
Dunno, are there any DP pokemon with both Taunt and Encore? I would be up for testing it on shoddy. If someone would meet me on SU Server

Alakazam learns both Taunt and Encore. I'm up for testing, but Smogon University is down. How about the CAP Server or something?
Can we say greatest support pokemon ever? With the ability mischievous heart may just make this statement true. With the ability to outspeed any pokemon using regular attacks even when status with paralysis this still holds true. Not to mention Access to claw sharpen and nasty plot it can be a monsteruos sweeper to. To bad game freak didn't love us enough to give it baton pass
Can we say greatest support pokemon ever? With the ability mischievous heart may just make this statement true. With the ability to outspeed any pokemon using regular attacks even when status with paralysis this still holds true. Not to mention Access to claw sharpen and nasty plot it can be a monsteruos sweeper to. To bad game freak didn't love us enough to give it baton pass

hopes of a monsterous sweeper was dashed when she got a crappy offensive movepool (I mentioned once or twice in the OP that she doesn't even get Dark special STAB outside of Hidden Power) and dual base 88 offensives. Hate to burst your bubble, but the greast support pokemon she is not. A fun pokemon with some neat combos that shouldn't be underrated? most certainly.

Alakazam learns both Taunt and Encore. I'm up for testing, but Smogon University is down. How about the CAP Server or something?

alright so I'll be on Shoddy whenever you are, just send me a PM and I'll explain how I think we should test this. Name's the same minus the dash.
hopes of a monsterous sweeper was dashed when she got a crappy offensive movepool (I mentioned once or twice in the OP that she doesn't even get Dark special STAB outside of Hidden Power) and dual base 88 offensives. Hate to burst your bubble, but the greast support pokemon she is not. A fun pokemon with some neat combos that shouldn't be underrated? most certainly.

alright so I'll be on Shoddy whenever you are, just send me a PM and I'll explain how I think we should test this.

Yeah, seriously. It gets NP but no Dark Pulse? GF is really good at trolling its players.
I dont know I'd have to disagree with the ability to even outsides and drop status on another pokemon with still status itself put it up toward the top to say the least the ability to taunt a dd sub kingdra with +1 speed and no sub. I think that is worth something or to drop a t-wave on a pokemon who has an agility up how does that not earn it a top support pokemon spot? Just because it is not bulky means nothing. It even makes a beautiful weather setter. Access to torment and encore it just makes it crazy good I'm just saying this kitty cat deserves respect
Yeah, seriously. It gets NP but no Dark Pulse? GF is really good at trolling its players.

And a host of great support moves but no U-Turn T_T

That one was were I almost gave up on trying to come up with sets... I was just looking through and thought "No U-Turn...well... that's it, I wanted to like him but... Oh wait that's actually kind of cool..."

I dont know I'd have to disagree with the ability to even outsides and drop status on another pokemon with still status itself put it up toward the top to say the least the ability to taunt a dd sub kingdra with +1 speed and no sub. I think that is worth something or to drop a t-wave on a pokemon who has an agility up how does that not earn it a top support pokemon spot? Just because it is not bulky means nothing. It even makes a beautiful weather setter. Access to torment and encore it just makes it crazy good I'm just saying this kitty cat deserves respect
Having both supporting moves and bulky is very important unless you can totally shut things down. Like I said, it's a fun pokemon that shouldn't be taken lightly, but it shouldn't be overrated either. I has it's roles. I made set for what it might be able to do, but Nasty Leopard isn't making it's way into OU play anytime soon. Leopard Spotted Anti-Lead, should it work the way I think it does, might, and Vengeful Kitty might, if only to break from Ditto Revenge Killers.

Edit: @ Pratty our little test is going to have to wait until tomorrow unless we do it now. I'm half asleep already
No it really isn't tell that to lopunny, persian, and hell butterfree runs status as well so that's not true a pokemon doesn't need bulk to be a good status pokemon
This thing will come in handy when you are getting swept by pokemon who have boosted their Speed. Taunt DDGyrados can no longer laugh in your face as you try to status it. I see a lead set being the most potent though.
Lopunny, Persian, and Butterfree are also NU pokemon so that really isn't a testament to their support capabilities.

The fact that they are NU doesn't make a difference they are still used on high level at times. Just like a quagsire is used often in ubers so the fact that a lot of people don't use them is irrelevant because nu means they don't get used a lot not that they aren't good. Also jumpluff is a great support pokemon not to mention roserade can be. don't try and debate with me if you can't make a good point it just waste both of our time. Lol:)
The fact that they are NU doesn't make a difference they are still used on high level at times. Just like a quagsire is used often in ubers so the fact that a lot of people don't use them is irrelevant because nu means they don't get used a lot not that they aren't good. Also jumpluff is a great support pokemon not to mention roserade can be. don't try and debate with me if you can't make a good point it just waste both of our time. Lol:)

But their useage is still miniscule, and if you were to ask people why it would be that there are better, bulkier, support pokemon that can switch in over and over. These pokemon make appearances in higher tiers merely to allow players a break from the same 'ol same 'ol.
After learning about Mischevious Heart and looking over Leperadusu's movepool, one set stood out in my mind. A set that would make no sense on anything else. Oh, yes, it remedies his/her lack of Dark Pulse. Of course, if Mischevious Heart doesn't work the way we think it does, then it's almost useless.

