow do enough deeps to get the kill, and heal myself with my passive for all the damage they couldn't do. The best part was a I had zero damaging items at that point, and did it at 11 AP. He's definitely gonna be one of my main's after that display of awesome.
Had a few nice games today/early morning. I also got Treebeard and Alistar today. Tank luv. :D I'd be interested in having some Smogon-only matches set up. Maybe get some teamspeak/vent rooms set up as well.

Btw, following up my last post, if you plan on inviting me, say you're from smogon first! I get a surprising amount of other people asking me to join so it's hard to keep up. >.>
there's a free ts3 server available to use for all lol players. i found it on solomid and the owner doesn't mind randoms coming in at all.

Not gonna lie, Xin Zhao has to be the most devastatingly awesome mid I have ever seen. NOTHING can out harass him between his counter-charge and passive healing. Plus his E-Q-W combo deals MASSIVE damage quickly.

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
This game is so much more shit than DotA, the reason why DotA's community is full of elitist pricks is because we are, it is a game with a learning curve that starts high and remains steep for its entirety. LoL's competitive aspect is vastly diminished in comparison due to the lack of denying, thus removing a large part of skill in lane control through out-last hitting and the infinitely smaller map and the retarded bush-fog mechanic, that, admittedly encourages a more gank-based game removes a vast portion of viable strategies that are now impossible due to the aforementioned factors. Piece of shit, fuck this game.

Edit: Not to mention the whole level-up and spending points detracts from the whole point of a game where skill is the only factor to determine your victory, fuck adding this RPG aspect.
This game is so much more shit than DotA, the reason why DotA's community is full of elitist pricks is because we are, it is a game with a learning curve that starts high and remains steep for its entirety. LoL's competitive aspect is vastly diminished in comparison due to the lack of denying, thus removing a large part of skill in lane control through out-last hitting and the infinitely smaller map and the retarded bush-fog mechanic, that, admittedly encourages a more gank-based game removes a vast portion of viable strategies that are now impossible due to the aforementioned factors. Piece of shit, fuck this game.

Edit: Not to mention the whole level-up and spending points detracts from the whole point of a game where skill is the only factor to determine your victory, fuck adding this RPG aspect.
Play high elo. All that you say it doesn't have applies. Heck, you can find denying everywhere. Its just called harassing and zoning. And how does the FoW bush mechanic remove strategy? If anything it adds it. Just play the game more. Don't immediately throw it away because it isn't EXACTLY like DotA.
This game is so much more shit than DotA, the reason why DotA's community is full of elitist pricks is because we are, it is a game with a learning curve that starts high and remains steep for its entirety. LoL's competitive aspect is vastly diminished in comparison due to the lack of denying, thus removing a large part of skill in lane control through out-last hitting and the infinitely smaller map and the retarded bush-fog mechanic, that, admittedly encourages a more gank-based game removes a vast portion of viable strategies that are now impossible due to the aforementioned factors. Piece of shit, fuck this game.

Edit: Not to mention the whole level-up and spending points detracts from the whole point of a game where skill is the only factor to determine your victory, fuck adding this RPG aspect.
Its funner.

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Play high elo. All that you say it doesn't have applies. Heck, you can find denying everywhere. Its just called harassing and zoning. And how does the FoW bush mechanic remove strategy? If anything it adds it. Just play the game more. Don't immediately throw it away because it isn't EXACTLY like DotA.
I've played it, I'm bashing it because it's competitive value is a lot lower, as a competitive player that's my stance on it. the FoW bush mechanic is a implemented mechanic that makes any knowledge of juke spots irrelevant, it's just oh, into bush, thanks, bye. Also removes a lot of point of observer wards, which are hugely important to DotA, the game itself is fucking made by Guinsoo and co. it is INTENDED to be like DotA. However, it just comes off as a crappy imitation for those unable to play the original at a higher level.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Or it's a game that they made from the ground up, allowing the developers far more freedom with what they can do. BUT YOU KNOW, FUCK CHANGE AMIRITE?
league of legends isn't a competitive game dude

it's like if i made this thread but for tetris and then you'd bash it because tetris has no denying
there is competition, but it isn't competitive in the dota/css/tf2/pokemon sense. there's no real competitive structure, nor the means to sustain a competitive league. plus the very nature of the game (you gotta unlock stuff) kind of limits its viability as a competitive game. you won't see people playing lol at lanparties.

that said, it's still really fun with friends, and you can ease into competitive mobas (ie. hon and dota 2 when it comes out) through lol
Yeah. Last time I saw a competition, it involved samsung SSDs and thousands of dollars to winning teams.

And unlocking things is something a dedicated player would do, so I don't really see that point.
i am having trouble getting my point across but if i resort to the 'lol is not as competitive as other games' shtick then i will be called on that for my earlier statement about lol not being a serious competitive game

i still think lol has a way to go before i will respect it as a hardcore competitive game though. like replay function. where's my replay function

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