League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
From personal experience, Tear isn't great on Veigar. His mana problems are early game, not late game, so Tear doesn't help him out there. Furthermore, a Tear puts you back 995 gold that you could use to build an early DFG for more burst or help with building your NLR into Deathcap.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
After playing and really understanding Veigar for the first time during the last free week, I gotta ask; What mana problems? Due to his passive you should never not be able to farm.
Did you last hit with your Q? I get Clarity on him so I DON'T need to build mana items. If the enemy team has no tanky champs should I go Morello's over DFG?
Thank you, Wikey. I've never built a Tear on Veigar, though I understand the appeal; the late-game Archangel's is kind of appealing for the nice chunk of AP you'll get, but you prolong your offensive capabilities (DFG or Deathcap). If I had to build something that wasn't Kage's or NLR early on, it'd probably be a Catalyst. I think they surrendered because they had no real focus. For example, Kog and Leona get caught out of position, and so Kennen and friends decide to take him down. Kennen pops his ult, I W him in place and kill him, saving us from AoE damage. Amumu runs around doing whatever, ulting and crying. Veigar tries to combo Kog, probably succeeds. Tristana also guns Kog down. But they very rarely went after me, much to my confusion. So I dealt massive damage to their team, and they were easily picked off. That could've been remedied by focusing me, but they were probably in the "we lost, gg" mentality.

Username, you shouldn't need Clarity on any champ. Veigar's passive helps out with mana management, but he also builds DFG to help his single target burst. DFG provides mana regen as well, so Clarity becomes pointless. The thing about that spell is that it's unnecessary early game if you just don't spam spells all the time, is moot early-to-mid because your jungler should be giving you blue buff, and late game it's useless because mana isn't an issue late game. It's arguably the worst summoner spell in existence.
It isn't meta of course.. but if you had a team comp based on heavy pushing for early game dominance... I'd have a Sivir/ Cait bot with Taric/Sona/Sora with Clarity. Spam your skills hard take the tower fast, and/or force their Jungler out of his hole opening up counter jungling options.

For example, at about the 6:30 minute mark push the lane hard. Jungler has to either assist the lane or lose out on blue/red. An early pink ward for river will keep them blind and you in the know.


Banned deucer.
veigars passive is awful and even game designer admit it

his passive is stupid deceptive and his mana costs are better but not ingorable, if you try to farm q too early you are oom after 3-4 last hits. in this case, tear is the wrong option and you get an early codex for ap and mana regen, and of course grab blue buff. veigar, not unlike annie xerath and some other ap mids is very passive until 6 because of the lane changing ability their ultimates have. none of them can 100-0 at level 6 but with some harass they can 60-0 at level 6 .
I use Veigar fairly often and almost always build tear first on him. His passive is terrible, and if you want to farm AP you literally have to buy it or get blue often. I generally don't rely on the jungler of my team to help me out because I'm usually playing public matches.

My order is usually Sapphire -> Tear -> Boots -> Kage's -> DFG -> RoA -> rabadon's -> Archangel's/Rylai's/Void Staff/Zhonya's/Abyssal Scepter

I almost never run out of mana and deal a shit-ton of damage at end game. However, using AA's instead of, say, Rylai's/Zhonya cuts into your survivability, but if you're playing Veigar correctly survivability is not an issue because you're staying as far away from the battlefield as possible. This sounds nice in theory, but it doesn't always work out that way :)

Past few games I've had a massive assortment of terrible people that make me want to quit the game forever. This past one some people wouldn't take my advice and died several times for it, and got rather upset and told me I needed to chill when I called them out on it. I have absolutely no issue with bad people that listen to advice, but when you're bad and don't listen then you're probably better off just quitting the match right then :<
AP mid is easily my best lane and I can play every viable AP mid (Not Singed for example though I did try it once.) except Kennen though I've only tried to play him once. So I thought I'd just share my thoughts on all of them. I'll try to post two more per day. Also Vlad is stupid strong in solo queue right now so abuse him in ranked if you can. ^ post above me if you rush tear on Veigar against a good mid player, that's an almost guaranteed kill for them or you're at least losing that lane unless you get a gank. For example at level 3 Anivia can literally 100-0 Veigar. But I absolutely love how easy ganking Veigar's lane is because of his AoE stun and he's very fun to play.

I don't own Ahri so I can't comment too much. 3 of her 4 abilities being AoE lets her do a lot of damage in team fights, and of course scaling true damage is pretty amazing. Late game her charm can win a game by itself if you can catch the other team's ad or ap carry. Having 3 blinks is incredibly useful making it hard to catch her or run from her.