Boosted Assist

Leperadusu w/ Leftovers + Mischevious Heart
Brave/Quiet nature. 252 Atk, 252 Sp Atk, 6 HP
-Nasty Plot
-Claw Sharpen

With a nature that gives a pokemon boosted priority on it's status moves, this set is actually possible. Set up a sub, then boost up with Nasty Plots and Claw Sharpens. If it works out perfectly, your opponent could have a +6 Atk, +6 Sp Atk, +6 accuracy and behind a substitute (which protects her from enemy priority moves) Leperadusu to face. Then you use Assist which, may I remind you, will always go first, selecting a move from any of your pokemon. With +6 accuracy, pulling something like DynamicPunch, Zap Cannon or Purgatory out of the hat could HURT. Obviously, it would be a good idea to keep moves such as Explosion and Healing wish off the same team as this guy. If I'm not incorrect, this set only has one solid counter- Taunt. So, all-in-all, this is a late-game sweeper with nothing but status moves. :P
After learning about Mischevious Heart and looking over Leperadusu's movepool, one set stood out in my mind. A set that would make no sense on anything else. Oh, yes, it remedies his/her lack of Dark Pulse. Of course, if Mischevious Heart doesn't work the way we think it does, then it's almost useless.

Boosted Assist

Leperadusu w/ Leftovers + Mischevious Heart
Brave/Quiet nature. 252 Atk, 252 Sp Atk, 6 HP
-Nasty Plot
-Claw Sharpen

With a nature that gives a pokemon boosted priority on it's status moves, this set is actually possible. Set up a sub, then boost up with Nasty Plots and Claw Sharpens. If it works out perfectly, your opponent could have a +6 Atk, +6 Sp Atk, +6 accuracy and behind a substitute (which protects her from enemy priority moves) Leperadusu to face. Then you use Assist which, may I remind you, will always go first, selecting a move from any of your pokemon. With +6 accuracy, pulling something like DynamicPunch, Zap Cannon or Purgatory out of the hat could HURT. Obviously, it would be a good idea to keep moves such as Explosion and Healing wish off the same team as this guy. If I'm not incorrect, this set only has one solid counter- Taunt. So, all-in-all, this is a late-game sweeper with nothing but status moves. :P

I hate to point this out so bluntly, but that's a really poor set. Assist is pure luck, meaning you could end up using your random poké's Knock Off or Rapid Spin, and getting +6+6+6 is dreaming. Even if Substitute goes first you opponent would be breaking it every turn without giving you a chance to boost...
Yes, it does have many flaws, but so does any Assist set. It even says so in the description for Furret's Assistant set. And, though you're right in that +6 is dreaming, I think that +2 to each stat is reasonable.

I guess I didn't really explain how it would work. The idea is to Sub up against a status move, then proceed to attempt to sweep. And, as I said, the set depends HEAVILY on team support. So, really, the set's only place is on a Hyper-Offense team. Maybe I should of put that in the description.

However, I did think of an interesting idea while pondering how to let Leparadusu take advantage of it's set up moves...

...Can anyone think of a way to make Rest+Chesto Berry work on her? She doesn't really have the bulk necessary to take advantage of the set, but as I doubt she'll get into OU anyways, it could have some application in the lower tiers.
Couldn't this Kitty run with something that uses an Encore+Trickery Combo given the amount of attack boosters we have this gen - Dragon Dance, Claw Sharpen, Coil, & Shell Break. It would take a great amount of prediction and timing though to get the sweeper to set up, though with mischievous heart it does have some help. In general sweepers to tend to make sure they're safe by boosting at least twice (shell break may be an issue though - but not much can use it anyways). Given the additional gains to be had from the new boosting moves I think the chances of sweepers using their boosts twice is highly likely - since it also helps them defensively.

Either that or Swagger+Trickery is another option, since that boosts the opponents attack though its just as risky. Though maybe not with sub+swagger+trickery as a moveset.

Psych-up for both scenarios would also be something interesting I think to add - not so much from the offense boost but I'm just thinking of the additional defense boosts.

Potential Moveset:
Leperadusu @ Focus Sash
Mischievous Heart
EV 252 HP & 252 Spe

The reason why I invested in HP is that trickery the only attack move does not use Leperadusu's own attack power but the opponents. Like I previously said bring him in during one of the physical sweepers setting up and encore - thanks to priority you have a good chance of going first. Follow this up with swagger to buy yourself more trickery time as well as the sweeper hurting himself and proceed to use Trickery.

I chose Focus sash in the event that things may not go your way too well (encore ends at 2 and confusion doesn't kick in) you'd still have a very boosted opponent for a very painful trickery - seeing as there is a great chance of OHKO focus sash will allow you to survive and use trickery or swagger again if you're feeling lucky. In general what you'd want is swagger+trickery, encore will be good for not just taking advantage of boosting moves but also just encoring ones that Leperadusu won't have trouble handling (psychic - given psycho shock) then proceed to Yawn and swagger when the foe is asleep then trickery yet again. Substitute is another option if you're more daring to use swagger and hope for confusion.
Assist is a move that will get priority if Mischievous Heart is your ability. If Leperadusu has a team full of pokemon that only know Roar/Whirlwind/Dragon Tail, and maybe one to set up Stealth Rocks or Spikes, you could potentially shuffle someone to death if they don't have enough priority on their team to take you down. That's probably one of the more interesting ideas for this pokemon.
I'm not very good at making sets and this is my first one. Tell me what you think

Leperdusu@Chopple Berry/Focus Sash
252HP 252Spe 4Atk
-Trickery/Sucker Punch

Use substitutes to scout moves. Taunt status and set up moves. Use priority yawn to force switch outs (or they can stay and fall asleep, it's their choice) when you're about to die. Trickery or Sucker Punch for damage so you're not total taunt fodder.
On the Nasty Plot set, I'd suggest Dark Pulse over Shadow Ball.
It hits all the Pokemon that Ghost/Fighting does, except two, and it gives him STAB.