Ahri Mid:
Ahri is a fairly strong mid laner, with a nice ranged harrass and some built in spell vamp. Plus cc for for pre 6 ganks when her jungler comes. Dodging her Q is essential, and moving left to right as opposed to back or at an angle is most effective. Ahri has deceptive burst like Orianna so you have to especially careful from level 4+ because Flash+E+Q+W+Ignite and some auto attacks can bring a lot of chars down quickly. Ahri's ganks are incredibly strong and even with a ward, if bot or top are overextended too much she can still help pick up a kill. Against Ahri, I would recommend Swain, Xerath, or Cassioepeia. However Ahri is potentially strong enough that as long as she plays safe she won't lose too badly to any lane really. Ahri is fairly difficult to play overall compared to most ap mids, she has 3 skill shots really and her charm takes time getting used to, seems to have a delay like Leblanc's chains.

Stealth is great against teams that seemingly refuse to buy a pink ward or an Oracles. Her R makes her possibly the best chaser in the game especially once she has either rylai's or gunblade. Akali has fantastic burst and can destroy a weak laner such as Veigar.

Akali Mid:
Akali is usually seen top lane opposed to mid, but she can make a very fine mid laner. Being melee, Akali might get denied some CS because if she consistently tries to last hit against a ranged opponent she will mostly likely get harassed down to the point that she'll have to back or risk being killed. However once Akali hits 6 she can really lane against anyone, end she can use her Q to last hit or harass so her pre-6 isn't even that bad. One really good thing Akali has going for her is the fact that she doesn't rely on mana so she can potentially stay in lane a long time. Roaming with Akali can be very rewarding, her chasing ability and burst damage are all you could want from a ganker except of course some cc. In low elo I actually wouldn't recommend playing Akali because of her single target focused damage. You can win your lane but in team fights she just doesn't bring enough to the table. I am not saying she's bad at all just in low elo people are so inconsistent you can't even depend on "okay I'll 100-0 their AD carry and we'll win the teamfight." AoE damage and CC just seems to matter too much at low elos. With that said, if you do have a somewhat competent team Akali can snowball your team to victory. Brand does well against her, Morde, Cassiopeia (Should I keep including her because she pretty much does well against everyone.)


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
I really don't see how it is an even match, I mean for one thing she isn't going to land her Ult. She may get lucky and land a Q when Ahri is ulting, but if she doesn't she is just going to get shit on.
i played against a free week cass today, didn't even start boots as karthus (she didn't connect and i didn't see her in loading screen; i thought their mid was ryze) and won lane hard ~_~ she didn't land an E until level 8 at least

no cass nerfs please

I will stay up and not go to work if I have to in order to get one fucking game where my teammates aren't miserable pieces of shit.
I know the feeling; picked Vlad to mid with today and ended up against a free week Cass (E at level 1), and I spent a lot of time fleeing in terror pre-level 9. However, I'd say in terms of killing her, LeBlanc and Kassadin come to mind. As far as laning against her on equal ground, I'd have to say Morgana or Galio. Assassins kill her because she has no real way of escaping outside of her ult. It also helps if you can go in, burst, and go out. LB will have issues with farming though, so Kass would be better for kill (Cass' Q will give you your Force Pulse often). If it's a game of survival, then you need two things: the ability to push as well as or better than her, and better sustain. Morgana is strong because her way of farming keeps her out of the way of Cass' abilities, and of course her Black Shield. Galio is strong because he can Q + E for a wave clear, but most importantly because of Bulwark. Keep in mind that Cass' harass is DoT, thereby making Bulwark an excellent way to heal off of her harass.

That's my opinion on Cass, at least.
Patch notes are out, btw. Sivir got some ability nerfs, Morgana got her ult nerfed, Lee Sin got nerfed, Jax, Ashe, and Viktor got buffed (Vik's Q travels sooo much faster), and a ton of bugs were fixed. Thoughts?

EDIT: Ziggs' champion spotlight is out too. Holy fuck his ult seems bursty. And his Q has some long ass range with those bounces. The distance he travels with his Satchel Charge is pretty hefty, though the knockback to enemies is short. And that minefield is going to be a pain.....looks like I'll be IP grinding yet again.
Only half way to Ziggs. QQQQQQQ (EDIT: NOT EVEN THAT! FML)

Also, I was the free week Cass in my earlier bitching. I just couldn't see whether I was good with her or not because my teammates were such dreck.

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